Baking soda?


DIS Veteran
Jan 5, 2008
I have some bananas that are too ripe so no one in the house will eat them, and I want to make a quick banana bread. But the only baking soda I have in the house is the box in the refrigerator. Can I use that? It's been in there for a couple months.
heat up a small amount of water, and sprinkle a little on top of the water. If it sizzles and bubbles, then the baking soda is still active and can be used.

If not, then it's time to get a new box. For your fridge and for baking. I keep mine in a ziploc in the pantry for baking and a little cup in the fridge.
Here's a method to know if you can use your baking soda.

Baking soda needs an acid to get a reaction,all you have to do is stir about 1/4 teaspoon of powder into 1/2 cup or so of very hot water but add 1/4 teaspoon of vinegar to the water before water before adding the soda.The soda will immediately start to bubble if it's still good.If you don't see bubbles, then sadly, you'll need to take a trip to the store and buy a fresh box.
Have to say I keep mine ages and never have a problem:rolleyes1 As long as its not damp you should be OK - I never knew you could test it!:eek:
Thanks for the tips. Tested it and it bubbled. Banana bread came out great! Learn something new everyday!!


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