Big Brother summer 2022

At first, I liked Nicole and disliked Taylor. Now I've flipped the other way. Taylor's conversation with Monte the other night explained a lot about why she has a hard time opening up to people. The girls, mainly Paloma, targeted her early on for no reason except that she tended to hang more with the boys. I think Taylor definitely needs to work on her social game, but Nicole and Daniel (who wasn't even there) completely misinterpreted her comments to Nicole after Ameerah was evicted. I think their treatment of Taylor was unfair and I was glad when the Leftovers pulled her in.

I'm liking this season so far because it's hasn't been predictable. I have a feeling the Leftovers won't be running the house until the end. Most alliances fall apart at some point, and I don't think they'll have much longevity. We shall see!

I totally agree. At first, Nicole was one of my favorites and I was rooting for her to go all the way. Her behavior really turned and I'm now glad she's gone.

It's always so interesting to me how during the week it looks like the house will be split - then on eviction night the entire house is pretty much unanimous. This week, all week, it looked like the girls group was backing Nicole and voting out Taylor. Then when they began voting it was the opposite. There is so much that happens that we never see. I'd love to see more of those conversations and when they make the decision to turn against their alliance-mate.
It's always so interesting to me how during the week it looks like the house will be split - then on eviction night the entire house is pretty much unanimous. This week, all week, it looked like the girls group was backing Nicole and voting out Taylor. Then when they began voting it was the opposite.

Even though it's an individual game, I think peer pressure has a lot to do with it. No one wants to be singled out and become a target. I think it was Jasmine who said she was on the wrong side of the vote last week and wanted to vote with the house this week. All the girls did that since they didn't have the numbers to keep Nicole. They figured they might as well go along with the rest of the house and stay under the radar. It looks like Daniel might be the next target since he was so loyal to Nicole.
I hope the veto is used this week so Daniel can be back-doored. I see Michael's point about Monte. He's definitely a strong player and should be taken out sooner rather than later. In fact, I think Michael and Monte are the strongest players and will eventually be the biggest threats to each other. But, it's too soon for Michael to turn on the Leftovers. It will just make him a target. He would be better off sticking to the plan of evicting Daniel which is what the house wants. Hopefully a Leftover wins the veto so that can happen. They also have to start thinking about the jury soon. Keeping Daniel around for jury won't benefit anyone who could end up in the top two.
I don’t mind Daniel I find Taylor and most of the leftovers cocky and obnoxious. I like Jasmine but her trying to find out who ate the muffin was annoying.
She drives me nuts and I only see her a few minutes a week - I imagine she is really getting on houseguests nerves. I feel like when someone does something like muffingate, it's because she is on their last nerve, so irritate her back.
The reason Turner ate her muffin was because she ate his food when he was HoH without his permission. She's such a drama queen. They actually had to take the scooter away from her because she's suppose to be putting weight on her foot and she wasn't doing it, she only sprained it and yes I know it was a bad sprain, but you are suppose to try to walk after a while to get it working again.
The reason Turner ate her muffin was because she ate his food when he was HoH without his permission. She's such a drama queen. They actually had to take the scooter away from her because she's suppose to be putting weight on her foot and she wasn't doing it, she only sprained it and yes I know it was a bad sprain, but you are suppose to try to walk after a while to get it working again.

And in the HOH room - that whole scene was CREEPY! I bet she stares at them while they sleep.

And I don't think anyone bumped her either - she is just milking this thing and the only reason anyone is tolerating it is to stay safe.
I disagree. Daniel would never be a shield for Michael and it would risk the Leftovers losing a number when they can't afford to lose one. If the trio had stayed on the block, the rest of the Leftovers would have voted out Terrance. But then, if he thinks that was a move, maybe he needs to go, as well.
Daniel and Terrance played their hand stupidly. Sending everyone up to talk to Micheal one after another was dumb. For a supposed super fan, Daniel sure has read the house wring two weeks in a row now. He sure didn’t learn his lesson last week when he thought Nicole was safe and getting all cocky with Terrance proved it.
I agree, Michael's better move was to get Daniel out. Michael cannot play in the next HoH. If he had orchestrated Monte's leaving he would have Joseph and Turner for sure after him and probably Kyle and Daniel. At least now he should be relatively safe, as I feel the leftovers are going to take out more of the other side before they turn on each other.

I also wanted to add, if any of them are smart they will make a Final 2 with Jasmine and drag her to the end. No one will vote for her to win.
Jasmines voice is like nails on a chalkboard!

Great exit speech by Danial though. I really didn’t care for him after he went after Taylor but he genuinely seemed like a nice guy in the interview with Julie.
Anyone have a link to his exit interview? I'd love to hear more. Interesting that he didn't take ownership of Nicole's exit when Julie asked.


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