Biggest Loser Princess and Tinker Bell 2011 and 2012 -- OLD please see NEW thread

Ok, so here is the skirt I am thinking about getting:

The first one--pink plaid. I have a pink running skirt with briefs, but this is just a skirt with nothing underneath that you wear over tights or compression shorts. That way I'm covered if it's cold or hot. Plus I think it looks like me and I will definitely wear it again. I have a long sleeved pink tech shirt and a sleeveless pink teck shirt. Not real princessy, but I definitely think it's cute! And I think I found some pink running shoes! WOOHOO! I am so sick of wearing ugly blue ones!

We are staying Thursday night at Old Key West, then Friday-Monday night at BWV. We have a waitlist for BWV for Thursday. Not sure where my sister is staying with her hubby.

I am going to talk to them about maybe doing Jelly Rolls Sunday night, if anyone thinks they would be up for it! We went in October and it was really fun.

Lisa--glad you are feeling better about things.:goodvibes

Kathy--did you do anything productive today? I balanced the check book and that was it! I didn't even get out of bed until lunchtime! Basically I got up and got dressed to go run! It was fabulous! I needed some down time!:goodvibes

Lindsay--I saw it was snowing in Philly--did you run in it?
Evening ladies.

I didn't do much, Rose, but I did fold the 2 baskets of laundry from earlier in the week, plus one from today, and picked up the kitchen a bit. I need to put the holiday decorations away, but it's too dark now in the cellar, so it must wait til morning. We just played some checkers and did puzzles for a while. Now he's watching a show before bed.

Rose, that skirt is wicked cute. It will look fabulous on you. It's nice to have it not lined so you can wear whatever bottoms with it you want. Sounds like you had a well deserved, nice relaxing day. I doubt I'll be able to do jellyrolls sunday. We made a reservation in mexico for 3:30ish, and we thought we'd do epcot that day. That way my sil can bring the kids to the finishline, and they can go into epcot and I'll catch up with them after I go back and shower.

Lisa- whoo hoo on 7 miles!!! Nice work!! You are going to be just fine for the princess. those times are encouraging, arent' they. I have heard if you can go 5 miles, you can go 13. Don't know if that's true or not, but each time i go longer, I'm surprised how quickly I do recover. I guess that's what training and pacing ourselves is all about. I'm looking forward to 8-9 on tuesday, and the weather is looking great 35 and sunny. Only a little snow here, so that should be gone.

Lindsay- hope your 7 miles went well, and you didn't get too much snow!!

Corinna and Maria- Can't wait to hear all about the race. Hope you're relaxing and enjoying some park time right now showing off those medals.:thumbsup2

Off to finish the laundry. (maybe):laughing:
Woohoo! Mike is officially registered to run the Princess!!! Which means I don't have to carry my water--or my gu, or my endurolytes!!!! This is the best thing that has happened to me all week!:goodvibes

Did I tell you all what my favorite drink was in October and December at WDW? It was this thing with blackcherry bourbon and who knows what else. I got it at the Yachtsman and the bar at the yachtsman.:rolleyes1 Anywho, Mike got me a bottle before he went to Wisconsin this week and we just cracked it open, and yes I am a southern girl and I do like my bourbon!

Have a great night!
We have plane tickets!!!

yay:banana::banana::banana: So exciting.

Can you tell I am avoiding doing anything productive today?:rolleyes1 We ran 6 miles at the Y. I was pooped at the end. Finished in 60:20. My gi stuff is acting up a little. And I have tom again--yes that's right it's been a whopping 20 days since the last time. It's so frustrating sometimes. Mike never worries about anything and I have to watch every bite I put into my mouth before and after a run or I have "issues." Anyhow, that was my little whine for the day.:goodvibes It could be a lot worse. But I've had a couple of big palpitations this week while running, too, which again is not unusual, but it scares the crud out of me when it happens. And why do I do this exactly? Cause I look good in a running skirt?:lmao: That's the only thing I can think of right now!

Hope everyone had good runs today!:goodvibes

Feel free to whine away. Sometimes it makes me feel better if I have a pity party for myself and than move on with it. Sorry for all the troubles you had during and after running. Its just typical men dont have to deal with as much as women do. Isnt child birth enough???

