Beth's Journal-Bring It!


<font color=blue>DIS Veteran<br><font color=red>I'
Jun 26, 2003
Hi everyone,

I guess you found me at my new home. I am excited to be starting fresh here. I am ready to let go of the things that have occurred in the last 16 months. I am really proud of myself. I have lost 72 pounds since finding WISH. I could not have done it without the support of my wonderful WISH sisters.

This journal is about getting back to the basics. Diet, exercise, water, and doing it all with ATTITUDE. I am done feeling guilty for putting myself first occasionally. I will not justify the time I spend on ME, whether it is time in exercise. sleeping, reading, or doing absolutely nothing. My priorities are myself, my family and friends, and my job.

I have noticed that I have become passive and I have lost my sense of humor. I have been allowing the negative things in my life to snowball. I have been doing very little to stop them from continuing. I have been letting those negatives and my obligations wear on me until I am just getting through the day, and finding very little joy. No more.

My Plan.
I will exercise 5 times a week.

I will live a lc lifestyle, but I will not deny myself things I love. If I decide to eat off program, I will savor the flavors and not feel guilty. I will go back OP the next meal.

I will spend 30 minutes doing something for me EVERYDAY.

I will take time to play with my daughter. The laundry can wait while I play Candyland. She will only be 4 once. I will cherish her childhood.

I will take time for my husband. We are on opposite schedules, and rarely have time together.

That said, I have arranged for Katie's godmother to watch her on Wednesday, so Won and I can go out to dinner and a movie. I just picked up the book Wicked, and plan on starting it tonight.

I will post on what occurred this weekend a bit later. Stay tuned, I definately exercised the WITH ATTITUDE idea this weekend.

i hope everyone is doing well and that you have a good afternoon.
Sounds like this fresh start is just what you needed Beth! Good for you! :cool1:
I am sure you will MAKE good things happen if you stick with this. I hope to join you in your healthy living/recommittment soon. Right now we have a lot of "other" stuff to deal with, but DH and I are dreaming of a time in the near future of less stress and more quality family time. Can't stress enough how important that is.
I hope this week proves successful for you - you deserve it!!! :banana:

TTFN- Sharon :sunny:

I thought I'd come by and say :wave: in the new journal!!

Strings said:
I will take time to play with my daughter. The laundry can wait while I play Candyland. She will only be 4 once. I will cherish her childhood.

You just choked me up on that one...I can relate...thanks for putting that down on your planning list...seeing it in print really hits home...

Good luck, your plan looks great!!
Beth, your plan sounds AWESOME!! I think a fresh start is just what you need. ::yes:: It's time to find the joy in life!

Best wishes as you continue the amazing journey! :hug:
Good luck to you, Beth!

Your accomplishments so far are really something to be proud of! :cool1:
Sometimes we all need a fresh start! Sounds like that is what you need! Good for need some ME time! You are such an inspiration for so many! Good luck to you on this part of your journey!

:hug: to you and :sunny: for your new journal, Beth. I'm glad you've begun a new chapter in your life. I teared up, too, when I read about Candyland and Katie. That's how I've always felt about spending time with my DD--also an only child. Your time with her is precious and NOW is the time to make memories to last both your lifetimes.

Have a good evening.

Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life and what a sunny :sunny: attitude you bring to it!

You should be proud of the accomplishments you've made with your health and your life. Here's to moving forward!

Thanks for stopping by. I love you guys.

I didn't make it to all the journals today. I should have time tomorrow to catch up with everyone. I am sending :goodvibes to everyone I didn't get to today.

This weekend was rough. We have a new moonlighter. He is the research assistant to the med director of the CCu. His golden boy. Well, he is a great researcher and an incompetent clinician. I won't go into details, but he was unavailable for 2 hours. We were on our own. I had to call a code overhead. Unheard of in the CCU. We page the docs directly. When he finall came to the unit, our assistant head was there. Well, I laid into him. He was more concerned with the paperwork than the patients. I told him that he needed to get his priorities straight. That his negligance contributed to the situation. I let him know that I will be there IN CHARGE every time he is in the unit. He will be watched and held accountable for everything. The nurses will not cover for him and his shoddy skills. He asked my assistant head if she was going to let one of her nurses talk to a doctor in such a manner. Helena said,"Actually, I am writing up a Bravo award for her, and recommending her for the vacant assistant head job. I will back her judgement completely. We will be tracking your every error, and we will eventually make sure you lose your priviledges here. Never talk to my nurses like that again." I told you that I had some attitude this weekend.

