Baby's first trip-packing & stroller advice?


<font color=blue>please stop the madnesssss alread
Nov 2, 1999
My DD will have just turned 1 yo the week we are going, in Oct. I haven't traveled with a baby in so long, and even though it is a good 6 months away, I am already starting to make a list of "don't forget's". Any ideas? I am also wondering how to carry my already 15.5 lb baby while in the park, on lines, etc. (I'm guessing she'll be about 25 lbs at the time of our trip). We have a Graco literider stroller (the Saratoga model), but it is new and I don't want it to get stollen or taken by someone by accident. I have an umbrella stroller, but it doesn't recline. I also have a much older Peg Perego stroller, but it is probably a bit bulkier...Should I buy a specific used stroller from ebay, etc just for WDW? I don't want to rent one. How hard is it to bring these on the WDW buses? Will DD be too heavy for a carrier or sling? I'm sure she'll be too heavy on DH and my back after a few hours. Plus, she loves her Snugli right now. What kinds of finger foods and snacks should we bring for her? Thanks for helping the cause for the clueless!
While we didn't go to Disney this past year with our 3yo and 1yo, we did fly down to Ft. Myers. We only brought an umbrella stroller. This came in handy in the airport and other time. However, I do wish it reclined. You have to remember that you have to be able to fold a stroller up and carry it on the Disney busses with you.

We packed snacks like colored goldfish crackers, potato sticks, and cheese crackers. Disposable sippie cups were great!

We are planning a trip to WDW in November and just bought a double reclining umbrella stroller. Yesterday we bought a Fisher Price Fold'n Tote Backseat Valet from Babies R Us. It is essentially a backpack that fits behind the front seat of your car. It has different compartments in it. I placed it over our umbrella stroller and found it to work GREAT! Everything is packed nicely with easy accessiblity. We plan on buying clip-on cup holders for the stroller too. We saw one that is insulated yet still folds and packs nice.

Good luck with your trip and with your planning!
Don't forget to bring the medicine cabinet :).

Motrin, Baby Tylonol, nail clippers. I didn't bring them the first time around when DS was 5 months old. I remembered the next year though!!

We originally brought our Peg Perego stroller, and even though it was bulky, it worked great. Possibly you could buy one of the Lite rider type strollers that fold easily and still recline.

There's alwasy the route of renting from which was posted somewhere on this board. This trip we are actually thinking of going this route.
You have 6 months to teach your baby how to walk! :)

I like this stroller for Disney - Graco Kite Literider It's probably similar to your regular stroller, but smaller.

Some people here have mentioned a kind of hip pack that supports a child being carried. I can't remember the name, but I'll look for it. It would probably be helpful for carrying your baby on lines & other places where you can't bring a stroller.

I saw people in disney world with the back pack carrier that converts to a stroller, but I would think you couldn't take that on lines either.

I tried to pack as little as possible for the parks, (disposable or travel size everything!) but I did have a lot of things back in the room, just in case.
There is a great carrier called "Ultra EZ baby carrier" for children up to 40 lbs. Right Start and One Step Ahead both carry it. It's like a sling across your body and then the child sits in a pouch on your hip. It folds up into a fanny pack so it's easy to carry. I have one that I still use for my 3 1/2 yo DD (small for her age at 27lb). It doesn't strain your back and leave both hands free.

Have a great trip.
We bought Kolkraft reclining umbrella strollers when we went to WDW with our 3 y/o and 1 y/o. They were pretty inexpensive, I think about $30 each, and I thought they worked great. They also had canopies to shade the sun, which we definitely needed.

For snacks, we brought Saltines and Cheerios.

I would also recommend one of those plastic stroller covers in case it rains.

Have a great trip!
Took newly turned 1yr DS this January. In short, bring your stroller, even the bulky one. She needs a comfortable place to sleep while you are in the parks.The umbrella strollers don't give enough support usually. Also with a traditional stroller the child sits higher and can see more. You'll be greatful for the extra storage (diaper bags, etc). The buses make you fold the stroller up, not easy to juggle w/kids. You may want a car while you are there, If it is not too crowded you can drive to the parks, and partner can use the drop off zone to drop you and the baby w/stroller. I walked the stroller from the parking lot and sometimes, especially, AK we parked no further away than the area for the resort buses. If you can stay at a monorail hotel it makes all the difference in the world since usually you can roll the stroller on the monorail.
As to what to pack: We switched from formula to milk when he was 11.5 months so we wouldn't have to deal with it. Believe me it had no impact on his development. For in the park pack a lot of snacks, drinks, sippy cups, wipes and wet wash cloth in ziplock. Take at least one set of clothes in the park, light blanket or sheet, and some item for opposite season (i.e. if in short sleeves, a long sleeve shirt). All of the parks have baby centers, which are great. They are fully equiped with supplies for a price.

