Are WDW parks really overflowing with trash?

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I was there towards the end of June and the crowds were really starting to get large in the parks. I did not see any overflowing trash cans, but there was a noticeable amount of random small trash on the ground in MK. I have never seen this in the parks prior and it was really noticeable in MK and not so much the other parks at that time. There was hardly any janitors out and about as I normally remember in the parks, so I am not surprised to see this as the crowds just keep getting larger.
So many of the problems we see are because other people have so little respect for others that they have no qualms about leaving a mess behind. Sure, it is important that Disney hire enough CM so that trash cans are emptied whenever they approach full, tables are wiped down in between uses and to make sure the bathrooms are properly stocked with toilet paper, paper towels and soap. If everyone made sure the toilet they just used was flushed and the seat wiped down, if everyone took a napkin and cleaned off the ketchup mess they or their kids left on the table, it would be so much better for others. And I agree- don't think that changing your child's diaper is appropriate anywhere other people are eating or enjoying the parks. Use the facilities in the bathrooms or use your stroller and then make sure you roll and dispose of the diaper so the mess is contained. Bottom line is don't do anything in a place like Disney that you wouldn't do at your home or the home of someone you know or love.
So many of the problems we see are because other people have so little respect for others that they have no qualms about leaving a mess behind. Sure, it is important that Disney hire enough CM so that trash cans are emptied whenever they approach full, tables are wiped down in between uses and to make sure the bathrooms are properly stocked with toilet paper, paper towels and soap. If everyone made sure the toilet they just used was flushed and the seat wiped down, if everyone took a napkin and cleaned off the ketchup mess they or their kids left on the table, it would be so much better for others. And I agree- don't think that changing your child's diaper is appropriate anywhere other people are eating or enjoying the parks. Use the facilities in the bathrooms or use your stroller and then make sure you roll and dispose of the diaper so the mess is contained. Bottom line is don't do anything in a place like Disney that you wouldn't do at your home or the home of someone you know or love.
What do you do with that napkin when you are done? ;-)

I agree with you, but I couldn't resist :) Only problem, with this issue, you get back to, who raised these people?
Man, you know something I don't understand though, is how disgusting tables can get. I mean, if I drop a blob of ketchup on the table, I will at least wipe it up with a napkin. Sure, I don't have cleaner to use, but I at least don't leave the thing an absolute wreck. I'll try to make it presentable and dust the crumbs off. The same goes for a toilet if I am the culprit, you know what I mean? People can be such animals!

1000% this. I clean before and after, I leave nothing just in case someone needs a table fast. Same with bathrooms. I just left a week in MVC 3 bedroom - piled all the towels in laundry room, turned down beds, wiped counters, took out trash .... and left a substantial tip. Animals is being kind.
To see trash piled up like this is very disappointing. Years ago I was asked how many custodians work at Disney, my response was how many people work here because everyone is in a way.

Many years ago my wife and I were walking around World Show Case at Epcot. It had not been open very long that day so it was not that busy. As we were walking we spotted several cast members in regular street clothing walking toward us. As we got closer we noticed one of them picking up garbage from off the ground. My wife stopped and said how nice it was of them to do this and not leave it for custodial. We talked for a few minutes then we went our separate ways.
As we walked away my wife did not know who she was talking to at the time, I told her you were just talking to Dan Cockerell Epcot's Vice president and he was the one picking up the garbage.

To see garbage overflowing like this is not the Disney I have been visiting for the last 30 plus years.
I hope this is a rare occasion and the issue are taken care of quickly.
Sorry. Disney doesn't get a pass on this. People didn't leave it sitting on a table. They brought it to a trash can.

If Disney can't stay on top of the trash, they shouldn't be increasing capacity. They should only allow in the number of people they can service.
I learned this years ago playing "Roller Coaster Tycoon." If I didn't install enough trash cans or hire enough custodians to empty them (as well as cleaning up the "protein spills" that my super intense coasters often caused), the guests quickly became hostile and my profits took a nose dive! :laughing:
So many of the problems we see are because other people have so little respect for others that they have no qualms about leaving a mess behind.

