Best place to buy "travel size" toiletries?


<font color=teal>I love visiting NYC<br><font colo
Feb 19, 2002
Last time we went to WDW, I used our toiletry bag as a carry-on bag. This trip with the newest flight regulations regarding liquids in carry-ons will be more difficult.

I am debating on whether to purchase toiletries here to be checked, or just wait until we get to FL to buy them.

Any thoughts one way or the other? I usually get travel size containers of shampoo, body wash, conditioner, lotion, hair spray, toothpaste, deoderant, shaving cream, contact solution, and a small container of Tide for washing clothes while we are there. I usually pick them up from Target or Walmart when I think about it, and the brand isn't too important to us. Our first day we are going to Cocoa Beach, then to the world for the rest of the week, so I thought that would give us time to find a Walmart/Target to stop in at. Any other suggestions would be great!

I was going to suggest Target, but you already said that. I purchased some of my items today from Target, and they had a huge selection. Even had a pkg of 7 quart size bags for 99cents. Meijer would be ok too.
I havent flown in ages so I dont know what the current size limits are. I know Walmart also sells travel size stuff, as do some drugstores.

I bought travel size bottles from Sally Beauty Supply (they seem to hold up better than ones at Walmart) and fill them with stuff at home.

I posted this on another thread, but I can't rave enough about! They will send you the travel sizes free of deoderant, soap, bodywash, shampoo, conditioner and lotion. You just have to complete a brief survey about how often you use their products. As far as stores- I'd have to agree that Target has a really good selection, Walmart has the basics. Sometimes Dollar Tree gets some in too but it's hit and miss... Happy hunting! ;)
I think Target has the best selection - they even have travel-size bottles of Renu contact solution for 99 cents (most places charge at least $3 or $4 for little bottles of Renu!).

In Washington State, we also have a drugstore called Bartell's (I think it's a regional drug store) that has a great selection of travel sized things. But since it's regional, that might not help you.
Thanks everyone for the replies! Do most of you buy all of your items before you leave, or once you get to Florida? On one hand, I think it would be nice to have less to pack on the way down, and then just toss what I don't use there, so I wouldn't have to tote it home either. On the other hand, I don't really want to be shopping for toiletries once I get on vacation, either.

What do most of you do?

Thanks again,
I usually do by travel size BUT I have now gotten to the point of buying toothbrushes, soap, shampoo, floss, etc that I know I won't feel bad about discarding at the end of our trip. I still buy the good brands of most items but am sure glad to toss it at trips end rather than re-packing that too.
Besides more room for Disney STUFF in the suitcase, LOL :rotfl2:
I take the travel size containers with me and discard as used. For the poster that said to transfer to travel size containers purchased, be careful. I don't think the TSA allows transfer, they must be in the original containers to go through carry on security.
I take the travel size containers with me and discard as used. For the poster that said to transfer to travel size containers purchased, be careful. I don't think the TSA allows transfer, they must be in the original containers to go through carry on security.

I do buy travel size items and I am always happy for some idiotic reason to empty it at the end of the trip and pitch it. Why is that? And yes the TSA wants to see original containers and ounce info printed on it. Otherwise, check it.
why not try cvs or walgreens or something of that drugstore sort? if you have a harmons around you that's seriously the best place to look for travel sized EVERYTHING! it is amazing they have one huge aisle filled with about 4 rows of baskets on either side with just about everything you could ever imagine. i plan on stopping there prior to my july trip! not sure where they have them though location wise.

and when i went in january on my trip down to the world, on the way down i took my little ziploc baggie out of my bag (it was stuffed as full as i could get it without it being overfilled and not being able to close, which is ok by the tsa, because it's just one baggie filled not a limit on the amount of containers you can have, i checked this over and over again and even stressed about it before i left for the airport that morning). on my way home at the orlando airport i forgot to take my little baggie out like they tell you to and they didn't even stop me to look at my bag, just fyi, not saying that they don't do that all the time, but i'm not really sure how strict they are about this whole thing?? :confused3
Here is what I do.

