Art the Greeter at the Beach Club

There is a Fan page that has been set up on Facebook titled "Art the Greeter". I guess Art is aware of this page. Many are sending their thoughts to him there too. There is also a write up on him on the disney site as well.
There is a Fan page that has been set up on Facebook titled "Art the Greeter". I guess Art is aware of this page. Many are sending their thoughts to him there too. There is also a write up on him on the disney site as well.

He is aware of the fan page on facebook. He isn't very computer savvy so he doesn't spend alot of time on the computer but I try to remind him to go look at it every now and then. During his retirement I will be spending time with him getting him more familar with facebook :)
Here are two pictures that were taken July of 2008.


From Left to right. Our daughter Brittany, Art, friend's daughter Samantha, our son Dylan, friend's son Robert (holding paper) and our son Matthew.


Our friends sent this to me to add. Same picture basically. They took this one with their camera. It is the same one as the first.


Thanks will be missed by so many. Enjoy your retirement!!!
Was anyone at BCV today for Art's last day?

Yes, I checked in around 12:30 and was thrilled to be able to see him one last time and get my picture taken with him. He's wearing an "I'm celebrating" button that has hand-written on it "My retirement" Several people who seemed to know him, or at least know OF him. One woman, Hawaiin I think, gave him a lei, and the woman who took a picture for me commented to Art on being his publicity agent today.
Yes, I checked in around 12:30 and was thrilled to be able to see him one last time and get my picture taken with him. He's wearing an "I'm celebrating" button that has hand-written on it "My retirement" Several people who seemed to know him, or at least know OF him. One woman, Hawaiin I think, gave him a lei, and the woman who took a picture for me commented to Art on being his publicity agent today.

How wonderful that you were there today!

One of the best things about coming "home" to BCV was being welcomed by Art's wonderful smile. We will miss him, but we wish him every happiness in his retirement.
Hello Everyone

Art has asked me to express his sincere gratitude for the outpouring of notes, gifts, phone calls, photos, cards, and personal visits to say "Goodbye" to him and wish him well.

Words cannot truly express how he was overwhelmed by all the kindess he received. He wishes everyone the best and can't thank you enough for the years of friendships he has made.

He will miss seeing everyone during their vacations, but it was truly his time to move on.

I will continue to keep everyone updated on him from time to time.

Thank you for showing him how much he did make a difference being in the lobby of the Beach Club.

I Sure would like to see Peaches and Cream renamed Art's Place or something with his name on it.
I read on this thread of Art's impending retirement a few days before we went to WDW. My wife, sister and I checked in on Sunday 10/11, and found out that Art would start his work week on Tuesday. We kept an eye out for him, and when we finally spotted him I ran up to the room to retrieve the retirement card and candy we had brought for him. The card had the perfect sentiment - something like "you have filled the lives of so many with joy and happiness" - it seemed to be written specifically about Art. The candy was from our hometown of Hershey; an item not found many places - "Hershey's Golden Almond Bar". We gave him a few of them, and he promised to share with his wife. It was very bittersweet (not the candy) - saying goodby and wishing him "the best".
He would like to wish everyone a Happy, Healthy, and Safe Holiday Season with friends and family! He hopes to see everyone during his visits to the Beach Club and the theme parks in 2011! He appreciates all the smiles and friendships over the years! He thanks you for all the wonderful memories!! God Bless!
Thanks for the update - that's so nice. I missed seeing Art when we stopped by BC earlier this month, although a very nice young man was the greeter that day and chatted with us for quite a while - darn, wish I could remember his name.

(And still haven't met Teena).
Just a couple days ago our DDs said as we were organizing for our upcoming trip, "So, we'll never get to see Art again?" right out of the blue... :(

At least there is a chance...


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