"Better Days" Challenge- can you do it?


DIS Veteran
Aug 3, 2000
Okay WISH pals, can you do this????
I have come to really feel that my attitude/outlook is just as important as what I eat on how much I exercise!
So, my current plan is to make each day better than the last...no matter what seems to come our way....
So, what I do is try to find one thing each day that makes today better than yesterday! If we recognize that we can't go back and change things, we can move forward in all of our goals! :)
Anyone want to join me in this challenge??? I know it is corny and sappy, but I think it really helps! :sunny:

Okay, I will start:
Today is better than yesterday because it is Friday! (yeah, I took the simple one! LOL!)

Okay, not fair...
Today is better than yesterday because I remembered to take my vitamins today! :wave2:

Anyone else?
Today is better than yesterday because...

A few days ago I had gained back 2 of my pounds and I've been feeling down about it. Well this morning, those 2 pounds are gone again! woo-hoo! :hyper:
Today is better than yesterday because I got to sleep in!!!!! (Though the Coffee Fairy must have been sleeping in too, because the coffee I had was hardly worth waking up for!) I don't get to sleep in but once or twice a year, so it was pretty special!

Keep the Faith!
Today is better than yesterday because I've got one more cheat-free day under my belt, and because I'm using holes on that belt that I haven't used in a while (my waist is shrinking!).
Great!!!! Hugs to all of you! :grouphug:
I know we can all do this...and you may surprise yourself..if you are in a bad mood or feel under the weather, take a look at today and see how much better each day can be!::yes::

let's keep it up!!!:Pinkbounc
love this idea:lovestruc

today is better than yesterday because my sneak WI showed a lower number that Wednesday! AND because relaxed fit jeans were TOO BIG!!!::yes::
today is better than yesterday b/c my eye is not as swollen and painful and I get to have drinks after work at BBW tonight with the girls for the first time
Today is better than yesterday because...the sun was out!!

Great idea!!
Today is better than yesterday because I fit into a size 14 skirt when I was trying on clothes today. Now granted it was super tight :teeth: but still it did button and zip! Since I was in a size 20 in August I was VERY happy! :) Great thread Kamy.
Today is better than yesterday because I can grab my new clippie!!!!!:teeth: :teeth: :teeth:

Today is better than yesterday because I crossed off a bunch of stuff on my "to-do list" at work. :crazy:

Today is better than yesterday because we are one day closer to our trip to WDW!!:earsgirl:

Today is better than yesterday because I bought a Mickey sweatshirt at Walmart and it didn't have a 'W' after the size!!:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

Can you tell it's been a great day!? :goodvibes
I did a 6 mile walk this morning

had a good theraputic session first with myself and then my buddy and we both have positive outlooks starting right now !!!! We are NOT talking negative to ourselves anymore, we CAN and well we already are successful but we CAN continue to be even more so :-)

I found this thread and it made me think positively - Kamy - this is a GREAT thread -

....and by the way you look AWESOME - my friend - I can see that twinkle in the grillman's eye - he likes it too ;)
Today is a better day......

because I snuck a weigh in this morning and I am in a NEW DECADE!!!!!!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:


Okay, so I am a tad excited. :upsidedow
<font color=navy> Today is better than yesterday because I am one pound closer to my goal for being comfortable in my bathing suit at WDW.
Today is better than yesterday because I stayed within my points!

Today is better than yesterday because it was Pajama Day at our house and I didn't get dressed in regular clothes until 3:30 p.m.!
It was like a vacation!
Today was better than yesterday because I was in a situation at lunch where I didn't know in advance where we would be eating (attended a academic team competition with DD in another town) and I made a good choice for lunch (salad w/ low fat dressing) instead of the cheeseburger and fries that I was tempted to get! :Pinkbounc :bounce:
Today is better than yesterday because DH and I went to an NBA game tonight and didn't take the escalators ONCE. We took the stairs everywhere and there are a LOT of stairs! :)

Today is better than yesterday because today was the first day of my increased exercise. I walked for 45 minutes as opposed to the 25-30 I had been doing previously.

I love this thread and reading about all of your accomplishments! Keep up the good work! :Pinkbounc
Today is better than yesterday because I found the courage to go weigh-in after not counting points for 2 days. I lost .2 pounds. I didn't go up! :earseek:
today is better than yesterday b/c yesterday I didn't count pts and went to bed feeling awful - too much sugar I'm sure and a heavier dinner than I usually have. Today I'm back OP and I KNOW I will feel better :)
Today is better than yesterday because I do my Curves workout today, which I much prefer over my Sunday treadmill. :)

(great thread!)


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