Best Disney Vlog?

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Jones family Travel has two children. Boy (Kelly) around 11 and a girl (Hunter) that is probably 9. They homeschool so I don't know thier grades. The kids do challenges and toy reviews and they are actively involved in 95% of the vlogs.
If you like the UK vloggers have you checked out lilmisschickas and That Sounds Fun? They're two of my favourites!

I have actually :)

I have only recently discovered KrispySmore and really enjoying their vlogs.

I also forgot about Jane Does Disney she did her ICP in the same year as me!!
do any of them feature a school-aged child enjoying the parks?
I think my 3rd grader would probably like one if there was another kid as part of the "host" family.
thanks in advance!
Check out Jones Family Travels. They do Disney quite often and have 2 school-aged kids.
I love Oh yeah disney!! Most have already been mentioned, the only one who hasn't is Adam Hattan who I just recently started watching.
I like OhYeahDisney and DisneyAtHeart. I am also a fan of JAMbeauty89/TylerTravelsTV - they are married and have separate vlogs. Not exclusively Disney but love them!
Decided to stop lurking around and finally post! I've VERY recently gotten into planning our family's first trip to WDW! I love, love, love watching vlogs to get hyped up. I'm excited to start checking out some of these! I have to say though I checked out 1 video from Seeyareelsoon. Not a fan at all. I think it was mostly her voice that turned me off. Kinda felt like she was speaking to a little kid the whole time. OhYeahDisney is pretty interesting so far. But to add to the list, I came across a super newbie to the vlog scene. EECC Travels. They are a family of 5 that are obsessed with Disney! Their vlogs are super long, broken up into multiple parts per day. But I love that because they are SUPER in depth with everything.
Side note: The vloggers I look to follow are the ones without kids so its more of an adult trip.

Def agree with people on See Ya Reel Soon. They are a married couple (in their late 20's?).They take excellent footage and their videos are getting longer and longer so it feels like you are really there with them. They even take footage of them resting and littler moments like them at their hotel just relaxing which I love. One thing I will say they are kind of annoying at times. They reeeeeaaaalllly love Disney. Like reeeeeaaaaallllllyyyy. To the point that they make non stop Disney references all the time. Ashley also do this baby talk a lot which gets on my nerves, yet despite all this I still watch their videos religiously.

Also love Tom and Sophie. They are an engaged couple I think from Whales and are also I think in their late 20's. They take a good amount of footage. I just wish they stayed at a Disney Hotel to give it even more of a Disney feel.

Tim Tracker is great. He's married to Jen and they go a lot to both Disney World and Universal. They are Orlando Natives and they do a lot of Orlando attractions. Anytime there is something new at either park they'll have a video about it right away since they live right there.

Spokemayne is a vlogger who also lives in Florida. He's dating this really beautiful girl who works at Disney as a princess. He's always at the parks and hotels looking around and exploring. I think they are in their lower to mid 20's.

Adam Rucker is also I believe in his late 20's and he works for an airline so he travels a lot. He goes to both Disney World and Disneyland frequently and has also been to Disneyland Paris a few times. He hasn't posted any recent Disney Trips though.

These are more of the regular Disney Vloggers I follow but there's a few vloggers who have trips to Disney on their channel like Gillian at Home. She's adorable and Canadian and super funny. She has so far two trips to Disneyland and 2-3 trips to Disney World. She likes to do "fun Disney Facts" which I was surprised that I didn't know many of them.

Also Myhousewifelife. Her and her husband have some money so they frequently stay at the fancier Disney Hotels. She usually goes for the Marathons since she's a runner.

