Biggest Loser 9 Spring Challenge -- thread closing -- see new thread Part 2!

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Quick and Healthy recipes and ideas. Just saw theres a volume 2, i'll have to check that one out.

I'm a pretty picky eater and i have to say, i liked 90% of the recipes in here. plus that they seem so easy. I would definitely recommend it.

Thanks for sharing! :)

Lisa - I've tried sparkpeople, I didn't realize there was a disteam on there. I was a little overwhelmed on the site.

They do have a lot of good info on sparkpeople -- I turned off more than half the stuff and it is much more manageable. I thought the WW site was overwhelming so I guess it is what you are used to! ;)

Hi Everyone!My name is Christina (CC) and I'm very excited to be joining BL9. I need to lose about 25 pounds. I lost about 25 on Weight Watchers in about 3.5 months, but since last December I've been going up and down. I'm really hoping this challenge will help me shed the last 25 pounds for good. I just got a Wii for Christmas and my parents bought me the Wii Fit Plus/balance board today. I can't wait to start using it tomorrow or Friday. I've been trying to do the 30-Day Shred, but haven't done that in at least a few days. As of Jan. 1st, things are changing and I'm going to exercise and lose those pounds.

Enjoy your Wii! :cool2:

Hey, everyone, I'm Julie and I just turned 48. (dear God in Heaven, I'm OLD) I'm really excited about the BL9 challenge, not only because I love the show-but also because I know that I can't do this alone. I need a community to chat with and share experiences. I hope I can lift someone else up when they need a boost and I hope someone can do that for me when I need one.

Doing something you love is the key to making the exercise thing stick! :thumbsup2 (And BTW some of us are older than you so I guess we're really old ;))
...Usually the weeks that are bad for me are followed by great weeks because I get my focus back and push myself a little harder. ...


Happy New Year to all!

That's the hard part for so many people trying to change their lives; a little failure and it all goes to part. Good for you!

Here' one: :hug:

i have to say, as of right now, i'm super motivated. hope everyone else is too!

go us!!!

Yes, we can do this! :cheer2:

I really hope my DH joins me. He needs to drop 50 pounds. I want to retire and enjoy the rest of my life with him...I want to be around for grand kids (not soon, but someday)

We have a couple of husband/wife teams who have joined our challenge, denise, so maybe that will convince DH to do so. :cool2:

I have always struggled with weight. . .just because I just plain love to eat! I love everything about it! ;) In 2006, I joined a WISH thread where the goal was "no cheating". That, along with WW & WATP, worked for me, and DH & I lost quite a bit of weight (about 70 pounds, combined). I lost 26 over this past year (I gained a LOT when I was pregnant with DS), but about 5-7 have crept their way back on. I want to those and about 20 more. DH & I would like to start trying for another baby later this year, but I want to be much healthier (and lighter) before we start! That aside, we are also going to WDW in June and staying at Boardwalk. We're DVC'rs, but we've never stayed there--I figure "new resort, new me"! I'm hoping to get going on this challenge and exercise. . .and get DH going with me! As a PP said, I want us to be around and together forever, and we need to be healthy to do that!

Ooo! A new resort and a new baby on the horizon -- those are good motivators for your journey! :goodvibes

I still have 20 pounds or so of baby weight hanging on and it's time for it to go.

My husband (MrIncredidad) is also doing this challenge with me because he also has some baby weight to lose. :rotfl:

Why is it that the baby weight doesn't stay with the baby?!? :confused3

A heartfelt HUG to everyone and Prayers for each of us to find strength, motivation and encouragement we all need! I hope I will be a blessing in each of your lives as I am sure you will all be in mine! ♥ Theresa

:hug: to you Theresa. It was a rough road but sounds like you are heading in the right direction. It is a little intimidating at first because the thread moves quickly but it will get easier as time goes on. Good luck to you, too! :cheer2:

I found you.

I am doing this in memory of my dh of 30 years who passed away in Aug 09. One of the things that he wanted me to do was to take better care of myself. Since all the emotions of the holidays will be over when this starts I am hoping to really do some good things.