7 mile run went okay. Stayed reasonably close to pace for majority of the run. I'm going to try the running track for the 8 miles because 2 hours on the TM was very, very boring. :rolleyes1 Knees a tab bit sore but otherwise upright and functioning. :thumbsup2

My hands were really swollen for the last part of the run but apparently that is common and no big deal.

great job on the 7 miles and on the TM you are the woman! My hands were swollen toward the end too. I think its normal. If you find out its not let me know.;)

Ok, so here is the skirt I am thinking about getting:

that is a very cute skirt rose and although there is nothing princess on it, it looks very girly and i think totally appropriate for the race. We plan to do the MK for the remainder of the day on sunday otherwise I would have loved to join you at jelly rolls.

Lindsay--I saw it was snowing in Philly--did you run in it?

drum roll please>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The answer is YES!:woohoo: I am officially nutz! I left my house as there was flurries and by mile 5 it was full blown snow. It was about 30 degrees so not too blustery. I was slipping all over the place and am still amazed that I did not fall. At one point the snow was blowing at me so much and the wind picked up and my eyelashes froze together. it took a few seconds of my finger on my eye melting the ice crystals until I could open it.:lmao: I completed 7 miles in 1hr and 24min. So I kept my 12min pace. Honestly I am not trying to brag but I am just so proud of myself today. I am amazed at what I can do when I put my mind to it.
drum roll please>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The answer is YES!:woohoo: I am officially nutz! I left my house as there was flurries and by mile 5 it was full blown snow. It was about 30 degrees so not too blustery. I was slipping all over the place and am still amazed that I did not fall. At one point the snow was blowing at me so much and the wind picked up and my eyelashes froze together. it took a few seconds of my finger on my eye melting the ice crystals until I could open it.:lmao: I completed 7 miles in 1hr and 24min. So I kept my 12min pace. Honestly I am not trying to brag but I am just so proud of myself today. I am amazed at what I can do when I put my mind to it.
:worship: :worship: :worship: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Congratulations Lindsay!! You should feel so proud of yourself, and I am amazed that you were able to keep up your pace in all that snow!! You are amazing, and I know you will be an amazing princess!!!princess:

Woohoo! Mike is officially registered to run the Princess!!! Which means I don't have to carry my water--or my gu, or my endurolytes!!!! This is the best thing that has happened to me all week!:goodvibes

Did I tell you all what my favorite drink was in October and December at WDW? It was this thing with blackcherry bourbon and who knows what else. I got it at the Yachtsman and the bar at the yachtsman.:rolleyes1 Anywho, Mike got me a bottle before he went to Wisconsin this week and we just cracked it open, and yes I am a southern girl and I do like my bourbon!
Whoo hoo!! So happy for you that Mike is running too, and we will get to meet him too!! That bourbon sounds delicious. Hope you slept well last night.;)
Ok, so here is the skirt I am thinking about getting:

Hey guys! Running the Princess half with 4 awesome friends and sooo excited I'm about to burst! Don't know how I will make it 7 more weeks! We all live in South Korea. I am from the US and my buddies are from Croatia, Wales, and Australia. I have never run before and this is my first half. When we started training in Sept I couldn't make it around the soccer field ONCE!
My husband brought us all a bunch of skirts back from a business trip from
They are awesome. I have a pink one with a princess crown. Go under skirts and look for the Princess ones. He also got me 2 winter ones, one with long tights and one with capri length that fall just below the knee. They are so warm and comfortable to run in.
We fly in on Wed the 23rd and leave Tuesday morning so we'll have 5 amazing, kid-free days at WDW. Glad I found this thread, it will give me something to do as we count this down. Nice to meet you all and happy running!
Welcome MISSINWDW! Nice to have you.:goodvibes I actually run in one of the skirts from's the pink one with the little white dots and the briefs underneath. I really love it. I ran my first two half marathons in it. It's a little big now, so time to break down and get something new. The princess skirts are really cute. And I've thought about getting a skirt with tights, but I have a pair or capris I like, so I might just get something to go over it. I really like Very comfortable and they hold up through washings great! How fun to be running with all your friends! Sounds like it will be a great trip!

