Biggest Loser Princess and Tinker Bell 2011 and 2012 -- OLD please see NEW thread

I am so sorry I dont have the energy for replies tonight but I promise to catch up with you all soon. Ive read todays posts and am so proud of our Rose for getting out there and doing your long run....and 14.5 miles thats awesome. Im so proud of you.

I had another long day of being out of the house at 730a and not getting home until 10p. There was just alot going on this week.

yesterday our network held a "summit" at an arena in our area (actually the Lehigh University bball arena) it was good but went from 730a-530p from their i went directly to the ball park for our 1st minor league baseball game of the season. It was fun but by the time we got home at 10p I was exhausted.

Today was a normal work day and then I went straight to ryans school to volunteer at the basket bingo we had. I just got home at 10p. I am just pooped.

So lots of fun stuff but just very tiring. Tomorrow is opening day of little league. :cool1: They have an opening day ceremony, pictures, and the game is at 1. So we will be at the field from 930a-3pm. Not sure why Im cheering but its and exciting day for the kids so I guess thats what keeps me going.:goodvibes

I hope you all have some fun this weekend too. I promise to catch up with more replies soon.
Evening, everyone! I should be in bed, but instead I'm sitting here futzing around with all these little tasks I didn't get done during the week. !! So I'll check in here before I crash. :)

Tomorrow I'll run in the morning - my next C25K workout. Yesterday's was great, and I find myself really looking forward to these runs. I'm at the point now where the walk intervals start dropping out, and I'm impressed with what I'm able to do when I pace myself and just focus on the present!

I'm not sure yet where we'll stay in January. Since we'll be there without our DDs, we have different likes, so I guess we'll see! DH is running, too, so we'll definitely be looking at something near Epcot. :)

We will be at Boardwalk at the end of September for Food & Wine, and I keep thinking I should sign up for ToT, too...crazy? Or a good step toward the half? I noticed that the course is listed as pavement, grass, and sand, which has me a little nervous about how I'd do on other terrains.

I'm enjoying getting my gear stash going - ordered a cap today and realized I'm going to need different usuals are just not cutting it! I also ordered some better-fitting tech tops and bought some BL challenge success :cool1: means that most of my old workout tops are much too big. What a great excuse to d some shopping! ;)

Okay, time to stop and call it a night. Back soon, and thanks for all the encouragement!

Lindsay -wow that is a long week you had! Hope you get to rest up over the weekend! The little league here also is opening todaY and there is a parade. Two of my cousins play n the league and I will probably see a few games this year. Does nick play yet? What age do they start? How many days til your WDW trip? I've never done the backyard BBQ. Can't wait to hear about it!

Maria yeah maybe more resting is the way to go. Sometimes your body just needs it!! my only problem with that is on non exercise days I tend to want to eat everything in sight.

Rose 14.5 miles holy moly!! Nice work! How often do you drink and eat on those runs?

Kathy lol! Yes I think bum is allowed. I'm planning on taking the bus home after the procedure - that should be fine right?

lisaR ugh I hope it doesn't snow for dans race but Maria is right, he has trained thru it all! I like your twinkle thinking! Whichever race you pick will be great and I can't wait to see you. If you wait til 2014 to do the full we ail still be there to cheer for you!

LisaH your coaching has kept you away from us! Wah! Hehe

Hello to everyone else! I'm on the iPad and running out of steam the typos are crazy!

Funeral was sad and long so thank god I got to pee before! Took me 50 min to get there and 2 hr to get home. Sucked.

Running today. Want to try to go for 6. Need to buy that suit. Interview at 3:30 on Monday

Ok iPad stinks for the dis. Ttyl :)
good morning.:goodvibes My back is so uncomfortable this morning. I am going to yoga and we are going to go mattress shopping this afternoon. I am hoping that helps. I thought a mattress lasted longer--ours is 13 years old. I am waking up so much, and it just doesn't feel good any more.

