Biggest Loser Princess and Tinker Bell 2011 and 2012 -- OLD please see NEW thread

Also, on the roller skating, I am having princess paranoia. I'm so afraid of hurting myself. These little kids falling all over the place, and all I could think was omg, if I fall and break something and can't do the princess, I'll never forgive myself. I was very careful. I also think that when I'm out walking in the snow/ice. :rotfl:

Kathy I do the same thing. Sometimes I trip over something or slip off the curb wrong and Im like wow that could have turned out really bad. I think I am more worried about getting injured or sick before the trip than I am worrying about actual being able to complete the half.:lmao:

Forgot to say, Lindsay your possible outfit sounds very cute. I bet you'll be ready for it, but I know exactly what you mean about the legs not being ready for a skirt, but can you wear a skirt with capris or do the skirts come with the running shorts in them? I like the idea of a skirt, but need the capris. :rotfl: I got to get shopping.

I dont know quite honestly I am so up in the air about this. I too was watching the videos and would love to do something a little fun but I am always so worried I will look wierd or people will think I am silly. I have always been self concious. I think as it gets closer I will decide. I saw girls in tu tu's that were only 1 layer and actually looked comfy material. I would possibly consider something like that. :confused:

Probably won't talk about this a lot on the main threads cause they are so big right now, but Mike got a call this afternoon that his only sister died unexpectedly today. She was 44, I think. The medical examiner called later to say they were going to do an autopsy, but that she'd been having headaches. His dad died of a heartattack when they were in high school and his mom died of alzheimer's when we were in our 30s. We were not close to her--you know how it is sometimes with siblings, sometimes great, sometimes not so great, but it's very sad. It's scaring the crud out of me. Mike has had borderline high blood pressure and then there's tom and his issues this semester. Anyhow, I probably will be around a little this week, but not sure how much. Tom goes back to school on Friday, and Mike and I decided he needed to have as normal a week as possible. He has a hard semester coming up, and there is the possibility of some drama coming out of all this. Long story.

I'm probably not making much sense. Please my friends, take care of your health. Life is so short.:hug: I hate that this is how we get reminders of what matters.

Rose I am so sorry you are having to go through this. We are here if you need to talk. It is scary. Life is too short and I agree why do we need things like this to happen to remind us. Like I said before Live like you were dying because you just never know. :hug:
Rose, I am so sorry for you and Mike and even though he wasn't close to her, i'm sure it's a big loss for him to have lost his last relative, and like you said a worry for his health too.:hug: So sad.

Sending prayers you way that everything goes as smoothly as possible. Hang in there, and vent away. We are here for you.
I am so sorry for everything you and Mike are struggling through right now. My heart goes out to both of you as he deals with the loss of his sister and you try to control concerns about genetics for his health.

And don't worry about venting - hopefully thile board will give you an outlet to say things you might not be able to voice out there. And many of us have been through similar things - my MIL (who really was a wonderful woman) didn't believe in life insurance because she saw it as a way to reward people for someone else's death. So when she developed cancer and died at age 46, there was no money for a funeral. All disposable income had gone toward medical expenses. My FIL eventually sold his home to pay off the funeral and other expenses that accummulated. Unless someone has been through something like this, I'm not sure they realize the impact on a family. (As a result, my soon-to-be-DH and I spent some of our wedding money on life insurancee policies for each of us, just in case...)

Thinking of you.
Jude :grouphug::grouphug:
Thank you all. And thank you so much Jude for sharing your story. I was feeling so guilty for feeling so frustrated about all of this. We have always both had life insurance. Money is the last thing you should have to be worrying about right now.

I am feeling a little more rational today. Mike is probably going to go up tomorrow. He is going to go into work and get a wireless card so that he can keep up on his email. We had a discussion today about how if she did not have a will, that any decisions that he makes are his to make and unless someone else wants to open up their wallet, it is really none of their business. Tom and I are going to stay here. If Tom went to school here, we would go with Mike, but WI is ~400 or 500 miles in one direction from here and SC is 500 miles in another direction. Logistically, it was starting to get crazy, and we want Tom going back to school calm and ready to go. (And let's face it, Tom is relieved to be staying home.)

