Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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WOW! Lots of people signing up for the summer challenge! :cool1:

Its great to see the new and familiar names showing up!

Obviously, I'm in again!

Goal Tracking:
If you want to have your goal tracked, please include your "goal to lose" for the challenge with your starting weight on May 28th. This is not required, only do it if you want to. You can add this in at any time, you can change it at any time, we're very relaxed.

I do read the thread, but will sometimes only skim through if I'm too busy. The only weights/goals that I track are the ones that are PM'd to me.
Please send your weight in. Sometimes people like to just send in the change eg (0.5lbs loss), but its much easier for me to get the actual weight, as I need it for the % calculations.

If anybody has any questions about how the numbers work, please just ask!
Does our actual weight get broadcast on this thread anywhere or does it stay secret with you???
Does our actual weight get broadcast on this thread anywhere or does it stay secret with you???

I think I can answer this question sufficiently. You PM Shannon (LuvBaloo) your starting weight on 5/28 and then your subsequent weights weekly throughout the challenge. She does not disclose your weight to anyone. If you make the "list" of losers for the week, she'll indicate the percentage of weight you lost for the week. If you decided to set a goal for the challenge, she'll write the percentage you've lost so far. For example, I'm planning as of now to set my goal at losing 10 pounds in the 13 week challenge. If I lose 1.2 pounds in the first week, it'll say cclovesdis 12%.

That being said, some people do post that they lost or gained after they weigh-in for the week. They may or may not say how much or how little. It is entirely your choice to disclose your weight and/or if/how much you lost or gained throughout the challenge. If you decide to set a goal and share that with Shannon, only she will know your goal, unless of course you disclose that. So, like with my example, no one would know that 12% is a 10 pound to lose goal.

Hope that helps! Great to have you!
Thank you so much. :) I am so excited, this is JUST what I need!!
I'm in, as you know Lisa. I am going to set a pound goal this time. I'm thinking 10 pounds, but that's not definite yet. It all depends on how high I am on 5/28. BL 9 and all its support has been great for me. I know this next challenge is just what I need.

:welcome: cclovesdis! I already had you on our list since you are one of our coaches! :goodvibes

PLEASE allow me to be a part of this, I need this so much. I'm at that point where I'm so disgusted with myself that I think about my weight CONSTANTLY throughout the day. My goal is 25lbs.

For the first time in a long time, I have HOPE!!!

:welcome: N&B'smom! Thanks for joining our challenge! :flower3: You are welcome to come and chat with us in the BL9 thread. That challenge ends on Friday but we really do mean it when we say it's never too late to join a BL challenge!

Please may I join. I would like to lose 20lbs. :)

:welcome: lisalisalisa! I like your user name! ;)

I don't know how to get the clippie in my signature!! it!

Congratulations! You are the first person to be sporting our new clippie! :goodvibes

WOW! Lots of people signing up for the summer challenge! :cool1:

Its great to see the new and familiar names showing up!

Obviously, I'm in again!

Goal Tracking:
If you want to have your goal tracked, please include your "goal to lose" for the challenge with your starting weight on May 28th. This is not required, only do it if you want to. You can add this in at any time, you can change it at any time, we're very relaxed.

I do read the thread, but will sometimes only skim through if I'm too busy. The only weights/goals that I track are the ones that are PM'd to me.
Please send your weight in. Sometimes people like to just send in the change eg (0.5lbs loss), but its much easier for me to get the actual weight, as I need it for the % calculations.

If anybody has any questions about how the numbers work, please just ask!

Thank you, Shannon, for being our weightkeeper this challenge! :love:

Does our actual weight get broadcast on this thread anywhere or does it stay secret with you???

I see that CC already answered for you -- only LuvBaloo knows your weight. The percentage of loss is what is reported. If you go to the first page of the current thread you will find a link to the results posts -- both the weight and the goal -- to give you an idea how they are posted.

Thank you so much. :) I am so excited, this is JUST what I need!!

Come over and chat with us so you don't have to wait until 5/28 to get going! :thumbsup2
Just a reminder to our new folks that our Spring Challenge is in its final week. We will be chatting here and not moving to the new thread until after the final results are posted for our challenge the week of May 24th.

So sign up and if you want to come and chat visit us here:


And here is a little something to ponder before the challenge starts -- an article from called 7 Strategies for Weight Loss Success.

They are:

1. Always See Your Goals
Goals need attention. They need to be seen, heard and thought of often. So surround yourself with as many reminders as possible: on the refrigerator, computer, bathroom mirror and calendar.

2. Start Small
Quite possibly the biggest mistake people make is pushing the accelerator too soon. You can’t lose 20 pounds in one week. But you can lose one. Just as a plant has to start as a tiny seedling, you have to start with small steps and expect small results, which add up to bigger results over time.

3. Come Out of Seclusion
Have you ever achieved anything of real value all by yourself, without the support of anyone else? Probably not. Most people receive help, advice and ideas from others. Support, a sense of shared experience, encouragement, advice, and well-timed pep talks are all invaluable as you set off on your healthy lifestyle adventure, so get others to join in and support you in reaching your goals! (You've got this one down already because you are here! :flower3:)

4. Focus on Everyday Habits
The building blocks of a healthy lifestyle are forged in the smallest of actions you take every day and every week. Healthy choices can become as natural as brushing your teeth or locking the front door. Build your habits, one action at a time.