Thanks for the positive thoughts on the run.:goodvibes The legs are sore today, but not bad. And Lisah--thanks for saying that if I don't sign up for another half that is it for that distance until December.:goodvibes I probably will sign up for one, but I needed to hear that today.:goodvibes

Nancy--after my colonscopy I was kind of loopy, but I don't handle drugs well. Maybe Kathy will have a better idea about whether the bus would work. Would it be crazy expensive to take a cab? And my stomach was extremely bubbly afterwards, so gas was not an option.:rotfl: I hope you find a reasonably priced outfit for Monday.:hug: Hope the run goes well!

Maria--very exciting about the Disney plans!:goodvibes I am sorry about the itband. There doesn't seem to be a magic bullet to fix it, but it is fixable.:hug: Do I remember reading 2 pounds down? That's great! Have fun with your company!

Lisar--good luck to Dan!!!!

Lisah--are you hangin in there?

Lindsay--have fun with the little league stuff!

Kathy--hope it is a good weekend!

Liz--I think the TOT looks fun. Just keep in mind that the temps will probably be high and night races can be challenging, so while I think it is a good way to get ready for January, it's not like comparing apples to apples. Having said all that, if I were going to be there, I would do it.:goodvibes I think 10 miles is a great distance.:goodvibes

We (Mike and I) are going to be researching graduate school stuff. That's all I'm going to say.:goodvibes Life is good and I am sure it will all work out for the best.:goodvibes

Time for yoga! Have a good day.:goodvibes
jen just a few more days!! :cool1:

dottie how are you? i've been thinking about you and your family.

liz you should totally do the TOT! i would love to be able to go down and do it. september is HOT so just be prepared for that. i ran two september trips ago (last sept i was ginormously pregnant and had stopped running about a month prior) and it was really hot and humid. i could be wrong (probably) but i think that when it says there is grass on the course it's just the grass that's on the side of the roads. you don't have to run in it if you don't want. i saw some people during the princess running on grass - better for your knees. i don't think there will be any the dark! :eek:

BAMB i saw on the official race thread in the events section that you're signing up for the race - but which one? are you still going back and forth between the full and the half?

karen!! hi! how are you?? i feel like i haven't "talked" to you in forever! :hug: what's new? i drove by your area on the way to the poconos (took rt 80).

just got on my laptop (both kids are up, thomas is already being whiny and just spilled cereal and milk all over the couch. awesome) so i figured i'd say hello again. but then the baby just pooped. story of my life ;)

i wanted to get on here to talk about upcoming races...i'm running one next sunday (4/22) in central park. a 4 miler. my friend lauren bought me a NYRR membership for the year and said she'd sign me up for some races. there is actually a bronx half in august! it's not near here but still closer than disney :) she is offering to pay because of the $$ she lost me last year when she didn't run the princess with me (verrrrrrry long story).

off for my run around maritime. i was going to venture out on the streets but nah, i will just do a bunch of laps around the school.
Good Morning, Fellow Athletes!

I'm up and when I saw there were new posts on this thread, decided to read them while I have my choc milk and banana (3pts) for breakfast. Dennis isn't up yet, so I have to wait to get the cleaning frenzy started. I'm actually looking forward to it. I scored some really cute pillows and a couple of throws for the living room yesterday, but I'm not putting anything out until the cleaning is over.

Then I plan to have a nice bath, do a manicure, and get ready for my evening out with BIL and SIL. We won't be out late since the fellas are running a 5K tomorrow, but it will be nice to relax and have a grown-up meal. Ben prefers to stay home and watch his shows, so there will be sangria for me! I've only used 2 of my weekly 49 pts, because I wanted to have whatever I feel like tonight without guilt. Plus, since I know there won't be extra activity points from exercise for most of the week, I need to keep it simple so I can hopefully see a loss again next week. All this race talk is helping me focus on losing so I can go back to getting faster and going longer distances. Anyway, it is paying off. I am thisclose to declaring myself 180s Lady, but I want to be sure and solid before I do. Just the fact I feel confident it's coming (hey, it's been awhile since I felt like I could get over that invisible 90s hump and stay there), is a huge improvement.

