Biggest Loser--SUMMER 2011 Challenge for Losers & Maintainers!

QOTD: I am officially back on plan as of Sunday after a week of too much celebrating for my birthday (some of those meals this week were OP, but not nearly enough!). I definitely ballooned this week and am hoping to get back to where I was at the end of the last challenge soon. I had a great run with the new Garmin on Sunday (loved it!!! :lovestruc) and am hoping to get out again today.

I had a very busy weekend. I went clothes shopping, out to lunch and dinner with DH (the kids went to a Rockies game with the grandparents and were happy to finally be on the jumbotron), lots of cleaning and organizing (I even got the kids to clean out their bookshelves), shampooed the carpets, put in the garden, cooked up a storm, went to a BBQ at my parents' house, and cleaned some more! I have a few more things to finish up this morning, but the place is getting there!

I didn't share this when the tornado initially hit Joplin, but my cousin's family lives there. Her (half)brother was working in the Pizza Hut when it was hit and was almost sucked out into the storm. The entire building was reduced to rubble and 4 of the people he was with died. I guess there is a clip of him on the news online somewhere. When I talked with my cousin (online) last Monday, they were so happy that he was alive that she didn't mention that he also lost everything. His van and apartment were also destroyed. He even lost his wallet-sucked into the storm. His only posession is a bass guitar that was sucked out his van and was still in the vicinity. The case was battered but it was intact. Prayers and positive thoughts are appreciated.

I'm so glad to see some new people here, this is a great supportive group. It sounds like everyone is pretty busy. I don't have time for replies, but I read every post and hope everyone has a great week!
A bit behind here so just going back a couple of pages to catch up.

Hi all! I'd like to be a big LOSER!

:welcome: to you and any other newbie that I might have missed!

I was confused too. I saw Rose's post about moving and was like "I though we were moving on monday". Then after catching up on the first few pages here I realized it is Monday.

I will be so confused tomorrow.:rotfl:

::yes:: ITA, Lindsay, it is going to be a confusing week!

I'd love to join as a loser. I am trying to lose about 30 pounds. I started W.W. this past Saturday but I need all the accountibility that I can get. Thanks!

:welcome: Susie!

I'm in! I didn't do so well last challenge either, pretty much just a big fat maintain. Hopefully I can pick it up a bit this time. I at least just need to get out of this stupid decade, lol!

:hug:, Kelli, I think that you did better than you give yourself credit for as I seem to recall that you made the top 20 list. :thumbsup2

Hello Friends! I'm excited to jump on over to the new thread and the new challenge!! I'm heading to Great Adventure (Six Flags) tomorrow to chaparone the Senior trip so I probably won't make it back on the boards until Wednesday (by the time we get home and then I have to bake for the community service luncheon on Wednesday!). So, I wish you all a Happy Tuesday filled with great choices :) Although I wonder what I will exactly be eating at an amusement park that is classified as a "great" choice :confused3
I'll let you know how it goes!

Enjoy your senior trip, Karen! :goodvibes

Good Tuesday morning.

I know I didn't get on here yesterday and I am sorry. After my visit with my in laws I was feeling a little down. My nephew is getting married June 2012. He will be 34 in Dec so it is nice to see him settle down. But we found the my neice in Kansas may be getting married Fall 2012. In nj terms she is young since she will only be 23 but to many parts of the country this is normal.

The part that got me down was that I want to go to that wedding which will involve a plane trip and a long weekend away. An expense I wasn't expecting. Just when we started thinking about going to DW next summer. I don't know if we can handle both along with the last year of tuition. We know not many people in the family will be able to make it so we really want to go but it will really not be a vacation and after 2 summers with no real vacations I really need one. I am even thinking about tutoring next year to make some extra money. We shall see.

Thanks for being weightkeeper, Dona! :flower3: Can you plan a little vacation somewhere after the weddings? Make it into a little more of a break? Encourage someone to elope?