Of course it doesn't help that I am watching a show about a six layer coconut cake, yum and I don't really eat sweets. I could work on this. :laughing:

So good luck everyone.

Yay! You found us! :yay: I think you're going to do some good things this challenge too! :cool1:

You know the question people always ask, "How did they get so heavy?" Yep, one pound at a time. It goes off the same way, just seems a lot slower.

Isn't that the truth?!? It sounds like you know that it time to take care of you for a change. :thumbsup2

I am losing weight for several reasons. I know that I will be getting married within the next couple of years and do not want to have to worry about the stress of trying to lose weight and plan a wedding at the same time. Plus, when it does come time to do engagement photos I want to like what I see. I pretty much hate the way I look and do not like having photos taken. I am tired all the time. I have diabetes, asthma, and IBS. I don't think losing weight will necessarily cure any of these, but I do think it will help. I used to be a competitive dancer and want to dance again, but I will not wear a leotard at the weight I am at now. I also want to one day go back to Disney and perform- something that will not be possible at my current weight.

Planning a wedding will be fun, Jessi!

About 2 1/2 years ago I got serious and lost about 50 pounds, and maintained it until the past 6 months or so and half of it is back. My daughter took pictures Christmas morning and I wanted to cry when I saw how bad I look. So its time to buckle down and stop with the excuses!

:hug:, KerBear. You lost the weight before so you know what to do and that is half the battle!

Ziggy - YES I'm excited!! Can I get a woot woot?! :woohoo:

:woohoo: Woot! Woot!

Happy New Year to you to jenn and to all of our BL 9 challenge participants!
:yay: Hi everyone, (thanks for the extra help lisah)

Boy am I grateful to have found this thread

In 2010 I want to go from Pooh to Piglet size... really I can do it... I'm short.

Seriously, I would love to feel good, have more energy, and be more active.
In my early 30's after my 3rd child I started to gain a lot of weight and every year I try to take it off. I'm usually good at the first 10 lbs but then for whatever reason I just seem to stop. This year I need to push beyond this point and finally get this off for good.

Enjoying all the posts and comments already. What a great group this is! Thanks a Bunch
tigger813 - another hug coming your way...:hug:

Lisa thanks for the woot woot! :rotfl:

Taking the girls ice skating again...dd is dying for me to get out there, I told her in 30 pounds I will! :lmao: I only ice skated once, that was at her Daisies outing 6 years ago. Didn't have rinks in Orlando when I was growing up. Anyway - I'll walk some laps around the rink while I'm there with them. It's nasty out today so I doubt I'll get outside otherwise.

Have a great day everyone!
:yay: Hi everyone, (thanks for the extra help lisah)

Boy am I grateful to have found this thread

In 2010 I want to go from Pooh to Piglet size... really I can do it... I'm short.

I love it! Yes you CAN do it!! :hug: Then you must take a trip to WDW and get a photo with Piglet. :flower3:
Good morning, BL9. I'm looking forward to joining you all!

My name is Tia (33) and I am a homeschooling mom of one beautiful 6yo DD and wife of 7 years to Phil. I am an in-home child care provider and busy Girl Scout volunteer.

I did a couple of BL challenges, well I guess it was the first two of 2008 so it's been awhile. In the past 5 years I've gotten down about 45lbs. Of course, I've also regained about 15 of that, but at least I'm still down 30lb! I've gotten to the 189 mark twice now and haven't busted past it yet. This time, though, I'm sailing past that threshold and continuing downward! Our next Disney trip is in December (knock on wood) and I really want to be at my final goal by then. I was so much happier with the pictures from our Christmas trip to CA last year after having lost 25lbs that I want to make it happen again, but even better this time!

