Biggest Loser 8 Fall Challenge -- for losers and maintainers!

I've got the regular WiiFit and am hoping for the WiiFit Plus upgrade for Christmas:goodvibes I like the variety the WiiFit has, and generally do mostly the aerobics ones. The reviews I've read on the WiiFit Plus sound like it takes away the biggest complaint of the WiiFit, which was that you could only do 1 exercise and then had to select and start and new one. The WiiFitPlus is supposed to do routines.
Some people don't like the your Mii's body shape grows during your weigh in, but I think its humourous. I really enjoy the step aerobics, hula-hooping and the boxing.
It was interesting in the beginning having to unlock the exercises. That was motivating to keep doing it and get things unlocked.

:lmao: I love your long posts, because it seems like I'm sitting listening to you talk! And I, too, often get my ME time on the Dis:goodvibes

Glad to know someone is "listening"! About the Wii Fit... you are reminding me that I haven't used mine in some long time. Maybe I will try it again tommorrow. Wonder what it will say about how long it has been since my last visit! Will it yell at me?? If it was Jillian's program it probably would!!

Talk to you all tomorrow...............P
Hey, I just wanted to mention I added some progress pics to my blog if you follow it. I'd have to say I'm proof that the scale should not be your only source of measuring progress. Not trying to toot my own horn but sometimes you need pics to tell you how it is because the mirror hides just as much as the scale does. When my hubby took the pics I almost didn't believe it was me.

I'm working on the husband trying to get him to let me buy the game. I want it bad! I never get presents anymore so I hope he'll give in.
We just got back from seeing The Princess and the Frog - talk about CUTE and tailor made to retroactively fit into the Disney parks and resorts!

My workout du jour was 8 miles with speedwork, and holy buckets, I probably sholdn't even go into it. It's done now, anyway. The weather was nice enough to have run outside, but I stayed in anyhow - just too iffy with the snow still on the sidewalk and the whole "speedwork" thing. If it's still above zero on Saturday, I may do my long run outside then.

QOTD: What are your New Years Resolutions for staying health?

My resolutions are always most successful when they are secret, so I'm not going to say what I plan for next year. :ssst:

In the realm of health, though, at this point, I am pleased to say I didn't even consider making any new resolutions in that area. More of the same - stay sane and accountable with the food. Train for some races. Incorporate cross training. :thumbsup2

Lynsey - you can definitely see a BIG difference in those pictures! You must be so proud and pleased!

Pamela - I haven't been on the wiifit in a long time either - I know that the little wii-fit board dude doesn't yell so much as seems pathetically neglected or something.
Weighed in this morning. I just got to NYC tonight and so didn't want to bring my scale on vacation! :lmao::goodvibes So done. Down 2.3 for the week and 15 point something for the challenge.

Thanks to all the leaders for all your work. Really appreciate it. :lovestruc

I haven't been on here enough to support and hope to change that next challenge. This has been such a wonderful group this round. I've always read and so appreciated all of your words and thoughts.

Hope everyone - who is celebrating - has a Merry Christmas and a very very Happy New Year. :love:

Good morning, Losers! I'm going to wrap it up with a two-parter

QOTD: Today is the last weigh in for BL8! Did you meet your goals for yourself for this challenge? There are two weeks between now and the start of Biggest Loser 9's first weigh in. Do you hope to continue losing? Maintain? Or possibly have a small Holiday gain?

I need to go back and look at my goals from the start - I feel like I may have fallen a bit short as my loss slowed over the past few weeks, but I am pretty happy with my results anyhow.

I am going to stick around over the next few weeks and hope to lose. Anything is possible!
QOTD: Today is the last weigh in for BL8! Did you meet your goals for yourself for this challenge? There are two weeks between now and the start of Biggest Loser 9's first weigh in. Do you hope to continue losing? Maintain? Or possibly have a small Holiday gain?

I was down a pound today which put me at 15 pounds lost since I started 12 weeks ago. I'm ok with that. Not uber excited but ok with it. I didn't set a goal if I remember right. Or did I? That was a long time ago.