Mom got into the wheelchair twice yesterday. Not sure if she was going to the drs today. They may try a different radiation place. Hopefully one that will listen to her. I'm sending her a package on Thursday. The girls drew pictures and Izzie made her a bird in Sunday school. We also bought her a "Lady" stuffed dog to cuddle with. Not sure yet if I will be taking Izzie with me. Ash will be getting her braces while I am gone. I'll mail a box of stuff down for me when I go so I can just do a carry on. I will need my aloe and shake and tea with me and some other things.

Glad you and your Mom are feeling better today, Tracey! :goodvibes

aw, that is stinky about the wedding stuff. we just missed my cousin's wedding because it was in naples, florida and just completely out of our budget. i mean, we had hawaii to go to afterall ;)

::yes:: Vacation over familial obligations -- those are my kind of priorities, Nancy! :thumbsup2

Good exercise plan! Enjoy your walk! We got married very young--but that was was 24 years ago! And I must say, a lot of folks assumed I was pregnant. So annoying. We actually didn't have Tom for 4 years and by then people were asking us when we were going to have kids! It got really annoying!

I can totally relate, Rose. :hug: Didn't get pregnant until after anniversary number 5 and we were in our late 30's. We had lots of thoughtless comments and whispers. :rolleyes1

Here's a bonus QOTD
Are you On Plan now, or are you waiting until the challenge starts and having a last day or two of splurging?

I'm OP now today. Every day is a chance for a new start! :goodvibes

I just started a book called Cinderella Rules, and thought of many of you when I read the first rule, especially you CC. :hug:
While life occassionally makes it appear otherwise, no one has control over your life... but you. Make decisions with care, because in the end, you have only yourself to blame for the outcome. I thought it was a good rule for weight loss/healthy living, and many other areas of our lives.

Great quote, Kathy! :thumbsup2

Morning all-

Not much exciting to report. My new goal each day at work is to walk the stairs from the first floor to the roof (16 stories) atleast once a day.. Dang it hurt the first day but between that and getting back to my 30-60 min of hard exercise a day I should start to feel better again... (course if I'd stop working 60 hrs a week itd be easier to fit it in..)


Woo hoo! A coast-to-coast medal is in your future soon! :cool2:

You know there is a boy in the house when Mom can quote Yoda!! :rotfl:

So true! :darth:

Hi Rose,
Count me in for the summer challenge. Looking forward to it.


Glad to see you, Dave! :thumbsup2 Hope Caleb is doing well!

QOTD: I have been back on plan for the past few days but will start recording my food in a journal today and focusing more on my water today. I will work on getting my excersize back in a day or two.


:wave2: Hi Sarahmay! Nice to see you!

BRB the smilie police are after me! ;)
As I was saying . . . :lmao:

I'd like to join the summer challenge as a loser :thumbsup2
Looking forward to the challenge.


:welcome:, Lisa! Another Lisa. Okay I think the Lisas are tied with the Nancys. :cool2:

Oooh, I would love to join. Gotta fit back in the Eeyore outfit before the trip.

:welcome: Okay, this is a very intriguing statement -- don't see the old Eeyore outfit in your sig pic so do tell! ;)

QOTD: I am officially back on plan as of Sunday after a week of too much celebrating for my birthday (some of those meals this week were OP, but not nearly enough!). I definitely ballooned this week and am hoping to get back to where I was at the end of the last challenge soon. I had a great run with the new Garmin on Sunday (loved it!!! :lovestruc) and am hoping to get out again today.

Prayers and pixiedust: for your friend in Joplin, Lisa. :hug:

Which Garmin did you get? I'm looking at one but can't decide which one I should get. I don't really care about my HR -- I can pretty much figure out when I am overdoing it already.

It was a very fun week-end. WICKED was fabulous. Our seats were in the first row so I got to really check out all the costume details. Those people can really sparkle! princess:

And I finished my first half marathon on Sunday.

