Are you sending your kids to school next month?

Whelp, we can forget about going back in person in October...or November...or December...or JANUARY!!
LBUSD announced yesterday that schools will be remote only through the first semester and winter break, until AT LEAST JANUARY 28!!! We realistically don't see that happening either, and expect they will be out a FULL year, maybe not even go back at all in 20-21. We are 2 weeks in and my kids are already bored silly. My DS Senior has ADHD - when he gets bored, things go south. We have SERIOUSLY looked into moving to a different county - the county I grew up in has had almost no cases and is allowed to do in-person teaching - but they are remote too. This is insane.

Just looking for any light at the end of the tunnel or any alternatives at this point...
We have the option to go back in person on 9/28 and we're taking it. Principal had a conference call yesterday late afternoon to answer questions from parents about how in person will be handled. Pretty much the same info as before. It's a solid plan and we're satisfied with it. One of YDD's science teachers will change, but that's ok because the in-person teacher has a PhD in the subject and he's amazingly good at teaching the we're pretty stoked about that.
Whelp, we can forget about going back in person in October...or November...or December...or JANUARY!!
LBUSD announced yesterday that schools will be remote only through the first semester and winter break, until AT LEAST JANUARY 28!!! We realistically don't see that happening either, and expect they will be out a FULL year, maybe not even go back at all in 20-21. We are 2 weeks in and my kids are already bored silly. My DS Senior has ADHD - when he gets bored, things go south. We have SERIOUSLY looked into moving to a different county - the county I grew up in has had almost no cases and is allowed to do in-person teaching - but they are remote too. This is insane.

Just looking for any light at the end of the tunnel or any alternatives at this point...

I'm so sorry. That is awful. OC is calling you...

Maybe time to move for real.
We have the option to go back in person on 9/28 and we're taking it. Principal had a conference call yesterday late afternoon to answer questions from parents about how in person will be handled. Pretty much the same info as before. It's a solid plan and we're satisfied with it. One of YDD's science teachers will change, but that's ok because the in-person teacher has a PhD in the subject and he's amazingly good at teaching the we're pretty stoked about that.
I don't mean to be nosy, but where are you located? It would take a small miracle to find jobs, but we'd even consider moving out of CA at this point. DS cannot spend his SR year in his bedroom in front of a computer screen.
I'm so sorry. That is awful. OC is calling you...

Maybe time to move for real.
Thought about it A LOT! The comments on FB were telling yesterday - parents were miffed. The number one question was "how do we transfer to Los Al"? That would be an easy move for us. Kinda waiting to see what their in-person schooling looks like - I think they are just elementary school right now. The optimist in me says that LBUSD will change their tune when Los Al goes back to in-person and there are no spikes.
I don't mean to be nosy, but where are you located? It would take a small miracle to find jobs, but we'd even consider moving out of CA at this point. DS cannot spend his SR year in his bedroom in front of a computer screen.

Is your son pretty smart and good at test taking? Is he college bound (4 year university)? If not, have you considered having him simply take the CHSPE, receive his diploma and move on?
Whelp, we can forget about going back in person in October...or November...or December...or JANUARY!!
LBUSD announced yesterday that schools will be remote only through the first semester and winter break, until AT LEAST JANUARY 28!!! We realistically don't see that happening either, and expect they will be out a FULL year, maybe not even go back at all in 20-21. We are 2 weeks in and my kids are already bored silly. My DS Senior has ADHD - when he gets bored, things go south. We have SERIOUSLY looked into moving to a different county - the county I grew up in has had almost no cases and is allowed to do in-person teaching - but they are remote too. This is insane.

Just looking for any light at the end of the tunnel or any alternatives at this point...

Sorry - what state is this?
Whelp, we can forget about going back in person in October...or November...or December...or JANUARY!!
LBUSD announced yesterday that schools will be remote only through the first semester and winter break, until AT LEAST JANUARY 28!!! We realistically don't see that happening either, and expect they will be out a FULL year, maybe not even go back at all in 20-21. We are 2 weeks in and my kids are already bored silly. My DS Senior has ADHD - when he gets bored, things go south. We have SERIOUSLY looked into moving to a different county - the county I grew up in has had almost no cases and is allowed to do in-person teaching - but they are remote too. This is insane.

Just looking for any light at the end of the tunnel or any alternatives at this point...

Wow, I'm sorry to hear that. It seems so premature to be committing to long-term online-only offerings right now when so much can change in several months' time... but my daughter's university is already talking about remaining virtual for the winter/spring semester too, though I don't expect we'll see any official announcement until after registration opens in November. I'm so glad to be living in a place where at least DD12 is having a relatively normal school experience, and I'd seriously be considering at least a short-term rental for the semester or school year in a district that was open if our schools had chosen to be fully remote.

