Biggest Loser 9 Spring Challenge -- thread closing -- see new thread Part 2!

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And to top it off! The Wii Fit said I was NORMAL, not overweight anymore!!! 23.99. I am now noticing a difference between the Wii Fit and my regular scale. I wii Fit said I was add'l 5 pounds lighter! I am sticking with my bathroom scale and it said 154 after 5 miles so far today! I'm so gonna try and stay good for the rest of the day! I am down 2.6 for the week so that's the best I've done in several weeks!

Thanks everybody!

Gotta do some cleaning and then run to the dump and then go give a 30 minute massage at work!

It's gorgeous here so I thin I'll open some windows and let the fresh air in!
Thanks for all the replies guys! You are the best!

Tomorrow is weigh in day and I hope I did well. I have done really well on food, but no exercise. I may attempt it today and see how this stupid cough does.

I hope everyone is having a great day!
This is so sad. I am a teacher and hate to hear when the subs are treated like this. It is difficult to live your life "on call" and then to think you are doing totally the right thing and have the secretary call and treat you like that is horrible. I would send just a brief e-mail to the principal explaining that you are sorry for the misunderstanding and that you are still interested in subbing but would like assistance in being sure they have the right number on file. I agree that the secretary was probably upset because she had to now deal with this at the start of her day but it is not at all your fault. Hope you have a better day!

And to add to this--I am working as administrative assistant currently, and if I would have talked to someone like this I would probably lose my job. There is NEVER an excuse for being mean and rude. NEVER. One of my favorite quotes is--you can't control other's actions, only your reaction. The secretary was having a very poor reaction, no excuse.
:grouphug: hope you are feeling better about things.
Congrats on your new clippie, Tigger!

I'm determined to have a totally OP day, regardless of the stress at work. One day at a time, right? Today I will not eat any candy.
My "treat" today will be one of those Mickey Foodles - they had some about to expire on clearance at my Target yesterday. It is apple slices, grapes & a few cubes of cheese.
I'm hoping to get a lunch break today so I can take a little walk, then I'll do a workout tonight after DD goes to bed.
There, I said all my plans out loud. Hopefully that helps me feel more committed today.
The answers to yesterday's QOTD are making me hungry! Its amazing how many good foods and even desserts are green!

This morning was my son's Ocean info fair and then my last Fit Club where we got remeasured and body fat-pinched. At long last, I am here to post my FINAL QOTD of the week. But first a quote from Jillian Michaels book Master Your Metabolism:

"The entire journey to health is about power. The definition of power, in my opinion, is learning to make your dream a reality."

3/18 Thursday QOTD: How do you feel about the idea of power as it relates to your efforts to change your body?

Obviously this quote resonated with me - I have really gotten into the idea of personal power in my efforts to lose weight and gain strength, and the idea that all the programs out there are not things that will change my body or my life, but rather they are tools at my disposal that I can use to my advantage. I think one of the reasons I get frustrated when people say I am "tiny," "shrinking", "a shadow of your former self" or worst of all, at risk for "disappearing" is that those descriptions sound so diminutive, and yet I am stronger than I've ever been, mentally and physically and I'm finally ready to be seen.
And to top it off! The Wii Fit said I was NORMAL, not overweight anymore!!! 23.99. I am now noticing a difference between the Wii Fit and my regular scale. I wii Fit said I was add'l 5 pounds lighter! I am sticking with my bathroom scale and it said 154 after 5 miles so far today! I'm so gonna try and stay good for the rest of the day! I am down 2.6 for the week so that's the best I've done in several weeks!

Thanks everybody!

Gotta do some cleaning and then run to the dump and then go give a 30 minute massage at work!

It's gorgeous here so I thin I'll open some windows and let the fresh air in!

I could use you around here-- killed my back yesterday on the computer. Disney came out with 3 for 5 tickets when we're going this summer so I had to regroup....
My new scale is awesome! It is consistently saying I weigh 1 pound less that my goal weight.:banana: I knew my other scale was messed up.
Congrats on your new clippie, Tigger!