I'm hoping to lose at 4 pounds in the next 2 weeks. That will bring me to a total of 19 since Sept 24th. Kind of a weird number but it makes me number even that way. ;)

I can't wait for the next challenge. I was not focused in the beginning of this one but now that I'm on the right track I will keep going and not get run over.
Hey, I just wanted to mention I added some progress pics to my blog if you follow it. I'd have to say I'm proof that the scale should not be your only source of measuring progress. Not trying to toot my own horn but sometimes you need pics to tell you how it is because the mirror hides just as much as the scale does. When my hubby took the pics I almost didn't believe it was me.

I'm working on the husband trying to get him to let me buy the game. I want it bad! I never get presents anymore so I hope he'll give in.
I checked out your pictures and I can DEFINITELY see the difference! Way to go! Wish I had taken more pictures along the way.... but I am usually behind the camera. But I know what you mean about not recognizing yourself in pictures. DD took a picture of me last Christmas and it was taken in just such a way that my face looked REALLY thin.... almost too thin, with angles and cheekbones and such... no big puffy Stay-Puffed Marshmallow lady face any more! I LOVE it!! And I loved seeing a picture of your FACE on your blog... nice to put a face with the name and words.... and you are SO pretty! Truly.

We just got back from seeing The Princess and the Frog - talk about CUTE and tailor made to retroactively fit into the Disney parks and resorts!

My workout du jour was 8 miles with speedwork, and holy buckets, I probably sholdn't even go into it. It's done now, anyway. The weather was nice enough to have run outside, but I stayed in anyhow - just too iffy with the snow still on the sidewalk and the whole "speedwork" thing. If it's still above zero on Saturday, I may do my long run outside then.

QOTD: What are your New Years Resolutions for staying health?

My resolutions are always most successful when they are secret, so I'm not going to say what I plan for next year. :ssst:

In the realm of health, though, at this point, I am pleased to say I didn't even consider making any new resolutions in that area. More of the same - stay sane and accountable with the food. Train for some races. Incorporate cross training. :thumbsup2

Lynsey - you can definitely see a BIG difference in those pictures! You must be so proud and pleased!

Pamela - I haven't been on the wiifit in a long time either - I know that the little wii-fit board dude doesn't yell so much as seems pathetically neglected or something.

Well... I didn't make it on the Wii Fit anyhow.... I forgot today was a "run" day, so I hit the treadmill instead of the Wii. BTW.... I am SUPER impressed you are still running outside. It was 1° F outside my house this morning. There was NO WAY I was going to do my run outside. I hate that feeling of being partly sweaty (chest, head, legs) and partly freezing (ears, hands). Unless we get a warm snap, I am doing all of my walking and running inside until late winter/early spring.

Weighed in this morning. I just got to NYC tonight and so didn't want to bring my scale on vacation! :lmao::goodvibes So done. Down 2.3 for the week and 15 point something for the challenge.

Thanks to all the leaders for all your work. Really appreciate it. :lovestruc

I haven't been on here enough to support and hope to change that next challenge. This has been such a wonderful group this round. I've always read and so appreciated all of your words and thoughts.

Hope everyone - who is celebrating - has a Merry Christmas and a very very Happy New Year. :love:


I disagree with you. I think you have made it on here with remarkable frequency and have been very supportive (at least to me anyhow! :) ) I love coming on and seeing a post or two from you. Have a SUPER vacation and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you! See you in 2010!

Happy COLD morning to all of you. Hope the scale was nice to you this morning! Is this our last weigh-in of the BL8? Time has just flown. And I am SURE that I intended to be at my goal weight by now, but sadly, I am not. But I'm not far away and I will continue to work on hitting that number. I will DEFINITELY see it during the next BL challenge, without a doubt! Then I can join up with our lovely MAINTAINERS!!! That said, I did have a good loss this week.

