Ban Wagon - 2010

Oo, I don't think I've seen that. I love metallic things - I'll have to go check next time I'm in a Michael's
The wagon does indeed go there, cuz I've been there several times myself. Hoping to get to the NA Mike's tonight after the movie - I need more 12x12 metals papers and Natick was out yesterday!

I knew it did go by there. I just have to find the RIGHT wagon!;)
lalalalala I'm not listening to all this talk of gorgeous things!!
Okay Feb is almost here. This months goals.....................
Photos are still excluded.

I"m hosting the monthly stamp group so 20 for my pages will start this month. My SU order will be kept to 50 just enough for sale i brations.

Other than that there is nothing I need. Well there are 2 new DCWV stacks that I want. But only if they are on sale.

I will put 40 in an envelope for ckc starting this month (prop taxes due so no extra) next month will be tax return so I will get some extra there.
Ban wagon February:

only buy card stock when on sale and only replenish the colors I use most. No more then $25 for the month.

To limit myself to 2 Tim Holtz purchases of new items and I must answer the 3 questions first:
Will I use it within 2 months?
Will I use it more then twice in 6 months?
Will I be willing to sacrifice a future purchase for this purchase?

no purchases of embellishments this month

no purchases of patterned paper this month

Cricut Carts- Only Destinations if I can find it
Photos don't count in my ban... I can get as many as I need.

I have plenty of paper.... just looking at my stash, I think can scrap for like 2 years...

I have plenty of dies... but I so love a good sizzix sale... BUT, that is in the budget, so I'm good...

My Cricut... yeah, don't NEED any new carts, but would love some at a good price... like the Pooh one :teeth:

Now to just Ban Wagon my yarn... I'm in the crochet mood right now... Yarn is sooo pricey, even with Mikes connections... sigh... I've increased the R value in my home with yarn and fabric.... Dam* these hobbies!! So expensive!!
I was doing okay until the end of the month, where I fell off pretty badly.

However, the whole Disney trip is paid off, and my CKC classes are paid for!

Here's the lowdown for February:

- No stacks! Only buy paper if it's less than 20 cents, and try to only buy for swaps.
If Jos has a better sale than 4 for a dollar, stock up on Core'dinations and Gemstones, otherwise, try to limit self to only colors really needed - I think I'm set with patterned paper for a while.

- Save at least 40$ from every paycheck - put straight into savings. Do not pull any money from savings.

- Try to limit self to 20$ for the month. I know this is probably not going to happen, but I'm going to try. I really want to start working on things, and I think I have enough supplies that I'm good for a while.

-Photos are not included in 20$.

Ugh. Let's see how this month goes...
I did good in January - only spent $14 out of budgeted $25. That means I roll $11 over into February and I have $36 to play with.
I did pretty good in January and I spent right at my $30 budget!!!!:banana: This month, I've got a $30 budget again, plus since it's my birthday month, I'm giving myself another $30 to play with. I'll have $60 to buy stuff!!!! Photos being printed don't count in that, but everything else does (paper, embellishments, adhesive, etc.). I know I need to stock up a bit on adhesive so that'll take a nice chunk out of the $$. I already have the Destinations cart and I haven't seen another one I just have to have so I don't plan on buying any Cricut carts. What I would like to get is a couple more Cuttlebug dies.
I did great in January..
Spent $20 on photos
Spent $9 on adhesive and pack of paper (where the hell is that paper? I didn't even open it).

This month:
photos limit $20 (probably won't spend near that due to I have STACKS)
$20 spending limit (need more paper, the ones I use most)
no carts
Jan- I didn't spend any allowance just some Christmas money that I had been given and I still have some more.

$25 limit not including photos if I even print them

I can also buy cardstock if needed for beginning Christmas gifts but I need to try and use what I have first. I don't need paper for any swaps I am working on this month as I have already pulled the paper I need.

I will have to look at the new tools out there and see if I really want any for Valentines Day this month.

Well, everyone KNOWS how I fell off! :lmao:

For February, I'll just try to trudge alongside the wagon. I'm going to try and spend the big "0" in February on scrappy stuff. Really. My pretty little scrapbooking envelope won't have a dime put into it for several months now (until CKC - but that's a specially/separately-budgeted event) to absorb my January binge(s) and rebalance the finances.

No glue, even the 3.99 one (ha!). I have everything I need for the swaps and my own layouts. I don't count photo developing in my scrap spending, but even did a lot of that during January, so don't think I need to spend anything there (and have a bunch of pre-paid developing cards anyway). No carts I need, but we do have plenty of reward points if they ever bring back Destinations (maybe). And Z2H will have an ACM rewards cert coming to her soon from my recent Sizzix clearance adventure. (Ah...the irony, but we take turns claiming these.)
I only bought an album, pages, page protectors, adhesives and photos this month so I'm good (and yes I do need the album as I didn't have one yet for vacations this year AND it was on special!).

ACOT keeps tempting me...... but its my b/day in Feb so although mum is getting me a breadmaker I should still have around £100 to spend on stuff - but I'm trying not to buy scrap stuff till I've had a good sort-out. I'm unlikley to buy things I've alrady got, but if I've got a lot of similar-type things anyway do I need more? (Probably not!) I might get my flowers ready for the prima swap if I find a good price though;)
but its my b/day in Feb so although mum is getting me a breadmaker I should still have around £100 to spend on stuff

We love our Zojirushi bread maker, but I just checked Amazon UK to see if it was available (and worked) in the UK. Doesn't seem like it... We had an old WestBend before and drove that puppy into the ground, (TB liked ours and got one just like it) so she got our extra pan when ours died. We really love this bread maker and use it virtually every day. Good luck with what ever new one your mother gets you - lucky girl!
I'm going to run alongside the wagon this month...Hopefully, I'll jump back on, cuz I really can't swing any unnecessary purchases!
January was a complete bust for me. I never even posted about the $50 I spent at the last LSS in the Denver area's "Going Out of Business Sale." So we are left with the chain stores and Archivers. This actually, does help with the spending freeze, if I could just stay out of them. And I topped it off yesterday with a trip to Big Lots.

That said, I am going to Tuesday Morning tomorrow to look at the Making Memories stuff that is in their ad. I don't think I will be buying the storage, but someone posted that they found some MM flower tins, and some Cosmo Cricket stuff, and then there will still be those $1.99 paper packs still.

So my goal is to keep it under $30. And then stay out of the stores for the rest of the month. I have no swaps, I already bought the supplies I need for Dcousin's baby book, and in January I restocked my adhesives. So that should be doable. As long as you enablers don't post about any finds!!!!


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