Yeah, I weigh 10 pounds more than I did at the Princess but I finished this one and I'm actually stronger than I have been in years. Can't wait to work on my half for September and get some speed. :cool2: A lady in line with me at the portapotties was telling me that she was doing her 101st marathon at age 61! I should be so lucky! ;)

Have a great day all!
Hello, everyone. I am joining for the summer as a loser, but my goal is to be a maintainer by fall. It's exciting to see new names joining, as well as old friends. I am going to try to be good today, but with DH home from work, it will be a challenge. Thanks for all the work that goes into keeping these threads going, it really does make a difference.
You have been doing terrific! I am sure you will be at that maintainer goal by then. :cheer2:

Most fantastic of all is I lost 1.6 pounds during the trip !!!

I only have 1.2 to lose to reach 30 pounds !!!

I will be posting a brief trip report too even though it wasn't a Disney trip. You can read or not as you like. We had so much fun and no problems at all which is a miracle.
Great! I would love to read your trip report.


Guess what I am doing--yep, icing my knees. BUT I am absolutely THRILLED:cool1: to say that we had a reasonable run today! We have got to start getting up earlier, though. We got to the park around 8:15 and it was already 76 and a billion percent humidity. But I am not complaining. I'd much rather be hot than cold! Mike said the heat might have actually helped my knee a bit.

We went 4 miles at a run 4/ walk 30 sec interval. I think the average ended up being right around 11:00, so pretty slow compared to earlier in the spring. But my goal was to go 4 miles. My knee got sore pretty quickly and then just stayed there. No real pain.:banana: If it wasn't for the fact that I have battled the itbs for so long now, I would have just ignored it. The really exciting news is the soreness went away during the walk breaks and NOTHING hurts now.:banana: I am cautiously optimistic, for the first time in a long time now! We'll see what the doctor says--he might still say more time off, but I'm hoping he says I can keep running for now.:goodvibes I did my rehab exercises and stretched and used the foam roller--so I'm following the rules!
That is great that it is all feeling better. You have been doing a great job taking care of it and keeping your optimism high, that helps a lot. Hope you get a green light from the dr.

Then, I'd like to get in some exercise. I'm supposed to go to WW tomorrow and weigh-in and meet the leader. The receptionist who works this meeting with her talked me into coming to meetings when I weighed-in on Friday afternoon. I'm hoping that will help me lose the 20 (or 40 if you are going my mom's opinion :rolleyes1) pounds I need to lose before our trip to WDW in August.
Nope. Not going on your mom's opinion. The only opinion that matters is YOURS! Can't remember if I shared from my visit home in April what happened with my mom. She is ALWAYS on my about being overweight. It has been better because I always just shut her down as soon as she mentions it. When I went home I had lost 40 pounds. She started looking at me funny in the hotel room and then started in on the fact that my pants were TOO BIG! Told me they looked terrible. So it doesn't matter what you do- if they are going to criticize they will find something. If you lost 40 pounds she would decide you were too skinny or she didn't like your hair, or any of a million other things. Love her because she is your mom, but you don't have to take her negative comments.

Just in from a weekend basically spent on our deck in my swimsuit. The good news -- I had to go order a new one in a smaller size on top and bottom -- I'm clearly smaller than last year, even though I think I weigh almost as much as I did a year ago. The bad news -- that's the only good news.

Talked to my sister a few minutes ago and they got my mom into a wheelchair and the new meds seem to be helping. She had a visitor and a friend from up here had called so I will talk to her later if she's up to it.
Glad to hear she is doing better.

Here's a bonus QOTD
Are you On Plan now, or are you waiting until the challenge starts and having a last day or two of splurging?
I am still On Program. I did have a splurge day on Saturday. I have realized that I kind of need maybe one day a month to just enjoy the things I am limiting myself on, or to have something a little less "on program".

i'm trying to make good choices. i made a really delicious dinner last night and i'd say it was "medium" healthy. i got it from the south beach cookbook. it's lemon couscous chicken. instead of adding the chopped cooked chicken into the couscous i made some breaded chicken cutlet and served that on top of the lemon couscous (which was fabulous and had tons of broccoli in it). sure, the chicken was breaded and fried but i made it with those panko bread crumbs and it was yummy!
That sounds good. I will have to find that recipe. My family hates couscous so I usually only make it for myself. I love it-- just don't understand how they can not like it?!