Sorry I can't stay and chat more. DD has been complaining about a possible ear infection, so I managed to get the doctor's office to squeeze her in today (I was even picky about the time so that she didn't miss any tests!), so again, my well planned, busy day, got thrown for a loop. But on a good note, I got almost all of my Christmas wrapping done yesterday. What a relief to be done with that! Sadly, I used to enjoy wrapping, but as I have gotten busier, it has just become one more "Christmas chore" that I dread.

Gotta check my email and get moving! Love and warmth to you all today......P
Hey Skinny Minnies!

I've been meaning to get here all week, and the time gods have conspired against me (I guess that would be Chronos) glad that classical education comes into use once a decade :rolleyes1

Anyway, I just seem to have lost all motivation. I'm hoping doing my 8M tomorrow will help bring it back. I only got up one day this week and worked out, the rest I just couldn't seem to make myself move. Unfortunately, my mouth and hand still work just fine -- I keep getting into the holiday goodies :scared1:

Friday QOTD:I really haven't made any resolutions yet. I do intend to set goals, I'm just not sure of all of them. One will be to get to 12 min miles. Another will be to lose another 30 lbs -- I lost 20 in 2009. I'm going to have to come up with one for eating and strength training, but I'm putting that off...

Thursday QOTD: I will do my last official weigh-in tomorrow, so we shall see. I expect to not meet my goal of losing 10 lbs, I'm hoping for 6 or 7. But, I'm ok with that since I did hit a big milestone that had eluded me for a long time. I hope to lose a bit more before the next Challenge begins. I have 9 & 10 M runs, so that shouldn't hurt...

Wednesday QOTD: One tip that helps me stay on track is to write down what I expect to eat the next day the night before.

Thanks to our fabulous organizers, the wonderful coaches, and everyone who has stuck it out until the brilliant end! I know without the accountability I would not have made any progress, and I probably would have gained. I'm going to be ready for BL9!

Maria :upsidedow
Lost 1 pound to finish the challenge as a "loser." :woohoo:

QOTD: Today is the last weigh in for BL8! Did you meet your goals for yourself for this challenge? There are two weeks between now and the start of Biggest Loser 9's first weigh in. Do you hope to continue losing? Maintain? Or possibly have a small Holiday gain?
I met my weight goal for this challenge. I had expected to switch to being a maintainer just a few weeks in but I yo-yo'ed a lot the first part of this challenge. I'm now at a weight where I thought I'd just want to maintain, but I am going to try for 3-4 more pounds in BL9.
As for the holidays, I'd like to maintain, but I think a small gain is realistic. I'm not going to gorge myself on holiday goodies, but I know I'll be indulging in good food & wine more than my usual. One mindset that's been helping me in this challenge is to really think about the food. If I take a bite of something I don't like, don't finish it. I don't need to eat mashed potatoes AND stuffing, especially since I don't really like potatoes! Drink water and eat some fruits and veggies before tempting treats and meals. When I'm not as hungry, I still eat my fave items, just have room for less. Which foods are my favorites? You can bet I'll still be enjoying my mom's homemade Christmas cookies, the fancy wine my dad pops open, and the gourmet meal at the restaurant where my sister works.
I plan to stay on track to complete my C25k workouts. By New Year's I should be able to jog a 5k! If I can keep up with my fitness goals and not be a pig when it comes to food, I think I'll be okay.
QOTD: Today is the last weigh in for BL8! Did you meet your goals for yourself for this challenge? There are two weeks between now and the start of Biggest Loser 9's first weigh in. Do you hope to continue losing? Maintain? Or possibly have a small Holiday gain?

I did! 134 today-- my goal was 135 :-) Have no idea how I lost 4 pounds this week. I'm giving credit to Guy Fieri ;) I blamed him for my highest weight so now he's responsible for my lowest weight in 20 years. Just been more interested in watching him cook food than actually eating it since I got back lol. I'm gonna go get my clippie!
Jumping on to say I did my weigh in this morning and was done 1.8!:cool1:
I made it back to be a Loser for the challenge with a grand total loss of 0.5pounds for BL8. I will do better in BL9 ::yes::. I'm still happy to be down 20pounds since last January :goodvibes

Happy to see so many have already checked in today! I will be opening the PM's tonight or tomorrow.