I did not eat OP on Saturday. I had a piece of homemade apple caramel pie. It was worth every bite. Other than that, OP. I went to the Y this morning and did a personal best. I did 2 miles on the glider in 28:22. My usual time is 30:30. I burned 458 calories doing it too. It felt good. I managed a 2 hour nap, and feel pretty good. katie and I did a board game marathon today since it was rainy. I think she is catching a cold.

I am headed to bed now. I'll check in tomorrow morning.

have a good night,
:cool1: You go girl....Nurses rock!!!! I'm glad you got that support in work- I remember those days in the CCU when I tried to convince some incompetent intern or resident what was needed for the patient, and they would give me that "I'm the doctor; you're just the nurse" crap...please!!! Get out the dark ages, bub!!

I love your new journal and goals for healthy living. Just take it day by day and you will experience success overall!

I may start a new WISH journal's easier to read without so many pages! Maybe it can become a yearly rule on this forum...each year everyone reevaluates and restates their goals in their new journal. :sunny:
:sunny: Good morning, Beth! I hope you had a good sleep last night and wake up to find Katie's shaken that cold that was trailing her.

Loved your story from work this weekend! I LOVE your attitude! Could you lend me a little? :p

Have a good day, honey--
Well, into day 2.

Today we have dance class. I am going to pop over to B&N while Katie is in class. I want to pick her up Where the Sidewalk Ends. She loves poetry. We'll probably spend some time this afternoon cuddled up with it. Then lunch, grocery shopping, and the Y. Today Katie gets to run on the track with me.

Meal plan...
B: eggs and tea.
L: Salad.
D: :confused3 I am leaning towards spaghetti and salad.
S: Strawberries and whipped cream.

Ok, I need to hit the shower. I'm :moped:
Good morning Beth,

I am so very proud of you! :grouphug: I stopped by my journal first thing this morning and you know what jumped out at me? Your 70 pound clippie! :Pinkbounc Then, I come to your new journal and your first post just blows me away! You are an amazing person, Beth!!! :grouphug:

Good for you for standing your ground at work! Who does that guy think he is??? :confused3

How is Katie doing today? Is she coming down with a cold? Sending :wizard: her way today.

Have a wonderful day Beth! :sunny:
Strings said:
Other than that, OP. I went to the Y this morning and did a personal best. I did 2 miles on the glider in 28:22. My usual time is 30:30. I burned 458 calories doing it too. It felt good.


458 calories?! Girl, you were on fire!!

If you saw me on the glider you would laugh...I am so uncoordinated on it...I've got NO RHYTHM... :rolleyes1

Way to go!!
Hi Beth,

I just caught up to your new journal. I'm liking it::yes:: You are motivated and inspired-- you go, girl!!! :goodvibes

Congrats on the new personal best. Breakthroughs rock :rotfl:

I'm happy to see your clippie :cloud9: Wear it with pride :flower:


Well, I wasn't perfect today. I am ok with it. I needed a cap this afternoon. I also ate a lc cookie tonight. I needed a sweet. Strawberries would have been a better choice, but I didn't binge, so I am ok with it.

I am switching things up at the Y foa a bit. I am going to try to break up my weights, so I am lifting daily. Today was legs, abs/back. 45 minutes on the glider. I'll do arms and shoulders tomorrow with at least 60 minutes on the glider.

I am excited about tomorrow night. Won and I haven't been out just the two of us since August. I think we may just go out for dinner. Adult conversation.

I'm off to bed.
Have a wonderful date tonight. You are doing so awesome with all your exercise. :cool1: Have a great day.:goodvibes


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