Baby and the Tramp...and a Pop (half) Century! Where Did It Go???

Since you read it all in two days, Brooklynn really did grow up quickly in your eyes! I'm glad you enjoyed the read-along.

GorshGoofy - I can't believe you'd rather dance round and round (and round and round) in circles in an underground tunnel singing the same song over and over (and over and over) in different languages instead of up there on Main Street midst the purses and jewelry and hundred thousand t-shirts and a wide assortment of pens and stationery and bobble heads and pictures frames and ....well, you know what all is there. And afterwards, it would be a given that we'd have to get an ice cream from the ice cream shop or a treat from the bakery. You better reconsider!

Do you not think it's fun to go shopping with your wife and hold her purse while she tries on clothes?!?!? :rotfl:

MeMom: :rotfl2: You had me with the t-shirts and food. I'll take a dole float or a cinnamon roll from the Main Street Bakery anytime. However, you lost me at holding her purse while she tries on clothes! :lmao:
Great update Memom.. I love the pictures from the flower and garden festival. That was one of the things I did on my solo adventure in April. Unfortunately, however, the weather did not really hold up so I had to leave the park early. They really do such a great job..
and did you hear.... Glenda started her report. yippee!!!
Are you going to be starting a new thread for your trip next week or will you continue on this one.. i just want to make sure I don't miss anything.
I just wanted to come out of lurkdom to say how much I loved reading all your trip reports and how cute Brooklyn is. My DD is 2 and has been to Disney 4 times since she was 6 months old. Both she and my DS (4.5 yrs) love looking at all the pictures on the trip reports and DD will shout "DISNEY" everytime she sees pictures from Magic Kingdom (their favorite park). I hope you have a wonderful trip and I envy how close you are to Disney as we will have to hold off on the trips for a couple of years (I work in a commercial real estate firm - don't have to say much else.) so I live vicariously through your trips until we can get back there - so Thank You!!! :cool1:
I just wanted to come out of lurkdom to say how much I loved reading all your trip reports and how cute Brooklyn is. My DD is 2 and has been to Disney 4 times since she was 6 months old. Both she and my DS (4.5 yrs) love looking at all the pictures on the trip reports and DD will shout "DISNEY" everytime she sees pictures from Magic Kingdom (their favorite park). I hope you have a wonderful trip and I envy how close you are to Disney as we will have to hold off on the trips for a couple of years (I work in a commercial real estate firm - don't have to say much else.) so I live vicariously through your trips until we can get back there - so Thank You!!! :cool1:

I'm glad you decided to join us! We're raising a new generation of Disney maniacs, I suppose. To me, it is worth all the saving and working summer jobs, etc. to enjoy Disney World with these precious little ones.

snowbell - New report coming soon! Jill and John liked the title A Ten Day Ride on a Magic Camel, so look for us to start that by Friday evening when Jill gets here.

- You need to go during F&G Festival. It was very beautiful, and of course it is another reason for a Disney trip! Isn't everything???

scottny - You're about to move into the 60s.
Not your age...your countdown.
Which, by the way, is the decade we're hoping to get into at Pop Century this time. I'll let you know if we get that wish on Saturday night, if we hook up internet that night.

punkin413 - Your TR pictures are great!

GorshGoofy - Sneak away from work, and we'll meet you at the Main Street Bakery for that cinnamon roll!

For anyone who has been living under a rock for the last two days and hasn't seen Glenda's report at the top of the page every time you turn the computer on....GMAX has started her new report. You'll give yourself a treat if you read it!

And with that, here is the last little bit of the March trip.

We all knew there had to be shopping, right?

This is a good place to take care of shopping needs and wants.


There are Princess things of all kinds.


Crunchy things.


More overpriced, but cute, pasta to eat when you are not at Disney but want something quite Disney-ish.


Snacky things to take back home as souvenirs to boys who are only interested in souvenirs that they can eat.


There are bags to fill up with all those souvenirs.


And games to play when you are doing a pre-Disney party night.



I think the Splash Mountain game even comes with a squirt bottle you can spray yourself with if you win. Or the winner gets to spray all the losers. Or something.

You can buy vehicles for all the little boys you love, declansdad and pooksma.


And cute shirts and more bags for young ladies.


Around the shop, classic Disney creativity.




We left Mouse Gear with a fair share of treasures. Enough to hold us over until our summer trip and to share with family and friends.

All that shopping makes one hungry. Either that or we are just always hungry. We were there when Electric Umbrella opened.


We consumed mass quantities of food. It was good, but there was an air of solemness around us, as we knew this was our last Disney meal.


After that, we walked over to see the sand sculptors in action.



We headed toward Garden Town.


We knew were there when we saw this sign.


Inside Garden Town.