Sorry for the long list! One last thing is a new channel I've been following but not a vlog, "Mickey Views". He's really young like 16-17 but he has some really good content. Its like a 20 minute news piece with different little segments. Its actually really informative and tells you a lot about new Disney rumours etc.
I love watching youtube videos of people going to WDW, but I only have a few people that I know of that post these videos. So what youtube channels do you guys watch for WDW videos? Some of my favorites is AJRuck and DEFINITELY TheTimTracker (he's definitely worth a watch!!)
I love watching youtube videos of people going to WDW, but I only have a few people that I know of that post these videos. So what youtube channels do you guys watch for WDW videos? Some of my favorites is AJRuck and DEFINITELY TheTimTracker (he's definitely worth a watch!!)
Merging you to the current vlog thread after I find it. :)
I love Oh yeah disney!! Most have already been mentioned, the only one who hasn't is Adam Hattan who I just recently started watching.
I binge-watched all of Adam's Disney vlogs a couple of weeks ago. Really enjoyed them. GaryC is beginning to upload his vlogs of their last WDW trip. It's fun to see the same trip from a different point of view.
happiest vlogs on earth
extra magic ours
William Paul

William Paul is the name of his channel, and does more on his channel than just Disney stuff but his blogs are awesome and really fun. Check them out!
I've become mildly addicted to The Tim Tracker since my last trip in February, so I'll second that. His channel is getting me over the hump to my next trip in Sept.

As mentioned though, he does do vlogs on other subjects, which can be hit and miss depending on your own personal interest in the other topics. BUT... it's not like you're forced to watch every last thing he posts. And he's usually good for at least 1 or 2 Orlando Parks videos a week, most weeks. Of the various blog and advice videos I randomly watched prior to my February trip, he and his wife Jenn were the only ones I stuck with. I just enjoy their friendly, non-abrasive personalities. Wheras some vloggers get on my nerves in less than one video. Or can be dull as dirt.

When they really hooked me, however, was when I came to realize the sign off for all their videos was, "And now it's time to pay the price" ... because I understood that reference. And it made me take an instant shine to them.
I've become mildly addicted to The Tim Tracker since my last trip in February, so I'll second that. His channel is getting me over the hump to my next trip in Sept.

As mentioned though, he does do vlogs on other subjects, which can be hit and miss depending on your own personal interest in the other topics. BUT... it's not like you're forced to watch every last thing he posts. And he's usually good for at least 1 or 2 Orlando Parks videos a week, most weeks. Of the various blog and advice videos I randomly watched prior to my February trip, he and his wife Jenn were the only ones I stuck with. I just enjoy their friendly, non-abrasive personalities. Wheras some vloggers get on my nerves in less than one video. Or can be dull as dirt.

When they really hooked me, however, was when I came to realize the sign off for all their videos was, "And now it's time to pay the price" ... because I understood that reference. And it made me take an instant shine to them.

We liked Tim and Jen...and LOVED them when we realized where the closing line came from.
Festivalofpixiedust is ours! We currently only have our previous trip videos up there, but are working on doing bi-weekly vlogs related to travel/Disney. We're going to Tokyo, HK and Shanghai disney in the fall and will be documenting those adventures there!
My biased reply is... my own channel ;)

My unbiased reply is Randomland/Justin Scarred and a great smaller channel called HelloFromFlorida. They are a lovely adult couple who go to the parks and other florida attractions. I too enjoy seeyareelsoon, but dropped off because yes, they can get...a little annoying at times. I watch them now in smaller doses.
We loves Ears2You. Such lovely genuine people and I love the way they actually edit vlogs - I can't stand it when people just film the entire way through an attraction. Just love them and would love to bump into them in the parks!!
Festivalofpixiedust is ours! We currently only have our previous trip videos up there, but are working on doing bi-weekly vlogs related to travel/Disney. We're going to Tokyo, HK and Shanghai disney in the fall and will be documenting those adventures there!

Your channel name is not coming up for me on the YT app :(
Best Disney Vlogs: The Tim Tracker, See Ya Reel Soon(I love how genuine both couples are.). Oh Yeah Disney(videography). Adam the Woo and Justin Scarred( very upbeat positive guys, love their Disney Vlogs) JEM Session( fairly new, but they are this awesome family who visits Disney World). There are some Disney vlogs that I consider not the best, mostly due to personality. Some vloggers I find to be judge mental and rude, both in their videos and on social media, while others are just dull.
I binge-watched all of Adam's Disney vlogs a couple of weeks ago. Really enjoyed them. GaryC is beginning to upload his vlogs of their last WDW trip. It's fun to see the same trip from a different point of view.
I absolutely love Adam Hattan! So entertaining. He is my new favorite.
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