Biggest Loser show chit-chat

Joining this thread now that i've caught up!! I wasn't surprised to see Sam go, and I agree with someone who said Stephanie doesn't look that much different from when she left, but I can't wait for the finale to see what she looks like now!! Not sure if I would be impressed with a finale proposal since its already been done, but Stephanie and Sam are cute so maybe :)
I think having Helen and Erik come back to talk to the contestants was good. Seeing that you can very easily put the weight back on like Erik did hopefully helps them. Michael, well, the pity party needs to stop. He has set all kinds of records on campus and made the final four. He really could win, as he still has the most to lose.

Daris, boy was he moving during that challenge. And to be under 200 on the ranch. I really like him, he is such a cutie.

Should be interesting next week-will they have to run a marathon like in the last few seasons? Or will it be biking? They seemed to be big on the biking this year.
I had been wondering about Ashley and Mike being a couple for awhile now. There were a few things earlier in the season that made me wonder. But, last night just proved it all for me!

1. When Mike had his breakdown at the gym and stormed outside, you can see Ashley walking towards the door.

2. Going over the hills, he called her baby a few times

3. And, after the hills they were holding hands and walking! So another couple from this season now!
I think having Helen and Erik come back to talk to the contestants was good. Seeing that you can very easily put the weight back on like Erik did hopefully helps them.
I don't know about that. The preview shows someone gaining 2 lbs and one of the training saying: "You sabotaged yourself!".

ETA: I am very happy with the final 4. Darius has been my favorite from the start and Sunshine has been bugging me for weeks.
I don't know about that. The preview shows someone gaining 2 lbs and one of the training saying: "You sabotaged yourself!".

ETA: I am very happy with the final 4. Darius has been my favorite from the start and Sunshine has been bugging me for weeks.

I feel the same about Sunshine and am very happy for Darius. My friend and I always watch this and talk about the "Bob faces". Some of them are so funny when they are going to a commercial or previewing for the next week!
I had been wondering about Ashley and Mike being a couple for awhile now. There were a few things earlier in the season that made me wonder. But, last night just proved it all for me!

1. When Mike had his breakdown at the gym and stormed outside, you can see Ashley walking towards the door.

2. Going over the hills, he called her baby a few times

3. And, after the hills they were holding hands and walking! So another couple from this season now!

I wondered about #3 (I didn't hear the "baby" comments), but figured that was just their happiness at finishing the challenge together. Both Mike and Ashley have a long way to go to get to a normal weight.

In past seasons, was it the two people with the lowest percentage of weight loss after 30 days at home who were subject to audience vote, in order to make it to the final three? It looked like Koli and Daris (no "u") were pleading to be #3. That would make sense, as those two have the least amount of weight left to lose.

I hope Daris wins, as he has worked hard and seems quite humble. Koli rubs me the wrong way, and has gotten too cocky in his attitude.

I was thinking last night about how it's a good thing it isn't a live show. They need lots of time to add all the dramatic music!
I hope Daris wins, as he has worked hard and seems quite humble. Koli rubs me the wrong way, and has gotten too cocky in his attitude.

I like Daris and Koli the best and am rooting for either. I think what came across as cockiness was either sadness or anger at Sam being gone. I think he knows that the people who voted Sam out had a little alliance as evidenced by some of the things he said.

This is my first year watching so I have no idea how the final 4 or voting works. I'm assuming they will fill us newbs in on next week's show.
I wondered about #3 (I didn't hear the "baby" comments), but figured that was just their happiness at finishing the challenge together. Both Mike and Ashley have a long way to go to get to a normal weight.

In past seasons, was it the two people with the lowest percentage of weight loss after 30 days at home who were subject to audience vote, in order to make it to the final three? It looked like Koli and Daris (no "u") were pleading to be #3. That would make sense, as those two have the least amount of weight left to lose.

I hope Daris wins, as he has worked hard and seems quite humble. Koli rubs me the wrong way, and has gotten too cocky in his attitude.

I was thinking last night about how it's a good thing it isn't a live show. They need lots of time to add all the dramatic music!

I DVR Biggest Loser since some nights I have class, so when we thought we heard it, we pressed rewind and put on the caption to make sure we were right! :rotfl:

I like Daris a lot, he is just down to earth and I like that a lot.
I like Daris and Koli the best and am rooting for either. I think what came across as cockiness was either sadness or anger at Sam being gone. I think he knows that the people who voted Sam out had a little alliance as evidenced by some of the things he said.

I can understand Koli being sad about Sam leaving, but everyone else had already lost their partners and experienced the same feelings. Ashley and Daris had no more of an alliance than Koli and Sunshine, and it was a tie vote. Sam was sent home because he had a lower percentage of weight loss than Mike. I felt that Mike needed to stay at the ranch, whereas Sam had done about as much as he could do there. Besides - Sam didn't appear to be too unhappy back in the real world! ;)

For anyone wanting info about the Oct. 21-25, 2010 cruise on NCL Star with Jillian, here it is:
I like both Daris and Koli and hope one of them win. Overall the contestant look as follows.