Now to answer the QOTD:
I did not meet my goal for weight loss in BL8, but I did learn a lot about what does and doesn't work for me, so I'm still happy :goodvibes.
Between now and start of BL9 I'm predicting I'll end up within 3pounds of where I'm at now. Ideally I'll lose over the next week, and then gain a bit the following week.

Congrats 50sjayne on reaching goal!:cool1::thumbsup2:banana:

I'll be sticking around on this thread over the holidays. I am planning to do a weigh-in next Thursday just to know how I'm doing :goodvibes
Hi to all the losers and maintainers! I've been so busy with holiday preps but I've been eating well (which surprises me) and getting a little exercise (but not enough)
I hope to continue to eat well but there will be a little "holiday cheer" in the form of hard cider so.....
I did my final weigh-in and I finished at 170.0lbs
I forget what I started at but I think it may have been 180.0lb? So I'm very happy with that.
You have told me that a slow weight loss will be more permenent, I think that will be true, lets hope.

Everyone have a wonderful holiday season with your families, human and animals. Keep safe and well, and please indulge yourself with some special treat (food or otherwise):grouphug:
Talk to you all in BL9!
So I went back to see what my goals were at the beginning of the challenge...

Wow, that is so cool to see the numbers! Thanks for posting this! I hope to get into the next lower "weight group" by the end of the challenge!

This was a post about the post LuvBaloo had done about how many people were in each weight group....I am happy to say that this goal is....

All right folks! I'm happy to say that we've made it half-way through Biggest Loser 8 Challenge!

Here's some questions for us all to ponder:
Are you where you wanted to be at the half-way point?
Is there anything you want to change as we go through the second half of our challenge?

We are all doing this challenge to lose weight and get healthier, but its not just a matter of losing weight, its also making a commitment to make healthier choices, and sticking with the challenge is a choice. So first off:
Number of people who have reported in every week = 27!
(for this excused counts as reporting in, late reports count, and telling me you are too sick to weigh in counts!)

The next number I want to report is our steadiest loser, with perfect reporting and a loss every week:
dreamlinda :cool1::thumbsup2

Now onto more stats:

Results for Challenge-to-Date

average weight loss of all participants (current & removed) = 1.8 pounds
average weight loss of all current participants = 2.2 pounds!
so sticking with the challenge has better success!

Just looking at current participants: (anybody that's missed 3 in a row, I've not included in these results)
Total gains = 6
Total maintains = 3
Total losses = 42

I truly believe no matter what category you fall into, we are all seeing better results by doing BL8, than we would if we were not! So let's stick together and keep plugging away at our challenge :thumbsup2:yay:

Top Losers in the Challenge-to-Date:

I've decided to report everybody with 3% or higher loss:

With 3.0-3.9% loss:

With 4.0 to 4.9 % loss:

Now there's a jump to the next group at 6 to 7% loss:tigger813

And our Top Loser with 9.7% loss, is
:banana: :cool1:

Congratulations and THANK YOU to all Participants!

So I was in the 3-3.9 % group at the half way point....

My goal is to lose weight 4 weeks in a row as I seem to be having a problem with this lately. I will do really well for three weeks and then blow all my progress the 4th. I did expect to be a little farther along this challenge, but it is good to know that even by last week I was over 3%. I would love to be another 5% by the end of the challenge and if I can just focus on going forward and not backward I know I can do it!

Have a great day all!


I have lost a total of about 9.5% during this challenge so I made my half way goal of being down an additional 5% by the end of the challenge! Overall I am pleased with how I have done this challenge and I look forward to the next one where I hope to lose at least 10%!

Have a great day all!