Not much exciting to report. My new goal each day at work is to walk the stairs from the first floor to the roof (16 stories) atleast once a day.. Dang it hurt the first day but between that and getting back to my 30-60 min of hard exercise a day I should start to feel better again... (course if I'd stop working 60 hrs a week itd be easier to fit it in..)
WOW! What a great way to exercise and fit it into your day. You are going to have some killer legs!

Got the school newsletter that said there is a 5th grade concert next Tuesday night. So Ash will have to miss her last soccer practice and dance class. Not happy as I had asked Ashleigh to ask the chorus director if there was going to be another concert and he told her no. And once again, they only give us a week's notice. Why can't this school get their acts together!
That really stinks, I would be PO'd. :mad:

I didn't share this when the tornado initially hit Joplin, but my cousin's family lives there. Her (half)brother was working in the Pizza Hut when it was hit and was almost sucked out into the storm. The entire building was reduced to rubble and 4 of the people he was with died. I guess there is a clip of him on the news online somewhere. When I talked with my cousin (online) last Monday, they were so happy that he was alive that she didn't mention that he also lost everything. His van and apartment were also destroyed. He even lost his wallet-sucked into the storm. His only posession is a bass guitar that was sucked out his van and was still in the vicinity. The case was battered but it was intact. Prayers and positive thoughts are appreciated.
Absolutely. Happy to hear he is okay but that is going to be a long difficult road for him to recover from.

I will try to get back here later. Off to the first real Swim Team practice of the season! Always excited for the first one. Give it a week and I won't be nearly as excited about it as the usual mama drama starts to build and the hot hours at the pool get unbearable. Of course that is when I go and turn the AC on in the clubhouse and sit in there away from everyone and find something else to do!
LTS, I forgot to say congratulations on your race this week-end! You're off to a great start and how happy I am for you to see you walking with a smile on your face! ::yes::
Afternoon everyone!

Well, its been crazy since we got home Friday afternoon. I feel like I've been going nonstop since I got home (even though I've not done a lot). Yeah, that probably just made no sense. I think my brain is going a hundred miles an hour while my body just stays put :laughing:.

We got home Friday afternoon. Saturday I spent all day in my PJs. We were going to go to the cemetary for Memorial day but I just didn't have the emotional capacity to handle it. I did okay yesterday but just didn't really care to do anything. Alan went to the shop and worked for a few hours. My best friend came over and we hung out for a few hours and had steaks and baked potatoes for dinner.

I got up this morning and went to a training session for the first time in probably 6 weeks. It kicked by butt! He doesn't have many occupational therapy patients this week (his full time job) so he's going to get me in every day this week. I have a feeling I'm going to sore as heck by the time Friday rolls around.

I need to call my dr in the morning and get in to see her. I've not been in a few weeks. I need to have her look at my foot. Its been really sore (feels like I dropped something on it but I didn't). I also need to have my COumidin levels checked.

I just got off the phone with a sales representative from Mercedes home in Florida. Alan and I are starting to discuss whether we are going to build a house or just buy one that's already built. Its crazy to think I can build a house in FL for the same price I bought my house for in TX. I'm going to call my realtor up tomorrow and find out what she thinks about when we should put it on the market. Once that's figured out then I can call Mercedes homes back and give them an idea of when they can start building. It could be beginning part of next year but I like to have a plan of action for an event this big.

Other then all of that I need to get suitcases unpacked and get this house somewhat picked up. Alan said we're going to do burgers for dinner when he gets home. The vet will be here around 730 to do another treatment on Taylor's feet. They are healing slowly and she's starting to walk around a lot more.

Everyone have a great night! I'm excited for the Deadliest Catch's new episode tonight. NCIS and Biggest Loser are over for the year. Now I have to watch NCIS reruns to cure my addiction.
Here's a bonus QOTD
Are you On Plan now, or are you waiting until the challenge starts and having a last day or two of splurging?