Wow, so psyched we already have racers going next weekend! Enjoy the taper madness :goodvibes

Rose -- I'm still comfortable on ours, but it's my understanding you are supposed to get a new mattress every 10 years. Yours went the extra mile :thumbsup2

Nancy -- It really helps that while I am resting today I will be cleaning like a banshee, no time to just sit and eat. Plus, I have our dinner to look forward to, and we'll probably go out for brunch tomorrow. I need to think of someplace to go. Kathy, of course the only brunch place I can think of is the Hawthorne hotel, but that is not a good idea, and we probably couldn't get reservations at this point, anyway. This is an amazing brunch with every delight you can imagine. I actually need a place with fewer choices, or maybe just to order off a menu....I'll come up with something.

Liz -- I think ToT looks super fun! If I were there, I would do it! ::yes:: Congrats on the smaller running wardrobe. It was a really proud moment for me when I had to order a size Large ladies' WISH shirt, because the XL was gaping. I'm still looking forward to the day when I can need a medium. I finally feel confident it is coming! Enjoy your shopping, there is nothing better than needing smaller clothes :yay:

Lindsay -- You have had a heck of a week, Momma, and it doesn't look like your weekend is exactly restful :hug: Even when it's fun activities, it's hard to be on the go all the time. Try to find a moment or two to rest -- and best of luck to your little athletes!

:wave: to all the other athletes -- out doing their runs and making me proud!

Maria :upsidedow
Good morning!!

Nancy-Lol, I'm sure the bus will be fine as long as you have the bus driver stop at a pub so you can have a pint or two. :rotfl2: I guessed you were joking, but if not, like Rose said, a cab would definitely be better. Being a mother of 2 small children, they should give you a little extra sedative just out of sympathy. Glad you got to pee before the funeral. :hug: Sounds like a long, draining day. It's so tough. My friend Karen, who I run with's mom was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer on thursday. So heartbreaking. She and Karen are just in shock. I just think how hard and overwhelming the days and weeks ahead are going to be. ugh. Back to a positive note. A race in central park!! How exciting. Is it your first one there? There was a race going on the time we were in central park. Such a beautiful place to run. Good luck!!

Rose-:worship::worship::worship: So proud of you and how hard you work to run. That Lisah is a wise woman, and you definitely should follow her advice. I wonder if via telepathy she told me not to run and I haven't been lately.:rotfl2: I'm sure everything will work out with the grad school. And who knows, maybe if he does come home to live again, it will be different since it will be a choice he made, and I am sure he has matured over the past 4 years too.

Maria-Glad you've been able to run a bit, but it sounds like a good idea to take a few more days off to rest. I think I had read before to rest an injury for 3 days, try to run, if it still hurts, rest another 3 days, and then if it's still a problem to get to the doctor. Be careful. I am so excited for you and Dennis for the january races, and for your august trip. I had such a great time when ds and i went in august. It was 2 years ago, after that really hot summer here, so the heat was very tolerable. And the lines were short, we did the water parks, and had lots of swim breaks, and free dining was the best. So excited to see how the new hotel is. I"m glad Dennis isn't running monday. It's sounding scary with the heat. Poko's friends mom is running her monday, her first marathon. Funny, I'm meeting lots of new people through Poko. :rotfl2: I hope she is careful. Enjoy your weekend, sounds fun.

LisaR-Yikes, I just saw 24 inches of snow for s-w colorado?! Is that what you are expecting? I hope it's not that bad, and dh is able to do his race ok. :goodvibes Ah, I"m still twinkle-thinking for january. If we do go, it will probably just be me and ds, so I we might do the 5k, and cheer for the others. You never know though. I like your plan to wait on the full. It will be hard to be active after a full, for sure, and if the family is going, the half might be a better idea.

