APRIL 2022 W.I.S.H. - Springing into healthy living

I am Thankful for many things this Thursday, but I think my highlight this week is my foster pups pending adoptions on Saturday!

While I love fostering and enjoy the company of the animals, I am always thankful when they can start their “forever life” with their adopters. Keeping in touch on social media with the adopters allows me to see them grow and live their best lives with their adopters and that truly brings us the most joy.

Happy Thursday everyone!!!
Today I am thankful for yesterday. It was kind of a surreal experience, my body was firing off cellular memories and feeling like "I know this", " I've done this before" but my brain was "OMG I'M ON A BUS!" There were five other people from my group in the office and it was nice to be together and be able to just chat. But by the end of the day I was feeling sad and melancholy because of what we have lost and that it will never be the same. And that we didn't know: we didn't know it was coming, didn't know that last day in the office was the last day in the office, didn't know any of it. And that's so true with life in general, you're plodding along and then out of the blue something happens, something changes and everything is different.

Part of going in to the office yesterday was that I had an appointment to take the car in for diagnostics, and it was easier to get from there to downtown than back home. And I'm thankful that I have an auto repair shop that I trust. The list of maintenance things to be done is long, but I don't doubt that any of it needs to be done, well, except maybe the notation that "Car doesn't have a Tom's Auto license plate frame: license plate frame needs to be replaced." Tee hee... they'll send me the estimates for everything today, and I'll make an appointment to get the work done. I've decided to cancel my trip to the ocean because now knowing what needs attention I would worry taking that long of a drive. And I'm actually kind of thankful for that because it gives me more days to work on the house and get ready for Easter. But I am going to think of something fun to do over the weekend.
Today I am thankful for yesterday. It was kind of a surreal experience, my body was firing off cellular memories and feeling like "I know this", " I've done this before" but my brain was "OMG I'M ON A BUS!" There were five other people from my group in the office and it was nice to be together and be able to just chat. But by the end of the day I was feeling sad and melancholy because of what we have lost and that it will never be the same. And that we didn't know: we didn't know it was coming, didn't know that last day in the office was the last day in the office, didn't know any of it. And that's so true with life in general, you're plodding along and then out of the blue something happens, something changes and everything is different.

Part of going in to the office yesterday was that I had an appointment to take the car in for diagnostics, and it was easier to get from there to downtown than back home. And I'm thankful that I have an auto repair shop that I trust. The list of maintenance things to be done is long, but I don't doubt that any of it needs to be done, well, except maybe the notation that "Car doesn't have a Tom's Auto license plate frame: license plate frame needs to be replaced." Tee hee... they'll send me the estimates for everything today, and I'll make an appointment to get the work done. I've decided to cancel my trip to the ocean because now knowing what needs attention I would worry taking that long of a drive. And I'm actually kind of thankful for that because it gives me more days to work on the house and get ready for Easter. But I am going to think of something fun to do over the weekend.
I can so relate to your situation...not knowing it was coming, the last day in the classroom, and having to change how we do everything. I forgot about those early days, when we didn't leave our homes. As an essential worker, DH had to work, so he also grocery shopped, but he went early in the morning avoiding people as much as possible. But DD and I didn't leave the house except to drive to the beach. Early days, I was wearing my mask walking on the beach because nobody knew that outside was safe. Teaching PreK on my MacBook was bizarre and not terribly effective. Posting read alouds on YouTube. All of these drastic changes happening all of a sudden. It was wild.

Anyway, the repercussions of those necessary life-saving measures will be felt for a long time. Our children will be affected for many years. I'm seeing it in the outrageous behaviors every day. Anyway...
I can so relate to your situation...not knowing it was coming, the last day in the classroom, and having to change how we do everything. I forgot about those early days, when we didn't leave our homes. As an essential worker, DH had to work, so he also grocery shopped, but he went early in the morning avoiding people as much as possible. But DD and I didn't leave the house except to drive to the beach. Early days, I was wearing my mask walking on the beach because nobody knew that outside was safe. Teaching PreK on my MacBook was bizarre and not terribly effective. Posting read a louds on YouTube. All of these drastic changes happening all of a sudden. It was wild.

Anyway, the repercussions of those necessary life-saving measures will be felt for a long time. Our children will be affected for many years. I'm seeing it in the outrageous behaviors every day. Anyway...
When I reflect back on those first days I see myself as being so young/naïve, even at my ripe old age. The first company announcement to come out was like "y'all should probably go home and work from there", but I didn't want to and even came in the next day. By then the office was so empty it felt more serious, so I did pack my stuff up. And then the shock at being furloughed... I didn't think I was at risk because I was supporting facilities that handle on-line customer orders, but an email came out saying the notifications were going out then bam, the next email was "see ya later".
Yesterday it was sunny and warm... first time in to the 70s which is a bit unusual for this time of year. In the evening I did the first lawn mowing of the season and actually sweated a bit. It felt great.