I'm waiting for tomorrow (1st of June). I'm going to sit down later and make a meal plan out for the remainder of the week. I've got the personal training sessions lined up so the exercise is taken care of. I just need to get the food situation under control.
So, Ashleigh said she has no interest in going to the concert next week. I emailed the school principal to tell her that the chorus had not been told anything about the concert and that the director told the kids he was almost absolutely sure there wouldn't be one. She wasn't pleased to hear that. I told her the first we heard of the concert was the newsletter today. We even called another girl in chorus who also had no idea about it. The principal apologized profusely to me and thanked me for giving her a heads up. She understands that some will not be able to make it given this late notice.

Totally on plan today. Brian and I will probably have something tonight once we get home from soccer and dancing. We had 210 calorie chicken cordon bleus. I know I'll be hungry after my walk!

TTFN :tigger:
Hello, everyone! And hello, summer - FINALLY! I am not going to complain (yet) about how hot it is, I was so ready for sunshine. We got the pool filled today and we are looking forward to swimming to keep our cool. Bonus QOTD: I have been OP Monday and Tuesday. It was not easy - went to a cookout Mon. evening and everyone pushes you to eat more than you want to - but I stuck to my guns (except for one small taste of some casserole my friend insisted I try) I liked the quote from mikamah today!!! And I agree with her that there is always some "eating event" on the horizon. If you wait until after this or that, there will inevitably be something else on the calendar by that point!! I was always going to "start on Monday" , but any day will do!! Have a great Tuesday evening!
I am so totally jealous of everybody's warm temperatures. This holiday weekend my youngest had a baseball tournament and his two games on Saturday were played in the SNOW. Yes, you read that correctly. Snow.:confused3
Got in about 3 miles tonight at the track so I did about 7 miles today with the workout this morning and mowing the lawn added on. Brian and I just had some chips and dip! Watching the Red Sox game. Not going very well.

Walking with Redwalker in the morning and then Izzie and I are going to do some errands in the afternoon as soon as she gets home. We have a bag of DVDs to take to Movie Stop to trade in for others. A few of the movies aren't even opened and they are Blu-Ray so hopefully we will get some decent money and then get some other movies we may want or need to replace.

I also have to go Target to get my mom some stuff. Hoping to get a package out to her Thursday morning after my client.

Looking at flights to NC. My brother is looking at some as well. I want to get my flight booked tomorrow. There are some decent flights on Friday, June 24th. I can fly down for $59 on SW from Manchester, NH...coming back is another story. It's right before July 4th weekend. The cheapest flight I could find is $114 on Thursday, June 30th on Jet Blue to Boston. My sister needs to get the last 3 days she's gone covered though we are hoping Mom won't need round the clock care at that point.

TTFN :tigger:
I am so totally jealous of everybody's warm temperatures. This holiday weekend my youngest had a baseball tournament and his two games on Saturday were played in the SNOW. Yes, you read that correctly. Snow.:confused3

We had one of the snowiest winters I can remember here. We had about 5 feet on the ground in January and had 5 snow days this year. Last year we had NONE!!!!

We've just gotten through the rainiest May that I can remember too! We had rain almost everyday last week and we were wearing heavy sweatshirts up until 2 weeks ago.

We've so earned this weather!

May your weather improve soon! God Bless you!!!!!

TTFN :tigger:
Great question. I am on plan now. There is always something to wait until after, the weekend, the fourth of july, vacation in august. But I just had a fantastic weekend. The beginning of summer, the weather here was amazing.
I actually was not totally out of control over the weekend. I thought of your advice, Rose, and waited 5 minutes before eating several times, and that definitely helped with the mindless eating. I was pretty active too, so proud of that. I did about 4 miles run/walk sat then we biked for a while in the afternoon. Went out sun morning for a short ride, and yesterday we walked in the town parade, probably a mile and a half, and went to a friends to swim, but her dh was there, so she and i ran/walked 3.4 miles. It's funny, my legs seem to handle it ok, but it was late morning, and the heat was brutal, but we did it. Then we stretched in the pool. My weight was up on saturday, and now I'm back down to where I ended the spring challenge, so happy with that.

