Big brother 25 Spoiler thread

It is hard to please everyone. My main issue with this season and the last few is that the competitions really aren't fair and lead to things like only a few winners for the entire season. They need more of the competitions of the past where they included crapshoot comps & comps that were how much you want it (like the pressure cooker which was a good comp). It is impossible for most to win when they are mostly physical comps. That would have made this second half of the season more exciting and less predictable.

I definitely agree with that. It’s getting boring with the same comps year after year. Personally, I wouldn’t be sad if we never had the superhero comp ever again.
I love the Canada and Australia versions. They have to compete to earn food, and the HOH has to nominate instantly after winning. The old BB had food comps and have-not comps. I don't know why they don't go back to that. They do need more randomizer type comps rather that physical. My fave used to be the "hide and go veto" And for the love of all things could they speed up the stupid voting process!!
I loved the hide and go veto too. I also loved when they always showed them sitting outside on the couch talking strategy with their alliances or arguing with their enemies. We now tend to see mostly filler crap that shows no strategy. Also liked the big round key box where everyone pulled their key to see if safe.

And this cast was a bunch of characters. It wasn't they were too boring and not "character" enough. They just were crappy at game play and straegy. Boring gamers.
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And this cast was a bunch of characters. It wasn't they were too boring and not "character" enough. They just were crappy at game play and straegy. Boring gamers.
I don't know that they were all crappy at game play and strategy. Jag certainly is. The problem really for me comes down to the competitions. If the same people win all the competitions over and over again it is really hard to get any sort of strategy to move forward. And the only people likely to make it to the end are the people who win. That is not how it was in the past as it was a mix and really anyone could make it to the end with the right social game & strategy.

You are right we had a GREAT group of characters in the house. This should have been a much better season. As it stands now we had great weeks and then a very boring last 6 weeks.
I don't know that they were all crappy at game play and strategy. Jag certainly is. The problem really for me comes down to the competitions. If the same people win all the competitions over and over again it is really hard to get any sort of strategy to move forward. And the only people likely to make it to the end are the people who win. That is not how it was in the past as it was a mix and really anyone could make it to the end with the right social game & strategy.

You are right we had a GREAT group of characters in the house. This should have been a much better season. As it stands now we had great weeks and then a very boring last 6 weeks.

There are too many competitions that require hanging onto things (ropes, walls, swings) and moving quickly through obstacles (slippery slides, water, ball pits). These will always favor the same competitors. More competitions that require dexterity, patience, and problem-solving would be good.
Does anyone remember the great car comp many years ago? They had to try to stuff everyone into a car to try to get the food for the week. And remember the awful food America would vote for the have-nots? After loosing, they'd all go inside and on the table would be slop, and some terrible stuff the public voted for them. You never get to see that anymore or the have not room. Canada had a great have not room - a giant ball pit. That was it. No sleeping surface anywhere. Hilarious.
Well deserved winner.
eh... Not really but whateves... The last half of the season was so boring and tailor made for him to win I can't really enjoy the outcome. I actually have stopped watching the episodes as they are just boring... Glad someone is happy.
eh... Not really but whateves... The last half of the season was so boring and tailor made for him to win I can't really enjoy the outcome. I actually have stopped watching the episodes as they are just boring... Glad someone is happy.

Anyone one that had the whole house against him, vote him out and gets saved, then goes on to do what he did, is a deserving winner.
I'm glad you feel that way... I just don't. I didn't really feel that anyone deserved to win this season.

I'm kinda of with you, but I'm also like, eh...who cares who won? I barely watched these last weeks and I turned off the finale after I saw the final 2.

Very disappointing and boring season.
I am very happy that Cam got the fan favorite. I'm also very glad that Izzy barely got any screen time. I do think that Matts speech wasn't that great. Jag really had the upper hand with that. My DH and I really thought the jury would've been a 3/4 split vote. Sorta shocked to see a 2/5 result. I thought Matt had more support. Buh Bye..kitty kitty purrrrr purrr.....

On another note: Since the Challenge has been pulling from Survivor and BB, I'll be interested to see who from this cast will be on the next Challenge. I've seen lots of people pulling for Matt, Jared, America. I've also seen that Jag/Matt may team up on Amazing race just like other BB faves have done.
I do think Jag played well all around and deserved to win. LOVED that Cam won AF. All those houseguests who thought the public would "love" them had to be shocked!

I do miss the days of more dexterity, more mind puzzles, etc. type comps. I particularly enjoyed the comp where they had to find letter tiles and spell the longest word. The comp with the large cube that had to be tilted/rolled a certain way to beat competition. Also enjoyed the comps like the eggs through the chicken wire. Of course hiding the veto is a classic I miss.

I wish they would do a season swap where all BB go on Survivor and Survivor goes on BB. Would love to see great players like Boston Rob, Sarah Lacina, Sandra, Parvati, Ozzy, John Cockran, Tyson,..... be on BB.
lol it seems there’s no pleasing fans.

When there are seasons with ‘characters’, the complaints are that they’re over the top and they need to chill out. Now that everyone is ‘boring’, you want people with a personality.

Personally, I’ve really liked this season.
Where was I talking about the people? I said the whole season was boring.
Anyone else fast forward through Taylor’s segment? I don’t know why, but I really don’t like her. Maybe I still believe what everyone was saying about her the first week or so in the house lol
Even though I didn't want Jag to win he definitely deserved it. I was rooting for Matt at the end and I think if he could have articulated his answers better he might have got a few more votes. When Jag gave his closing remarks I actually thought he had blown his chance but it was just the opposite.

I was ambivalent towards this season. Some weeks were better than others but there were more boring, easy to figure out weeks than in past seasons.


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