Then if Mike has to go up later to clean out her house or whatever, I will go. She supposedly has rental property, but the cousin knew little about it. Hoping that there is a will or an accountant or an attorney or something. I know that today, I will be making a list of where everyone of our accounts are and putting it in our lockbox. I don't want someone else to have to deal with this.

Ok, guess that's it for now. Thank you all.:hug: It really does help to say the things I might not be able to say irl. Poor Mike, he was saying that he could stay at her house to save some money. I asked him if he really wanted to be there by himself at night. We're looking online for a Marriot today.

I promise I will not hijack the thread everyday.:goodvibes
Rose and Mike, you are in my prayers, what a tough situation. :hug:

I'm glad to have found my way over hear to this post. I'm excited but nervous about the run. I can maintain a less than 16min/mile between walking and running. I know I won't be able to outright run the whole thing, but I'll certainly try.

I have a tiara already and I'm a great sewer, and so I'm going to whip up a yellow tu-tu (I'm registered as Belle, I'm a nerdy brunette married to a beast, and so it's a great fit!). I'll wear running capris under my tu-tu

Good luck everyone, I feel so EMPOWERED when I get on here and read about everyone else's plans and what brought them here.

Go team!
I'm sorry I'm venting here. Just don't want to do it on the new thread. Do you have any idea how much a funeral costs? This is turning into a mini nightmare. It turns out she'd been having headaches for weeks but didn't go to the doctor! Mike's dad died of a heart attack at 49 after not going to the doctor with chest pains for weeks. What is wrong with people? I feel horrible, but I am praying we find out tomorrow that she had some kind of insurance policy or somthing. And of course no one in his family has asked us how we are going to handle it, or if we need help handling the financial aspect or anything. This is the stuff that is so hard for us. We don't have anyone to call for help, we never had anyone, no parents, no nothing. It's exhausting sometimes. I just need someone to tell me that it will all work out ok.

As for princess, I don't think Mike is going to go. I'm not even sure I can afford to go now, but I'm not going to decide yet. We don't know how many trips he has to make back and forth to Wisconsin to deal with all this stuff. And there's all the financial stuff.

Ok, hopefully you all don't think I am the most heartless person on the planet. I am really sorry that she died. I just am angry that she didn't go to the doctor, angry that she didn't tell anyone if she had a will, if she had insurance, anything. I'm angry that she left a mess, after all that we had to go through with their mom. If she would have gone to the doctor maybe they could have fixed it, and I wouldn't have to feel so bad for Mike.


:hug:, Rose, this is one of those times when emotions run high and you are going to experience all of them for awhile. There is no reason to feel bad about all that you are feeling. :flower3: I'm glad that you aren't making any decisions about the Princess yet. You may feel like you want to spend some time with your sisters after this. And we are here for you to vent away to!

Rose and Mike, you are in my prayers, what a tough situation. :hug:

I'm glad to have found my way over hear to this post. I'm excited but nervous about the run. I can maintain a less than 16min/mile between walking and running. I know I won't be able to outright run the whole thing, but I'll certainly try.

I have a tiara already and I'm a great sewer, and so I'm going to whip up a yellow tu-tu (I'm registered as Belle, I'm a nerdy brunette married to a beast, and so it's a great fit!). I'll wear running capris under my tu-tu

Good luck everyone, I feel so EMPOWERED when I get on here and read about everyone else's plans and what brought them here.

Go team!

:wave2: Hi Mary! :welcome: If you can do a run/walk in under the Princess time then you are good to go. I'm doing a run/walk myself but we do have a couple of folks here who can run it all the way. It's going to be a lot fun! Your tutu sounds great! What does you tiara look like? Are you just going to wear it by itself or with a hat? Inquiring minds want to know! ;)
I'm sorry I'm venting here. Just don't want to do it on the new thread. Do you have any idea how much a funeral costs? This is turning into a mini nightmare.

