backstage or keys to kingdom tour?


DIS Veteran
Mar 4, 2000
i'm considering going on a solo trip in april or may 2003. this would be my 1st solo trip and i am trying to think of new things to try . i thought it might be a good time to try one of the many tours available, and am interested in learning more about the 7 hr backstage magic tour or the 5 hr keys to kingdom tour at mk. there is quite a difference in price between them. has anyone tried one or both? any opinions on which one i should try and why?

I've just been on the Keys to the Kingdom tour, but I've spoken with people who have taken the Backstage Magic tour. Backstage Magic goes behind the scenes at three different parks, while Keys to the Kingdom is just MK. So it depends on whether you want to have an overview on activities at several parks or more in-depth at MK. (Or you could do Keys this trip and do Backstage Magic next time.) Having done Keys, it's made me all the more excited about contemplating doing Backstage Magic next time! :)
I've gone solo twice and during a tour or two is great. My first time I did Dolphins in Depth at Epcot which was excellent. Spent 30 minutes in the pool with 2 dolphins. Also did the backstage at AK, which was also very good if your interested in how they care for the animals.

This year I only did Keys to the Kingdom. Very interesting and a nice sit down lunch is served at Columbia Harbour House.

Next year I will probably do Backstage Magic. It's amazing the wealth of information you get.

Whatever tour you decide on I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
thanks JenniBarra and Cassie. did you find that there were other "solos" on the tours as well. i'm wondering if i'd feel awkward at lunch? i've never eaten alone in a restaurant before and here i am contemplating a whole trip by myself! thanks for your comments.

On my tour, it was mostly couples, but there was at least one solo party that I recall. At lunchtime, I seem to remember that we were seated at round tables of four, so you did have lunch companions, which led to people talking about where they're from, other details of their WDW trip, etc. Everyone also had personalized Keys to the Kingdom buttons, so I think that also helped people feel pretty comfortable with each other since you could easily see names.

I should also tell you that the first person who shared with me their Backstage Magic experience was someone on a solo trip. (We became acquainted at a Disney Dollarless meet.) She was taking advantage of her time alone by doing a couple of tours. She seemed to have only positive experiences and is planning another solo trip for this December.

I did the Keys to the Kingdom tour as a solo in March and had a ball. I did not feel out of place with the group. I generally tried to stay up front with the guide (her name was Robin and she was fantastic). At lunch, I sat with the guide and another solo. So go ahead and enjoy yourself. I'm going to do the Backstage Magic Tour next year in May.

thank you all for your encouragement. i think i will plan on at least one tour, i have lots of time yet to decide on which one. how far in advance do you need to book? do they fill up quickly? i'm thinking maybe i'll take along a journal so that if i felt out of place or "alone" while dining i could always get it out and record my day.

As far as how far in advance to book, I would imagine that it might depend on the time of year (how busy things are). My trip was during a slower period, so I think I only booked about two weeks in advance.

If you're concerned about feeling "out of place" at mealtimes, maybe that would be a time to pick a WDW eatery that has a lot of atmosphere, so your focus can be on the things going on around you (and that will likely be the focus of other guests, too). :)
I did Key's to the Kingdom solo. Had a blast! Everyone was so very nice and talkative. It was a good experience as far as the other tour'ers... the guide however was boring and basically rambled on and on with things that you see at "One Man's Dream" over in MGM. He's been there a long time and added some very interesting things, but for the most part, he rambled.
I did the Keys tour solo in December and it was great! I befriended the other solo of the group, and we proclaimed ourselves long lost best friends ;) They had name cards marking our seats for lunch, and I ended up sitting with a husband & wife that were fun to talk to, as well as our tour guide (who I still plan on marrying...) which was a lot of fun because the three of us got more time to grill him on Disney trivia and ask tons of questions about his job and such :)
I'll be at WDW for 2.5 weeks in December and am going to try to do Backstage Magic, Dolphins in Depth, the Epcot Dive in Living Seas (I'm certified), Keys to Kingdom, and whatever other backstage tour seems interesting. I'll take my PC w/ me so I can post as these events take place. I've done the Epcot Dive before and HIGHLY recommend it!! I would even suggest taking a quick open water certified scuba class just so you can go diving at Epcot. They take a video and it is SOOO cool. I've also done the Backstage Gardens Tour - and I learned so much, I started my own hydroponic garden when I got back home. I've grown watermelon, cantelope, and cucumbers vertically for 5 years - and they're HUGE!
thanks WDW Poly Princess for your report. it sounds like you really enjoyed your tour. i am leaning towards the backstage magic tour as it is longer and doesn't use up one of your passes to get into the parks. thought i would plan on a nice dinner at one of the resorts i haven't stayed at afterwards for a relaxing evening .

wow, i wish i had your enthusiasm and energy disneyisip;)
i'm looking forward to reading your trip reports in dec.

If the backstage tour doesn't use a park admission, that might be one reason for the big price difference. I'd love to try it someday.

I did the keys tour solo in March. No other solos but I still had fun. Our lunch seats were assigned & I was with 2 couples. They were big Disney fans too & very easy to talk to.

I rode the haunted mansion with the guide so she made sure I saw the hidden Donald and the other stuff she told us about :)
I'm doing Dolphins in Depth on 10-18! I am so psyched! That will be my first truly "solo" day as my CM sister has to work. Plus I was supposed to do the tour Christmas 2000, but I got sick and had to cancel. So I'll let you know how that is! If anyone has any comments/advice whatever on DiD, please feel free to share!

sounds like an exciting trip, mickeyluv71. wish my trip was as close as yours, but at least i'm booked now for late april -early may. :D i'm looking forward to reading your report on Dolphins in Depth. have a wonderful trip:D

We did the Keys to the Kingdom tour 2 years ago this October(before it included lunch). We had a blast our guide was wonderful. (Mark from Ohio) he was full of information. We really liked going down to the utilidors. We always wanted to do this. My only complaint on that is that they did not show you enough down there. When we went down in the elevator the door opened and Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb were standing there with their heads in their hands. What a riot. I think I walked around the whole time with my mouth open in Awe (sp?).
Do this you'll have a blast and the guide will probably invite you to lunch with him(her) Have FUN!!:D :bounce: :D :bounce:'ll love Toby & Bob. They are exceptional dolphins. I enjoyed that tour immensly. It starts backstage behind the Living Seas. A little instruction on how much water is needed to keep in the tanks, and of course alot of info on Dolphins. At one point you will be taken to the changing rooms to put on your wetsuit. Then you get to go in the tank to meet Toby & Bob. If they are having a bad day they won't come out :( , but that has only happened a couple times in the last few years. They seem to really enjoy meeting people. They are not show Dolphins, but they have a few tricks they will do.

The group is small...10 max. A video is taken during your encounter, and it is part of your tour. My DD did Discovery Cove and paid $200 for her dolphin swim, and the video was about $45 extra. You will also get a t-shirt. Enjoy, and give Toby & Bob a hug from me.:p :p
Thanks for the info Cassie! And thanks for the wishes katy! I am so looking forward to the trip!

I'm thinking about doing one of these tours at DISCON, and I will be solo. I'm looking forward to it :)
thanks for the report MRHS, that would have been so cool to see the Tweedles so unexpectedly;) my dd and i met them outside the castle last trip and they were a riot, kept dragging us from side to side so the cm couldn't take our picture, but they finally let her:D

nativetxn, have fun at DISCON, be sure to give us a report on whatever tour you decide to take.



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