Kathy--I slept fabuously. Didn't get up until 8am! Maybe the insomnia is gone, or maybe it was the cherry bourbon....:rolleyes1

Forgot to tell you--Mike picked Princess Tianna for his princess.:goodvibes

Have a good day.:goodvibes
Lindsay! You are totally INCREDIBLE! running a 12 min/mile pace in the snow! :worship::worship::worship: You are totally going to rock the Princess! princess:

From what I read the hand thing is your vasular system working to keep you cool. :cool2:

I'm looking forward to 8-9 on tuesday, and the weather is looking great 35 and sunny. Only a little snow here, so that should be gone.

Corinna and Maria- Can't wait to hear all about the race. Hope you're relaxing and enjoying some park time right now showing off those medals.:thumbsup2

And look at you, Kathy, getting ready to run in 35 degree temps saying "the weather looks great!" :thumbsup2:worship:

Looking forward to hearing about your races, too, Maria and Corinna!

Woohoo! Mike is officially registered to run the Princess!!! Which means I don't have to carry my water--or my gu, or my endurolytes!!!! This is the best thing that has happened to me all week!:goodvibes

Woo! Hoo! for Mike running the Princess! :woohoo: Love the Princess Tiana! :goodvibes And yay for getting your plane tickets. :yay:

That reminds me I need to call DVC and get my ME lined up. My flight from Spokane is a direct flight, too. I leave at 6:40 am and stop in Denver, then Kansas City, before finally arriving at MCO at 5:00 pm. It's a long haul so I'm glad I get there on Wednesday because it takes me a little time to adjust to the EST from PST too.

Hey guys! Running the Princess half with 4 awesome friends and sooo excited I'm about to burst! Don't know how I will make it 7 more weeks! We all live in South Korea. I am from the US and my buddies are from Croatia, Wales, and Australia. I have never run before and this is my first half. When we started training in Sept I couldn't make it around the soccer field ONCE!

:welcome: Melissa! I think you get the award for Princess travelling the farthest to get to the race! princess: Those skirts are cute.

Have a great day Princesses! princess:
Woohoo! Mike is officially registered to run the Princess!!! Which means I don't have to carry my water--or my gu, or my endurolytes!!!! This is the best thing that has happened to me all week!:goodvibes

:yay::yay:Im so excited that mike signed up. Now you have your prince charming to run with.:lovestruc That drink sounds yummy. I am not a big drinker but I think if we end up keeping our ohana reservation on sunday for dinner after the race I will order one. Anyone have any suggestions?

Hey guys! Running the Princess half with 4 awesome friends and sooo excited I'm about to burst! Don't know how I will make it 7 more weeks! We all live in South Korea. I am from the US and my buddies are from Croatia, Wales, and Australia. I have never run before and this is my first half. When we started training in Sept I couldn't make it around the soccer field ONCE!
My husband brought us all a bunch of skirts back from a business trip from
They are awesome. I have a pink one with a princess crown. Go under skirts and look for the Princess ones. He also got me 2 winter ones, one with long tights and one with capri length that fall just below the knee. They are so warm and comfortable to run in.
We fly in on Wed the 23rd and leave Tuesday morning so we'll have 5 amazing, kid-free days at WDW. Glad I found this thread, it will give me something to do as we count this down. Nice to meet you all and happy running!

Hi Melissa. Wow you all are coming from all over the world. You will have so much fun. That was very nice of dh to buy you skirts. I am debating on the cindy blue princess skirt but I cant make up my mind on what to wear. Glad to know you and rose think they are comfortable.

Forgot to tell you--Mike picked Princess Tianna for his princess.:goodvibes

That just makes me smile. I think any guy who runs this race is awesome and it goes to show that they are completely comfortable with their manly hood.:rotfl:

not much going on here today. Getting ready for some Eagles football. Friends are coming over and should be here shortly. I was surprised that my body is not sore today. I think it is because I was pretty much frozen during the run yesterday, it was like taking an ice bath while running.:rotfl2:
Maria and Corinna can't wait to hear from you Princesses! princess:

Just added my ME to my DVC reservation. It's getting closer! :yay:
Oh that reminds me. this is the first time I have booked directly through disney. We always used AAA before but with the race discounts it beat the AAA price by alot and my TA couldnt get us into CBR but going through disney endurance I got us rooms. Anyway. What should I expect in the mail from disney and when does it come?
I was pretty much frozen during the run yesterday, it was like taking an ice bath while running.:rotfl2:
:rotfl2::rotfl2:Whatever works to keep you pain free. I'm still amazed at your time in the snow. :worship:

Maria and Corinna can't wait to hear from you Princesses! princess:

Just added my ME to my DVC reservation. It's getting closer! :yay:
Whoo hoo for ME!!! I just love checking my bags in boston and not thinking about them again. It means vacation is starting!!! Thanks for the reminder. I don't remember if I booked ME yet, so I think I'll call now.