I just wanted to say thanks to all of you for being so supportive and strong. I really never thought this was going to be possible. I really really hope to maintain for forever. Here's to seeing Disneyland turn 100--(a long term goal for me;))
QOTD: I didn't reach my goal but that's OK> I did lose over 20 lbs during the challenge and over 40 since last Christmas so there's not a thing to complain about.
I finished the challenge as a loser losing 2 lbs for the week somehow. I only got in about 2 miles each day but was running around most of the week and didn't really have time to eat! I finally got the BL Protein powder. Not crazy about the chocolate one in the can but really like the TOGO packets (red raspberry).

Going to be a busy weekend! Girls have pageant practice this morning and then we have to really get going on cookies and candies today as we have gifts to give out on Monday at dancing! The pageant is supposed to be tomorrow but we are expecting a snowstorm. Lat year they had it despite a big storm and people were not happy. Half the church left the second the pageant was over including us. I've already sent an email to the person in charge explaining my concerns. I will not drive in it tomorrow if it is bad like last year. Both girls have 2 parts in the pageant so they need to be there. Hopefully it will just be postponed for a few weeks. I not only have baking to do but have only wrapped 3 gifts so far! YIKES!

I was going to sleep until 7:30 this morning but as usual was awake at 5! Must be the coming storm and all I have to do this weekend!

On a good note the tree is still standing and it looks like it will make it until Christmas. Probably take it down Christmas night!

Looking forward to BL9! I have less than 10-15 lbs to go as I finally reached 158.8 yesterday, 22.5 for the challenge!. I am hoping to reach 150 or 145 by the end of the next challenge. Getting a few workout things for Christmas including a new WATP DVD, BL for Wii, BL Last chance wrokout and the EA Sports Active more workouts! And hopefully the riserstep for the Wii Fit!

Time to clean the kitchen so I can bake later!

Hope everyone has a great holiday and stay safe if you are in the BLIZZARD zone!:santa:
Good morning losers! Haven't had a chance to read up on things but will come back later to answer QOTD.

It is a cool beautiful morning here at WDW. We are off to the Magic Kingdom this morning.

It is hard to believe that our challenge is over. A big thank you to LuvBaloo our weightkeeper, donac our COW keeper and to all of our coaches. It was great having different coaches all the time!

See you soon!:santa::santa:
Hi! I'm your coach today. Our question for today (and please forgive me if this is a repeat)

What are your New Years Resolutions for staying health?
I am going to do BL9, continue on at ww, and commit to exercising 4-5 days/week. And I'm going to lose 9 pounds during the BL9 and get below 200 again, and stay there this time!!

QOTD: Today is the last weigh in for BL8! Did you meet your goals for yourself for this challenge? There are two weeks between now and the start of Biggest Loser 9's first weigh in. Do you hope to continue losing? Maintain? Or possibly have a small Holiday gain?
I did not meet my weight goal for this challenge, but I am happy to be down pounds total. I will be glad to see 2009 gone, and am planning on 2010 being a better year. I've been faithful with the exercise this month, and though my eating hasn't been stellar, I've averaged a .2 gain since nov 27th, so I'm hoping to maintain, over the two weeks. This will be the tough week, but between Christmas and new years, I have quite a few days off, and will try to be active with my son.

It is hard to believe it is over. Congratulations to all who have seen some fabulous numbers gone!!:cool1: And to those of us who may not have seen the numbers decrease, we were a success because we continued to try, and I am sure that without this support, my scale would have gone way up over the fall.

Thank you so much Shannon for being our weightkeeper. :flower3: That's a big time commitment you give to us all, and i am very grateful.

Thanks to Lisa, our organizer, dona for the cow, and all the weekly coaches. This has really been successful challenge, with so many of us sticking it out til the end.

I sincerely want to thank all of you who have helped me through the past 6 months. All your words of encouragement, and support have really been a godsend to me. I'm hoping to pop on here through the next week, but if I don't get on much, I hope you all have a blessed and happy holiday season.
I did! 134 today-- my goal was 135 :-) Have no idea how I lost 4 pounds this week. I'm giving credit to Guy Fieri ;) I blamed him for my highest weight so now he's responsible for my lowest weight in 20 years. Just been more interested in watching him cook food than actually eating it since I got back lol. I'm gonna go get my clippie!

