As God as my witness.I'll never be sick at Disney World again~~~wrapping things up...

After catching up on your PTR, I knew I had to read this one as well. Took about 3 days, but I read every post. I've laughed much, grinned often and snicker snorted a time or three. Awesome job! Your MIL is FRIGHTENINGLY similar to my own. (Better stop with that or I'll be here for an hour. Oh the stories I could tell. :sad2:) Can't wait to read even more!
Cherie, what a great update!! Evan is such a good sport! My teenage son would have stormed out of the restaurant and never spoken to me again. Great pictures especially of Evan and Anastasia. Can't wait for your next update!

I loved this update. It was so fun. The picture you said was your favorite is mine too. I would frame it and display it on the coffee table if I were you.:thumbsup2 It is just too too cute.
This is the best character interaction I have ever seen reported on the DIS. Even my DH who usually rolls his eyes at everything Disney, was reading along with me and laughing. Evan is a great sport. I hope this will always be a fond memory for him like it is for you. It may just take him a few years to realize it.
What a great story, and a great family memory for you! Yes, it sounds like Evan handled it quite well. Everyone has to take their turn being the butt of the joke in our family -- it's better to just play along.

I like the saying on D.Jay's shirt.

thanks, I had it made as a christmas present last year...he has a collection of funny t shirts

I have been lurking a long time on your TR and really enjoying it despite the fact I haven't said much. I just had to say, your story made me :rotfl2:

Thanks for a great laugh this afternoon!!
I'm glad you came out of luking!

Absolutely hilarious Cherie, and I agree it definitely looks like Evan was a good sport :thumbsup2

I love D-Jay's shirt :)
He's always teasing everyone else so it was good for him to be the target.

Tribilín;34636042 said:
Awesome update... LOL @ picture! Kudos to Evan for being such a good sport :thumbsup2
Evan really is a great kid. I guess with me for his mom, he has to have a sense of humor!

:lmao: I love it.
thank you

what an awesome night!!!:cool1:
it was a great way to end our last day

After catching up on your PTR, I knew I had to read this one as well. Took about 3 days, but I read every post. I've laughed much, grinned often and snicker snorted a time or three. Awesome job! Your MIL is FRIGHTENINGLY similar to my own. (Better stop with that or I'll be here for an hour. Oh the stories I could tell. :sad2:) Can't wait to read even more!
I'm glad you made it over!
Hey ,we could swap MIL horror stories. ;)

Cherie, what a great update!! Evan is such a good sport! My teenage son would have stormed out of the restaurant and never spoken to me again. Great pictures especially of Evan and Anastasia. Can't wait for your next update!

I wouldn't have done it if I didn't know he could handle it...I think he's still planning revenge.

I loved this update. It was so fun. The picture you said was your favorite is mine too. I would frame it and display it on the coffee table if I were you.:thumbsup2 It is just too too cute.
I told him it was going to be our christmas card this year...he wasn't amused.

This is the best character interaction I have ever seen reported on the DIS. Even my DH who usually rolls his eyes at everything Disney, was reading along with me and laughing. Evan is a great sport. I hope this will always be a fond memory for him like it is for you. It may just take him a few years to realize it.

I'm glad I could make you and your non disney freek dh laugh!
Oh my goodness :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

That was my second belly laugh of the night. Right after I read Biscuits electronic whoopie cushion story.

I did ask my DS15 what he would do and replied that some violence would happen. He would not handle it so well but it would be hysterical to watch.

I think my DS would just freeze and mutter later. I would have to do it at the end of the trip because we would never hear the end of it everytime we out to eat from then on. He might be scarred even. Ohhh I can't wait:rotfl: Now to make this happen:rolleyes:
Thanks for the laugh!:lmao: Evan is a real trooper, how could he not be with such great parents. He's learned early not to take life too seriously.

I did ask my DS15 what he would do and replied that some violence would happen. He would not handle it so well but it would be hysterical to watch.

I'm sure that would have been Evan's response if asked before....
I think your son is challenging need to do it.:laughing:

Thanks for the laugh!:lmao: Evan is a real trooper, how could he not be with such great parents. He's learned early not to take life too seriously.
thanks, he really is alot of fun.
What a great update and what a trooper Evan!

I'm really not sure what Tay would do, I think he'd be a good sport about it. Jeff on the other hand I doubt I could get to walk into 1900 PF will never happen!

What great memories!!!!!!!!!
What a great update and what a trooper Evan!

I'm really not sure what Tay would do, I think he'd be a good sport about it. Jeff on the other hand I doubt I could get to walk into 1900 PF will never happen!

What great memories!!!!!!!!!

just don't tell him where he's going!

I think secretly Evan liked it.....what teenage boy dosen't want a girl paying attention to him?:laughing:

She was pretty cute, too.

What more needs to be said of a meal where a teen gets put on the spot by a woman.....

I thought you'd have a better comeback for the pic of Lady Tremain with your MIL....;)
Omgoshh.. that was soo funny. I seriously laughed out loud with that whole experience. I never knew that they did that. I sooo want to surprise my husband. hehe He doesn't like character meals- but I love them and this would just drive him nuts. hehe

I think Lady Tremaine and MIL look pretty good next to each other! It's like they are meant to be friends! hehe:lmao::lmao:
:lmao::lmao: That is so good! It's not often we moms get our "revenge" :lmao:

Evan was such a good sport! What fun memories you'll have for years to come! I love the way the CMs find opportunities to do that. That's what sets Disney apart from everyone!
so glad you guys had such a good time at 1900!!!! erica and i ate there in september 2008 and we had a blast. both the stepsisters were HILARIOUS but anastasia had us completely cracking up because she kept singing from across the room and yelling, "CINDERELLA!!!!!!!!" she was great! and i agree...evan is such a gentleman for handling the situation so well. i know he was mortified but he handled it so well.

this is my favorite picture from the trip...


SUCH a great picture! :thumbsup2


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