Oh that reminds me. this is the first time I have booked directly through disney. We always used AAA before but with the race discounts it beat the AAA price by alot and my TA couldnt get us into CBR but going through disney endurance I got us rooms. Anyway. What should I expect in the mail from disney and when does it come?
I have done both in the past, and it seemed that I would get the packet from disney maybe 6 weeks out, but I have a horrible memory. I think magic express comes later, 4 weeks or so. I don't know about this one. I booked with the disney travel co, and called yesterday to make my final payment, and asked again for an email confirmation to be sent, which I never got last time, and it didn't come through again. I called back and he sent me one that he had to type up because for some reason their system wouldn't generate me the email. I don't know if it is because it's a group discount when you book through the running number. Have you been getting any emails for your ressies?

I slept fabuously. Didn't get up until 8am! Maybe the insomnia is gone, or maybe it was the cherry bourbon....:rolleyes1

Forgot to tell you--Mike picked Princess Tianna for his princess.:goodvibes
Whatever it takes to get a good nights sleep. So cute, mike picked Tianna. So happy for you he is running too. :goodvibes

Hey guys! Running the Princess half with 4 awesome friends and sooo excited I'm about to burst! Don't know how I will make it 7 more weeks! We all live in South Korea. I am from the US and my buddies are from Croatia, Wales, and Australia. I have never run before and this is my first half. When we started training in Sept I couldn't make it around the soccer field ONCE!
We fly in on Wed the 23rd and leave Tuesday morning so we'll have 5 amazing, kid-free days at WDW. Glad I found this thread, it will give me something to do as we count this down. Nice to meet you all and happy running!
welcome, Melissa. That will be so fun for you and your friends to travel and race together. Isn't it amazing how much you can accomplish when you set your mind to it. 6 months and look how far you've come. Our travel dates are the same as yours, but I'll have my son, sil and niece with me. Good luck with your training.

My plan is for 8-10 tomorrow. I'm going to work early in the am, so I hope to get out a little early. If I feel good, i'll push to 10, especially since we've got some snow coming in wed. My free week at the gym ends tomorrow, but I want to run outside, so I only used it twice. I still have a couple Y passes to utilize in the future.

I'm going to go set up ME right now so I don't forget. Have a great evening, princesses!! princess:
:I have done both in the past, and it seemed that I would get the packet from disney maybe 6 weeks out, but I have a horrible memory. I think magic express comes later, 4 weeks or so. I don't know about this one. I booked with the disney travel co, and called yesterday to make my final payment, and asked again for an email confirmation to be sent, which I never got last time, and it didn't come through again. I called back and he sent me one that he had to type up because for some reason their system wouldn't generate me the email. I don't know if it is because it's a group discount when you book through the running number. Have you been getting any emails for your ressies?

we did get the inital confirmation and then shortly before the rest of the payment was due we got another one. Do I have to set up ME on my own. I am pretty sure I already called in my flight information already?

Kathy- good luck on the run tomorrow. Go for the 10!!!!!
Thanks lindsay. I booked the trip before I had our flights booked, so I didn't have ME booked yet. If you had your flights, I'm sure you did ME right away.
Sorry to keep you ladies in suspense!! I'm home at last - it was a exhausting weekend with 4 early mornings and 2 disgustingly early mornings. I ran the half and volunteered for the full, and slept a little and had fun as well. I have photos that I need to load up - maybe later today.

I had a good run, but it wasn't a life-changing race for me. No PR, about 4 minutes slower than last year for a few reasons: I was running with a friend for the first 2/3 of it and he was doing the Goofy Challenge, so we kept a very moderate pace. We stopped for photos. I had two bathroom breaks, too. I have decided it is actually better if I stop and am comfortable than if I try to keep running and have to slow down out of, you know, discomfort. Even so, I only stopped once last year. :confused3 The other thing was that there were some narrow sections of road where it got very "cloggy" and you just could not choose your own pace. You were going what the people in front of you were doing and that was that. I hadn't experienced that in a Disney race so much before, but there were 27,000 runners out there, which is 7,000 more than they registered in previous years. Doesn't really matter, of course. I had a good time with John (Ffigawi) from Team Ohana and then I took off and finished about 3 or 4 minutes ahead of him, which means I was cooking for the last 5 miles (even with that 2nd bathroom stop!).

