Bed Bugs at the Polynesian =(

We pack our clothes in giant ziploc bags. We have extra bags for dirty laundry.
I’m glad that Disney is very responsive. I wish they were more proactive. There’s no reason why housekeeping can’t check mattresses when changing bedding and making beds. It should be a normal part of the routine. At least they have the dog once a guest reports bed bugs.
I also had to get the inspection for peace of mind. I couldn't sleep. I had convinced myself they were on our bed and even our sofa. I steamed cleaned everything and washed every pillow, blanket, piece of clothing even after the inspection. You're already so itchy that it's hard to know there aren't new ones.

We flew to Orlando.

I also wish they could be more proactive since this is main takeaway from our vacation when it should have been about our son meeting Mickey etc! But they might not be as easy to spot as I imagine. Plus I know Mousekeeping does work very hard.

I didn't report it to Disney hoping for anything by the way, my immediate thought was about the next family using the room and what if they have kids that got bitten how awful that would be. When she called to let me know that they had found bugs she initiated offering to pay for our inspection and getting new luggage. I was surprised!!
If you flew, there is also the chance that you picked up the bugs on the flight and brought them to the resort.
The chances that I brought them off of a plane, into an Uber and then into the Disneyworld hotel room but not into the condo we stayed in after and not my own home or onto any of our things seems a bit far fetched.

I am replacing my luggage because I am grossed out, there were no bugs on the suitcases or my diaper bag etc.
We pack our clothes in giant ziploc bags. We have extra bags for dirty laundry.
I’m glad that Disney is very responsive. I wish they were more proactive. There’s no reason why housekeeping can’t check mattresses when changing bedding and making beds. It should be a normal part of the routine. At least they have the dog once a guest reports bed bugs. it enough to check when you arrive? With housekeeping going from room to room and changing sheets and leaning over beds to change them isn't it possible that they can be transferred from one room to another on housekeeping staff themselves? Or where the sheets are stored? Can your room be totally fine for days and then you come back for the parks one day you're infested?
The chances that I brought them off of a plane, into an Uber and then into the Disneyworld hotel room but not into the condo we stayed in after and not my own home or onto any of our things seems a bit far fetched.

I am replacing my luggage because I am grossed out, there were no bugs on the suitcases or my diaper bag etc.

It's amazing how they is always one person who tries to blame the victim. So sorry this happened to you and I am glad they are doing the right thing by you as well.
I feel your pain! Had a similar run-in there in August. I won’t go into the whole story, but I was on edge with worry months after we got home. Finally had an inspection, and thankfully all clear! I highly suspect ours were in the headboard, because I checked mattresses when we checked in. Glad you didn’t bring them home!
Were you at the poly too?
Does anyone know how long it take for dog to take notice? Can a dog just walk up and down the hall or does he need to go in and out of a room sniffing everything? Might be nice if Disney with all this security checking, they could also take the time for bringing a bug dog too.

Finding bedbugs is one of my big fears only because they are so hard to get rid of. We spray all our bag before we leave home. Have clothes in trash bags (but that's mostly in case it rains in route), mostly live out of suitcase. I have our underwear in gallon size ziplock bags, those I do put in a drawer. I check the mattress. Don't know if we've been wise or lucky, but so far so good.
Does anyone know how long it take for dog to take notice? Can a dog just walk up and down the hall or does he need to go in and out of a room sniffing everything? Might be nice if Disney with all this security checking, they could also take the time for bringing a bug dog too.

Finding bedbugs is one of my big fears only because they are so hard to get rid of. We spray all our bag before we leave home. Have clothes in trash bags (but that's mostly in case it rains in route), mostly live out of suitcase. I have our underwear in gallon size ziplock bags, those I do put in a drawer. I check the mattress. Don't know if we've been wise or lucky, but so far so good.
What do u spray your bag with?
Bed bugs don't have to be in the bed proper, they can be in the drawers too. Also, bed bugs mainly come out at night, and they don't like to be actively on moving objects, like people walking around. If there is an massive infestation they can cling to a moving person, but they aren't really like fleas that love to hitch rides on people. Also, there's no need to be obsessed with it and let it ruin your trip, you just take a good flashlight in a carry on (if you are flying), and check the beds, drawers, headboard, and any item close to where people congregate in the room, before you put down your luggage in the main room. If you find bites on yourself, esp. in groups of 3 in a row then it's a good idea to check again, or have your room checked.