\I just started a book called Cinderella Rules, and thought of many of you when I read the first rule, especially you CC. :hug:
While life occassionally makes it appear otherwise, no one has control over your life... but you. Make decisions with care, because in the end, you have only yourself to blame for the outcome. I thought it was a good rule for weight loss/healthy living, and many other areas of our lives.

Not enough time this morning, so got to run. Have a fabulous day everyone!!
Kathy--sounds like a fabulous weekend! I loved the quote! I think I need to put some of these quotes on the first page for when we need them. And I loved what you wrote about there always being another food event.

just got back from my workout. it was really slow and i felt kinda icky actually. i wound up jogging about 2.5 miles in 30 min! that's pretty slow for me but hey, pushing a jogger ain't easy. i do my jogs around maritime college and it is beautiful down there today! it's completely on the water has awesome views of the manhattan skyline and and out towards queens. there were TONS of trucks down there and i could tell that inside the fort in the courtyard they were filming something. cool! of course nosey nancy asks my buddy the security guard what it was and he told me royal pains. my mom watches that show so i'll be sure to tell her.

anywho, off to shower and get ready for mommy and me.

gosh, i could waste all day on the DIS. i find myself on here so much, especially when i'm planning a trip!!
Be careful in the heat Nancy--I'm sure you know this. I couldn't believe how sluggish I felt yesterday. So glad you got your exercise in!

Morning all-

Not much exciting to report. My new goal each day at work is to walk the stairs from the first floor to the roof (16 stories) atleast once a day.. Dang it hurt the first day but between that and getting back to my 30-60 min of hard exercise a day I should start to feel better again... (course if I'd stop working 60 hrs a week itd be easier to fit it in..)

16 stories is very impressive!

Got the school newsletter that said there is a 5th grade concert next Tuesday night. So Ash will have to miss her last soccer practice and dance class. Not happy as I had asked Ashleigh to ask the chorus director if there was going to be another concert and he told her no. And once again, they only give us a week's notice. Why can't this school get their acts together!

Need to get this crankiness out of my system so I feel better for my clients.

TTFN :tigger:
Seriously, this would drive me INSANE! How can they not schedule things ahead of time?

Rose..... you are sounding so much more positive and more like yourself in this post. I'm pleased that the running is working out lately..... but be sure not to over-do! You are really inspiring me lately with your determination. So many people would have just given it all up when faced with all of the challenges you have had lately both with food and exercise. I am constantly thinking "would Rose approve of this choice?" "What would Rose do?" I am proud to call you FRIEND.:hug:

Nope.... not waiting..... ALWAYS on plan (in some fashion or another). A similar question was asked last spring between challenges and it really gave me a bit of a wake-up call. It had NEVER, EVER occurred to me that I would change my healthy eating or exercise habits, just because the challenge ended. This is my LIFESTYLE now and I will be continuing when/if these challenges ever end. When I realized that, I realized that I had hit a turning point in this journey. I really AM going to succeed with this. I really HAVE turned my life around. I HAVE made positive changes in my eating and exercise and they are now HABITS that I will continue with for (hopefully) a lifetime!

Pamela--first, I say get the new bathing suit! You should be showing off all your hard work!

I so loved what you said about not waiting to get back on plan cause it's your lifestyle!

And thank you for the wonderful complement--though lately I feel like I have been really floundering--way too many g-f beers at the stadium. But I am sticking it out, I am still here, and gosh darn it, it has been really hard! Thank you again for saying such sweet things.:goodvibes

Hi Rose,
Count me in for the summer challenge. Looking forward to it.

Dave! So glad you are here! Now where is Matt???? How is baby Caleb?

I'd like to join the summer challenge as a loser :thumbsup2
Looking forward to the challenge.

Welcome! We now have 3 Lisas and 3 Nancys, but still only one Rose!:goodvibes Are there no more Rose's out there?:thumbsup2

Oooh, I would love to join. Gotta fit back in the Eeyore outfit before the trip.