I also volunteered for the full marathon at water stop 7. It was another cold morning, and unfortunately, I had to get up even earlier to volunteer than I had for running the previous day. Volunteering is a bit of an endurance event itself, and we even had a bit of a race the last hour because somehow there were way too many water tables/workers and not enough on Powerade, so Tracy (disneyfan21) and I got moved to setting up gatorade tables. We rocked it so much that the supervisor came by and said he was impressed. :thumbsup2

After that, we traveled to outside of DHS and cheered for runners between mile marker 23 and 24 and handed out additional refreshments: twizzlers, pretzels, cookies. Good times, and at that point so many of the runners said it meant a lot to them that we were out there.

After a goodly nap for me, Maria and I spent Sunday afternoon together exploring World Showcase as only a couple of moms without kids or husbands can do! We loved watching Off Kilter, Miyuki, World Showcase Players, and the Circle-vision movie in China and had a lovely dinner at the Tangerine Cafe. It was so nice to have some time with Maria!!!

After that, I met up with a bunch of other WISHers at Jellyrolls. Will the good times never cease?? Yes, I have to say, they eventually do. It is good to be home, however, and I am so looking forward to a good night's sleep!

Woohoo! Mike is officially registered to run the Princess!!! Which means I don't have to carry my water--or my gu, or my endurolytes!!!! This is the best thing that has happened to me all week!:goodvibes

Did I tell you all what my favorite drink was in October and December at WDW? It was this thing with blackcherry bourbon and who knows what else. I got it at the Yachtsman and the bar at the yachtsman.:rolleyes1 Anywho, Mike got me a bottle before he went to Wisconsin this week and we just cracked it open, and yes I am a southern girl and I do like my bourbon!

Have a great night!

I am not a southern girl BUT I do like bourbon as well. Unfortunately, I am not a cherry flavor fan - bad experience with cough syrup when I had the measles in Jr. High and everything tasted like cherry flavored cough syrup for a few weeks. Very strange, I know!

The answer is YES!:woohoo: I am officially nutz! I left my house as there was flurries and by mile 5 it was full blown snow. It was about 30 degrees so not too blustery. I was slipping all over the place and am still amazed that I did not fall. At one point the snow was blowing at me so much and the wind picked up and my eyelashes froze together. it took a few seconds of my finger on my eye melting the ice crystals until I could open it.:lmao: I completed 7 miles in 1hr and 24min. So I kept my 12min pace. Honestly I am not trying to brag but I am just so proud of myself today. I am amazed at what I can do when I put my mind to it.

It is never about bragging to tell of your racing accomplishments. Well, maybe sometimes, but that is OK because if you achieve something, you deserve to tell people about it and feel good, I say. I'm glad you did not fall. That is crazy about your eyelashes freezing together! I have had frozen eyelashes, but never such that I couldn't open my eyes! Way to keep on pace under challenging circumstances!!! Congratulations!
Congratulations Corinna!!! Thanks for sharing about your race, and busy, sleepless weekend. I read a thread that a bunch of people were thanking the wishers who were passing out licorice and pretzels. How cool that was you. :cool1:

Well, I am going to brag a little. I ran/walked 10 miles today!:banana: I feel so proud of myself for getting out there, and not giving up. I did my 5 mile route from my house, came in the house ate some cliff blocks, stretched a little and peed, was in for 5 min, and then went right back out and did the route again. The second time was about a minute slower average pace, but over all including the 5 min break, my pace was 15:38!!!! Under the sweep pace!!!! I know where all the miles are on my route, so I kept adding in my head, and when I got to 7, I only had to go another half mile and then turn around, so it would have been silly to stop there and only do 9. Plus a friend of mine drove by and stopped and I told her I was going 10 miles, so she said to call her after. That helped me to push too. Plus the fact that we're expecting 12-18 inches of snow tomorrow, so my outside running may be sidelined for a bit and most of the patients cancelled their appts tomorrow, so I have tomorrow off to recover. So I had to do it.