Lindsay -Enjoy opening day today!! It is exciting for them, and for us since the sun is shining and it is warm today. Michael has a scrimmage at 11 today, so Poko and I will watch. Have fun!!

LisaH-Hope you have a good run this weekend, and are sceduling in some down time, and adult beverages to relax after your busy week. :thumbsup2

Buffy- So good to see you here!! Do share what your race plans are. I think I saw maybe TOT, or january half? I've been slacking on keeping up on the bl thread.

Karen-It's great to see you here too!! And for what it's worth, I haven't been doing much running either, and that's ok. We'd love to see you posting here anytime. Thanks for the encouragement.

Hello to Jen, Liz, Dottie, Pamela, Dona, and any other lurkers out there!!!

Well, I'm practically on vacation this week!! I was scheduled to just work mon and tues, but mon is very quiet, so I took it off. And my name is still up to get cancelled on tuesday too, and I was debating if I would, but decided that I will. I had to tally up the PTO time, and make sure I'll have enough for summer vacation, and I'm in good shape.

So I vacuumed last night, and started laundry which is still going on, and I'm going to clean out my car now before I hop in the shower. I'm picking up michael's friend for baseball at 1030, and I'll drop them and then come home and get the dog to walk back to the park for his scrimmage. This afternoon I plan to get some yard work done.

What color pillows and accessories did you get Maria? I have the new dark brown couches, and was thinking of changing to red/burgundy/tan curtains/rug and pillows. I saw some cute pillows at Kmart but they didn't have the curtains. Maybe that can be my ONE-derland reward, and I'll finally get there.

Have a great day everyone! Good luck to all those running this weekend, esp, LisaR/s dh!!:goodvibes
Rose, Nancy, & Maria, thanks for the encouraging words - and for pointing out the potential pitfalls! The ToT is filling up, so I'll need to decide soon. The heat is definitely a factor - the race starts at 10pm, so I'm hoping that might help with the temps. DH and I will be staying at Boardwalk, which is even one of the host resorts for the race (it's like something is telling me I should do this!). But we'll also be there do to a hotel review with Pete & Walter from the podcast, and Food & Wine, so I know we'll be busy. Then again, Pete might want to do the Villains bash as part of the review...and what better way to balance out the indulgences of Food & Wine than with a nice long run? :) I think I'll need to decide today given how much the race is filling up...

I ran my next C25K workout this morning - 5m warmup walk, 5m jog, 3m walk, 8m jog, 3m walk, 5m jog, 5m cooldown walk. So 18m jogging and 16m walking - went 2.91 miles, and my pace was 11:41/mile. I'm almost to the 5K! And I'm still finishing the workout feeling like I could keep going. Bodes well for being able to crank out 13.1 miles in 9 months... ;)

Hope everyone has a great day today! We're headed to IKEA (madness on a Saturday, but it is what it is...) and to DD7's first piano recital tonight. It's a very low-key deal at our church, but that's good - it'll be a very supportive environment for her, and she's nervous!

Nancy--were you joking about the bus? If so that one went right over my head.:rotfl: Been a lonnnnnng week here. I take endurolytes every 30 minutes (I am a HUGE salt sweater and actually had white crystals all over my face when I finished yesterday) and I eat something every 15 minutes--but like one cliff block or one honey stinger. They were making me nauseous yesterday so I am thinking about switching back to just drinking gatorade and maybe taking a gu at 60 or 90 minutes. The big thing is the endurolytes. If I take them consistently I feel great at the end. If I don't I feel like I'm going to die.:thumbsup2 My legs were tired yesterday, but I did not feel puky, dizzy or nauseous, so that was good.

Kathy--I don't know what will end up happening, but I am wondering if someone won't be running the half (will be doing the full instead) who will not mind hanging with Michael? Just a thought. I still don't know what/if we are signing up for.