Rose I am so sorry for all of this stuff going on. I can share a somewhat similar experience. My dh had an aunt who passed away 2 years ago at 49. we hadnt spoken to here in a long while. She had some issues with drinking and I think mental health stuff too. We tried many times but it just always turned out in a disaster of drama. When she passed away her mom (mikes nana) said she had a will. My dh was listed as the executor. She had no life insurance but some money in the bank and a car. The funeral expense was about 6,000. that included creamation with a yearn. Gravedside service with the priest from the church, dove release, and prayer cards. Luckily it did all turn out ok but took 6-8 months to get everything taken care of with bills, cleaning out her appt, selling the car etc. It was a mess and a nightmare. I can only imagine what you and mike are going through with it being miles and miles away and having no idea about anything. If she doesnt have a will, everything will go to an estate. Im not sure how mike would go about it but speaking to a lawyer would be the right direction. He would have to be named executor of the will in order to gain any of her assets I believe. Just to give you another idea we recently buried mikes nana. It included a 1hr "viewing" although she was creamated and in a yearn. Flowers around the yearn. Prayer cards, graveside service with the pastor. It was a little over 8,000.

I will be thinking and praying for you and mike through this rough time. Hang in there you will get through it.

I'm glad to have found my way over hear to this post.

Glad you made it over here Mary! Dont worry about running the whole thing. You can find a good walk/run interval if needed. Like lisa said there is a bunch of us that are doing intervals. I actually am getting faster doing a 3minrun/2minwalk interval than I am if I run the whole time. Im curious about your tiara too. Is it plastic. How do you plan on wearing it?
Rose and Mike, you are in my prayers, what a tough situation. :hug:

I'm glad to have found my way over hear to this post. I'm excited but nervous about the run. I can maintain a less than 16min/mile between walking and running. I know I won't be able to outright run the whole thing, but I'll certainly try.

I have a tiara already and I'm a great sewer, and so I'm going to whip up a yellow tu-tu (I'm registered as Belle, I'm a nerdy brunette married to a beast, and so it's a great fit!). I'll wear running capris under my tu-tu

Good luck everyone, I feel so EMPOWERED when I get on here and read about everyone else's plans and what brought them here.

Go team!
Welcome Mary! I agree with Lindsay, start looking at an interval that will work for you. has some links to some galloway stuff which explaings intervals, if you haven't looked into it before. It sounds like you are already doing intervals, but didn't know if you had read anything about it.:goodvibes I ran my first 1/2 outright. The temps were great--in the 50s. I felt awful at the end of it. W&D was much warmer and humid and at night. We ran a mile walked a minute for the whole race. I still had nausea at the end--which for me is from not enough salt or fluids--but no leg cramps. It's amazing to me what just adding in a few walkbreaks does for my overall performance.

And I am really thinking I am going to do the tutu thing. Still not sure about the tirara. I will definitely be getting up early enough to flatiron my hair.;)

After being extremely ambivalent yesterday, Mike told me he wants to come and he wants to run, even if we have to eat pb&j in the room. We have annual passes, so that is covered. I just have to look and see if registration is still open. I think he just wants something happy to look forward to right now.

Ok, back to real life.:goodvibes

Oh, and thank you Lindsay. :)
Jude and Lindsay- my hearts go out to you for all you have been through and how tough those times must have been. I am so grateful that when I lost each of my parents, they both had insurance, so I could think about me and my loss, and not have so many other worries.

Rose- I'm glad you and Mike are able to talk things out, and since he is the only relative, it is all his decision, however hard they may be, and he needs to do what is right for him right now. I hope he is able to find some kind of insurance or money she had that will make it a bit easier. I don't know what she did for work, but my work has an automatic one year salary life policy on all full time employees. Hope the next few days go smoothly for you all.

Lindsay- I'm glad I'm not alone in my paranoia about getting hurt and not making the princess. I've been surfing the web in search of the perfect outfit. I'm pretty sure I'll stick with the black/pink capris, and pink shirt, and maybe dress it up. Unless I miraculously drop 30 pounds in 2 months and then I'll go with the skirt. I thought about tye dye, but you can't dye the polyester shirts, so I may order new tye dyes for me and the fam, with lime green and hot pink, a princess-ey dis-ey combo that we could wear after the race.

Don't worry Lisa, if I come across a beautiful tye dye tutu I'll get you one too.

