Avoiding anything Disneyland

Besides Disneyland releasing a statement with a reopening date, is there anything you can think of that could convince you that Disneyland will reopen again?

What do you think could help you?
... What do you think could help you?
Or (and this is a sincere question) do you really want help with this? Or do you just want people to agree with you? There is a big difference between the two. You don't have to answer here, but think seriously about what you really want.
Okay. Look! I know it sucks that Disneyland is closed right now, believe me, I know, but Disneyland is not going to be closed forever. It will be reopen somehow or later. You're starting to act like me when I hear the news about not only Disneyland being closed, but also the virus. I almost gave up hope, but my family comforts me to assure me it will go away soon. Rather we get the vaccine or it'll go away by itself. Anyway, why not watch some movies, listen to music, watch some cartoons, do some exercise, and pray to God to help you get through this. You'll be okay and Disneyland will be okay. I promise. Just don't be like me. It's not worth it.
I'm proud of you for posting this. Give yourself a pat on the back. :)
I'm proud of you for posting this. Give yourself a pat on the back. :)

You have said this So Much more perfectly than I could ever have, I agree completely. 👌. @TsWade2 , good on you!. Some times it’s the little distractions and detours we must take to just Keep our minds healthy. I play farm heroes lol. I’ve also starting doing puzzles, I find it keeps me from overthinking. 🥰
Besides Disneyland releasing a statement with a reopening date, is there anything you can think of that could convince you that Disneyland will reopen again?

What do you think could help you?

An actual opening date would be nice. The problem is they beholden to the CA government.

Or (and this is a sincere question) do you really want help with this? Or do you just want people to agree with you? There is a big difference between the two. You don't have to answer here, but think seriously about what you really want.

I don't necessarily ask for agreement, but some empathy would be nice. Yet all everyone is saying is to stop worrying about it, as if my feelings mean nothing, which I find rather insulting.
... I don't necessarily ask for agreement, but some empathy would be nice. Yet all everyone is saying is to stop worrying about it, as if my feelings mean nothing, which I find rather insulting.
I don't think they are saying simply "to stop worrying about it" -- that is misreading them. But it doesn't help to worry obsessively about something you admit you cannot control (you say you know that Disneyland is "beholden to the CA government"). You can worry yourself sick and not change the situation or the government. So people are trying to advise you not to do that. It is your choice. You don't know that people don't have empathy for you -- your judging us is not helpful -- people here do know very well what you are going through and they are trying to help you. Whether you want to be helped or not is totally your choice.
Wow! I guess my pep talk with Disneylandfan85 didn't work out as I thought. I guess I tried.
I don't think they are saying simply "to stop worrying about it" -- that is misreading them. But it doesn't help to worry obsessively about something you admit you cannot control (you say you know that Disneyland is "beholden to the CA government"). You can worry yourself sick and not change the situation or the government. So people are trying to advise you not to do that. It is your choice. You don't know that people don't have empathy for you -- your judging us is not helpful -- people here do know very well what you are going through and they are trying to help you. Whether you want to be helped or not is totally your choice.

Well, it's hard to understand if I am being helped or not here.
Well, it's hard to understand if I am being helped or not here.

I know it can appear that way, but sometimes you need to remove yourself, think about if you were giving the advice To others, and your replies were coming back. Nobody is blaming you, we all feel the way we do, we can’thelp that, BUt We can help our reaction to it. Can you try another response, maybe they are right. It isn’t a fun, Or good situation, But it’s for now, not forever. Our governments are trying to keep us as safe as they can, with what they can do. This is not a year any of us has seen before, but we will overcome it. We have to try to make the Best of it, and take advice.
An actual opening date would be nice. The problem is they beholden to the CA government.


Well, it's hard to understand if I am being helped or not here.
That's not answering my question. I asked this as I was trying to help based on what I knew at the time of posting. And my last question 'what do you think can help you' is because we are running out of options. You say your loved ones and your doctor cannot give you the help you need, the strangers on these boards apparently cannot either, so then the final question remains:

- What do you think will help you?
The answer cannot be 'an answer from the government or Disney', because you cannot influence those, but you are suffering in the meantime. You will need to find a way to deal with your thoughts, because no one knows how long it is going to last.

The only thing I can think of now that might be of help:
Let's say your thoughts are right and at some point in the future, Disneyland will say: "It's not worth it anymore, we will never reopen Disneyland." You can use your current energy to think of a plan on how to handle the outcome of this scenario. That will have a big impact on your life, use the time till the announcement to think of a plan how you can learn to live with a Disneyland-less future.
If it does come true: You are prepared.
If it doesn't come true: You can go back to the way you were used to, and have spent the time inbetween trying to keep your sanity.

