Aspie Moms, what's the strangest phone call from school you've gotten?

Too cute! I love that fact that they don't get it sometimes.

This happened last month. In order to get my youngest to go to bed on time, my ex told him that he would suffer from sleep deprivation and could die from it. Now he goes to bed right when his dad tells him too! ;)

However, not getting it can backfire sometimes. I was being smart and already purchased all of John's Xmas gifts ahead of time. Then yesterday he came up with a plan to only ask Santa for two things, that way he could be sure of getting them. Now what do I do?!?!? :lmao:

Tell him that he was such a good boy that Santa must have given him extra gifts. You can even fake a note from Santa and be creative.

Dear Johnny
Thank you for asking for only 2 gifts. I like children who are not greedy. Because you have been very good this year and because you are not greedy I am giving you a few extra gifts.
Santa Claus

That or let him have two gifts and you give him all the gifts. Be thankful that he only wants two gifts that cost under $1000 each. He could have asked for a real helicopter and a pony.:laughing:
My son (13) attends a school with a specialized Asperger's program. He usually takes the bus, but I drove him this morning because I had to be out that way for an appointment. I walked him in and said hi to the teachers and aides. As I was leaving, a teenage boy stopped me. He said, "Hey! Guess what?" I said, "What?" He said, "Well, I remembered to put on pants today!" I said, "That's great! I'm proud of you!" He walked off smiling. I don't know if forgetting his pants is usually an issue for this kid, but I couldn't help but be amused by his pride.:)
I usually get calls about clothing. DS does not care about clothing. He wears his pants and shirts backwards, shoes on the wrong feet or mismatched shoes. We (the teachers and I) actually made it a rule that he had to wear underpants and socks everyday. I refuse to fight with him anymore. He knows how to put them on correctly he just does not want to.

One morning he walked into the classroom and announced to everyone there, "I remembered my underpants today. Want to see?" :scared1:
Tell him that he was such a good boy that Santa must have given him extra gifts. You can even fake a note from Santa and be creative.

Dear Johnny
Thank you for asking for only 2 gifts. I like children who are not greedy. Because you have been very good this year and because you are not greedy I am giving you a few extra gifts.
Santa Claus

That or let him have two gifts and you give him all the gifts. Be thankful that he only wants two gifts that cost under $1000 each. He could have asked for a real helicopter and a pony.:laughing:

That's awesome! that will work out perfectly - great idea - thanks mechurchlady!!!! :goodvibes :goodvibes
My son (13) attends a school with a specialized Asperger's program. He usually takes the bus, but I drove him this morning because I had to be out that way for an appointment. I walked him in and said hi to the teachers and aides. As I was leaving, a teenage boy stopped me. He said, "Hey! Guess what?" I said, "What?" He said, "Well, I remembered to put on pants today!" I said, "That's great! I'm proud of you!" He walked off smiling. I don't know if forgetting his pants is usually an issue for this kid, but I couldn't help but be amused by his pride.:)

:lmao: :rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl: Too funny!
Thank goodness we're not the only clothing challenged people out there. If it's too hard to put on, DS just doesn't bother. Sometimes I don't care, but it's 32 degrees here now and the administration at school is starting to look at me like I'm mean when DS comes in without a coat on. He just hates being hot, and coats are too much trouble. He'd go around naked if he could.
Kaffinito, I think you should be really proud of your son for making such a clever policy about X-mas. That shows excellent logic and planning and means your kid can seal a deal. It might be strange now, but more power to him when he's got a job and needs to negotiate for something. Smart, smart, smart.

Did you see the experiment for intelligence where they put the kid alone in the room with candy and see if they can delay gratification? It's supposed to show how successful a kid will be as an adult. I think your son is showing the advanced form of that thought. (I'd rather pass up a bunch of crap that I don't want in exchange for the few things I really DO want).
Kaffinito, I think you should be really proud of your son for making such a clever policy about X-mas. That shows excellent logic and planning and means your kid can seal a deal. It might be strange now, but more power to him when he's got a job and needs to negotiate for something. Smart, smart, smart.

Did you see the experiment for intelligence where they put the kid alone in the room with candy and see if they can delay gratification? It's supposed to show how successful a kid will be as an adult. I think your son is showing the advanced form of that thought. (I'd rather pass up a bunch of crap that I don't want in exchange for the few things I really DO want).

Thanks! I wonder if he's just being cagey though. He is really smart though - he scares me sometimes! I'm going to have to see if I can find that experiment on the internet. I wonder if he could pass it? :goodvibes
Thank goodness we're not the only clothing challenged people out there. If it's too hard to put on, DS just doesn't bother. Sometimes I don't care, but it's 32 degrees here now and the administration at school is starting to look at me like I'm mean when DS comes in without a coat on. He just hates being hot, and coats are too much trouble. He'd go around naked if he could.

Mine too! Neither one of them wants to wear a coat. My youngest will if he thinks of it as part of a costume though. He wears strange looking coats, but at least he wears them! ;)
Coat okay. No hat. No gloves.

We finally got him to wear gloves if they're the ones that have the removable ends. If you kwim. They are like mittens and gloves both, and you can flip the mitten part up and underneath are fingerless gloves. Before I found those, I was cutting the fingertips off the $1 knit gloves and he'd wear them until they started to unravel. Gloves must not cover fingertips.
My DS today wore a hat to school today. Of course it was a giant black cat hat with a tail, whiskers, green glass eyes and everything. Yesterday he wore a knitted bonnet and the day before a stocking cap with the long pointed top and tassel at the end. It is 28 degrees and snowing today. I so understand the no coat, no gloves and no hat unless it is part of the costume. :rotfl:
Coat okay. No hat. No gloves.