I've really liked Sparkpeople in the past and plan to get back to that. It can be confusing, but I liken it to using TourGuide Mike. I just use the parts I want and don't worry about trying to figure out the rest. Over time, I find myself utilizing more and more pieces of it. We also just got a WiiFit Plus for Christmas and I'm enjoying using it. It's the first intentional exercise I've done in at least a year. I'm still working on figuring out how to use the recumbant bike we have. We keep it in our room as that's the best place for DH to use it, but it makes it hard for me to use it. However, DH things the alternative is him carrying it up and down the stairs everyday and since I'm convinced he will break himself someday doing that, we'll leave it there. :upsidedow

Okay, rambling. Sorry, I do that.'s been nice "meeting" you all through this QOTD. Can't wait to get to know you more and for us all to see some downward movement on the scale.
I am so excited about this. Of course the first day of the challenge and I am taking my mom to lunch at a buffet. I am sure there will be lots of veggies and probably grilled chicken.

You might be starting off the challenge with a buffet but you might not have had a plan for eating better if you weren't here with us! :cool1:

It is nice to have another jersey girl on this thread.

It's nice to know some real Jersey girls -- I bet you're nothing like Stephanie Plum! :rotfl2:

Thanks for all the pixie dust about ds's visa. It was shipped from Washington last night. Ds came down this morning and told me that according to the tracking site it is in the next town over. Should be here by 3 this afternoon. Africa here he comes:banana::banana::scared1:(me)

:hug:, donac, it will be scary for him to go but he will be making memories to last his lifetime.

I'm looking forward to the first COW!

Gotta get moving as Mom's back and shoulder are killing her so I will be taking her to the spa for her massage when she gets back from Trader Joe's. Day not starting off well! I NEED A HUG!

Here's a :hug: for you, Tracey. I was wondering who gives you a massage when you need one? :confused3

I am so glad that it is time for the challenge. I didn't participate in the last one but was doing well with maintaining where I was at until probably Thanksgiving. With a Disney trip and the holidays, I'm feeling heavier and know I need to get back to my healthier habits. I need to start focusing on getting my water in and we need to get back to our daily walks.

You'll be back on track in no time! :cheer2:

That's the hard part for so many people trying to change their lives; a little failure and it all goes to part. Good for you!

There is a quote from our last challenge that helps me when those times come
-- if you were emptying the dishwasher and broke a plate, you wouldn't throw the rest of the dishes on the floor -- so why do we take an all or nothing approach with ourselves? :confused3

:yay: Hi everyone, (thanks for the extra help lisah)

Boy am I grateful to have found this thread

In 2010 I want to go from Pooh to Piglet size... really I can do it... I'm short.

Seriously, I would love to feel good, have more energy, and be more active.
In my early 30's after my 3rd child I started to gain a lot of weight and every year I try to take it off. I'm usually good at the first 10 lbs but then for whatever reason I just seem to stop. This year I need to push beyond this point and finally get this off for good.

Enjoying all the posts and comments already. What a great group this is! Thanks a Bunch

Glad that you found us tea pot! :goodvibes

tigger813 - another hug coming your way...:hug:

Lisa thanks for the woot woot! :rotfl:

Taking the girls ice skating again...dd is dying for me to get out there, I told her in 30 pounds I will! :lmao: I only ice skated once, that was at her Daisies outing 6 years ago. Didn't have rinks in Orlando when I was growing up. Anyway - I'll walk some laps around the rink while I'm there with them. It's nasty out today so I doubt I'll get outside otherwise.

Have a great day everyone!

Oh, I can relate, jenn! When I was growing up in Anaheim I longed for snow. :rotfl2:

I will be updating the participant list later today. I am sorry to those of you whose names I may have missed -- I am going to go back and double check but don't be shy and let me know if I missed you. We are glad to have each and every one of you in our challenge!

Please remember to PM your starting weight to LuvBaloo tomorrow and be on the lookout for the first COW (Challenge of the Week).

