Behavior contract for kids ?


DIS Veteran wanna-be
Jan 22, 2002
I may be an idealist, but I would like to try and see if I could draft a contract for my two oldest children (10 and 8) for our upcoming trip. It would include acceptable versus unacceptable behavior, specifically in regards to WDW particular situations. For example, 1) Limitation on souveniers, especially WHEN they are to be purchased (They have saved Disney Dollars specifically for this expenditure). 2) How we will handle rides they are not eligible for due to height. 3) Bedtime schedule, as well as, morning routine situations...

Has anyone done this with their children. My kids are extremely well behaved, but I like to establish limits on behavior as a guideline..

Any input would be appreciated !

I've never tried anything like writing it down. We always discuss expectations for behavior before we go anywhere. (My kids have ADHD and need to be reminded regularly).

Let me know if you decided to do this and if it works like you planned. I'd like to try it with mine if it goes well.
I think that sounds like a great idea. If I were you, I'd probably try to get the kids help draft the contract. That way they'll feel like they had more of a say in the rules, even though you'll obviously be guiding their work. You should probably include rewards for when they do everything they're supposed to. They wouldn't have to be monetary rewards. It could be something like allowing them to direct where you go for a 2-hour stretch one day.

Great idea to include them in the discussion, and especially the "kid's choice" option !!

I think it's a great idea to get the rules and understanding straight before you go. I however would not get too rigid in setting rules for things like bedtime and morning routines. You might all change your minds about things when you get there and your needs may change from day to day. You might want to be more general and state something like being sensitive to everyone's energy level and need to go to bed etc. What works for us is to agree that when anyone is too tired to have fun we stop. We discuss together each night what time we need to get up and why. Those Mickey Calls are great!

I don't think height will be much of an issue for either kid but check out the restriction chart on this site to make sure before you go.
The souveniers are our biggest chalange and I think a well placed plan here is a great idea!!We agree at home on what ours will be.

I think you will find that if your kids are quite well behaved most of the time they will be even more so at WDW.

Have fun and so will the kids.

Jordan's mom
We travel alot to visit family and luckily this has included many trips to WDW. We try and handle behavior situations just as we would at home - no more or less strict and the expectations are about the same. Granted there are later nights and more opportunites for melt down - but we handle them in our usual manner. Let me try and address your specific questions -

Souviniers - My personal feeling is that if my girls have saved their own money then I don't monitor what or when they buy. I will of course give them advice but ultimately leave the decision to them. They have already learned the lesson of buying "junk" at the drug store only to have it break, they had to learn it for themselves, KWIM? I am not sure I understand what your reluctance is on when they buy unless you don't want to tote it around all day? If your staying on-site, purchases can be shipped back to the resort. If not then our rule would be you want it now then you are responsible for carrying it all day.

Height restrictions - at 8 and 10 I don't think this is going to be an issue, the highest restriction at the theme parks is 48" although Disney Quest has a couple 51" restrictions. I think there is a section here on the dis with specific info. If one child wants to ride and the other dosen't or isn't tall enough ask about "child swap" so both adults can ride without waiting the line twice.

Morning routine - hate to be redundant, but we handle this just like at home. Set a time in the evening befpre that you would like to be out of the room the following morning and make that the goal.

Bed time - this is where we differ the most from what we do at home LOL. We often close a park at WDW and by the time we arrive at the hotel no one has a problem going to sleep. I do allow some tv while laying in bed as its often hard for my girls to wind down after such an overstimulated day.

Hope this helps - have a great trip.
Our rules are the same on vacation as at home, with one exception. On our first trip I made a no fighting on vacation rule and suprisingly it has worked. The kids now even joke about it when we leave the house and get a few good teases in before the car starts moving. They will even remind each other of the rule (and me as well if needed ) when they start to get irritated at each other. :)


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