Liz--The w&d started at 10:00. I would plan on mid to upper 70s and humid. You're from Virginia, so you should be fine. We didn't mind it, but it slowed us down. The big thing watch your electrolytes and hydrate. I have heard more people say after night races "never again" than any other race. It really is a mental thing--slowing down for the temps, taking it easy during the day, watching what you eat and drink. If we didn't have so much going on this fall, I would probably be seriously considering it, since Tower of Terror is my favorite ride!

Maria--sounds like a good weekend coming up!:goodvibes

Back from yoga. Poor Mike got caught in torrential rain again. Two weeks ago he was running during a hail storm--he said it made him tough!:thumbsup2 I just hope he had a plastic bag for his phone.

Oh, and meant to tell you this earlier. Last night we saw one of our baseball friends and he lost 80 pounds! He said he has 20 to go. It was really nice to talk to him about it--to someone who gets it. I know a lot of folks around here who have lost 10 or 20, but I think there is something different about the big weight losses--40, 50, 60+ pounds. Anyhow, he is so proud of himself. And guys are so different than girls. He talked about how he doesn't recognize himself (I went through that) but yet he seems to be so much happier about it and even though he wanted to be a little further along, he seemed really positive. I don't think I (we) always give ourselves enough credit for how hard we have worked. Anyhow, kind of made me think about things a little. I am proud of myself, but I self criticize waaaaaaaay too much still. I need to work on that.:goodvibes

Anyhow, just wanted to share. Have a great day!

Have a good Saturday!
Quick post -posted yesterday at work but the poof fairy struck and I lost everything-so not what I needed so was to fustrated to post again:headache: . Had a great run today- 10 miles and it felt GOOD! Rose thought of you - and the struggle just to have a pain free run- with everything going on got a little teary but it felt good to let it out. FIL lost 3 lbs in a week and is already losing his appitite. Jake had Youth group Wednesday night at church and before they dismiss they ask for prayer requests-Jake asked his group to pray for Grandpa and our family. He even spoke with his pastor about it since they are close and he's known Jake since he was 5. I think he's dealing with this pretty good, and know it will get harder before it gets better.

Cheaping out for W/D and just staying Sat night at a host value- so that we can splurge for Marathon Weekend and do Fri to Mon- at POR- I'm in for the marathon ! You and ME -Nancy!! and any one else for the full? Gonna run this and dedicate the race to my FIL! gotta run but will catch up with individual posts later- promised Jake I would take him to our public library -for an expo from local area author.

:grouphug: :grouphug: hanging in there .
We bought a new mattress and it is coming on Wednesday! Hurray!

Then we went home and looked at our old mattress and there are two dips in the middle where we sleep. It's pretty bad. We both just started laughing when we realized how bad it was!:rotfl: I really think this is going to help with my back--it certainly can't hurt!

Lisa--Hurray, Hurray, Hurray for finishing the Krocman!!

Maria--How is that new room looking?

Nancy--how was the run?


Lazy day. Too wet to do yard work and I am feeling lazy. We will go to the game tonight, so that will be good.:goodvibes
i wasn't joking about taking the bus :) the stop is only like 4 blocks from the doctor's office and is $5 each way. if i took a cab it would be like $45. no thanks. i remember i had an endoscopy a few years ago and my mom came to pick me up. afterwards she decided she wanted to stop in a store before taking the bus home. so...that was pretty worthless having her!

the run was good except i forgot water. ugh. i was really thirsty by the end. i did the 6 miles in 67 minutes. not bad. i feel a little sore today but not bad.

dottie awesome! another wish friend in for marathon weekend! we will have to talk training strategy soon!

rose i need to figure out when to eat and drink. endurolytes? i need to google that.


yeah, i'm up THREE and a half pounds this week. :eek: need to reign that in, like, yesterday.
I am right there with you Nancy....have so been stress eating this week :( I am just not even going to think about it any longer till after our trip:beach:

Weather is so windy here you can't do anything, I am just worn out
Have a crummy cough that is making it difficult to breath, tooth has been really bothering me and we leave in 3 days:crazy2: I am just going to curl up for a little while and sleep!!!
Good morning fellow athletes! :wave2:

Looks like the Dis is recovering from the big switch. I'm sure it will be nice to have the new servers. :goodvibes

Rose, hope that new mattress makes your back feel better. :flower3:

Do you feel like the Endourolytes give your tummy any upset? I'm getting to where I just need to keep my stomach empty of everything. That works for short runs but I need something for long runs. I know I had some issues on my 10 miles on Saturday and that was inside. It would be ugly if I was outside. I have to take the Endourolytes the day before or after the run. I can tell as soon as they hit my tummy.

