"Argentina Tour Groups" Sightings


DIS Veteran
Mar 27, 2004
Has anyone seen any ATGs showing up at WDW yet?

I was just thinking that if the USA wins tonight the ATGs aren't going to be in a very good mood!lol:)

(Of course the Brazil Tour Groups would probably have a party!lol:))
We have been here for four days and have yet to see a tour group, much to our surprise. WDW is usually crawling with them this time of year. I'm expecting to see them any day now.

If the USA wins what??
Not sure I want to wish ill upon the economies of South American countries (some of which are in the toilet right now) but the lack of tour groups does bring a smile to my face. We will still be plagued by cheer groups and Pop Warner so there is no escaping the craziness however.
A good amount of the central and south american economies have bottomed out. Here's to hoping that it forces most of those groups to stay home.

Would be nice!! But I read before that these groups are largely from the privileged class in Brazil/Argentina, who do what they please in their own countries, much less WDW.

So they probably still have the means to get to WDW.
I don't need more price increases because a whole continent can't afford to visit.

What are the historic months for such sightings?

march to august seems to be when it's most prominent but it never really goes away. I do agree large groups that aren't extended family groups do seem much rarer this year.. Not absent, just less.
Would be nice!! But I read before that these groups are largely from the privileged class in Brazil/Argentina, who do what they please in their own countries, much less WDW.

So they probably still have the means to get to WDW.

The Brazillian economy was highly leveraged against some huge oil deposits found in 2007. The country's bid for the Olympic games and infrastructure projects were all based around this new economic growth. Then, the oil market went down the crapper, and things are extremely bad in Brazil right now, in terms of the overall economy, political situation etc. It's so bad that the subway which was needed and promised to be operating before the games is now possibly going to be in the testing phase 4 days before the Olympic flame is lit. Looting and no food on the shelves in Venezuela, which was once regarded as one of the more prosperous nations. I'm just not sure how Argentina is riding this tide. In any event, here's to hoping that they all stay home.
Having not been in a while, what do these tour groups do that makes them so widely despised? Why are they called The 15s?
Amen to THAT !
A good amount of the central and south american economies have bottomed out. Here's to hoping that it forces most of those groups to stay home.
Having not been in a while, what do these tour groups do that makes them so widely despised? Why are they called The 15s?

From what I can gather, it's because they walk around the parks with no regard for fellow guests. Whether that means walking 10 across and taking over an entire sidewalk, loudly chanting to the point where you can't hear the theme music in Tomorrowland, cutting lines, pushing. They've pretty much written the book on how NOT to behave.
The Copa America game (Argentina - US matchup)
Oh...soccer. I'm a huge sports fan, but like most Americans, it's one sport I just don't understand the excitement and don't pay any attention to. It's a very interesting thing. I'd bet soccer is the most popular sport for young kids. I played it as a little kid in the '70s and my kids played when they were 4, 5, 6 years old. But the translation to an adult professional league is lost on most Americans, including me. Yet it's wildly popular in the rest of the world. Sorry for the sidetrack...

Anyway, as to why the tour groups aren't liked, Koz is pretty much spot on. Picture a group of about 60 girls roughly 16 years old taking a trip to Disney without their parents. You get the picture. I haven't found them to be rude "on purpose" where they're trying to push through us like bullies. More that they want to walk as a group and take up the entire walkway, so they'll basically swarm all around you if you're going slower than they are. Several groups have found that I don't take too kindly to it when they step in front of my kids. They also chant incredibly loudly, which nobody except them seems to like. Worst of all is they clog up the standby queue. So if you see them heading toward a ride you planned to do standby, run...get in front of them.
.......and they are just as loud ON the rides. Chanting, yelling and screaming for no reason. We got stuck on Star Tours with a very large group. They were so loud we couldn't hear any ride dialogue at all.
Three hours and nobody has come along yet to tell us all we're prudes for not saying "hey man, they're just having FUN...." Wow. That must be a record.
Having not been in a while, what do these tour groups do that makes them so widely despised? Why are they called The 15s?

They're called the 15's because that is how old they are. Many of the groups are groups of teenage girls celebrating their quinceanera (15th birthday) at WDW so you get massive groups of 15 year old girls with different cultural norms with minimal or no supervision. The trip used to be a right of passage or a norm for many girls but now that economies are tanking you will see less parents sending off their kids for a luxury trip.


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