I'm determined to have a totally OP day, regardless of the stress at work. One day at a time, right? Today I will not eat any candy.
My "treat" today will be one of those Mickey Foodles - they had some about to expire on clearance at my Target yesterday. It is apple slices, grapes & a few cubes of cheese.
I'm hoping to get a lunch break today so I can take a little walk, then I'll do a workout tonight after DD goes to bed.
There, I said all my plans out loud. Hopefully that helps me feel more committed today.

Saying it out loud and posting it here DEFINITELY helps me keep on track. I feel like you all will be "looking" for me to post back about whether or not I stayed on my plan, so I am usually more diligent when I post here!

Enjoy your Mickey treat, get walking at lunch, and I'll be looking for what you say about tonight's workout!

Good afternoon all! I've barely left this computer screen all morning. I finished typing/printing all of the journaling for the last 30-ish pages of the scrapbooks of our 2005 Disneyland trip!! Now to get the journaling ONTO the pages and call them done! I am SO excited to be almost done with this project. I know it sounds like I am SO far behind, but I kind of feel like I am almost caught up. I KNEW that this particular project would take a long time and I completed it much faster than I anticipated. It took me a full calendar year to complete the books for our 2004 WDW 8 day trip. This was a 10 day trip with many, many more pictures... so I figured it would be another year long project. But I start printing pictures last spring, got them all sorted, and then started working on the pages this past summer (maybe June or July??) and here I am,nearly done. Plus I was able to keep up with some other projects along the way, so I am PUMPED!

Sorry... just had to share my excitement about something other than the scales!

I'm off to enjoy my lunch and finish those pages!.................P
I could use you around here-- killed my back yesterday on the computer. Disney came out with 3 for 5 tickets when we're going this summer so I had to regroup....
My new scale is awesome! It is consistently saying I weigh 1 pound less that my goal weight.:banana: I knew my other scale was messed up.

What brand of scale?? I could use that kind of good news on the scale tomorrow!!

The answers to yesterday's QOTD are making me hungry! Its amazing how many good foods and even desserts are green!

This morning was my son's Ocean info fair and then my last Fit Club where we got remeasured and body fat-pinched. At long last, I am here to post my FINAL QOTD of the week. But first a quote from Jillian Michaels book Master Your Metabolism:

"The entire journey to health is about power. The definition of power, in my opinion, is learning to make your dream a reality."

3/18 Thursday QOTD: How do you feel about the idea of power as it relates to your efforts to change your body?

Obviously this quote resonated with me - I have really gotten into the idea of personal power in my efforts to lose weight and gain strength, and the idea that all the programs out there are not things that will change my body or my life, but rather they are tools at my disposal that I can use to my advantage. I think one of the reasons I get frustrated when people say I am "tiny," "shrinking", "a shadow of your former self" or worst of all, at risk for "disappearing" is that those descriptions sound so diminutive, and yet I am stronger than I've ever been, mentally and physically and I'm finally ready to be seen.

I feel like I have gained power over my food addiction (for lack of a better term). I have gained WILL POWER. I have gained PHYSICAL POWER. I have gained MENTAL POWER. All of this power will help me get to my goal and stay there. I have the power to control so many aspects of my life. And I have the power to control my reaction to things OUTSIDE my power.

Sorry to hear you are frustrated by people's comments. So many people think it is JUST about being thin. But it is so much more than that! Being strong is so important... unfortunately it isn't as visually obvious as the weight loss is.... so people can only comment on what they see. If you could find a way to remind those people of how STRONG you have become along the way, maybe you would feel less frustrated. Since it would be difficult to go around all of the time wearing your marathon medals, maybe you could just drop a comment from time to time about how you are continuing to train for ________________(fill in with any upcoming event).

Well... I've been battling a headache all morning and I had hoped that eating some lunch would help. But it hasn't so far, so I am off to grab the Advil.......P
The answers to yesterday's QOTD are making me hungry! Its amazing how many good foods and even desserts are green!

This morning was my son's Ocean info fair and then my last Fit Club where we got remeasured and body fat-pinched. At long last, I am here to post my FINAL QOTD of the week. But first a quote from Jillian Michaels book Master Your Metabolism:

"The entire journey to health is about power. The definition of power, in my opinion, is learning to make your dream a reality."

3/18 Thursday QOTD: How do you feel about the idea of power as it relates to your efforts to change your body?