WOOHOO! I am so proud of you!! And NO credit to Guy.... you did this YOURSELF! You deserve all of the credit. :yay:

Jumping on to say I did my weigh in this morning and was done 1.8!:cool1:
I made it back to be a Loser for the challenge with a grand total loss of 0.5pounds for BL8. I will do better in BL9 ::yes::. I'm still happy to be down 20pounds since last January :goodvibes

Happy to see so many have already checked in today! I will be opening the PM's tonight or tomorrow.

Now to answer the QOTD:
I did not meet my goal for weight loss in BL8, but I did learn a lot about what does and doesn't work for me, so I'm still happy :goodvibes.
Between now and start of BL9 I'm predicting I'll end up within 3pounds of where I'm at now. Ideally I'll lose over the next week, and then gain a bit the following week.

Congrats 50sjayne on reaching goal!:cool1::thumbsup2:banana:

I'll be sticking around on this thread over the holidays. I am planning to do a weigh-in next Thursday just to know how I'm doing :goodvibes

First of all.... WAY TO GO on being down 20 pounds this year! That is definitely something to be happy and proud about. And you stated that you are learning what works and doesn't work for you... that is the NAME OF THE GAME!! You can't lose and maintain unless you know HOW to do it, and WHAT works for you. And I am a STRONG believer that the SLOWER it comes off, the LONGER it stays off!

I'll join you in that weigh-in later this week. I will probably do mine Thursday morning (12/24), possibly a sneak peek on Saturday or Sunday to see the damage (if there is any :rolleyes1) and then weigh-in again the following Thursday morning (12/31). I'll go back to my Friday morning weigh-ins after that. Maybe it is a bit of a cheat to be weighing in the morning BEFORE a big holiday meal, but I think it will work okay for me!

Hi to all the losers and maintainers! I've been so busy with holiday preps but I've been eating well (which surprises me) and getting a little exercise (but not enough)
I hope to continue to eat well but there will be a little "holiday cheer" in the form of hard cider so.....
I did my final weigh-in and I finished at 170.0lbs
I forget what I started at but I think it may have been 180.0lb? So I'm very happy with that.
You have told me that a slow weight loss will be more permenent, I think that will be true, lets hope.

Everyone have a wonderful holiday season with your families, human and animals. Keep safe and well, and please indulge yourself with some special treat (food or otherwise):grouphug:
Talk to you all in BL9!

Nice job being down a full 10 pounds! That is a big change! And yes, I will repeat myself and say that I firmly believe that the SLOWER it comes off, the LONGER it stays off!

QOTD: I didn't reach my goal but that's OK> I did lose over 20 lbs during the challenge and over 40 since last Christmas so there's not a thing to complain about.
I finished the challenge as a loser losing 2 lbs for the week somehow. I only got in about 2 miles each day but was running around most of the week and didn't really have time to eat! I finally got the BL Protein powder. Not crazy about the chocolate one in the can but really like the TOGO packets (red raspberry).

Hope everyone has a great holiday and stay safe if you are in the BLIZZARD zone!:santa:

WOW! Nice job on losing 20 pounds during this challenge! I think you might be our BL for the entire fall challenge! And 40 pounds over the course of a year is GREAT! You have been really on track with your exercise... I'm sure that has helped.

Good morning losers! Haven't had a chance to read up on things but will come back later to answer QOTD.

It is a cool beautiful morning here at WDW. We are off to the Magic Kingdom this morning.

It is hard to believe that our challenge is over. A big thank you to LuvBaloo our weightkeeper, donac our COW keeper and to all of our coaches. It was great having different coaches all the time!

See you soon!:santa::santa:

I'm so envious I can barely stand it. As I sit here in snowy cold New Hampshire, I am thinking about the fact that you are probably warm and happy in the MK RIGHT THIS MOMENT!! You are hearing the music, feeling the warm air, smelling the MK smells, seeing the characters....ARRGHHH!! My envy is too much right now! :rotfl2: Hope you are having a SUPER-DUPER, FABULOUS time! Say hi to Mickey for me!!