For empathy...
If people are offering suggestions on how to improve, and take the time to post: they empathize/sympathize with you. Offering suggestions is trying to help and trying to help is an act of empathy and sympathy.
If we didn't care about our fellow Disney-enthusiasts, we wouldn't be here :)
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I think Disneyland may be a tangible reflection, for you, of the huge impact Covid has and will have on our lives and the world. You, as well as I and others, cannot really comprehend the short and long terms effects of the pandemic. It is too HUGE, too life altering. Too frightening maybe to even think about.

Disney is/was alaways a safe, happy place, a certainty for all your life and a major influence at that. And now its future is uncertain. Disney closing, while worrisome and sad, is something you *get*. And so avoiding thinking about it, mourning its loss in a way, is something you can start with the deal with the entire global mess.

So allow yourself the time to process and grieve. You are very brave in doing so because you are not denying the fear and the pain and the loss. With time, you will be able to re-think and re-experience Disney

And while Disney and the world will reopen and survive, both will be different. We as humans will be different. That it is terrifying to us all. And we will overcome, through friendship and support and finding joy and growth and pixie dust. Because we are humans, because Disney repents hope and faith in the best of us as humans and in our future.

Sending safe, virtual hugs from far away. It will be better.
The only thing I can think of now that might be of help:
Let's say your thoughts are right and at some point in the future, Disneyland will say: "It's not worth it anymore, we will never reopen Disneyland." You can use your current energy to think of a plan on how to handle the outcome of this scenario. That will have a big impact on your life, use the time till the announcement to think of a plan how you can learn to live with a Disneyland-less future.
If it does come true: You are prepared.
If it doesn't come true: You can go back to the way you were used to, and have spent the time inbetween trying to keep your sanity.

That's what worries me, that Disney may decide it's not worth it to reopen Disneyland anymore. I can't think of a plan, because I have no idea when/if that plan will ever come. And let's not forget, sources say that the parks, temporarily at least, will become money pits and not make a profit for a few years.

Anyway, for me to think only of myself is self-centered, and that's never okay.

I have tried to share my concerns elsewhere online, and after being at this for a while, I'm starting to feel ignored since they hate that I'm repeating myself a lot.
That's what worries me, that Disney may decide it's not worth it to reopen Disneyland anymore. I can't think of a plan, because I have no idea when/if that plan will ever come. And let's not forget, sources say that the parks, temporarily at least, will become money pits and not make a profit for a few years.

Anyway, for me to think only of myself is self-centered, and that's never okay.

I have tried to share my concerns elsewhere online, and after being at this for a while, I'm starting to feel ignored since they hate that I'm repeating myself a lot.

The Disney company already told its shareholders that they are operating the currently open WDW AT A PROFIT. Even with all the things closed and the severely restricted attendance, the parks are making money. They can't be lying about this...that would be illegal. So, take heart.
The Disney company already told its shareholders that they are operating the currently open WDW AT A PROFIT. Even with all the things closed and the severely restricted attendance, the parks are making money. They can't be lying about this...that would be illegal. So, take heart.

How are they making money with such restrictions and shutdowns?
How are they making money with such restrictions and shutdowns?

I am not privy to their accounting spreadsheets, but it is VERY much illegal to lie to or mislead investors. If they said the parks are operating at a profit, they are.
That's what worries me, that Disney may decide it's not worth it to reopen Disneyland anymore. I can't think of a plan, because I have no idea when/if that plan will ever come. And let's not forget, sources say that the parks, temporarily at least, will become money pits and not make a profit for a few years.

Anyway, for me to think only of myself is self-centered, and that's never okay.

I have tried to share my concerns elsewhere online, and after being at this for a while, I'm starting to feel ignored since they hate that I'm repeating myself a lot.
It's like being in a plane and the oxygen masks come down: You cannot help anyone else, before you help yourself. This is not about being self-centered.

Yes, you do repeat yourself, which makes it hard to keep a conversation going. I do not think people ignore you per se, but the conversation dies because there is only so much you can say if the other person keeps repeating himself.
Like now, we have reached an impasse in discussing your problem. Because whether we give suggestions on the positive or the negative outcome on the 'what if Disneyland doesn't reopen', you come back with another 'what if'. You are stuck in the middle, paralyzed by your own thoughts. I don't think the internet can help you to move forward and help you to get out of this. I think you should discuss this again with your doctor and let a professional help you.

I wish you all the best, and hope you will feel better soon. Stay strong. :shamrock:
Please remember the guidelines when posting, Personal attacks will not be tolerated. We can support each other without tearing each other down, and if not we should step away from the keyboard. Namaste. ❤️
Please remember the guidelines when posting, Personal attacks will not be tolerated. We can support each other without tearing each other down, and if not we should step away from the keyboard. Namaste. ❤
Oops! I apologized.


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