Obviously this quote resonated with me - I have really gotten into the idea of personal power in my efforts to lose weight and gain strength, and the idea that all the programs out there are not things that will change my body or my life, but rather they are tools at my disposal that I can use to my advantage. I think one of the reasons I get frustrated when people say I am "tiny," "shrinking", "a shadow of your former self" or worst of all, at risk for "disappearing" is that those descriptions sound so diminutive, and yet I am stronger than I've ever been, mentally and physically and I'm finally ready to be seen.

I feel very powerful. I have the power to not be overweight and I have been in that category for years now. Mind you I haven't reached my ideal weight, but I'm still doing okay. I also have power in everything that I do and let me tell you I am a multitasking fool these days. I'm working 2 part time jobs, running 6 lacrosse teams and all that goes with it, planning and soliciting for a basket raffle with Carnival and concessions as well as planning for the 8th Grade Grad dance. All of this is going on symotaniously. I just float from one activity to another and somehow I'm getting it all done. If I lacked power that wouldn't happen ;)
And to top it off! The Wii Fit said I was NORMAL, not overweight anymore!!! 23.99. I am now noticing a difference between the Wii Fit and my regular scale. I wii Fit said I was add'l 5 pounds lighter! I am sticking with my bathroom scale and it said 154 after 5 miles so far today! I'm so gonna try and stay good for the rest of the day! I am down 2.6 for the week so that's the best I've done in several weeks!

Thanks everybody!

Gotta do some cleaning and then run to the dump and then go give a 30 minute massage at work!

It's gorgeous here so I thin I'll open some windows and let the fresh air in!

Way to go! I may never get that message from Wii fit. Although, I am only 1 pound from being overweight instead of obese!!!

3/18 Thursday QOTD: How do you feel about the idea of power as it relates to your efforts to change your body?

I've got the power. Hey, hey, hey... :banana::banana: Song going through my head! I have the power to change my body. I have the power not to eat things my body doesn't need. I have the power to RUN 25 minutes, I dont care what my DH calls it. ;) I have the power to change my lifestyle, body, and health. I have the power to be a full time Mom, Wife, Teacher, housekeeper, taxi driver, and a part time Grad Student.

I am woman. Hear me Roar!:goodvibes
3/18 Thursday QOTD: How do you feel about the idea of power as it relates to your efforts to change your body?

This is a word I have to be careful with. I think I have the "illusion" of power -- I can do the right things, but I can't control whether the scale goes to the number I think it should, when I think it should. For me, it is a case of "absolute power corrupts absolutely", if I start to believe I can literally control every ounce, I send myself into a dark spiral. I think in my case, "empower" is a better word. I feel I can impact my own life, but not that I have complete control. Semantics, I know -- but words are, well, powerful ;)

Maria :upsidedow
It5 was a quiet week in my in box this week. Only 4 people participated in COW 9 Congrats to all those who are using this as a tool.

With 24 out of 28 points

With 25 out of 28 points

AND with 27 out of 28 points

Welcome to COW 11

You do not have to participate but it is there to help you build good habits. Each week we will have two to four habit suggestions for you to do. At the end of the week you report your points to me.

It has been said that if you do something for 30 days it will become a habit. We will start off easy with two habits that have been known to help weight loss. As the weeks go by we will add to these habits. We will never have more than 4 habits to work on each week since that seems to be the number that most people could do without a problem.

COW 11

Drink 8 glasses of water each day. (1 point for each day)
Do 20 minutes of exercise every day (1 point for each day)
Do something for yourself each day (1 point for each day)
2 servings of calcium each day (It can be a supplement if you can't drink milk)(1 point for each day)

When you send me your points please post your total in your RE and then in the main part of the pm list your points as follows:

XX days of drinking water
XX days of exercising for 20 minutes per day
XX days something for yourself
XX days of calcium

This challlenge runs from Friday March 19, 2010 to Thursday March 25, 2010. On Friday March 26, 2010 pm me your points for the week. The COW results will be posted the same day the weekly totals are posted.

HAve fun with the COW.

Don't forget to send me COW 10 points tomorrow.
Just jumping on to say GOOD NIGHT and happy "weighing" in the morning! I hope everyone sees what they want tomorrow!