Coming up - something I bet no one else on your block has.
The last Disney meal. That is almost as depressing as seeing the dreaded envelope hanging on your door in the morning.
So, did you guess what it is?

If you said a Mickey Mouse gnome, you were correct!


Be honest. Did you really guess it was a Mickey Mouse gnome?

More of inside Garden Town.




A cool train set.


You can see Jill and Brooklynn on the other side in this one.



Gardening shows were taking place. The bearded guy is on a TV show.





It was time to go. Really, really time to go. So we headed out.
I was probably bringing up the rear.


One more of these guys.


The last Atcot ball picture.


Brooklynn just being Brooklynn.



I do have millions of dreams that come true when I am in Disney World.


The last bus ride.


See Jill's new lime green shirt?


The tree we parked by.


It was time to get back in the car and drive back to the real world.

It took Brooklynn no time to fall asleep.


So, that's all guys! We hope you enjoyed taking the trip with us. We also hope you will all join us for this next one.

Bring a friend. There's always room for another Dis friend.

We will be leaving very early Saturday morning, so turn in early Friday night. I know we will!
The last Disney meal. That is almost as depressing as seeing the dreaded envelope hanging on your door in the morning.

I know!!! I get the envelope and say with quivering lip, "No!!! Do I have to? I don't wanna go!" Even worse, walking over that magic seam after looking at the castle for the last time and that long walk to the car. <snif, snif>

And after that, on the way home, saying -- okay, how soon can we come back?!?!?!
The last Disney meal. That is almost as depressing as seeing the dreaded envelope hanging on your door in the morning.

I know. I ate it as slowly as I could get away with without Jill fussing at me. It wasn't that she was ready to leave, but she wanted to get started on the drive so we'd get home at a reasonable time at night.

I love almost everything about Disney World, except those stupid envelopes!!!
I'm glad that as one trip report ends, you get to go on another trip! Have a wonderful time, I look forward to hearing about your adventures when you get back! :flower:
Enjoyed the Garden pictures! I need a Mickey Mouse gnome for my front yard! :) Can't wait to hear about your next trip! Have a wonderful time! did i miss this when i was there???? i could do some damage in that place.

The tree we parked by.


only you guys would take a picture of the tree next to your car! :rotfl2: i love it!

i'm so excited that you only have a few days few says that i can count them on one hand!!! :hyper: i know you guys are gonna have a blast. so exciting! :cool1:
Wow -- it is going to be fun starting a whole new trip report. You have shared some very wonderful stories. IT has been great watching brooklynn grow before our eyes.

I cannot wait for the July trip. Hopefully you wont have the hit wave that got us in early june.
I totally love your report. It has been so much fun going on all your travels. You make me feel like I've almost been there with you guys!! I hope this next trip is absolutely awesome and I can't wait to hear all about it. Have a supercalifragilisticexpealidocious time!!!!! :rotfl: Don't know if that's spelled right or not. :lmao:

Great final installment...I can't believe this thread is ending! :worried: But Saturday is coming and another trippie is just around the corner! Have a wonderful time (I know you will)!!!! :cool1: I will be thinking of you all! ::yes::
I can't believe it's the last installment! I would say I am going to miss seeing Disney through your eyes, but I know the wait will be short until we get to see more! I love the sand sculptures, the just amaze me! I can sit and watch them all day. I wonder what it looked like when they were done.

I have GOT to have this Clue game!!!!! Clue is one of my all time faves!!

Inside Garden Town.


I LOVE all those colors!!!

:lmao: :rotfl: Those are great :rotfl: :lmao:

It took Brooklynn no time to fall asleep.


Awwwww......a sweet 'sleeping' baby on the way home :angel:

Is that an Xterra you guys are driving.....b/c it looks just like mine!!!!! ::yes::

I look forward to your new TR!!!! :yay:

Only THREE more days!!!!!!!

:dance3: :woohoo: :banana: :banana: :banana: :woohoo: :dance3:
I hate the last meal in Disney. :( The last everything in Disney, actually.

Wonderful pictures as usual :goodvibes I had forgotten about those sand guys! I am pretty sure that I took a picture of them with their creations.

My friend from work is actually in Disney right now; we were communicating via text messages earlier, while I was on a whale watch somewhere in the Atlantic and the boat hadn't yet reached the "feeding grounds," and she was wandering Epcot. :rotfl: She is coming home tomorrow and is very sad about it, but she had a blast.

I can't wait to follow you guys over to the new thread and live vicariously through your next trip, especially since you are staying at Pop and I am sure you will take many of your amazing pictures. :cloud9:
great final update and pics.

love the Gnome. so cute.

u r so close.

r u going to start the new thread before or after the trip?

Ok off to check out Glenda's report.


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