5. Never Stop Learning
A healthy lifestyle is a process—more of a journey than a destination. You can always learn more about nutrition, fitness, and even yourself that can help you be just a little bit better tomorrow.

6. Have Fun!
Who says getting healthy has to be a chore? Think of it as an exciting adventure of self-discovery that will help you build a more meaningful life. Enjoy the ride and find ways to make it fun, whether you join a sports league, subscribe to a fun fitness magazine, or buy yourself some new workout clothes. Make the best of it!

7. Put it on Paper
Whether setting your first goals, tracking daily progress, or sharing your deepest thoughts in a journal, writing helps to crystallize your ideas, expose your fears, and paint a picture of real life. As a starting point, write down your goals, big and small, and the steps you'll take to make them reality.
Great article Lisah!! Thansk for posting!
Hey everyone I would love to join this great group. Just what I needed for the summer.

I lost about 40 pounds last year. Then hurt my knee during the WDW marathon and took time off to heal. Unfortunately, I took that time to gain about 20 of those pounds back.

So time to rock and roll again. I will be in the loser group if that is OK. Thanks to all who make this possible for the rest of us to participate.

Pat - love teh comment in your sig about surviving the 2010 marathon. I think I was about 15 min behind you and surviving was right. No real damage (like your knee :guilty:) but my muscles just seized up on me. Hope your knee is back to 100% and the weight comes off easily!
Yeah, I successfully added the clippie to my siggie! Finally got the hang of it!

Welcome to all of our new participants! Glad to have you joining us for this fun ride!
Hi, everyone! Please count me in. I injured my knee on July 14 and haven't been able to run or do real cardio since then. I'd lost 70+ pounds starting 5 years ago and kept most of it off until the injury derailed my 5-7x/week workouts and I reverted to my old habits of stress eating.

I am having surgery on 5/24 and will be "immobilized" for up to 8 weeks and am hoping that my inability to get to the fridge or to the coffee shop might be just the jumpstart I need. ;)

Please put me down for 20 pounds. Hopefully, by the end of the summer, I will have made up for these past 10 disastrous months. :)

Hi, Joanne! Hi, Carrie! Hi, Vija!! (So many familiar "faces" here -- it's wonderful!)
Hi, Joanne! Hi, Carrie! Hi, Vija!! (So many familiar "faces" here -- it's wonderful!)

Been ages since I've seen you on the boards. LOVE your sig!

And the ones that are new to me seem absolutely wonderful too! Nice to know that I can come back and it steill has the wonderful WISH feel I remember.
Great article Lisah!! Thansk for posting!

Glad that you enjoyed it, Carrie! :goodvibes

Hey everyone I would love to join this great group. Just what I needed for the summer.

I lost about 40 pounds last year. Then hurt my knee during the WDW marathon and took time off to heal. Unfortunately, I took that time to gain about 20 of those pounds back.

So time to rock and roll again. I will be in the loser group if that is OK. Thanks to all who make this possible for the rest of us to participate.


:welcome: Pat! Thanks for joining our challenge. Sorry about your injury. Hope it gets better and you are back in the groove soon. I'm a new runner and finishing is as good as winning in my book, regardless of the time! :thumbsup2

Pat - love teh comment in your sig about surviving the 2010 marathon. I think I was about 15 min behind you and surviving was right. No real damage (like your knee :guilty:) but my muscles just seized up on me. Hope your knee is back to 100% and the weight comes off easily!

Wow! That was a bummer but you finished. :cool2:

Yeah, I successfully added the clippie to my siggie! Finally got the hang of it!

Welcome to all of our new participants! Glad to have you joining us for this fun ride!

Hey that clippie looks nice on you! :woohoo:

Hi, everyone! Please count me in. I injured my knee on July 14 and haven't been able to run or do real cardio since then. I'd lost 70+ pounds starting 5 years ago and kept most of it off until the injury derailed my 5-7x/week workouts and I reverted to my old habits of stress eating.

I am having surgery on 5/24 and will be "immobilized" for up to 8 weeks and am hoping that my inability to get to the fridge or to the coffee shop might be just the jumpstart I need. ;)

Please put me down for 20 pounds. Hopefully, by the end of the summer, I will have made up for these past 10 disastrous months. :)

Hi, Joanne! Hi, Carrie! Hi, Vija!! (So many familiar "faces" here -- it's wonderful!)

:welcome: keenercam! I think I've read your WISH journal a few times. I definately remember that beautiful dress in your siggie. :love:


Been ages since I've seen you on the boards. LOVE your sig!

And the ones that are new to me seem absolutely wonderful too! Nice to know that I can come back and it steill has the wonderful WISH feel I remember.

::yes:: Yep, I think it is hard to find a nicer bunch of folks than those on both sides of the WISH boards.

I would like to join. on the loser team.

:welcome: snugglepeas! Thanks for joining our challenge! :flower3:
I would like to join as a loser. Goal will be to lose 20 pounds. I need all the help I can get.
Hi Cam,

Your signature pictures look great! Long time no see!!!

I have ot get back to the weight loss. I lost it a few years ago and have gained it all back, I am so frustrated!!
Hi, Joanne!! How are you!??!?! We'll do this!! We've both been successful before and with all the WISH support here we'll do great!!! :hug:
Hello everyone. I would like to join this challenge, I lost quite a bit of weight for my dd's wedding and I have put 25 back on, I refuse to put any more on and I would like to lose that 25 this summer.
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