We are off to a great start!
I am so happy to start the new year with BL9. My name is Terri, and yes, even at home, my nickname is Wezee. I am 50 years old :scared1: married to the love of my life for almost 29 yrs. I have a 22 yr. old son who just graduated from college last May.
When my son graduated from high school in 2005, I was at an all time weight high. I cracked down, with the help of WW, and lost close to 50 lbs. And over the next couple of years improved on that goal for a total weight loss of 64 lbs.
The last 10-15 lbs. came off a year or so ago when I participated in a previous BL challenge.
In the last 6-7 months I have slacked off on my food journal and my exercise and about 12lbs. have re-attached to my body. It probably didn't help that I had an emergency apendectomy on July 2nd and then my DH had foot surgery a few weeks later. He usually works 2nd shift, but he was off work for 2 months and decided to perfect his outdoor grilling skills and use me as his official taste tester.
Thank you all for BL9, it has really made me excited about 2010. My goal is to lose 10-12 lbs., excercise and make new friends on the BL9 thread.
Good luck to all and have a Happy New Year! Terri
Buffy, I know it's off topic but I laughed out loud when I saw your family of "people"! LOVE the teenage son one!!!! :lmao:

I love her signature too! :laughing:

I really need new clothes because my work clothes are getting tight but I absolutely refuse to go up a size becuase that will be the biggest size I have ever been in.

I am having the same problem. :sad2: I keep telling myself that it's like getting a new wardrobe for free if I lose 15 pounds or so! (I'll fit into the pile of clothes that USED to fit last year. :headache:)

:wave2: My name is Bethany. I'm 28 and I have seen the Loser icon thing in people's signatures for a while now. I recently moved and went from not having a car and walking/bus/train pretty much everywhere to having a car. Also, my job changed and I was a lot more active at my old job. Last spring, if I wore a pedometer, I would get 25,000-30,000 steps on an average day, and that never included just "taking a walk to get some exercise". Now, if I wear one, I have to "take a walk to get some exercise" just to get the steps up over 10,000. :rolleyes: The end result is that I'm up about 20 pounds over a 6 month period. :scared:

The last month or so, I've made an effort to get out and walk/jog and I've been doing that fairly regularly. I've been getting frustrated though, because I have not been noticing a difference on the scale OR with the tape measure. :confused3 I HAVE noticed a difference with my stamina and my speed while walking/jogging, but I'm ready for it to show up on my waist so my pants fit again!
"We have a couple of husband/wife teams who have joined our challenge, denise, so maybe that will convince DH to do so. "

Well GREAT NEWS, My DH said he would join me. He is not on the boards but has to hear about then almost everyday! I've even "made" him listen to some of the podcasts so that when I say Pete said this or Corey did this he has an idea who there are.:rotfl:

He said he will loose pound for pound that I do!!!:cool1::cool1: No more couch potato!!! I am so excited, while my 25-30 pounds of fat is distrubuted all over, he carries his on his belly. We will be two hot DIS fans in 2010 :woohoo::woohoo:
:yay: Hi everyone, (thanks for the extra help lisah)

Boy am I grateful to have found this thread

In 2010 I want to go from Pooh to Piglet size... really I can do it... I'm short.

Seriously, I would love to feel good, have more energy, and be more active.
In my early 30's after my 3rd child I started to gain a lot of weight and every year I try to take it off. I'm usually good at the first 10 lbs but then for whatever reason I just seem to stop. This year I need to push beyond this point and finally get this off for good.

Enjoying all the posts and comments already. What a great group this is! Thanks a Bunch

:wave2: Hey tea pot...glad to see you over here, now we can chat in two places:).
Good morning everyone! It's awesome that this coincides perfectly with the new year. I'm actually starting to watch what I eat today. Our plans for NYE have changed since DD17 has to work, she didn't realize it was NYE. So we cancelled our dinner at a Japanese Hibatchi and will go on Saturday instead. I'm having the veggie hibatchi on Saturday, and know it will fit in to my calories for the day.