Disney is replacing all the bed clothes with totally white covers. Bed bugs don't like white, and they are much easier to spot on white, I think the replacing with white is because of this, so yes, the room looks much more plain but it's for a reason. I'm also betting that it's easier to properly heat up the whole room to treat for bedbugs if there are vinyl floors down instead of carpet. In short, I do think Disney is taking the "threat" seriously and are doing what they can above and beyond the treatment and the dogs. I'm so glad they took care of the OP!
Glad bed bugs do not like white.
We have a white house :)

Now just to get rid of stink bugs in our attic - we have tried raspberry air fresheners
ans it mostly works to get rid of them ;) it enough to check when you arrive? With housekeeping going from room to room and changing sheets and leaning over beds to change them isn't it possible that they can be transferred from one room to another on housekeeping staff themselves? Or where the sheets are stored? Can your room be totally fine for days and then you come back for the parks one day you're infested?
Yes. You are right.
I’ve heard about a new mattress being delivered and the old one (infested) gets taken away and put in the delivery truck. If you get a new mattress, make sure it’s wrapped in plastic and inspect it before they bring it inside your house.
People get bed bugs on subways, buses, cabs, movie theaters. It’s a huge problem in NYC. I have two students right now covered in bed bug bites. I have to check them every day. My assistant and I keep all of our personal belongings in the same giant ziploc bags that I use in my luggage when I travel. A few years ago we had a boy that had them in his backpack and coat. They hid in his collar. Our classroom was exterminated twice that year.
Between my classroom and now the Polynesian, I’m feeling the same paranoia I did back then. Last night I had a nightmare that bed bugs were all over my classroom. In the dream, our 2nd grade teacher was counting them. I was taking photos of them, and my assistant was bagging up everything.

Does anyone know how long it take for dog to take notice? Can a dog just walk up and down the hall or does he need to go in and out of a room sniffing everything? Might be nice if Disney with all this security checking, they could also take the time for bringing a bug dog too.

Finding bedbugs is one of my big fears only because they are so hard to get rid of. We spray all our bag before we leave home. Have clothes in trash bags (but that's mostly in case it rains in route), mostly live out of suitcase. I have our underwear in gallon size ziplock bags, those I do put in a drawer. I check the mattress. Don't know if we've been wise or lucky, but so far so good.
the dogs have to walk thru room esp checking beds would make security checks take a lot longer. that is why I mention this to people allergic to dogs as dogs could leave hair or dander as they walk thru and yes this could happen during not just before you check in
Does anyone know how long it take for dog to take notice? Can a dog just walk up and down the hall or does he need to go in and out of a room sniffing everything? Might be nice if Disney with all this security checking, they could also take the time for bringing a bug dog too.
Disney already does use bedbug dogs, but not every day in every room.
It's amazing how they is always one person who tries to blame the victim. So sorry this happened to you and I am glad they are doing the right thing by you as well.
Not at all. The bugs have to come from some place. They just don't check into the hotel on a reservation or are there since the hotel was built. They hitchhike in someone's luggage.
Bed Bugs & Airplanes
Bed bugs can spread through close proximity with fellow travelers.
One very concerning prospect of travel is the possibility of bed bugs being transported and spread through personal belongings on airplanes. There are numerous cases where bed bugs were discovered on airplanes.

Bed bugs can spread through close proximity with fellow travelers as well as their belongings. They also thrive where there is frequent turnover of people. On airplanes, people are in close proximity, are not able to move other than on the plane, and their belongings are required to stay untouched for long periods of time. This is an excellent recipe for bed bug transmittal.

When baggage is checked for a flight, the bags are stored in a staging area prior to loading onto specified flights. The staging area includes bags from many flights, most likely multiple countries, and there is constant turnover of bags. The bags are then loaded into a cargo hold and the bags are stored tightly surrounded by other people’s bags. If one bag has bed bugs on the outside, many bags can be infested just on a single flight.

Since airlines are charging for baggage now, many people carry their own bags. These bags must be screened for security and are commonly opened by the traveler to remove items which must be screened separately. Bed bugs on the inside of the bag can then fall or crawl out. Since many bags are placed on the conveyor each hour, spreading of bed bugs is a real threat. When going through the metal detector, shoes, and other belongings are placed into bins which are reused many times per hour. Bed bug nymphs as a well as adults could remain in the bin undetected. When carry-on bags are placed in the overhead compartments of planes, the bags are surrounded by other travelers’ bags, increasing chances for the spread of infestation.

Airplane seats can become infested if someone unknowingly carries bed bugs on board the airplane. Since so many people are in a single seat each day, spreading is a real possibility, and the bed bug does not have to travel far for a blood meal.

Eliminating all chances of infestation from an airplane is impossible, but it is possible to take some steps to reduce chances of bringing home bed bugs. First, always inspect luggage before bringing it inside your home. Remove all belongings outside of the main living area and inspect for bed bugs. Launder all materials brought back from trips. The most important step is to remain aware.
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How do you check the headboard? Do you just look inside drawers with a flashlight? I’ve never thought of this before. I will not obsess over it but would like to know how to do a proper check when arriving. Thanks to everyone for all the useful information!
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