Are we all 'skinny challenged' compared to the world?

I’ve gained 26 lbs. sitting in my ECV(stroke) for the last 22 months and would very much like to get rid of it. I’m not comfortable in my body and worry about the weight being permanent. In the physical rehab center I can readily see people with different attitudes about their condition. Some overeat as a form of gratification. Others decide that the chair is their reward for surviving an injury or illness. There are as many reasons to use a chair as people.

Attitude is everything, and, again, as a country, our ability to live such a prosperous lifestyle affects our attitude. People can compare the food ingredients, and I'm sure that makes a difference, but even the non-overweight people eat that food too. It's a matter of how much. Americans often use food as a reward or gratification, to reduce our artificially high stress levels, etc. That contributes too.

Good luck with your rehab and I hope you can get back to where you were. I am familiar with PT, and the number one tip is to do it. Every day, every time. It is so easy to falter - I am guilty of that myself (herniated disc in my back). It will work if you let it. Best wishes!
I am convinced that many Americans are addicted to diet/no sugar soda and that plays a part in this. These drinks are still sweet and I think actually make you hungry after drinking them so that you eat more. I never drink these things and just drink the very occasional full sugar soda or a unsweetened seltzer instead. One thing that works for me is to put an ounce or so of lemonaide or fruit juice in the glass and add similarly flavored seltzer. Taste great and much less sugar than a regular soda.
When I moved to the US from the UK a few decades ago, the first time I ever visited a diner I was baffled and fascinated when my food came out not on a single plate, but on one fairly large plate for the meat, another bowl for the potatoes, and yet another bowl for the vegetables. This was the first time in my life that someone served me a meal where the meat, potato and vegetables would not all fit onto one normal-sized plate.
Americans are also taller in general. So a tall American person may be more heavy set, and appear bigger while not necessarily be fat, if that makes sense.
This is true. My husband is very tall and broad shouldered. He could also stand to lose 20 pounds. When we travel to Europe and more recently to Australia he really stands out like a giant.

The Australia part surprised me. I expected all the guys to be tall and built like a Hemsworth. 😂
When I was in Germany and Italy it was extremely noticeable how much thinner and fitter the general population was than the US. In big touristy areas like Rome it wasn't as obvious since you have people from all over but I spent a lot of time in small towns around Tuscany and it was extremely noticeable.

Something else I noticed when you got away from the tourists was that portion sizes were much smaller than what we see here.

We aren't "skinny challenged", we are fat. No need to sugar coat it. We started to improve during the pandemic when a lot more people started to get out and move but we sure look like we are reverting back to bad habits. Too much TV and processed food instead of outdoor movement and real food.
@BrianL Yes work habits inmuch of Europe is becoming more American as well. No longer leisurely meals at lunchtime. Now it’s rush rush rush.
This is true. My husband is very tall and broad shouldered. He could also stand to lose 20 pounds. When we travel to Europe and more recently to Australia he really stands out like a giant.

The Australia part surprised me. I expected all the guys to be tall and built like a Hemsworth. 😂

Yeah, you wish. 😉
It's very nice that folks with challenges feel comfortable enough to visit WDW.
A day in a Disney Park is special.
Exactly. How wonderful that people of all sizes are able to enjoy a nice vacation here in America. Too bad we all can't do it without the judgement of the foreigners and instead we are like loose zoo animals roaming around amongst them to their horror.

Ohhhhh Look! Fat people EVERYWHERE! They even give them wheels here to get about! :rotfl2:
This someone isn't. I'm pretty sure I know what they'll say based on who posted them.
I actually do believe a lot of obesity in the US v/s Europe is from food additives, agricultural practices like GMOs and a difference in general food standards.
Yup! LOL

We also have healthy teeth. That could be the difference. Stereotyping Nonsense FOR ALL!!!!! :rotfl2:
I actually do believe a lot of obesity in the US v/s Europe is from food additives, agricultural practices like GMOs and a difference in general food standards.
when you watch the videos and actually see a real time comparison of the exact same food from the same company, its astounding the difference in ingredients.

In Europe there are a lot of American import companies. There is an American import shop local to me. They can't import some USA food items due to EU Food standard laws.
Also, a few people mentioned lack of walkable infrastructure in the US and that was actually my first thought. Living in Germany, I walked everywhere. If I wasn't walking, I rode a bike that I rented from the university. Many of my professors at the time told me that none of them owned a car (mainly due to no public parking in the city and cost of petrol) but instead they rode their bikes to work. I would LOVE to do that in the US but the closest store is an hour walk and you'd have to risk getting hit by a car due to no sidewalks.
Fat shaming is one of the last acceptable forms of discrimination.

If we substitute “fat” for things like race and gender, it would not be as acceptable as it seems to be here.

Food for thought.
True, and it is very interesting that Disney themselves still do it too. In their Broadway musical of Aladdin, they have replaced Abu with 3 friends. One of them is fat and his sole purpose in the show is to make a couple of fat jokes.
(Last time I saw the show was in 2019, but I do not think they have changed it since)


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