Hi Mary!! Welcome to our princess planning! Your outfit sounds so cute. I saw a belle costume on a youtube video that looked awesome. I'm doing intervals and could never run the whole thing, but my training has been going well, and I've been able to stay under the 16 min miles too. On my longer run/walks, I've been playing with the times of the intervals, and doing shorter run, 2-3 min with 1-2 min walks seems to speed me up a bit. I would love to have a little leeway so I could take some pictures.

So ladies, in 8 weeks, it will be all over and we'll be sporting our beautiful tiara medals right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!princess:princess:princess:
Oh, and thank you Lindsay. :)

Your welcome and I think registration is still open but filling up fast. I think that will help mike through this to have something to look forward to, and I know it will make you happy to have your water carrier.;)

Kathy- I think your tie dye shirts sound awesome. I know I cant believe 8 more weeks! princess:
Like lisa said there is a bunch of us that are doing intervals. I actually am getting faster doing a 3minrun/2minwalk interval than I am if I run the whole time. Im curious about your tiara too. Is it plastic. How do you plan on wearing it?

::yes:: You can tell it's more about the fashion than the time for us! :rotfl2:

Welcome Mary! I agree with Lindsay, start looking at an interval that will work for you. has some links to some galloway stuff which explaings intervals, if you haven't looked into it before. It sounds like you are already doing intervals, but didn't know if you had read anything about it.:goodvibes I ran my first 1/2 outright. The temps were great--in the 50s. I felt awful at the end of it. W&D was much warmer and humid and at night. We ran a mile walked a minute for the whole race. I still had nausea at the end--which for me is from not enough salt or fluids--but no leg cramps. It's amazing to me what just adding in a few walkbreaks does for my overall performance.

And I am really thinking I am going to do the tutu thing. Still not sure about the tirara. I will definitely be getting up early enough to flatiron my hair.;)

After being extremely ambivalent yesterday, Mike told me he wants to come and he wants to run, even if we have to eat pb&j in the room. We have annual passes, so that is covered. I just have to look and see if registration is still open. I think he just wants something happy to look forward to right now.

Ok, back to real life.:goodvibes

Oh, and thank you Lindsay. :)

I think it would be great if Mike decides to run. It would be nice to have something fun to look forward to -- he can be "Mike and his pack o' princesses!" ;) Don't worry you won't be stuck with us because there is no way I can keep up with you! princess:

Don't worry Lisa, if I come across a beautiful tye dye tutu I'll get you one too.
This is so scary! :rotfl:
Hi Mary!! Welcome to our princess planning! Your outfit sounds so cute. I saw a belle costume on a youtube video that looked awesome. I'm doing intervals and could never run the whole thing, but my training has been going well, and I've been able to stay under the 16 min miles too. On my longer run/walks, I've been playing with the times of the intervals, and doing shorter run, 2-3 min with 1-2 min walks seems to speed me up a bit. I would love to have a little leeway so I could take some pictures.

So ladies, in 8 weeks, it will be all over and we'll be sporting our beautiful tiara medals right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!princess:princess:princess:

:woohoo:princess::woohoo: Oh, I feel better hearing about your intervals -- I thought you were at 4:1 already and I am not. :scared1: 2:1 I can do but not on the longer runs yet for the whole run. I am just trusting in the plan. Trust the plan is my mantra! :hippie: I did three miles today thanks to DH getting me out of the house. :dance3:

Have a great day Princesses! princess:
Trust in the plan, Lisa, trust in the plan, and we will get there. I was just reading marathoning for mortals again, and even though I haven't run in over a week and a half, I think we're going to be alright! Cause reading is as good as running, right? :rotfl:

I was doing mostly 4/1 intervals, but on the longer one's I'd slow down, so increasing the walking intervals sped me up to keep me in the sweeper-free pace. I did 1/1 and that seemed to be the same pace as 2/1 for me. Right along, we've been at similar paces, so don't worry about it, it will all work out. Remember, we don't want to go out too fast either. We don't want to overdo it and not be able to get back to epcot for a margarita. We will need the salt you know. ;)

Rose- I'm so glad Mike want to run with you. You will both deserve a trip after this week. I think you should go with matching tutus.

