B B Boutique, should we spend $$$???






We got the crown package and bought a dress a the disney store for halloween. Everyone kept asking where we got it from because it was actually nicer than the ones they had.
Another newbie here with a BBB question. How do we book this? Is it as hard to get as CRT? Thanks.
No its not as hard to get as CRT. Click the link in my sig for the BBB and the first post lists alll of the prices whats included and the phone numbers you can call as well as hours of operation.
wannabprincess your dd is like mine all she wants do after we leave bbb is pose here and there for everyone that looks at her. The pic of you son is cute too you should post it over on the bbb thread. Did he not like the way it turned out or did he not like where he had it done.
I did end up changing my reservation to a half hour earlier. I figure I will pack everything up mostly the night before and DH can take them to the desk and get our boarding passes printed and meet up with us after it is over. I'm sure he will be bored to death if he had to wait for us anyways. I am really hoping they are running on time though. When I changed it I had the choice of anytime from 9 AM on. So they are not booked yet. I really want to do the photoshoot too, time allowing of course. I am still debating on a dress though. After looking a some of the pics on the FAQ thread, it is so tempting to buy one there. I will be going to Disney store tomorrow, so I'll take a look and see if one pops out, if not my princess will get one there.
I say to all Mom's out there debating whether or not to do this...DO IT!!! :thumbsup2 My daughter loved loved loved it, and they actually do get quite a bit as a previous poster mentioned, not to mention the whole experience, pixie dust deal. Very special. Very only at Disney kind of thing. She still loves her sash and her lip gloss, dress, shoes, hair extensions, crown, light up wand, fancy bag, diamonds for her cheek...the whole deal. Priceless. One day she'll sadly be too old for this....

Too old! Never say that! My daughter is 16 and told me next time we go she wants to book a sitting and will only do it if I do it with her!!!! I don't think your ever too old to be a princess princess:
I'm brand new and just learning the ropes in this place, it's great! My daughter will be 5 when we go on our first trip ever to WDW, I'm not sure who is more excited, her or me! ;)
What time does World of Disney open?

And does the only style that gets a tiara is the princess bun one? We may have to buy one to wear! LOL!
I would guess no later than 9 probably 8 but I have never been there nor have I wanted to be there when they opened so I am not sure. I just know BBB opens at 9. Yes the only style that comes w/ the crown is the fairytale style but you can let your fairy godmother in training know that you would also like a crown and they will add it while doing her hair. Its 10 dollars extra we did it when we were there for the party.
We cant wait for our DD4's appointment --- we have an 8:00 appt at the MK location... and lunch planned at CRT at 12:05 that day... so we will have time to do the photo package/shoot and have time to make hit a ride or two before going to lunch... it is sure to be a magical princess day!!!! we booked the castle package... (yes you can save $$$ by buying the dresses elsewhere but we felt the entire expirence would be more fun to do it ALL)
Well it was a bust for us. Our appointment was for Friday, and DD got sick Thursday. She kept saying she wanted to get better to go, and so we went early on Friday. They could take us in about 1/2 hour earlier, but when it came time, DD just started crying and said she was scared and too shy. I wasn't going to push it, knowing htat she was still under the weather. A few ladies did come out and talk to her and tried to get her to at least come in and see it, but no go. She wouldn't even let them sprinkle pixie dust on her, and that was one of the things she was looking forward to. So I bouth a hair peice and we did our own version. Nothing fancy, but it was good enough for her.
I hope we can go again when she is still at a ge where she will want to do it.
We did buy two dresses on the trip though. I bought the Ariel wedding dress ,and the Aurora dress. Both are just gorgeous and she thought she was a princess in them. I did find that her wearing a costume pretty much everyday drew more attention to her. We were family of the show for Play house Disney, Family of the day at Gardin Grill, and she was picked as bellringer at Hoop Dee Doo Revue.

Here is my makeshift hairdo

Thanks for starting this thread and to all those who have responded. I have been wondering if I should do it for my 5 yr old DD when we go in October. Now I think there's no way that I could choose to not do it. It sounds like you have all had such wonderful experiences with it.

Now I think I will try to plan it for the day we get tickets for the Not So Scary Party since she will be dressed up for that in the afternoon.

Thanks everyone!

You do not have to pay for the photo shoot nor do you have to pay for it to be on your photopass cd you just have to pay for the cd w/ all of your pics on it. It can be done at both BBB locations MK is located in the Exposition Hall and DtD is located in Guest Relations there.

This link is for the first post about the packages and prices and what they include. If you would like anymore info just send me a pm and I will see what I can do to send you some more info or photos if you would like.
If we do the picture package for our trip then this is included? Will they take pics of my son as well even if he didn't get the package. We couldn't snag him am appt with his sister.
If we do the picture package for our trip then this is included? Will they take pics of my son as well even if he didn't get the package. We couldn't snag him am appt with his sister.

This thread is from over 7 years ago.


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