Biggest Loser--Fall 2011 Challenge for Losers & Maintainers!!

Hi! Count me in! I need to lose just 5 pounds (I am a thin girl by nature, any more than 5 wouldn't be healthy) but I am getting married in 6 months and my wedding dress doesn't zip up anymore (it did- barely- 2 months ago and now it is a good inch from doing so) !! I ordered my dress at my lowest weight ever- my mistake:(

I am not losing or gaining weight now and I need some motivation to be healthier/more accountable to get rid of these 5 pounds so I don't have to let my dress out!
I want to join. I'd like to lose about 15 lbs by December (all the left over baby weight) :)
Count me in-I am hoping that joining in will motivate me more. I almost didn't sign up knowing we have a cruise and F&W in about 6 wks and I will not be following a diet per se then. But even a little set back will be ok.
Ok, I'm in. I've been running since March and have lost almost no weight. I think it's partly meds I'm on and partly not being careful enough with snacks. I'm 10 lbs over "healthy" and 15-20 over where I'd love to be. I expect to lose very slowly due to meds, (and because im very wary of unsustainable changes, btdt) but I'd love to be part of this great group!

Count me in as a loser...this may be the accountability I need to get some traction with my efforts.
Hi all! I would love to join in on the challenge as a LOSER! I just started Weight Watchers and can use all the motivation I can get!!
Let me know when you all get the e-mail, then you can add me and I can have "friends".

I should be getting my email soon, Gretchen, I will let you know when i get it. I'm impatiently waiting.

If I can't make it to cheer you on, I'll cheer from home!!

aww thanks sweetie!

So nice to see some new faces! Can't wait to get to know everyone. Will we be doing intros at some point?

Had an ok day, didn't do much. Now I just packed my bag for tomrrow, and my lunch, and now im updating my running playlist, watching Misfits, and then going to bed. Its going to be a long busy week but i plan on running tues, wed, and thrus. and on fri i'm going to attempt to go to my first ever yoga class (terrified)
I should be getting my email soon, Gretchen, I will let you know when i get it. I'm impatiently waiting.

and on fri i'm going to attempt to go to my first ever yoga class (terrified)

Excellent! Right now I'm the only I know who has access, and it's kind of lonely.

I want to try Yoga this year. My housemate does it and says it's great, so when they post the schedule for that (and Zumba, the personal trainer, and kickboxing), I'd like to give all of them a try.
Count me in as a loser. I have been having a tough time about losing for the last year. I am hoping that I will be able to do better this challenge.

I have ds2 graduating from college next year and a trip to Dw plannned for Aug of next year. (I don't have a count down since it is not set yet. It should by Sept 19th . My dsis is using her DVC for a big family party.)

I will be willing to coach and I just sent a pm

You are counted. Welcome.

Count me in! I can't wait to get started, and I am so looking forward to coaching this time around! I need to start working on my questions!

You are on my list.

This sounds like fun. I have never done one of these challenges or teams but maybe that is the kickstart I need. Count me in as a loser.
Sorry in advance for any silly questions I might ask. Speaking of which, when do we pm you out starting weight?

You will actually pm Dvccruiser76 on Friday, September 9.

I'm back from Montreal and ready for the new Challenge, count me in!

Maria :upsidedow

Welcome Home!!! I added you to the rapidly growing list!!!

Count me in!

Your in!!!

:yay: Ooh, sounds like a fun! Please add me to the losers group. Thanks so much for doing this! I need all the help I can get!

You will get plenty of support from this group. Welcome!!

Count me in for the Fall Challenge. :thumbsup2

I enjoyed getting to know everybody during the Summer Challenge and while I only lost a few pounds during that challenge, I did lose quite a few inches - so I consider it a success!

- Laura

Welcome to the Fall Challenge.


Jumping back in for the fall! I have maintained my 45lb loss over the summer so am not back to loser status. I am spending today and tomorrow preparing myself for a return to the School year routine on Tuesday, which I really need. I am also trying to add some more organization and good habits to my life. Need to work on a little less :surfweb: and a lot more :laundy:.