I threw out my mid-back last night. We went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks (really cute) and as I was walking out of the bathroom I took a deep breath and I had a huge pain shoot across my back. I'm working from home today so hopefully that makes it easy to stay on track. We are going to have spagetti tonight now, yummy!!
Bernard & MissBianca - I new I recognized your name, a few years ago I think I did some swaps with you and pjilla. I have sadly fallen off of the scrapwagon and am chasing it down trying to get back on! (burning some calories lol) DH even got me a cricut!! Which I have yet to use! WDW pictures - I want to be in ALL of them next time!

Hey get your butt back there!! Lots of swapping, scrapping, challenges etc going on. Open up that Cricut! I have 2 now, use them all the time! I use my scrap pages as motivation, A) because I hate hate hate my pictures! and B) I don't eat when I scrap because I'm afraid I'll get foodies on my pages. LOL

Buffy, I know it's off topic but I laughed out loud when I saw your family of "people"! LOVE the teenage son one!!!! :lmao:

Thanks! If the timing is right DS13 has attitude and DH goes GAH! all at the right times. It is sooo true though! That is my family! :rotfl2:

"We have a couple of husband/wife teams who have joined our challenge, denise, so maybe that will convince DH to do so. "

Well GREAT NEWS, My DH said he would join me. He is not on the boards but has to hear about then almost everyday! I've even "made" him listen to some of the podcasts so that when I say Pete said this or Corey did this he has an idea who there are.:rotfl:

He said he will loose pound for pound that I do!!!:cool1::cool1: No more couch potato!!! I am so excited, while my 25-30 pounds of fat is distrubuted all over, he carries his on his belly. We will be two hot DIS fans in 2010 :woohoo::woohoo:

I wish my hubby could join me but he's a skinny mini. He used to have to work out for 5-8 hours a day just to maintain 180. Now he's down to 140. Which of course makes me look worse standing next to him!
Yeah, jennz, I never had the time or energy to workout when I was teaching full time. Now, I can't imagine my life without it, though it has been lacking BIG TIME the last two weeks! I'm heading into the bedroom in a few minutes to do the 2 mile WATP so at least I will get that in today. My mom wants to try her DVD as well so I will do another one later plus I need to take Mom to the spa and give her a massage today so there's another 60 minutes of exercise.

I really hope I get in two workouts today since I will be eating Chinese food tonight and enjoying some drinks! Also we will be taking lots of yummy stuff with us that is here so I will have to try and control myself in that area!

For the newbies, I have found that it I post what I plan on doing for the day exercise and eating wise that I tend to do it! I have lots of people to answer to if I don't! Especially myself! Yes, I am a fanatic when it comes to working out during the challenge. I tend to do 6-8 miles a day using my elliptical, WATP and the Wii Fit PLUS. I do have bad weeks (especially PMS weeks)!

The one thing to remember is DON'T GET FRUSTRATED! I used to do that and finally realized that if I do that I am only defeating myself! Push the failures aside and move forward! Usually the weeks that are bad for me are followed by great weeks because I get my focus back and push myself a little harder. My DH was shocked at some of my losses and didn't realize how far I had come. Of course, he also jokes that me losing weight is costing money in new clothes! But, he likes my new body!

Gotta get moving as Mom's back and shoulder are killing her so I will be taking her to the spa for her massage when she gets back from Trader Joe's. Day not starting off well! I NEED A HUG!

Happy New Year to all!


Good morning, BL9. I'm looking forward to joining you all!

My name is Tia (33) and I am a homeschooling mom of one beautiful 6yo DD and wife of 7 years to Phil. I am an in-home child care provider and busy Girl Scout volunteer.

I did a couple of BL challenges, well I guess it was the first two of 2008 so it's been awhile. In the past 5 years I've gotten down about 45lbs. Of course, I've also regained about 15 of that, but at least I'm still down 30lb! I've gotten to the 189 mark twice now and haven't busted past it yet. This time, though, I'm sailing past that threshold and continuing downward! Our next Disney trip is in December (knock on wood) and I really want to be at my final goal by then. I was so much happier with the pictures from our Christmas trip to CA last year after having lost 25lbs that I want to make it happen again, but even better this time!