I try to find travel sizes of the items I already use - for instance, a small bottle of shower gel from B&BW that I use at home, Herbal Essence shampoo and conditioner, etc. When I get back from a trip, I immediately refill them, and I am ready to go for the next trip. It saves a TON of money, and you don't need the travel bottles, as most of them are pretty flimsy that I have used.

I do, however, keep a pill sized container to put my toothpaste in. It is smaller than taking the full size, and I don't have to buy a brand I normally don't use. ofcourse, I am pretty picky about my toothpaste :rolleyes1

If staying on property, I keep the small Mickey bottles and refill and label them. they are perfect for hair products or lotion.

Just a few money saving tips - and you won't worry too much about security concerns if flying, as the labels are on there.
I get all my trave size toiletries from the Dis Budget Board. There is always a Freebie thread running each week. It takes a little time to accumulate it all, but that is also the time that I am planning the trip. so, my suggestion is if you have the time, visit the Freebie thread and start saving.
why not try cvs or walgreens or something of that drugstore sort? if you have a harmons around you that's seriously the best place to look for travel sized EVERYTHING! it is amazing they have one huge aisle filled with about 4 rows of baskets on either side with just about everything you could ever imagine. i plan on stopping there prior to my july trip! not sure where they have them though location wise.

and when i went in january on my trip down to the world, on the way down i took my little ziploc baggie out of my bag (it was stuffed as full as i could get it without it being overfilled and not being able to close, which is ok by the tsa, because it's just one baggie filled not a limit on the amount of containers you can have, i checked this over and over again and even stressed about it before i left for the airport that morning). on my way home at the orlando airport i forgot to take my little baggie out like they tell you to and they didn't even stop me to look at my bag, just fyi, not saying that they don't do that all the time, but i'm not really sure how strict they are about this whole thing?? :confused3

When I have traveled for work, a few times due to hurrying to get through security, I forgot to take by filled baggie out of my purse. And not a word was said....Now I just keep the filled baggie in my purse. It has makeup, meds, clorox disinfecting wipes...everything a girl would need LOL:)
If you have a Harmon's drugstore in your town, they have the largest selection of travel-sized items - 2 huge walls full!
I would prefer to bring my toiletries rather than buying them when I get to my destination. I don't normally rent a car at Disney, so buying from the hotel giftshops would kill me. I can't stand paying double or even more for things and they might not even have the brands I like.

Since it seems like the OP will have a car and may be stopping to buy things anyway, it doesn't seem like it'd be a big inconvenience to buy toiletries upon arrival.

I usually carry-on my vital toiletries at the very least, and pack the rest.
Vital for me: contact lens solution, toothbrushes and toothpaste for family, purell, and moisturizer. If I have room, then I carry-on as many toiletries as I can.

I used to carry-on all toiletries before the TSA rule change. I've gone on 4 trips since the change, and have had no problems using the refillable travel containers. Although everything is supposed to be 3 oz or less, I haven't had any issues with the unlabeled containers, which are 3 oz sized.

The first time we flew, which was right after the new regulation (UGH! the lines!), they did ask to see the baggie of toiletries, but in subsequent trips, no one actually inspected them. I just took out the zip-lock bag and placed it in one of the bins with the rest of my stuff.

Oh, during my last trip, I flew out of Philadelphia airport. They had zip-top bags available at the info desk, which I thought was nice of them. I don't know if other airports offer them too.

I would second Target or Harmon for travel sized toiletries.
Between Target & Walmart (depends on the Walmart) they have the best travel size item collection here in Chicago. If Chi-towners know of better places, please speak up! The poorest selection I think is Kmart. I had to stop in one after my deodorant broke and not much to choose from...
The CVS store near us carries every imaginable travel size toiletry made. :thumbsup2 They also have the best price and selection of sun block...:cool2:
I would also say Target and I would buy them ahead of time. Just put them in your checked baggage instead of carrying on.
I believe I have seen advertised at Sephora that they have travel-sizes for some of their products.


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