Drat the :flower3: smilie is now a page 2 smilie. :eek:

Dottie, great job on the 10 miles this week-end! :yay: It is amazing the emotions that get let go on those runs. :flower3:

Nancy, 6 miles in 67 minutes -- you are one speedy girl! :cool1:

Jen, single digit dance, baby! :yay: Hope that you are feeling better. :hug: Have a wonderful time! :smickey: Can't wait to hear all about it!

Liz, so sorry about the toe! :hug: Is there a pool where you could do some pool running nearby? You don't lose you conditioning for a few weeks so if you can keep up your activity it will help.

Hello to the rest of our Princesses! princess:

Here is what I've come up with on our upcoming race schedules. Please let me know if I missed you or messed up. I'll do a link on page 1 but we are probably going to have to open a new thread some time this summer so we may want to do it sooner rather than later.

Lisa Spring Dash 5 miles 4/22/12
Rose Derby Half 4/28/12
Liesel (Lisa) 5 K 4/28/12
Lindsay Half 4/29/12 (oops forgot which one -- sorry!)
Rose Derby Half 4/28/12
Lisa CdA Half 5/29/12
Maria Providence RnR Half 8/19/12
Lisa Sandpoint Half 9/16/12
Maria & Kathy Wicked Half 9/22/12
Liz ToT 9/29/12
Dottie & Lisa W&D Half 11/10/12

Donald :donald:

Mickey ::MickeyMo

Seems to be a busy week here! Have a great day all! :goodvibes
Hi, everyone!

So for those not on the BL Challenge board - I broke my toe on Sunday night (left pinky toe). It's the biggest break I've ever had on a toe (and I've had a few), but it's clean and shouldn't need pins or resetting, thank goodness.

I'm less bitter and upset today than I was yesterday, but I am feeling pretty frustrated at not being able to run for probably at least 4 weeks. I'm seeing an orthopedist tomorrow and expect to get some guidelines on what kind of conditioning I can do. It may be that I'll be stuck with the stationary bike in the interim, but at least that gets my heart rate up! I've noticed that doing that once or twice during the week in addition to my runs has kept the bike challenging, so hopefully it'll be a good way not to lose everything I've gained so far.

Lisa, would you please add me to the Donald list? I also did register for the ToT 10-miler - the day before I broke my toe. :) Fortunately, both races are far enough off that I'm not worried about being up to speed by the time they come around. At least I didn't register for the 5K I was going to do this weekend!

Oops! Sorry Liz! :flower3: Have you added now. :goodvibes

Four weeks isn't too bad with the toe. The bike helped me a lot when I hurt my back, even though it was not my favorite. The swimming was a big help, too. Any deep water aerobics in your neck of the woods.

Thank goodness you are in maintainence now! :thumbsup2
Hello to all my virtual running buddies!
finally time to catch up on responses, every time I went to do it this weekend the DIS was down.

Jen- Let the countdown begin:cool1:- it's pretty warm here in FL high 80's suppose to reach 90's by weeknd so maybe you haven't packed for good reason!

Nancy- How'd the interview go? have you heard anything yet?

Liz- I'm late to the welcome party -but glad to have you, I'm fairly new to the group too- I met Rose at this yrs Princess 1/2 and have been chatting with everyone ever since. I know how you feel being sidelined for 4weeks- I had hurt my foot just 3 weeks before the Princess- no running till the race and I thought I'd go stir crazy- I couldn't wait to get back out there-

Lisa R- Congrats to Dan!:yay: on his half!