Now off to find those tyedye tutus for us, lisa.;)
Jen's husband Paul is running too...and she is threatening to make a tutu for him, too!!! :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: (not kidding!!!!) I hope that you can both come because I think it will be a great getaway for both of you....

As for me, I am struggling with my runs. I was supposed to do 9 today and barely finished 7.5. I am trying not to get discouraged and keep plugging along.... but right now 13.1 feels impossible (sorry for the downer comments. I just keep hoping that something will "click" again....)

Trust in the plan, Lisa, trust in the plan, and we will get there. I was just reading marathoning for mortals again, and even though I haven't run in over a week and a half, I think we're going to be alright! Cause reading is as good as running, right? :rotfl:

::yes:: You got it! :lmao: I'm reading The Nonrunner's Marathon Guide for Women: Get Off Your Butt and On with Your Training this afternoon. It is a scream!

Jen's husband Paul is running too...and she is threatening to make a tutu for him, too!!! :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: (not kidding!!!!) I hope that you can both come because I think it will be a great getaway for both of you....

As for me, I am struggling with my runs. I was supposed to do 9 today and barely finished 7.5. I am trying not to get discouraged and keep plugging along.... but right now 13.1 feels impossible (sorry for the downer comments. I just keep hoping that something will "click" again....)


:hug:, Jude. Of course you can do it! :cheer2: Aren't you the person who did so well on their PSTs (sorry if that is not the official name) not too long ago? :flower3:

I've been feeling like that for a whole week. I can do the miles but not the pace for the whole time. It makes me frantic! :scared: I was telling my DH about all the thoughts going through my head during my run today as we drove home from the gym and he looked at me and said "that's quite the diatribe you have going in your head." :rotfl2: So I'm trying to find my zen now cause the freak out is not working for me. :hippie:
Trust in the plan, Lisa, trust in the plan, and we will get there. I was just reading marathoning for mortals again, and even though I haven't run in over a week and a half, I think we're going to be alright! Cause reading is as good as running, right?

I was doing mostly 4/1 intervals, but on the longer one's I'd slow down, so increasing the walking intervals sped me up to keep me in the sweeper-free pace. I did 1/1 and that seemed to be the same pace as 2/1 for me. Right along, we've been at similar paces, so don't worry about it, it will all work out. Remember, we don't want to go out too fast either. We don't want to overdo it and not be able to get back to epcot for a margarita. We will need the salt you know.

Rose- I'm so glad Mike want to run with you. You will both deserve a trip after this week. I think you should go with matching tutus.

Now off to find those tyedye tutus for us, lisa.;)
That margarita is sounding so good right about now. Actually I'll get a cosmo slushie and meet you all in Mexico.:thumbsup2

::yes:: You can tell it's more about the fashion than the time for us!

I think it would be great if Mike decides to run. It would be nice to have something fun to look forward to -- he can be "Mike and his pack o' princesses!" ;) Don't worry you won't be stuck with us because there is no way I can keep up with you! princess:

This is so scary! :rotfl:

:woohoo:princess::woohoo: Oh, I feel better hearing about your intervals -- I thought you were at 4:1 already and I am not. 2:1 I can do but not on the longer runs yet for the whole run. I am just trusting in the plan. Trust the plan is my mantra! I did three miles today thanks to DH getting me out of the house.

Have a great day Princesses! princess:
Woohoo for getting out of the house.:goodvibes

Jen's husband Paul is running too...and she is threatening to make a tutu for him, too!!! :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: (not kidding!!!!) I hope that you can both come because I think it will be a great getaway for both of you....

As for me, I am struggling with my runs. I was supposed to do 9 today and barely finished 7.5. I am trying not to get discouraged and keep plugging along.... but right now 13.1 feels impossible (sorry for the downer comments. I just keep hoping that something will "click" again....)

Jude--you can so do it! You've done it before. Keep telling yourself that. This is a hard time of the year to get all those miles in. Just hang in there.:goodvibes
::yes:: You got it! :lmao: I'm reading The Nonrunner's Marathon Guide for Women: Get Off Your Butt and On with Your Training this afternoon. It is a scream!