My circuit class was KILLER tonight! She certainly knows how to get us sweating. I don't love the class, but I certainly appreciate how she gets us sweating. I kept picturing all of the BL on the ranch sweating like PIGS as Bob and Jillian put them through their paces during their "last chance" workout and I just kept moving!

I kept to 15 points today, which I wanted to do before tomorrow's weigh-in, but I paid the price with a hungry headache a portion of the day. But I did make sure that I spent my calories wisely... plenty of lean protein and healthy carbs, plus some healthy fats.

I'm already planning a yummy fruit and yogurt parfait for breakfast on the run tomorrow. Not sure what I will pack for lunch (I am working tomorrow).

Gotta run!..................P
Good night all! And Happy Weigh in tomorrow!

Did 5 miles total plus lots of cleaning and laundry. Had pancakes and bacon for supper. Didn't overeat at all today. Enjoying my water!

Planning on working out while I'm away this weekend! Redwalker and I are going to do the treadmills a bit tomorrow and more on Saturday! All packed and ready to go except for getting the food and drinks together!

Have a great weekend everyone! I'll try and stop in tomorrow before we head off!
Well... I've been battling a headache all morning and I had hoped that eating some lunch would help. But it hasn't so far, so I am off to grab the Advil.......P

Pj I hope your headache is better. I've been battling one today too. It's from stress, and I had a Fifth's disease flare up last night and today. I felt like I was 90 years old trying to get out of bed today.
I've been in a fog all day. Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day for both of us!
dd is home sick today - she's matching the color of the holiday (mean mom mocking my daughter!):goodvibes No fever, just feels like she's going to puke. Pjilla I was just wondering last night if it's food-related, she seems to get this a LOT. I am going to keep a food journal for her for the next two weeks.

I've been doing great w/my exercise but today on the most gorgeous day I might have to miss my c25k. :( Well at least I am disappointed about it. I don't like "running" through the neighborhood and am not sure if I want to leave dd while I drive to the park with the dogs...:confused3 I guess I could use the treadmill...

Just wanted to let everyone know about a fantastic deal I got from the Budget Board if you like House of Blues... has coupons for them w/no black out periods and today it's a 70% discount with the code "lucky." The regular discount is a $25 coupon for $10, so I got $200 worth for $24!!:woohoo: Here are the only limitations..."Minimum purchase of $35. 18% Gratuity added prior to discount. Cannot be used for Gospel Brunch on Holidays or Special Events" . Surprised it doesn't say it excludes alcohol.

How is DD feeling now? :hug:

I am having a rough afternoon so I am turning to my WISH friends! I just found out a dear dear friend is having serious marriage problems - his wife has sort of snapped since they had their baby, will not let my friend - her husband - even hold the child let alone spend time alone with her, and it gets worse from there. So...I ate 4 hershey's kisses and didn't refill the bowl, 1/2 of a peppermint chocolate luna bar, and then made my sick daughter get out of bed and go for a walk with the dogs and me! Now I'm getting ready to scrapbook so that I stay out of the kitchen, then do some walk-it-out and then make dinner. That's my plan. This is one of those things that really shakes you up, know what I mean? Up is down and left is right.

Thanks for being here my friends! :grouphug:

I'm so sorry for your friends. What a difficult time this must be for them.

Thanks for the prayers for my friends. I hugged my husband extra tight tonight!

And thanks to everyone on this thread for all of your support and being such an open place to come...a few months ago I would have eaten a bag of chips (the large size!) and ordered pizza. Tonight...ravioli, brocolli, and a salad with an orange for dessert, a walk with my dogs and 50 minutes playing Walk It Out. And guess what? Between you all and healthy choices I am actually feeling good.:grouphug:

Great job on controlling your food!! :thumbsup2

Saying it out loud and posting it here DEFINITELY helps me keep on track. I feel like you all will be "looking" for me to post back about whether or not I stayed on my plan, so I am usually more diligent when I post here!

Enjoy your Mickey treat, get walking at lunch, and I'll be looking for what you say about tonight's workout!