Good luck with whatever you decide.
Is your son pretty smart and good at test taking? Is he college bound (4 year university)? If not, have you considered having him simply take the CHSPE, receive his diploma and move on?
College bound, and we are holding out hope (slim as it may be) that he will get one final season of HS lacrosse, maybe get to go to the prom, you know, normal HS stuff. I am floored by how much we used to take all of that for granted. Don't tell him, but the grades for college are in and the classes aren't that important to me - I want him to have the whole experience, or at least some semblance of it.

And yes, DLGal is correct, Long Beach, LA County - barely. We work and do a lot of our shopping in OC.
So far things are going well. The kids are so happy to be interacting with peers and teachers outside our home. They still get playground time, gym, they can remove masks at their desk, oldest daughter will still have band lessons. They took beach towels in yesterday for some fresh air lessons until winter comes. Third grader was asked to bring sidewalk chalk for some outdoor activities. Two days are distance learning days, they started slowly with that so that will be ramping up next week, will see how that goes.
So far things are going well. The kids are so happy to be interacting with peers and teachers outside our home. They still get playground time, gym, they can remove masks at their desk, oldest daughter will still have band lessons. They took beach towels in yesterday for some fresh air lessons until winter comes. Third grader was asked to bring sidewalk chalk for some outdoor activities. Two days are distance learning days, they started slowly with that so that will be ramping up next week, will see how that goes.
Genuine happy tears reading this - good for them! Can't wait for the updates.
I don't mean to be nosy, but where are you located? It would take a small miracle to find jobs, but we'd even consider moving out of CA at this point. DS cannot spend his SR year in his bedroom in front of a computer screen.

In Arizona.
Just remember that everything is still subject to change. You might be envious of another district getting in-person classes, but they could go back to remote at a moment's notice. The district where I work started with all classes in distance learning mode. They have been opening special ed classes as state and county guidance have allowed. Mine is still remote but tentatively schedule to go back on 9/21 (although less than half of our families are choosing to send their kids back in person). Our special ed director said the district wanted every class to get into a routine and have plans and procedures for teaching remotely. That way, we would be ready to switch back to full remote learning if the state or county guidance changes, or if we have an outbreak and are required to shut down for a period of time. The parents who are sending their kids back are being told that we will remain open as long as conditions and guidelines permit. The grass might look greener in another area, but can change on a dime.
Ooohhh tempting. We have some really good friends that just bought a house in PHX - splitting time between there and CO. Thanks!

Not all school districts are handling things the same way, though. There's variation from one district to another across the state.
We just got word today, we are going back in person Oct. 1. As of now I've been working in the school building. We haven't gotten the full info about how the in-person will actually look, so that should be interesting! The district has also given the option for students to stay with online learning. (In our class we have 7 students who've chosen that option) The district has to also figure when the teachers will have time to be online with those kids as well as teach the in-person kids! (impossible!)
That was one rule my ds's broke at my direction. Who the heck is the school, or the gov't to tell my children they can't carry their life saving medicine on their person without permission from a doctor. So instead they make a child walk all the way to the nurses office when they are having an asthma attack or going into anaphylactic shock. Just because rules have been made doesn't mean they are for the benefit of the student.
If that was against the law, I'd have no problem being arrested for making sure my children were safe.

As far as carrying pain medication in one's backpack, it really should be up to a parent whether or not their child can take that when they feel it's necessary. If I as a parent trust my kid to do it at home, then I trust them at school (I'm talking middle school and up age) Our school eventually starting requiring a doctor's note for things like advil. Yeah I don't think so, in the backpacks it went and in the bathroom they went to take it.
Totally agree. In fact in elementary school I literally told the school that my DD had her inhalers on her person, they were NOT to touch them or remove them from her, that SHE has been fully instructed and trained in use and administration and THEY had not. These schools have a lot of nerve to try and insist that a kid who is STRUGGLING TO BREATHE wait for permission to USE their life saving med, and in fact even WALK a LOG DISTANCE WHILE IN RESPIRATORY DISTRESS to get it. Nope, not happening to my child. It was never an issue, but I phrased it as a "this is how it is" and not asking their permission. It was a smaller school and they knew that I am a masters prepared RN so there were no problems with any medical decisions I made for my child. Schools are for education. If parents decide a child needs a medication on their person, they should be allowed to have it. I am the parent, they are the teacher. I dont' interfere in how they teach math or reading, I support them in what they do. The same should be done for my role. :)
DD17 starts her hybrid next week. 2 days in person, 1 day synchronous classes remotely with the whole class, 2 days independent work.
I start teaching next week as well. 4 days in person, 1 day remote. Elementary Special Education
I give the school system huge credit. Everyone has been working nonstop doing whatever they can possibly do to make things work.
Parents had the choice of the in person hybrid plan or fully remote which is a separate platform and teachers. About 20% of parents chose fully remote.


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