:hug:, Jude. Of course you can do it! :cheer2: Aren't you the person who did so well on their PSTs (sorry if that is not the official name) not too long ago?

I've been feeling like that for a whole week. I can do the miles but not the pace for the whole time. It makes me frantic! :scared: I was telling my DH about all the thoughts going through my head during my run today as we drove home from the gym and he looked at me and said "that's quite the diatribe you have going in your head." So I'm trying to find my zen now cause the freak out is not working for me. :hippie:
Might I suggest 8 minute meditations?:lmao::lmao::lmao: It's working well for me right now, not!

Ok, today was officially a flipping nightmare. Poor, Tom he is a mess cause he's worried about us. I had a complete and total meltdown this afternoon because I just cannot flipping believe how poorly people behave. The money stuff is pushing all my buttons--even though we live very comfortably it's leftover from childhood stuff--nothing to eat, no heat, etc.

Anyhow--here are the highlights, after spending all day on the phone trying to coordinate with all the cousins, and thinking that there was a plan, Mike was informed that there were "people" on facebook planning to come in this weekend and that the service should be Saturday. This was after he explained to everyone about Tom going back to school, and that he actually has a job that they expect him to come to. Plus honestly, he is a mess and just wants to get things settled. There still is no sign of will, but the family attorney is going to check probate court in the morning. So Mike was a mess, basically had the conversation with his cousin that the people coming in for the funeral were more important because he had no real relationship with his sister, etc. I guess we should have been on facebook so we could know what was going on. He agreed to the service Saturday, but said he would have to leave on Thursday. That's when I lost it. I do not think we should be footing the bill for a service on Saturday that he is unable to attend. And of course he is overwhelmed with guilt. So after the blowup we talked about it for a while and came up with the plan that we would pay for the cremation, for a small visitation on Wednesday evening at the funeral home and make a 500 donation for the service and that was it. If they want to do it Saturday, then they can pay for it. This is so freaking unbelievable. Here if someone dies, it is taken care of in two days period. He called the cousins and told them what he was responsible for, and if they wanted something else, then hopefully the estate could pay for it, but that he was not responsible. He is going to have a conversation with the funeral home to let them know, and he told the pastor of the church what was going on as well. Add to that that a couple of people told him who they "thought" she left things to, and he was not on the list. Which is absolutely fine with him. He wants nothing to do with it. But amusingly enough, no one has offered to open their wallets, but they are more than happy to tell him what to do. Mike is a peacekeeper and this is killing him. And Lisa you were right, Tom told me he is worried something will happen to us.

I'm only going to work 4 or 5 hours on mon and tues, and get home to spend some quality time with Tom. Then I'm off on Wed and Thurs. I feel so sick to my stomach, I am sitting on the verge on a panic attack and I don't have any idea what I ate today. I'm kind of looking forward to a couple of hours at work just for the normalcy.

Thank you all for being my surrogate mom's right now. I have my differences with my sisters, but none of them would ever behave the way these people have been behaving. And I know we are the bad guys in all this, and maybe we really are. But no one else knows what his relationship with his sister was, or why it was the way it was.

Lisa--I printed your pm from earlier for Mike and it really helped us both to stay grounded for the most part today.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better.:goodvibes
Rose - I am so sorry for your family's loss. Having lost my 42 year old brother 14 months ago, I can really relate. Howard and I paid for the entire funeral, etc. Including bringing him home from Virginia to NJ to be buried near where his 16 and 17 year old kids live with his ex-wife. It was so hard to hear everyone's opinions when we were footing the bill. I felt like even though we were estranged someone had to step in. He was penniless and no one else could help financially but everyone including his new fiance's family had an opinion. I hope that you and Mike can make the decisions that are right for you. I am just so sorry you are going through this. Sending you a hug. :hug:
Hi princesses! I had this really deep thought at 4am about trusting the plan, but I think it's gone.:lmao: I have been thinking about it, though, and thinking about how I feel before my races, and even before my runs. I think at this point I am still amazed that my body can do what it can do. And I think we all need to remember, that if you do the work, and put in the miles, the rest is mental. And I know how strong you all are! Saturday, I had a physically and mentally tough run, but I was able to keep telling myself, you have done this, you can do this. At the end it was almost like I was outside of my body because I felt cruddy, my legs were rubber, but I was really able to pull on the fact that I KNOW I am a runner. Anyhow, just something to think about. Mentally you need to tell yourself, I know I can do this, I know i can. And I will worry about being sore, tired, etc when I am done with my race.:goodvibes