We finally got him to wear gloves if they're the ones that have the removable ends. If you kwim. They are like mittens and gloves both, and you can flip the mitten part up and underneath are fingerless gloves. Before I found those, I was cutting the fingertips off the $1 knit gloves and he'd wear them until they started to unravel. Gloves must not cover fingertips.

Your's doesn't like gloves either! Mine will put them on but doesn't want them touching his coat. So he pushes the sleaves up and holds his hands out funny.

As for the poster worried about schools and coats. You should have seen all the typical children at our Jr High this morning. My Aspie looked positively overdressed in his winter coat! Most just had hoodies on. It was a toasty 21 at 7:15 this morning.
OT Hoodies!! It is good to know that Aspiewear is getting so popular.

Well I have 4 kids three of them are Aspie and let's just say that apple doesn't fall far from the tree... ;) We have had many interesting moments. Usually the funniest is when I am listening to my kids talk to each other- the things that they come up with! Anyway one thing I remember is when my several years ago my oldest was putting on his footed pJs. He had grown so that they were to short so of course constricted his toes. I was trying to comfort him saying that it was becasue he had grown and that we needed to get him some new Pjs. He of course did not want to give them up. I had a fix for that ! I went and got the scissors. And then I said "That's ok honey, if we cut your feet off they will fit!" Well I was focused on the PJs themselves so of course when I said feet I was only thinking of the PJ feet. He on the other hand, was focused on the feet attached to his body. He began to scream "No, don't cut the feet!!" And me, still focused on the pjs says "It's ok it will be quick and then you can wear the pjs and your toes won't hurt in them!" This didn't help pf course. Finally Dh stepped in and said "you do realize he thinks you are going to cut off his feet?" Ugh nope missed that one -couldn't figure out what he was so upset about. We ended up resolving the issue. And amazingly, he allowed me to cut the feet off...his pajammas!!:laughing:

The strangest call from school well there have been a few but I remember when the menu changed for lunch. My son was in a panic because it wasn't what it was supposed to be and he couldn't possibly eat what they were serving. It wasn't just my child in a panic but so was the teacher! She offered to run to the local country store and buy him a hot dog!

BTW there is a great message board here for Aspie families
And tags, does anybody else have to cut all the tags off the clothes (ESP underwear)??

The pyjama feet story is just too funny :)

Luckily it never gets cold enough to wear coats here, I don't know what I'd do. This morning I said to DS "It's cold today, do you want your jacket?"
"No mum".
Again as we were walking out the door "Are you sure you don't want your jacket, it's cold out ..."
"NO mum!"
Cut to outside the classroom "Mum I'm cooooold!"
"Well why didn't you wear your jacket, I told you it was cold!"
He looked at me like I was stupid and said "Because I didn't know it was going to be cold!"
What the ...?? :confused3
A quick question ...

Why is it that the school spends the entire year talking about everything my son CAN'T do ... until the one hour when we meet to talk about how much aide time he's going to get :)

Suddenly it's all about everything he CAN do and how little assistance he needs and how most kids have the same issues in one way or another and if we just give it enough time he's going to 'get better'. Which is a lovely sentiment and I'm sure they mean it the right way but hey, it wouldn't hurt to have that kind of attitude the whole year round you know? :thumbsup2
And tags, does anybody else have to cut all the tags off the clothes (ESP underwear)??

The pyjama feet story is just too funny :)

Luckily it never gets cold enough to wear coats here, I don't know what I'd do. This morning I said to DS "It's cold today, do you want your jacket?"
"No mum".
Again as we were walking out the door "Are you sure you don't want your jacket, it's cold out ..."
"NO mum!"
Cut to outside the classroom "Mum I'm cooooold!"
"Well why didn't you wear your jacket, I told you it was cold!"
He looked at me like I was stupid and said "Because I didn't know it was going to be cold!"
What the ...?? :confused3

Yep! I've got one of those too. He's 16 now and that part hasn't gotten any better.... :)

A quick question ...

Why is it that the school spends the entire year talking about everything my son CAN'T do ... until the one hour when we meet to talk about how much aide time he's going to get :)

Suddenly it's all about everything he CAN do and how little assistance he needs and how most kids have the same issues in one way or another and if we just give it enough time he's going to 'get better'. Which is a lovely sentiment and I'm sure they mean it the right way but hey, it wouldn't hurt to have that kind of attitude the whole year round you know? :thumbsup2

I totally agree with you on that one! ;)
The strangest call from school well there have been a few but I remember when the menu changed for lunch. My son was in a panic because it wasn't what it was supposed to be and he couldn't possibly eat what they were serving. It wasn't just my child in a panic but so was the teacher! She offered to run to the local country store and buy him a hot dog!

BTW there is a great message board here for Aspie families

I got one of those phone calls to. Now my youngest wants me to read him the school lunch schedule so he knows what he's supposed to eat each week. :lmao:
Finally Dh stepped in and said "you do realize he thinks you are going to cut off his feet?" Ugh nope missed that one -couldn't figure out what he was so upset about.

Made me laugh until I cried! I so understand. Son is newly diagnosed so this is a whole new realm for us. There are others like him!

My son had a sliver in the bottom of his foot this summer. About 2" long that needed to come out. It was already, just needed to be pulled out. After wrestling with him for almost 10 minutes to just let me look at it DP came in.

DP: "Okay. Here come the big guns!"

Son: "AHHHH! :scared1: Your going to shoot me! Why are you going to shoot me? Where's the gun?"

When we finished laughing and explaining to him that he was safe. The sliver came out easily.
DS gets slivers from time to time from the deck in the backyard and I would rather wrestle a wet, greased elephant than try and get a sliver ou t of his foot.:upsidedow


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