My body feels pretty good. A little achy, but no pain. When I got in, my pulse was racing for a while, but it settled down, I drank water, ate some pretzels, and a banana, and I'm feeling back to normal. I also got the tight cough once I got home. It was cold out, and I was fine the whole time outside. Part of it might be I was at the tail end of a cold.

Do I think I could have gone another 3 miles? Probably, but I definitely think I need to drink and replenish more during the race. Around mile 8, I felt hungry and my stomach was growling.

Thanks for listening, like you have a choice.:rotfl:

Funny, I did think about my race outfit. My t-shirt was riding up a bit under my sweatshirt, and my sweatshirt was short, so my belly showed when the t-shirt rode up, which I don't like, but by the last few miles, I didn't care. But I did think my tshirt will be tucked into my sparkleskirt for the princess, so that shouldn't happen.:rotfl:

I guess I should feed that boy dinner. I'll catch up on the other threads later.
Congratulations Corinna! Mike and I had some ice cream Saturday afternoon.:thumbsup2

Kathy--great job! You must be so proud of yourself! I get the tight cough too if I work out in the cold air. Anything over your nose and mouth to add some moisture back in will help with it.

I am in a funk, that I don't seem to be able to get out of. I am craving carbs and I am tired and weepy. I did run 4 miles this morning before work but my stomach was a mess afterwards. I probably need to break down and have a colonoscopy, though I am sure it is probably just runners "issues". I have no pain anywhere and only have issues when I don't eat well--and I had a colonoscopy sometime in my 30s, so I really think this nothing. Sorry for the tmi and to be the big downer, but I am just pooped--no pun intended.:thumbsup2

Then I just found out that someone else we know--age 35--just died of cancer--that was not diagnosed until she went in the hospital last week. Goodness. I am having a hard time with all these relatively young people being so sick and not knowing it until it's too late. It's really very scary. I think my yearly physical is in a month or so, and I am definitely not skipping it this year.

Tomorrow I have the day off, and it will be the first time I have had any real time to myself since mid-December, so hopefully that will help me to recharge and feel motivated.:goodvibes

Again, sorry to be a downer. I am glad I have a race and a trip to look forward to. :)

Maria--are you back yet?
Sorry to keep you ladies in suspense!! I'm home at last - it was a exhausting weekend with 4 early mornings and 2 disgustingly early mornings. I ran the half and volunteered for the full, and slept a little and had fun as well. I have photos that I need to load up - maybe later today.

Congratulations Corinna! :cool1: Sounds like you had a great time at the Half and volunteering on Sunday. Are you all ready to do it again in 6 weeks?

Well, I am going to brag a little. I ran/walked 10 miles today!:banana: I feel so proud of myself for getting out there, and not giving up.

Woo hoo on 10 miles, Kathy! :yay: You are going to be so ready for the Princess! princess: I'm glad that you aren't sore.

I think these long runs are good to help you figure out what you need to do to keep yourself hydrated and fueled. We don't want to be losing steam at mile 9. :goodvibes

What flavor Clif Blok did you try? Maria told me about the Black Cherry. I really like them. The gave me some strawberry to try yesterday at Fleet Feet. I have some Hammer product -- the endourlyte folks -- that is like Gu called Mountain Huckleberrie. Huckleberries are a big deal in my neck of the woods so it intrigued me.

I am in a funk, that I don't seem to be able to get out of. I am craving carbs and I am tired and weepy. I did run 4 miles this morning before work but my stomach was a mess afterwards. I probably need to break down and have a colonoscopy, though I am sure it is probably just runners "issues". I have no pain anywhere and only have issues when I don't eat well--and I had a colonoscopy sometime in my 30s, so I really think this nothing. Sorry for the tmi and to be the big downer, but I am just pooped--no pun intended.:thumbsup2

Sorry that you are in a funk, Rose. :hug:

I would definately talk to my doctor about my stomach issues. There may be something that he can give you that would help. I think I heard on NPR last week that they think that some IBS can be cured with antibiotics. You've had a very rough time lately and I'm sure that has taken a toll as well. Hope that you can get some rest and relaxation tomorrow. :flower3:

I think Maria might be in NYC this week. I remember her saying she had to go for work right after a race.

Short runs for me this week. I feel like I could do more but I am trusting the training. :rolleyes:


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