Well folks... I can't believe that our last weigh-in for the BL8 challenge has come and gone. I hope that you are ALL happy with WHATEVER progress you made during this challenge. Even if your weight goal wasn't met (I know mine wasn't), you should be PROUD of the positive changes you have made in your life. You are striving to eat healthier, you are exercising more (at least you are trying to), and you have stayed on here, talking with all of us about maintaining a healthier life! You are (hopefully) making plans to join us all again for the BL9 challenge this spring. Sometimes the MENTAL change is more difficult than the PHYSICAL change.... so if you have stuck it out here with us and are still THINKING about and PLANNING for a healthier life style, you are a BIG LOSER!!

I drove 1 hr 45 minutes last night to DD's swim meet in VT and she only swam 2 events. But I'm sure she was glad I was there and I wouldn't have wanted to miss it. It just made for ANOTHER crazy evening. Plus she has swimmer's ear so I ended up having to take her in to the doctor in the middle of the school day yesterday, so my day definitely wasn't as productive as it needed to be.

I had written myself a schedule for today to get up and be exercising by 7am, but at 6:55 I was just to sleepy (which is RARE for me... I'm usually always up by 6am, even on vacation), so I didn't even START my exercise until 8 am!! But I managed to get in a full 70 minutes. Now I need to throw a few decorations in the tree and get showered and off to ANOTHER swim meet today. :rolleyes: Love DD, love that she swims, love that she is a GOOD swimmer, but sometimes these weekends of meet after meet after meet get a little tiring!!

DH is away again today for work until 12/24, so anything more that gets done around the house for Christmas will either be done by me or not done at all....although he has NEVER helped decorate for the holidays, so I'm not sure why I am even thinking that way. He works for UPS and this is a crazy time of year for him ALWAYS.

Well... I've got to run. Sending warm sunshine thoughts to those of you on the East Coast under Blizzard warnings for later today (including my parents and DB and his family). But may I just say how GRATEFUL I am that it looks like we will be spared here in NH...................P
This was a great challenge. It sure is helpful to talk to others with the same goals...staying healthy. Did I meet my goal? No...I am close though. This challenge got me to 130, my goal is to weigh 120-125. I have found that when I am at that weight(which I have been at before), I have no pain from my sciatic nerve or spasms in my lower back due to the 2 discs out. I just thought I would pass that information on to anyone who might be suffering with back pain that might be carrying extra weight, that you can fix it with out surgery. Once I got the pressure off my spine from the extra pounds, the pain stopped. I still have nerve damage due to the Foot Drop I have, but that isn't pain, just some numbness. I can live with that. I also wanted to let you know, that I started my journey in 2006, and I weighed 173lbs at that time. Taking the weight off does take time, but it will come off, you just have to keep doing what you know you need to do, believe in yourself, and the rest will fall into place.

What will I do to keep on track over this holiday season...
1. If I drink alcohol I will only have 2 drinks
2. If I have 2 drinks one night, I will not drink the next night. So, leave a days space between drinking.
3. I will walk 3 miles M-F at least, and more if I have the time
4. I will do my free weight exercises for my arms and my push-ups(one of the most important exercises you can do for your body, and you get some quick results..I use to hate my arms, now I can't wait to wear tank tops!)
5. Keep drinking my 75oz of water a day, this is totally key to loosing and maintaining a healthy weight
6. Focus on other things that make me happy, not the food of the season. Food comes and goes, friends and family are the important thing. I want to say healthy so I can enjoy them longer..sure I will enjoy some yummy holiday food, but to a reasonable amount.
7. I will have the BL9 start date circled on my calendar so that I am accountable for my first weigh-in, and keep in mind what that all means. We don't get a free ticket to just eat all we want just because it is the Holidays. I haven't made weight loss a New Years resolution for 3 years now, and I don't plan on making it one this New Years.

I want to wish everyone a Happy Healthy Holiday Season. BE good to yourself, take care of that bod of yours, and it will take good care of you for many many years to come!
redwalker :)


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