I've really liked Sparkpeople in the past and plan to get back to that. It can be confusing, but I liken it to using TourGuide Mike. I just use the parts I want and don't worry about trying to figure out the rest. Over time, I find myself utilizing more and more pieces of it. We also just got a WiiFit Plus for Christmas and I'm enjoying using it. It's the first intentional exercise I've done in at least a year. I'm still working on figuring out how to use the recumbant bike we have. We keep it in our room as that's the best place for DH to use it, but it makes it hard for me to use it. However, DH things the alternative is him carrying it up and down the stairs everyday and since I'm convinced he will break himself someday doing that, we'll leave it there. :upsidedow

Okay, rambling. Sorry, I do that.'s been nice "meeting" you all through this QOTD. Can't wait to get to know you more and for us all to see some downward movement on the scale.

:cool1::cool1:Tia Good to see you somewhere else:cool1::cool1:
Now that some DHs are joining I'm sure that I can get my Dh to join too. He and I always work on weight loss together anyway, it's just a matter of getting him to post. His DIS name is kitchensinkguy cause he has won the kitchensink challenge at Beaches n Cream twice:rolleyes1
Hi Everyone!

This is my first biggest loser challenge. This challenge sounds like a great way to stay motivated.

I'm doing this challenge with my wife (LittleSeacow) since we both have some baby weight to lose. Like my wife I have always struggled with my weight, and last spring we took on a diet and I lost 57lbs. I have slowly gained about 20lbs that needs to go so I can get back on track and in better shape. :yay:
QOTD: It is time that I join in. My name is Jen and I am 41 years old. I work full time as a 4th grade teacher and love what I do. The hard part is that the hours are really long and I seem to talk myself out of exercising or even eating healthy because I always think that I do not have enough time or that I am too exhausted from teaching all day. It is time to be done with the excuses and start back on my weight loss journey.

I am married (hope to get DH working with me a bit on the weight loss because he could use to lose some too). I also have 2 children, DD (13) and DS (9).

I will be doing WW along with this challenge. 3 years ago I lost a lot of weight and was so happy with how I looked and felt. I have gained all of the weight back (and more) though and I am really not happy with where I am at. Like most people posting...I don't like how I look in photos, don't like to have to figure out what to wear because everything is tight and overall just don't like how I feel at this point.

I am ready to work hard at this though and feel it is time to find the time for a healthier life. I have been doing a lot of thinking and planning these last few days to determine what I need to do to be successful this time around and I am going to be ready on Friday for the first weigh in as well as having plans to get me through the first week! I am excited to have this group to help keep me accountable!

Have a great New Year's everyone!
Hi everyone! This is my first challenge and I am super excited!

My name is Megan, I am 33 and very recently single...My weight tends to go up and down, more up then down :) I work at a school and anyone who works at a school knows the faculty room is the worst with treats and goodies. I need to learn to steer clear of those extra treats, but it is just soo hard when they are sitting there all day. I would like to lost at least 20lbs!

I am excited about this challenge and looking forward to a great 2010....ready for a change! Thanks for the oppurtunity!
Good afternoon and Happy New Year's Eve!

Welcome everyone! This is going to be an exciting, fun challenge!

It's fun to see more men joining the challenge this round - sorry that the clippie is covered with flowers and butterflies this time, guys... :sad2:

Jenanderson - just wanted to say hello to a fellow Minnesotan. :wave:
and also say that the combination of WW and DISboard's Biggest Loser Challenge has been has been a great one for me this year. Are you doing meetings or online?

my3princesthat kitchen sink is no joke! We got that one time, didn't even manage to finish and all 3 of us felt pretty yucky. Of course that might have been the combination of coffee ice cream and pineapple sauce...

We're going to a party tonight with the kids - it will be us and at least 2 other families and the kids are really looking forward to it!! I am a little concerned about the food situation, as I, myself, am bringing a rather large wheel of brie. Oh man. Not sure what I was thinking with that one. At least there will be plenty of people to share it. I did my tempo run this morning - really getting down to the last few workouts before the half marathon (!!!).
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