The estimate for the car came back double what I was expecting, and is actually about equal to the trade-in value of the car and about equal to 6+ months of car payments on a new car. Ouch, but I'll go ahead and get the work done. It is just such a bad time to buy a new car, and I'm not emotionally ready to let this one go. It's been such a great little car and I can't deal with running it to death and then just discarding it.

Tomorrow I'll be up bright and early to get in line at the local tire place, to have them fix the tire that has a nail in it and get an estimate on the front brakes. It is supposed to be rainy, so after that it'll be hanging around the house. Sunday morning I'll get up bright an early to get in line at the oil change place to have them flush out the transmission fluid, after that I'm not sure what I'll do. It is supposed to be the nicer of the two days weather wise, so something outside for sure.
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I remember the early days. I think about it a lot and I get that scared feeling when I do. Everyone thought I was nuts that I took everything home. We were only supposed to work from home for 2 weeks but I knew it would be longer. Looking back though feeling like it was longer then 2 years ago.

DS turned 16 yesterday. He has been handling everything with maturity. We didn't do anything yesterday for his birthday. He did get the day off of school because of state testing. Then he had track practice and driving school classes. So tonight we will take him to dinner and have cake. Last night was the last night of driving school and he passed the class. If he didn't pass then he would have had to take the classes over. Her got a 94%. In two weeks he will do the driving part and then he needs to finish the 50 hours with us before taking the driving test.

DD is doing ok and I am hanging in there. She started back up with therapy yesterday. We canceled what we had because her therapist thought that insurance would not cover it with doing the group therapy. We found out Wednesday that the group therapy is booked differently and they encouraged us to stick with seeing the person she was seeing. DD will also see a psychologist in 2 weeks. We stopped the anxiety meds she was on because we felt it was making everything worse. When we see the Psychologist we will see if there is something better or what our options are.
A very grey morning has turned into a sunny afternoon here, so am out back with one of the cats, sipping my coffee and catching up on DIS threads.

The initial shutdown does feel like a long time ago in some ways, but still doesn't seem like two whole years ago to me! As I get older, I think every year is shorter than the one before it.

I remember that first Easter. Our town library organized an "Easter egg hunt" for the kids by having people make big poster-sized eggs and hang them on their front doors. Then parents could drive their kids around town to spot them. I think I still have mine somewhere.
Thinking back is...a lot. DH works in the news media so every speech from the governor had to be streamed which lead to him working nights, weekends etc. It was crazy. I work in banking and the behind the scenes to get PPP up and going was pretty crazy too. I feel wonderful now knowing how many people it helped by but there were quite a few long stressful days there for me as well. Not as long and stressful as for DH but...yeah
The kids, well, DS6 and DD I don't think really remember a before time. DS6 is just now starting to take his mask off in school but he still wears it around his chin most of the day. DS9 remembers the before times and got back into the "normal" swing quickly but he still gets anxious.

Took a walk today during one of my conference calls, did almost a mile. Completely negated that with some ice cream later but eh, what can ya do? My MIL is a bad influence on me haha. Getting the fresh air was nice.

Have to make a run to a farm stand in the next few weeks my seedlings, even those not eaten, are not doing so great.

DH and I have theater tickets tomorrow night and are going to my inlaws Sunday for Pslam Sunday dinner with the family.
Didn't work today but got up early and did yoga then my walk with my friends.

Really haven't done much since! Took a nap/fell asleep on the couch this afternoon for a bit. Went to the grocery store. Picked up a few of the things we usually put in a care package to DS2 as well as some Easter treats. Will put that together this weekend. Also picked up a couple things for instant grandbaby. Couldn't find a basket in his color of choice. Sent DH to the dollar store in the same mall as the grocery store, but he said everything there was plastic and he didn't buy anything. I was so happy! We're really trying hard not to buy plastic but I always feel like it's just me. Nice that he is doing it too!
Social Saturday Disney Survey

1. Walt Disney World or Disneyland?

2. The first Disney movie you remember seeing in the theaters?

3. What type of Disney item do you collect the most? (Pins, Vinylmation, dolls, etc.)

4. Favorite attraction/ride at the parks?

  • Magic Kingdom:
  • Epcot:
  • Hollywood Studios:
  • Animal Kingdom:

5. What’s your most treasured Disney item?

6. Which Disney voice actor would you most like to meet?

7. If you could say anything to Walt Disney right now, what would it be?

8. Your favorite snack to get at the parks? (Churros, Mickey’s Ice Cream Bars, etc.)

9. Your favorite parade/show at the parks?

10. Do you have a favorite pair of Mickey ears?

source, and more questions
1. Disney World
2. Bambi
3. Coffee mugs
4. MK - Main Street itself, Epcot - Soarin', HS - ?? (Haven't been since recent changes) AK - Flight of Passage
5. Photos
6. Kathryn Beaumont (played Alice & Wendy)
7. "Thank you!"
8. Festival food at Epcot
9. MK Fireworks
10. I have a bunch! - My holiday Minnie ones are probably my favorite.
Social Saturday Disney Survey

1. Walt Disney World or Disneyland? --- Disney World. I've been 40+ times but only to DL twice.

2. The first Disney movie you remember seeing in the theaters? --- The Three Lives of Thomasina.

3. What type of Disney item do you collect the most? (Pins, Vinylmation, dolls, etc.) --- I used to get a new antennae ball each trip, but they are rare these days as new cars don't have antennas. I currently have an Animal Kingdom Mickey on the car and I have one more Norwegian Flag Mickey, after that I guess I will have to sell the car.

4. Favorite attraction/ride at the parks?

  • Magic Kingdom: Peter Pan
  • Epcot: World Showcase
  • Hollywood Studios: One Man's Dream
  • Animal Kingdom: Everest

5. What’s your most treasured Disney item? I have a Tinker Bell decal on the passenger side window, where I see it every time I get in to the car... yet another reason why I can't seem to let it go.

6. Which Disney voice actor would you most like to meet? So in the late 90's I was having lunch at Brown Derby and the voice actors for Mulan were at a table at then end of the main room having a wrap party. John Stamos stood up and made a speech, so having almost met him he's long been my favorite. But I was just Googling Mulan to see when that would have been (1998) and he isn't even in the movie?

7. If you could say anything to Walt Disney right now, what would it be? Please go straighten out the current company Executives.

8. Your favorite snack to get at the parks? (Churros, Mickey’s Ice Cream Bars, etc.) Dole Whip

9. Your favorite parade/show at the parks? Boo to You

10. Do you have a favorite pair of Mickey ears? Nope

1. Disney World
2. Bambi
3. Coffee mugs
4. MK - Main Street itself, Epcot - Soarin', HS - ?? (Haven't been since recent changes) AK - Flight of Passage
5. Photos
6. Kathryn Beaumont (played Alice & Wendy)
7. "Thank you!"
8. Festival food at Epcot
9. MK Fireworks
10. I have a bunch! - My holiday Minnie ones are probably my favorite.

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1. Disney World
2. Bambi
3. Coffee mugs
4. MK - Main Street itself, Epcot - Soarin', HS - ?? (Haven't been since recent changes) AK - Flight of Passage
5. Photos
6. Kathryn Beaumont (played Alice & Wendy)
7. "Thank you!"
8. Festival food at Epcot
9. MK Fireworks
10. I have a bunch! - My holiday Minnie ones are probably my favorite.
1. Disneyland, California.
I've only been once, but after many trips wishing I could get around WDW more efficiently, I much prefer how convenient it is getting everywhere I want to go from the Disneyland Hotel. We got more done in three days in Disneyland than in one week at WDW. We had extra time to go to the beach and experience the Pacific Ocean which is not a long drive. I also found it to be more magical...more Walt Disney than WDW.

2. Aristocats
3. T-shirts, Spirit Jerseys, Christmas ornaments (we have enough to have a Disney themed tree), and mugs.
4. MK - Peter Pan, Epcot - Soarin', HS - Toy Story Mania, AK - Kali River Rapids
5. My Dooney & Bourke backpack and satchel.
6. Ilene Woods, the voice of the original Cinderella.
7. Get rid of the GREED and bring back the MAGIC.
8. We don't snack in the parks since we tend to eat mostly Table Service meals which are VERY filling. At the Polynesian, I love a Dole Whip with Barbancourt Pango rhum aka a Spikey Pineapple.
9. Any Magic Kingdom fireworks viewed from a cruise on Bay Lake.
10. I'm a baseball cap girl because the headbands bug me and I like my face protected from the sun. I always buy a princess or castle themed cap in white or pink. I had a custom cap made for me by Etsy for our 25th anniversary vow renewal that was blinged out and had a veil. That would be my favorite.
This morning, I dropped DD off at the train station and passed by church. It was so sad to see it basically deserted...on Palm Sunday no less. I can't wait to return to in-person church. The online version is pretty awful. I used to sing in the choir, and the music for today would have been amazing. The processional with the palms, the kids, the flowers...I miss all of it. Hopefully next year we will return to normal.

I decided to watch YouTube and listened to some inspirational music which helped.


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