The problem shown in that picture has absolutely nothing to do with guest behavior. As someone else said, they did what they should've done, they took their trash to a can. Disney is not doing their job. And when the owners don't care, the visitors won't either.
The problem shown in that picture has absolutely nothing to do with guest behavior. As someone else said, they did what they should've done, they took their trash to a can. Disney is not doing their job. And when the owners don't care, the visitors won't either.

100% this. I had to do this at Disneyland at Docking Bay 7 recently. ALL the trash cans were overflowing and we had to throw away our trash too, so I just piled it on top of all the rest as carefully as I could. I had no other choice. As soon as we got up from our table, someone took it, and there was literally nowhere else to take our trash. Not my fault.
Haha I've met my match! I've done this in so many ladies rooms where the used paper towels are overflowing out the garbage and people just start throwing them on the floor. Geez. Just give the garbage a good squoosh, there's plenty of room left. Amazingly we both lived to tell the tale :rotfl2:
Be careful, especially in restroom trash cans, there could be needles in there.
I’ve never seen anything like this before at the parks. In time when we need more cleaning, not less. This is upsetting.
Disney needs to be shamed. The pictures need to get all over the internet. Take videos and post them. Disney is doing nothing to deal with the staffing shortage. Packing the parks with limited amenities. Right now they are taking advantage of people desperately looking for a feeling of normal. They want to travel, to live again. Meanwhile Disney is doing the bare minimum to provide a good vacation for their guests.
Send those pictures to all your friends, tag, tweet, and keep it in their face.
Today I just saw some of the pics from the bus situation at park closing. Totally unprepared for the crowds.
Disney needs to be shamed. The pictures need to get all over the internet. Take videos and post them. Disney is doing nothing to deal with the staffing shortage. Packing the parks with limited amenities. Right now they are taking advantage of people desperately looking for a feeling of normal. They want to travel, to live again. Meanwhile Disney is doing the bare minimum to provide a good vacation for their guests.
Send those pictures to all your friends, tag, tweet, and keep it in their face.
Today I just saw some of the pics from the bus situation at park closing. Totally unprepared for the crowds.
If you want to properly shame a company, you need to tag news companies as well.
The problem shown in that picture has absolutely nothing to do with guest behavior. As someone else said, they did what they should've done, they took their trash to a can. Disney is not doing their job. And when the owners don't care, the visitors won't either.

I didn't mean to imply that the condition of the trash cans was the fault of visitors. That is almost always the fault of Disney. However there are many other unsanitary conditions that are the fault of the visitors. When CMs have to spend extra time dealing with the messes that visitors leave behind, there is less time to address other things. Yes, Disney can hire more CMs but if everyone was just respectful of others and cleaned up after themselves, the parks would be so much more pleasant for everyone.
When CMs have to spend extra time dealing with the messes that visitors leave behind, there is less time to address other things.

Nope, that's still on Disney. They should have whatever number of staff is required to keep the parks clean. This is nothing more than a case of too many people, not enough staff. They've always been able to keep up with messy guests before and the parks are certainly no busier now than they have been in the past.

Guests can't possibly make up for the fact that Disney has ramped up capacity beyond their ability to manage the number of people there. If everyone cleaned their tables off and picked up their trash, the cans would just overflow all the faster.
I think another problem with this is, besides staffing. Over the decades(?) the sizes of trash cans stayed the same, while the amount of packaging that comes with quick service meals, merchandise, snacks and stuff people bring themselves has increased over the years.
I think in general there should be more and bigger trash cans to adapt to the new times. Not meaning pre/post-covid, but comparing 80s/90s/00s/10s constantly increasing amount of garbage. Only thing new is disposable masks on top of that.
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