Lindsey- hope you were able to take a breather- us moms never seem to stop do we

Kathy- I'm so sorry to hear about your friend Karen's mom- I know what she is going through all to well. sending hugs to her and her mom:hug:

Rose- Hurray for the new bed, hoping you're having sweet dreams:cloud9: of Mickey and that your back is feeling better.

Maria- hoping the IT band is better - I try to suck it up and run through it to when I should just rest an extra day or two.

Lisa H- did not post on FB about 1 word when we met since we havent yet:lmao:- but can't wait till W/D I'm planning to do two 5ks before then. One on Mother's day to benifit a park dedicated to families that lost children and one in June for Local Firefighters battling Breast Cancer- this was my very first 5k last year 40lbs heavier and I'm hoping to smash my time of 32.48!

:hug::hug: and hi to anyone I missed.

Jake has FCAT- fl standerized testing all this week:teacher: other than that not much going on - which for me is a good thing. Hope you all have a good week, I'm reading along even if I'm not posting much.

lisah - my race this sunday is "City Parks Foundation Run for the Parks (4M)"

i too prefer to run on an empty stomach but that's just not going to cut it as i build my mileage! what to do? what are you doing?

dottie i'm really excited about marathon weekend now! can't wait to have someone i know running it! nice job on the 10 miles by the way. i hope to get up there soon!

liz sorry about the toe. major bummer. but 4 weeks isn't too bad and you won't lose all of your conditioning. when i was training for the princess '11 i had a foot injury in november that had me out of the game for a few weeks but i was able to get back in and finish the princess. hope it feels better. poor toe.

lisaH you also forgot to add kathy, lisaR, and lindsay to the donald list and rose to the mickey list. twinkle think! twinkle think!

got out this morning and did a 4 mile run. 44 min. i'm getting a little faster. still huffing it though. i feel just as exhausted after a 4 mile run than i do a 6 mile run. it just has never been "easy".

interview went well. if they like me i will probably have to come in for at least one if not two more interviews. ew. the interview lasted 3 hours and they never even offered me any water! good thing i had my own.

headed BACK downtown for a dentist appt - cavity filled and a crown put in (i think).

my weight is going up. :sad2: i haven't been tracking but i put in my breakfast this morning so at least i've done something! i actually saw 140.5 about a week and a half ago but 143.5 is what the scale told me today. darn. i will make a little wager for myself to try to get to 139 by disney in a few weeks. i don't think it will happen but maybe i can get close. this pcos/insulin resistance thing really doesn't let me cheat without big consequences!

have a great day everyone!
Nancy City Parks Foundation Run for the Parks 4 miles 4/22/12
Lisa Spring Dash 5 miles 4/22/12
Rose Derby Half 4/28/12
Liesel (Lisa) 5 K 4/28/12
Lindsay Half 4/29/12 (oops forgot which one -- sorry!)
Lisa CdA Half 5/29/12
Maria Providence RnR Half 8/19/12
Lisa Sandpoint Half 9/16/12
Maria & Kathy Wicked Half 9/22/12
Liz ToT 9/29/12
Dottie & Lisa W&D Half 11/10/12

Donald :donald:

Mickey ::MickeyMo

Got your race this week-end added, Nancy! :thumbsup2

I debated adding people's names to the Donald and Mickey lists but I figured that I would let them chime in if they wanted to be added as "maybes" -- fewer people mad at me that way! ;)

Have a great day ladies! :goodvibes
Hi Lisah -- One more for me - Boston 13.1 Half 9/16/12

I cannot believe I am going to do 2 Halfs so close together, but I'm determined!

Gotta get back to getting a proposal out the door -- looks like I have to come back after lunch, so I may be able to post then. I'm happy about that, but I was hoping to be home this afternoon. It is a beautiful day here!

Maria :upsidedow


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