Ashley - 38.2% loss
Daris - 43.6%
Koli - 42.7%
Michael - 38.9%
Sunshine - 36% Eliminated

Ashley and Michael are not that far behind. Given the amount of weight they can still lose, they are still in the running. Michael need to get past the self pity. Shopping at the big and tall shop really seemed to get to him. So, I wonder who get's the +2 lbs they showed in the preview. Frank - if they keep things the same as they did last season, the 2 contestants that fall below the yellow line next week get voted on by America to see who will make it into the final 3. They don't know who it is until the live finally. Given that it's a reality show, anything can change this year.
I like both Daris and Koli and hope one of them win. Overall the contestant look as follows.

Ashley - 38.2% loss
Daris - 43.6%
Koli - 42.7%
Michael - 38.9%
Sunshine - 36% Eliminated

Ashley and Michael are not that far behind. Given the amount of weight they can still lose, they are still in the running. Michael need to get past the self pity. Shopping at the big and tall shop really seemed to get to him. So, I wonder who get's the +2 lbs they showed in the preview. Frank - if they keep things the same as they did last season, the 2 contestants that fall below the yellow line next week get voted on by America to see who will make it into the final 3. They don't know who it is until the live finally. Given that it's a reality show, anything can change this year.

As I mentioned previously, I could've sworn that the preview for next week showed both Koli and Daris pleading for votes. I could definitely see that, since both are close to their goal weights.
I can understand Koli being sad about Sam leaving, but everyone else had already lost their partners and experienced the same feelings. Ashley and Daris had no more of an alliance than Koli and Sunshine, and it was a tie vote. Sam was sent home because he had a lower percentage of weight loss than Mike. I felt that Mike needed to stay at the ranch, whereas Sam had done about as much as he could do there. Besides - Sam didn't appear to be too unhappy back in the real world! ;)

I think that is the problem there. At this point it is all about winning, not who else needs to be there. Anyone voting intelligently would have kept Sam because it would have pretty much guaranteed that the other 4 would be in the final. In hind sight Sunshine had such a bad week Sam could have squeezed in but looking forward from a week ago the smart thing to do was keep Sam and say goodbye to Michael for their own preservation regardless of his "needing" to be there.
I think that is the problem there. At this point it is all about winning, not who else needs to be there. Anyone voting intelligently would have kept Sam because it would have pretty much guaranteed that the other 4 would be in the final. In hind sight Sunshine had such a bad week Sam could have squeezed in but looking forward from a week ago the smart thing to do was keep Sam and say goodbye to Michael for their own preservation regardless of his "needing" to be there.
Yes, but then Sam wouldn't make it to the final 3. There is no way he would have been the top two losers and America is going to vote for who they think "needs it more" than who is just about at goal.

I missed the voting last week but I think that the vote was split more in an effort to break up the Gray/Yellow voting block than anything else. If Daris and Ashley hadn't voted for Sam then the Gray/Yellow block would have picked one of them off this week had there been a Yellow line and not a Red line.
I also think that last weeks vote was based the assumption of a normal yellow line elimination. Had they know it was going to be a red line voting might have been different. By voting to eliminate Sam; Ashley, Daris, and Michael had 3 left in their alliance and Sunshine and Koli and 2 in theirs. Also, you can't assume Sam would have a low number, He had been alternating between good weeks and bad weeks. Based on BMI was still at a 29 last week which is considered overweight bordering on obese (30 BMI) and Daris was at a 29.4 BMI (which just goes to show the problem with the BMI).
Jeremy, you are the man with the facts!! And boy are you right about the stupid BMI, it is sooo out of whack.

Ashley and Michael as a couple-hmmm, I didn't see that coming if they are. But how sweet if they are.

Somebody does gain next week, I would put my money on Koli. Just a gut feeling.

DD is sad that BL is ending, wants to know if we can watch Jillians show when it starts. I don't know if I can deal with that. I need a bit of zen Bob interspersed with crazy screaming Jill.
Jeremy, you are the man with the facts!! And boy are you right about the stupid BMI, it is sooo out of whack.
I can't take all of the credit Wikipedia had most of the information with just a little bit of manipulation.
I think that is the problem there. At this point it is all about winning, not who else needs to be there. Anyone voting intelligently would have kept Sam because it would have pretty much guaranteed that the other 4 would be in the final. In hind sight Sunshine had such a bad week Sam could have squeezed in but looking forward from a week ago the smart thing to do was keep Sam and say goodbye to Michael for their own preservation regardless of his "needing" to be there.

This has also been the least game played season out there. There was one season (Heba, ergh! what a witch) that was 100% game play from the beginning. It was truly truly ugly.

Could Michael win the whole thing? Sure but he did need to be there all the way. I can feel his pain with make over week approaching and he still had to shop in the big dept. He weighed as much at week 16 that Daris weighed week 1. It stings!
I hope last nights video helped him step back and see what's he's accomplished.

I guess I have a soft spot for Michael. He is so much like my brother. Looks, personality etc.

I hope Michael or Daris wins.
This has also been the least game played season out there. There was one season (Heba, ergh! what a witch) that was 100% game play from the beginning. It was truly truly ugly.

I missed the first half of that season, but I remember Vicki being the witch - not Heba.


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