In the hotel, you need to make a decision on sleeping. WDW hotels have pack and plays, the deluxes even have spacious metal cribs. Bring at least one blanket from home. Also we rented a "fridge" to keep milk cold for those late night bottles
Be prepared if she is walking, walking and walking where you want them to are completely different. We were glad for the full size stroller as whenever we let him down he "ran away" as fast as he could.
Best advise, go on her schedule, it is way too stressful to try to get her to conform to yours. Go slow, she'll enjoy the little things like birds, lizards on the walkway, flowers.
Have fun
A tip that helped us with our baby last year........we shipped (by UPS, ahead of time) all baby's diapers, wipes, baby food etc to the resort, so we had a lot less to lug down for our trip. And we used up all that stuff so we didn't have to bring much back. It was a HUGE help for us.
And when touring the parks you really don't need to bring too much of babys stuff since you'll probally be heading back to the hotel for breaks here and there. We'd bring like 4 diapers , all kinds of extra cloths & food and end up using 1 dor 2 diapers before we were back at the hotel!

Just some tips that helped us out........
If you do mil, get it in little boxes that don't need refrigeration! Easier than formula, fine to drink at room temp.

For formula, we did the little packets of powder mixed with bottled water. We never warmed formula for DS, so room temp was fine for that too.
I have taken two of my daughters at exactly that age. My first daughter...I switched her to milk before the trip thinking it would be easier. With my second daughter, I kept her opn formula until after the trip. I my opinion, this was easier because we didn't have to worry about refridgeration at all. We just took bottled water and mixed a bottle on the spot. It worked great!

Stroller....definitely take one of your own that reclines. Baby probably will still sleep a lot at that age, mine did. I personally did not worry about someone taking my stroller. No one bothered our stoller, ever....but I suppose it could happen. Leave diaper bag there while on rides. I also had a Graco, single and then a double stroller. Yes, getting them on the trams were a struggle at busy times. But definitely doable. Just have everything all pack up while waiting for the tram to arrive. Mommy takes baby and diaper bag(s) and daddy handles the stroller. You will work out a system and become experts at it. Remember, most strollers do not have to be folded up for the monorail and ferry boats, of course. Don't forget a fanny pack to hold wallet, tickets, camera, etc. anything that you don't want to leave in the stroller while on rides.

Snacks... cheerios, graham crackers, goldfish.
Have a great trip!!
I have taken all 3 of my kids to WDW when they were 14mo, 2 years and 10mo. All 3 times I used my big strollers. My favorite is the Peg Pergo Pliko. You have to fold the stoller on the bus and monorail but the stroller fit under the seat in the back portion of the bus. One day when the rest of the family was at Discovery Cove my 2yo DD fell asleep on the bus returning from MK. The driver asked for a volunteer to help me unload and it was a breeze. I recommend a comfortable stroller. We also have a Kelty back pack that we use hiking but it isn't great for the parks all day because it gets heavy and it isn't comfy for sleeping.

We are planning another trip in Oct with the kids, 1, 5, 8. Again we will bring the Peg Pergo and use WDW transport.

Have a great trip!
When we went last April, DS was 14 months old & had just started walking.

We brought our own stroller, it was brand new and we specifically bought because it reclines almost all the way down, folds up quickly & isn't too heavy (easy to get on the buses). It's a Graco Metro Lite - $100). I was initially afraid someone was going to steal it so I brought a bike chain/lock with us (the chain is encased in a gray plastic - combination lock). You are not allowed to lock the stroller to anything because the CM's may have to move them. But, the advise I read said you could chain two of the wheels together - making it impossible to roll away - someone would have to carry it out (or cut the lock). DH & I used the lock for the 1st day of the trip then abandoned the whole idea!! We just took our valuables (camera) with us when we went on a ride.

DS spent a lot of time in his stroller & when he was out of it he didn't go too far (he had just started walking & was still very shakey). DH & I took turns holding DS while waiting on lines - no carrier or sling - just in our arms. We sort of had a limit of 20 minutes waiting on a line - if the line was longer than that we passed on the ride. Fastpass worked really well!

We had an excellent time - it was our 1st trip with DS. I had planned & agonized over every little detail before going. And basically my plan was to let DS set the pace - if he started looking tired we headed back to the room or to a quiet spot with the stroller. We usually were back in the room by 9:00pm - we didn't want to disrupt his routine too much. We'd put him down to sleep & then "escape" out onto the balcony. It worked out really well. We all had such a great time!!!!
:D :D :D

Enjoy your trip!!!


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