Good afternoon all! I've barely left this computer screen all morning. I finished typing/printing all of the journaling for the last 30-ish pages of the scrapbooks of our 2005 Disneyland trip!! Now to get the journaling ONTO the pages and call them done! I am SO excited to be almost done with this project. I know it sounds like I am SO far behind, but I kind of feel like I am almost caught up. I KNEW that this particular project would take a long time and I completed it much faster than I anticipated. It took me a full calendar year to complete the books for our 2004 WDW 8 day trip. This was a 10 day trip with many, many more pictures... so I figured it would be another year long project. But I start printing pictures last spring, got them all sorted, and then started working on the pages this past summer (maybe June or July??) and here I am,nearly done. Plus I was able to keep up with some other projects along the way, so I am PUMPED!

Sorry... just had to share my excitement about something other than the scales!

I'm off to enjoy my lunch and finish those pages!.................P

That is a huge scrapbooking accomplishment! I always start my scrapbooks but I never finish them. I have a few days left to scrap of the last 4 Disney vacations and I haven't even started our cruise we took in May of last year. I need to get moving!

Good night all! And Happy Weigh in tomorrow!

Did 5 miles total plus lots of cleaning and laundry. Had pancakes and bacon for supper. Didn't overeat at all today. Enjoying my water!

Planning on working out while I'm away this weekend! Redwalker and I are going to do the treadmills a bit tomorrow and more on Saturday! All packed and ready to go except for getting the food and drinks together!

Have a great weekend everyone! I'll try and stop in tomorrow before we head off!

Enjoy your trip!!!
Pj I hope your headache is better. I've been battling one today too. It's from stress, and I had a Fifth's disease flare up last night and today. I felt like I was 90 years old trying to get out of bed today.
I've been in a fog all day. Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day for both of us!

I hope you're feeling better soon, Buffy!!! :hug:
Good evening!

The stomach flu is having it's way with my family. I started feeling oooky on Wednesday... yesterday I felt really oooky but I decided to do my C25K anyway. That was a mistake.

My 3 year old DD was super sick today. She was sick every 15 to 20 minutes from 9:00 this morning until 5:00 tonight. It was awful. She and I locked ourselves in my bedroom and watched cartoons all day (we're currently watching iCarly). I hope she is feeling better tomorrow and that the rest of the family is spared.

Today was the first day since 1/1/2010 that I didn't work out. :( I've been on a diet of Ginger Ale, fruit flavored life savers and no-salt saltines for two days. Today I stepped on the scale and I was up a pound or two. I couldn't tell because the room was spinning. :laughing:

3/17 - Wednesday QOTD: What is your favorite green food?

Grapes!!! Love them!

3/18 Thursday QOTD: How do you feel about the idea of power as it relates to your efforts to change your body?

I don't think I am feeling well enough to answer this question. Thinking makes me feel all dizzy-ish. Can't. Think. Now.
Way to go! I may never get that message from Wii fit. Although, I am only 1 pound from being overweight instead of obese!!!
You'll get there! Like you said, you have the power to change your lifestyle. You're already on your way.

This is a word I have to be careful with. I think I have the "illusion" of power -- I can do the right things, but I can't control whether the scale goes to the number I think it should, when I think it should. For me, it is a case of "absolute power corrupts absolutely", if I start to believe I can literally control every ounce, I send myself into a dark spiral. I think in my case, "empower" is a better word. I feel I can impact my own life, but not that I have complete control. Semantics, I know -- but words are, well, powerful ;)
Maria :upsidedow
I like your answer. It makes sense to the control freak in me.

The stomach flu is having it's way with my family. I started feeling oooky on Wednesday... yesterday I felt really oooky but I decided to do my C25K anyway. That was a mistake.
Yuck! I hope you and DD feel better soon!

As for me, I did manage to stay on plan food-wise, walk 20 min at lunch, and get in a Wii BL workout tonight. Despite being on plan this week, I'm having a bit of an icky feeling day. I just feel kinda bloaty or something. Not very scientific, but even so, I'm not confident about results on the scale tomorrow.

QOTD: Which bring me to answering the QOTD kind of like Maria. I have the power to make the right choices and that will lead to a healthier and stronger me. BUT, I don't have the power to move the numbers on the scale every week. As long as we're making the right choices, we'll see results - we just don't always get to choose the timeline.
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