Anything romantic to do?


Earning My Ears
Jul 10, 2002
I absolutely love this site! My head is swimming from all the information, but I have been able to start nailing down some of the details of our trip.

My DH and I will be going to WDW Aug 30-Sep 3 to celebrate our 1st anniversary (Sep 1) :teeth:. From the suggestions on here, we will definitely hit PL for the comedy and dance clubs. Is there anything romantic to do or go, on our actual anniversary day/night? I want to make that day really special.

This will be our first trip together; he went as a kid and I went for a day (doesn't even count) in '96. Any other suggestions on things to do or must see stuff would be greatly appreciated.


:earsgirl: :earsboy:
where are you staying?

go over to the Polyn and walk around the place - go for a walk along the beach to the GF - with moonlight if possible

see the electric water parade from the Polyn or the WL.

do one of the firework cruise (very expensive)
For your anniversary day --

Start with a fun character breakfast: Cape May (Beach Club), Chef Mickey's (Contemporary) or 1900 Park Fare (Grand Flord.).

I would go to Disney/MGM that day. There are lots of picture opportunities so you can record lots of memories of this magical day. Get a professional photo of you and DH at the entrance or just inside the Studios.

Hit the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular EARLY (first show if possible). Then head off for some wild rides. Don't miss: Great Movie Ride, Tower of Terror, Rock'n'Roller Coaster, Star Wars, etc.

For a fun lunch, make a PS for 50's Prime Time Cafe. Hopefully, you'll get a fun server -- be sure to mention this is your Anniversary for some extra attention.

After lunch, check out the Millionarie Game and Animation Studios. Be sure to ride the Backstage Tour and then catch the Muppet Show.

For dinner, consider the Fantasmic Dinner package -- a lovely dinner at the Brown Derby and reserved seating at Fantasmic!

After the show (if you are up to it), head over the Pleasure Island for a drink, some dancing and then wind up your special day by celebrating New Years with hundreds of other people! Nothing like having hundreds of people celebrating with you, being showered with lots of confetti, and then sneaking a special "I love you" kiss surrounded by hundreds of complete strangers!
Thank you soooo much for the suggestions! I would have never figured that out on my own.

spiceycat, we are staying at HRP, if you have any other suggestions to add.
I'm surprised nobody suggested this. If you can get in, Victoria and Alberts in the GF is designed for what you are looking for. Very pricy though. $85 per person, plus tips and alcohal.
:bounce: :Pinkbounc

Go for a nice long horse and buggy ride.

There is nothing more romantic then that, I am doing it for our last night at WL over at Wilderness Campgrounds for our 35th!

Happy Anniversary and ENJOY your magical trip.

Leaving in 9 days for cruise and disney and Universal

Re-hitch at the Garden Grill (lunch or Ice Cream Social time)!!! We are re-hitching on our 2nd anniversary (see signature below). We are also eating at the Coral Reef, and eating at the San Angel Inn - a realllllly romantic restaurant that we thoroughly enjoyed on our honeymoon.
Save some special "us" moments - quiet times on an out-of-the-way bench or sidewalk, and just take it all in.


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