Excited to see everyone and start :cheer2: (it's great exercise!).

You are our first Maintainer to sign up!!!

I want in again. :) I am going to need it after being at Disney next week. My eating well is going on a vacation. Can I PM my initial weight later in the challenge? I know I am going to gain some when I am there....

Yes you can join the challenge whenever you like. Have a good trip.

I'd like to join again as a loser - didn't make it to maintain over the summer. Too many picnics, camping trips, off schedule days, etc... But at least I did manage to lose a little. I am thinking about starting to run on the treadmill some this challenge. I am an exercise hater, so that is my weak link in this journey! Good luck to everyone! Linda (the other one :thumbsup2)

Welcome!!! I know the feeling of too much this summer.

I'm in!!!! Add me to the loser group please.
And if we are doing birthdays, mine is November 24.

You are added - I forgot to mention birthdays - thanks for the reminder.

I tried to do the Spring challenge and didn't stick with it. So I would like to try again.


Try, try again. Welcome back!!!

I need this motivation! Looking forward to being part of the group.
I need to lose soon. Clothes are not fitting!:headache:

I know what you mean. I have a couple of pairs of pants that are too tight to wear to work - and I don't want to buy anything new.

I'm definitely in for Fall losers. I'm keeping up my tracking even if its way over like today. Tomorrow is a Labor Day dinner at my best friends. I'll prepare by keeping lower calorie filling foods during the morning/afternoon.

OK - your on the list. Great plan for Labor Day.

I'm in! I hope to do a bit better this challenege. While I did make progress during the summer challenge, and I lost about 8lbs i'm still not comfortable with my body and i still wouldn't wear a bathing suit in front of people, which wouldn't be good for the cruise in may! i also have my first 5k coming up in just..15 days or so!!!

Let's see if we can help you work on your "body image". Maybe you could add that to your list of goals for the challenge. Focus on what you like, and take it from there.

I'm in. This'll make being a loser fun!:banana:

Yes it is a fun group!!!

Count me in as a Loser! I've never done a BL before so I'm am pretty excited! This is just what I need to get me through my favorite season and all the yummy food I love so much (and will hopefully not eat so much of this year) . Thanks!

You are counted. Welcome.

I'd like to join the BL Fall Challenge. I've mostly been a lurker on the boards and thought this might be a way to be a lot more active at the same time as losing some pounds. I've been doing a good job on my own, losing 23lbs in the last year, and I think it might be fun and motivating to join you all.

Congratulations on the loss. Welcome.

Count me in with the Losers! This is all new to me, but I am excited to have the motivation of everyone here. It will be great to be a "loser" with all of you. :thumbsup2


Hello. My name is Terrie and I would love to join. I am a single mom to a beautiful 9yr old boy and goin thru a separation. I started losing weight in January 2010. To date..I've lost 105lbs going from a size 26/28 or 3x/4x to a 18/20 or XL. I want to lose about another 50 and I'll be happy!!! I weighed 375 in Jan 2010 and now I weigh 270. Can't wait to start!!!:thumbsup2

WOW!!! You are an inspiration and hope to hear a lot of advice from you. I too need to lose over 100 pounds and find it, at times, overwhelming. That little voice in your head starts saying "why bother, you will be a mess". etc. So welcome to the challenge. Sorry to hear about your separation.

Please add me to the list for the losers. I've never done a Biggest Loser, but I'm hoping this will hope me keep motivated.

Welcome to the challenge.

This will by the first time I have ever joined in the challenge. I will be joining as a "Loser" and I am looking forward to sharing the journey with other folks.

The more the merrier!!!

I'm in!:goodvibes Thanks so much Janis for running the challenge this fall!

I can't decide if I am going to be a Loser or Maintainer this fall--I keep going back and forth. I'd like to lose a couple (maybe 5-7) but the world won't end if I don't. I might just stick with bumping my maintain down.

I will decide by Friday.

