Baby Swap?


Earning My Ears
Jul 6, 2002
I have heard about a system for parents with small children to be able to get both adults to ride an attraction without having to wait in line twice. I think it's called baby swapping. I believe that one parent enters the ride through the exit line after handing the child off to the adult getting off the ride. Does anyone know exactly how this works? Can another member of our party ride twice so that the second adult does not have to ride alone?

From what I have heard...

You contact the CM in the front entrance of the line
tell him/her your intrested in Baby Swap....
while one waits in line...the others wait out side with the baby...
the one waiting is given a Fast Pass and once there spouse/friend has returned from the ride...they swap...and the other uses the FP to enter the ride....

I'm not sure if this is true for all Disney rides....
But someone did mention that this was how they worked Space mountain....
It does vary slightly from ride to ride but basically tell the CM at the entrance what you want to do and they will direct you. Sometimes you do it as above, sometimes you both go to the boarding point and one of you is taken round to the exit with the non rider and then you can swap over there. It is really easy and works wonderfully. If you have another older child they can ride twice once with each parent.:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
We took advantage of this on our last 2 trips. It does vary from ride to ride, but it was worth it. Our older child was able to ride twice, once w/ each of us and the younger one (well let's just say that she was thrilled to finally be tall enough for Space Mountain this time around).
I have a question about Baby Swap too...

This trip, it will be me, DH, dd(8) and her friend(8) and our baby (6mo)

Will they let us baby swap and each ride with both of the girls? or will they let just one of them ride a second ride with the swapping parent?
AT both WDW parks and US/IOA they are (as others said) different on each ride about how you do it- but on ALL of the rides at ALL of the parks- we (each of us- me/dh) were able to ride the ride with both of our children. So the older two got to ride the rides TWICE, each of us parents once.... trading off with the 3rd child/baby. Sometimes ofcourse it was just the oldest getting to ride twice- if the ride was one that our middle child/son wasn't tall enough to ride also. But they always got to ride again with the other parent- they never refused them or made any mention of this not being allowed and never made the other parent ride alone. Ever.
So actually it works out great. Not so great for the child not being able to ride- and parents never riding together on those rides- but the kids that do get to ride get to experience it twice without waiting in long lines again (although on some rides you don't switch right there or close to entrance- they have to go back through the fastpass line again) -once with each parent. :)


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