That's my deep thought for the day!:goodvibes Have a great day!
Hi princesses! I had this really deep thought at 4am about trusting the plan, but I think it's gone.:lmao: I have been thinking about it, though, and thinking about how I feel before my races, and even before my runs. I think at this point I am still amazed that my body can do what it can do. And I think we all need to remember, that if you do the work, and put in the miles, the rest is mental. And I know how strong you all are! Saturday, I had a physically and mentally tough run, but I was able to keep telling myself, you have done this, you can do this. At the end it was almost like I was outside of my body because I felt cruddy, my legs were rubber, but I was really able to pull on the fact that I KNOW I am a runner. Anyhow, just something to think about. Mentally you need to tell yourself, I know I can do this, I know i can. And I will worry about being sore, tired, etc when I am done with my race.:goodvibes

That's my deep thought for the day!:goodvibes Have a great day!
Thanks for sharing this. I don't think I am a runner yet.:rotfl: We'll see when I get back out there today. I've only got time for 2 miles, but it's been too long. Tomorrow I am going to a local gym for one free week, and if I like it they have a special for 9.95 a month pay as you go with no joining fee, so I'll join to get through the princess at least. They have zumba there too, so I would like to try that one day also.

Rose- Hope you and Mike were able to get some sleep last night, and 4 am was just a brief moment of sleeplessness. :hug: Thinking of you guys and sending prayers for peace and hope that everything goes smoothly for Mike in WI. Hang in there.

Jude- Sorry you had a rough run saturday.:hug: Everyone has those days, and you are not alone, but you have done a half before, and you will rock the princess! Here's to a better run your next time out.:cool1:

Lisa- How is the Zen thing working for you? I love it. I'm on the verge of the freakout this weekend, so I spent endless time on line looking at running skirts yesterday. Even though I haven't run in 10 days, I am feeling it's very important to find my outfit for the princess. I may be wearing it on the sweep bus, but I want to look good. I think I may order a sparkle skirt. Check out They come in 2x, and the magenta would match my capris, and they're only 1 layer, so they don't poof out over your butt. My legs are looking pretty good since I've been running, so I think I could pull it off. They have just plain ones that you wear over your shorts or tights, for 32$. I think it would be fun to dress up. I don't wear any hat usually, so I don't know about a tiara or head band, but if I found something that worked, you never know.:rotfl: Don't worry lisa, if I'm really obnoxious, you'll just run faster to get away from me.

Hello Cam! I miss you and the other Mickey teammates. It's hard to keep up with all the threads. I am loving the new ww so far. Last week I fell off a bit, but the new year, new routine will hopefully see me on track at least til the end of february. Hope you are doing well!

Have a great day fellow princesses.
But amusingly enough, no one has offered to open their wallets, but they are more than happy to tell him what to do.

::yes:: Reminds me of the good old days in the PTA! :lmao:

Rose - I am so sorry for your family's loss. Having lost my 42 year old brother 14 months ago, I can really relate. Howard and I paid for the entire funeral, etc. Including bringing him home from Virginia to NJ to be buried near where his 16 and 17 year old kids live with his ex-wife. It was so hard to hear everyone's opinions when we were footing the bill. I felt like even though we were estranged someone had to step in. He was penniless and no one else could help financially but everyone including his new fiance's family had an opinion. I hope that you and Mike can make the decisions that are right for you. I am just so sorry you are going through this. Sending you a hug. :hug:

:hug: to you, Cam, for having to go through that. It is hard to be the responsible one.

And, Rose, does this sound familiar?