Welcome to everyone, especially our new folks!

Great job!

Congratulations! You should be so proud! Looking forward to having you in our group!

Thank you. I wrote you in.

Hi everyone! My name is Meaghan. I currently work out three times a week with a personal trainer but am looking to kick it up a notch with the weight loss. So far I've lost 22 lbs and 16 inches. I don't watch the TV show, but am excited to be joining your challenge as a loser.

You don't need to watch the BL to be a member of this challenge. Welcome.

Welcome! I wanted to add that please don't worry about watching the show. I am never up late enough myself. :rotfl2:

Hope you find this group as supporting as I have! The BL Challenges rock!

Healthy Habits Hint: Find/buy a new notebook. Or, empty some pages from DS's who only took notes in history for a few weeks ;). Or, create a new document or even a WISH journal. Make sure that your choice is what you will use. I bought one at Staples for $1 and it fits in my purse. I know I will have that with me at all times.

I spent a lot of time reflecting on what was said about Healthy Habits and I appreciate it so much that you told me what you needed! :banana: I think I have worked out some glitches and am excited to coach for the Fall Challenge!

And, be on the look at for at least one more hint before Thursday night! :)

Have a great week! Hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend!


I have't said a word!!!

hi friends! i'm here and in for the next challenge. as most of you know i'm not really a loser or a maintainer right now as i'm due to have baby #2 at the end of november but i'm enjoying the chit chatting and getting great ideas and motivation for getting back in gear once the baby comes!

just had a weekend of total gluttony :eek: i didn't come on the dis all weekend and looking forward to reading everything i missed and making better choices for the next week before we leave for disney on sunday morning!!

looking forward to meeting all the new people! hi!!

Have a wonderful, relaxing trip to WDW.

So excited to see all the new people joining us!

I've been so so today. I did walk about 5 miles this morning. Drinking lots of water today. Had broiled haddock for lunch and some pasta salad. For supper I had an eggplant wrap with mozzarella and pesto.

Brian is on his way home from a soccer meeting. Girls and I are watching Sky High! We played the Magic Kingdom game earlier.

Ash and I did a HUGE grocery shopping this morning. Hoping I have meat for whole month or at least half of it! Making pulled pork for supper tomorrow. I rubbed the pork and it is in the fridge. I will put it in the crock pot in the morning. I still have a few things to get on Wednesday after the kids go off to school.

I have to work tomorrow so the girls will spend some time at work with Brian for about 3 hours. Tomorrow will also consist of packing backpacks. Ash sharpened all the pencils that she and Izzie need.

I'll have to start my in home walking program in the morning as it's supposed to be raining in the morning. I'll probably do a 3 mile Walk Away the Pounds DVD. Hoping to walk about 20 miles a week.

TTFN :tigger:

Does this mean I should sign you up?? LOL

Hi! Count me in! I need to lose just 5 pounds (I am a thin girl by nature, any more than 5 wouldn't be healthy) but I am getting married in 6 months and my wedding dress doesn't zip up anymore (it did- barely- 2 months ago and now it is a good inch from doing so) !! I ordered my dress at my lowest weight ever- my mistake:(

I am not losing or gaining weight now and I need some motivation to be healthier/more accountable to get rid of these 5 pounds so I don't have to let my dress out!


I want to join. I'd like to lose about 15 lbs by December (all the left over baby weight) :)


Count me in-I am hoping that joining in will motivate me more. I almost didn't sign up knowing we have a cruise and F&W in about 6 wks and I will not be following a diet per se then. But even a little set back will be ok.

Welcome and have fun on vacation.

Ok, I'm in. I've been running since March and have lost almost no weight. I think it's partly meds I'm on and partly not being careful enough with snacks. I'm 10 lbs over "healthy" and 15-20 over where I'd love to be. I expect to lose very slowly due to meds, (and because im very wary of unsustainable changes, btdt) but I'd love to be part of this great group!


Welcome!!! There are a lot of runner's on this board.

Count me in as a loser :goodvibes

You are counted.