Hi princesses! I had this really deep thought at 4am about trusting the plan, but I think it's gone.:lmao: I have been thinking about it, though, and thinking about how I feel before my races, and even before my runs. I think at this point I am still amazed that my body can do what it can do. And I think we all need to remember, that if you do the work, and put in the miles, the rest is mental. And I know how strong you all are! Saturday, I had a physically and mentally tough run, but I was able to keep telling myself, you have done this, you can do this. At the end it was almost like I was outside of my body because I felt cruddy, my legs were rubber, but I was really able to pull on the fact that I KNOW I am a runner. Anyhow, just something to think about. Mentally you need to tell yourself, I know I can do this, I know i can. And I will worry about being sore, tired, etc when I am done with my race.:goodvibes

That's my deep thought for the day!:goodvibes Have a great day!

That is very helpful advice, Rose. One of the books I was reading yesterday had a quote from Henry Ford that said "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't -- you're right." So I'm trusting that the plan will make me feel like a runner in eight weeks! :thumbsup2 And I will tune out the "I can't" voice.

Thanks for sharing this. I don't think I am a runner yet.:rotfl: Lisa- How is the Zen thing working for you? I love it. I'm on the verge of the freakout this weekend, so I spent endless time on line looking at running skirts yesterday. Even though I haven't run in 10 days, I am feeling it's very important to find my outfit for the princess. I may be wearing it on the sweep bus, but I want to look good. I think I may order a sparkle skirt. Check out They come in 2x, and the magenta would match my capris, and they're only 1 layer, so they don't poof out over your butt. My legs are looking pretty good since I've been running, so I think I could pull it off. They have just plain ones that you wear over your shorts or tights, for 32$. I think it would be fun to dress up. I don't wear any hat usually, so I don't know about a tiara or head band, but if I found something that worked, you never know.:rotfl: Don't worry lisa, if I'm really obnoxious, you'll just run faster to get away from me.

That is from a line in Tron -- I keep saying it to myself quite a bit now! :rotfl:
I will check out the sparkleshirts because I couldn't find them before. And no, I won't run away from you even if you are really obnoxious -- cause you're my friend -- and because I can't! ;)

I decided some of my freakout might be related to the 8 -- count 'em 8! -- pounds I gained between the end of the last challenge and this one. :sad2: Since I've been faithfully doing WW for a couple of days, I've lost 1 pound and I just generally feel stronger today. I feel stronger the days I really work thard so I'm just going to keep doing that right up through 2/27! princess:

Have a great day, ladies!
Thanks for sharing this. I don't think I am a runner yet.:rotfl: We'll see when I get back out there today. I've only got time for 2 miles, but it's been too long. Tomorrow I am going to a local gym for one free week, and if I like it they have a special for 9.95 a month pay as you go with no joining fee, so I'll join to get through the princess at least. They have zumba there too, so I would like to try that one day also.

Have a great day fellow princesses.
Kathy--hope the run went well! And I hope you like the gym!:goodvibes

::yes:: Reminds me of the good old days in the PTA! :lmao:

:hug: to you, Cam, for having to go through that. It is hard to be the responsible one.

And, Rose, does this sound familiar?

That is very helpful advice, Rose. One of the books I was reading yesterday had a quote from Henry Ford that said "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't -- you're right." So I'm trusting that the plan will make me feel like a runner in eight weeks! :thumbsup2 And I will tune out the "I can't" voice.

Have a great day, ladies!
Lisa--I hope those 8 pounds go away fast!!!! And I'm glad my ramblings this morning helped. I am a big believer in positive thinking. I don't always practice it, Mike will attest to this. But it has definitely gotten me through some touch situations. And yes it all sounded familiar.:goodvibes

Cam--I am so sorry you had to go through a similar situation. Thank you so much for sharing. This might sound strange, but I feel so normal--you know how you think no one else can possible have families like this, but I guess lots of people do.:hug:

I went to work, and while I had a hard time concentrating, it was so nice to be there. I have a huge pile of gifts to process, so I will be kept busy for a while. I'm a little nervous, I am making mistakes, but hopefully not.:goodvibes

Still no plans to exercise. Can you believe I might be taking two days in a row off?:scared1: Who would have thought!



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