Count me in as a loser...this may be the accountability I need to get some traction with my efforts.

You are all signed up.

Hi all! I would love to join in on the challenge as a LOSER! I just started Weight Watchers and can use all the motivation I can get!!

You got it, and you will get motivated!!
I just have to say - you are all keeping me busy!!! We have 46 contestants signed up already!!! I am very excited about all the enthusiam for the new challenge!!! Check the first page for updates of who is participating and make sure I didn't miss you and you have the correct designation - loser or maintainer.

There are still several openings for coaching also.
The week of:

I should be getting my email soon, Gretchen, I will let you know when i get it. I'm impatiently waiting.

aww thanks sweetie!

So nice to see some new faces! Can't wait to get to know everyone. Will we be doing intros at some point?

Had an ok day, didn't do much. Now I just packed my bag for tomrrow, and my lunch, and now im updating my running playlist, watching Misfits, and then going to bed. Its going to be a long busy week but i plan on running tues, wed, and thrus. and on fri i'm going to attempt to go to my first ever yoga class (terrified)

Excellent! Right now I'm the only I know who has access, and it's kind of lonely.

I want to try Yoga this year. My housemate does it and says it's great, so when they post the schedule for that (and Zumba, the personal trainer, and kickboxing), I'd like to give all of them a try.

I have been taking a yoga class for the last 2 years. This season starts up on Thursday night. I love it. It is not easy at times but I get a lot out of it. I like mine on Thursday night. It makes it easier to get through the last day of the week.

Off to my first day of school. I am very nervous. I think it is because I am working with a new person in calc. She is very much a planner. She has planned out the first three weeks already. Maybe the planning part with rub off on me adn help me get more organized.

I feel like high schooler every year about lunch. Last year NO ONE ate lunch period 4 and the people I didn't want to eat with had lunch 10. So far I have found no one with period 6 lunch. I really didn't want to eat llunch in my classroom again this year but I will if I have to.

Off to my first day of school.
I am reserving my seat to be a loser.
How do I get a biggest loser graphic that I see some of you have?
Buzz- I'm already signed up! I'm coaching in a week or so!

Slept in this morning. Must have been the weather.Last chance I have to sleep in for awhile! I'll work out this afternoon. Been busy doing Herbalife stuff this morning and packing the kids backpacks for tomorrow. I got the pork in the crockpot and made our menu for the week. Just hope to stick to it as much as possible.

Taking kids to Brian's office in an hour and then heading to work for a bit. They are playing on physics games dot com this morning. Ash is trying to teach Izzie some of this stuff. It's funny to hear them playing this together. Hopefully this will help them later on in school.

Almost done with the 2nd Hunger Games book. I'll probably finish that this week. I also have to finish watching Lark Rise to Candleford. Guess I will be busy this afternoon and tomorrow.
I am reserving my seat to be a loser.
How do I get a biggest loser graphic that I see some of you have?

On the first page of this thread, go and find the picture, then right click on it and select "Copy Image Location". Then go up to your user CP, and in the left menu area, click on "Edit Signature". Paste it in, then put
after it.

Hope that helps. :goodvibes
Target had the colored composition books on clearance today in the school section so I picked up 6!!

I'm ready for Healthy Habits!!
Thanks everyone for the beautiful comments on my weight loss so far. To buzz5985...the weight loss was sort of inspired by my ex. He told me that I would never find anyone who would think I was attractive and that I was fat and blah blah blah. I had started actually the year before for about a month and then I just quit. But I really started working out and watching what I are about April/May. I had lost over 50lbs in the summer and then the rest has came off slowly. To date I've lost 106lbs and still goin.

I'm not gonna lie and say that it's been easy cause it hasn't been. I still go up and down with ten pounds it seems like. But..I'll keep encouraging you and everyone else because after all...isn't that what we're here for???:goodvibes;):thumbsup2
Hi everyone! I'm new here, and this challenge is right up my alley! I am joining as a Loser, and I'm excited to begin on Friday! :banana:


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