I didn't share this when the tornado initially hit Joplin, but my cousin's family lives there. Her (half)brother was working in the Pizza Hut when it was hit and was almost sucked out into the storm. The entire building was reduced to rubble and 4 of the people he was with died. I guess there is a clip of him on the news online somewhere. When I talked with my cousin (online) last Monday, they were so happy that he was alive that she didn't mention that he also lost everything. His van and apartment were also destroyed. He even lost his wallet-sucked into the storm. His only posession is a bass guitar that was sucked out his van and was still in the vicinity. The case was battered but it was intact. Prayers and positive thoughts are appreciated.
Wow, what a story! I'm so glad they were ok. The devestation is just beyond comprehension.

It was a very fun week-end. WICKED was fabulous. Our seats were in the first row so I got to really check out all the costume details. Those people can really sparkle! princess:

And I finished my first half marathon on Sunday.

Yeah, I weigh 10 pounds more than I did at the Princess but I finished this one and I'm actually stronger than I have been in years. Can't wait to work on my half for September and get some speed. :cool2: A lady in line with me at the portapotties was telling me that she was doing her 101st marathon at age 61! I should be so lucky! ;)

Have a great day all!
I'm so proud of you, Lisa! And I knew you would love Wicked! Did you get weepy? Speed is a great goal for this challenge!

Nope. Not going on your mom's opinion. The only opinion that matters is YOURS! Can't remember if I shared from my visit home in April what happened with my mom. She is ALWAYS on my about being overweight. It has been better because I always just shut her down as soon as she mentions it. When I went home I had lost 40 pounds. She started looking at me funny in the hotel room and then started in on the fact that my pants were TOO BIG! Told me they looked terrible. So it doesn't matter what you do- if they are going to criticize they will find something. If you lost 40 pounds she would decide you were too skinny or she didn't like your hair, or any of a million other things. Love her because she is your mom, but you don't have to take her negative comments.

I am still On Program. I did have a splurge day on Saturday. I have realized that I kind of need maybe one day a month to just enjoy the things I am limiting myself on, or to have something a little less "on program".

I will try to get back here later. Off to the first real Swim Team practice of the season! Always excited for the first one. Give it a week and I won't be nearly as excited about it as the usual mama drama starts to build and the hot hours at the pool get unbearable. Of course that is when I go and turn the AC on in the clubhouse and sit in there away from everyone and find something else to do!
Those silly Moms. They do say the craziest things! And I agree, sometimes you have to have a splurge day. And mama drama--uggh, I so do not miss it!

Hello, everyone! And hello, summer - FINALLY! I am not going to complain (yet) about how hot it is, I was so ready for sunshine. We got the pool filled today and we are looking forward to swimming to keep our cool. Bonus QOTD: I have been OP Monday and Tuesday. It was not easy - went to a cookout Mon. evening and everyone pushes you to eat more than you want to - but I stuck to my guns (except for one small taste of some casserole my friend insisted I try) I liked the quote from mikamah today!!! And I agree with her that there is always some "eating event" on the horizon. If you wait until after this or that, there will inevitably be something else on the calendar by that point!! I was always going to "start on Monday" , but any day will do!! Have a great Tuesday evening!
ITA--I am enjoying the heat!

I am so totally jealous of everybody's warm temperatures. This holiday weekend my youngest had a baseball tournament and his two games on Saturday were played in the SNOW. Yes, you read that correctly. Snow.:confused3
Oh, I would so be moving!:rotfl: I do not like snow!:thumbsup2

Got in about 3 miles tonight at the track so I did about 7 miles today with the workout this morning and mowing the lawn added on. Brian and I just had some chips and dip! Watching the Red Sox game. Not going very well.

TTFN :tigger:
Woohoo Tracey! I know you have to be happy!
So has anyone else found that all of the sudden their hair looks great? No, not really any change to your hair but now people keep telling you how wonderful your hair looks, or asking if you have new glasses? I just realized how many times in the last few months I have been getting compliments on my hair (it hasn't really changed in over a year, except the color which didn't last long), or asked if I got new glasses.:rotfl: Hmmmmmm, does something seem . . . different???? :rotfl2:

Started my day at the eye dr for a routine check up and decided that since DD got contacts last week I should try them again too! I haven't worn them in years. With young children it just became too much hassle to put them in and take them out every day. Wore them a few hours today and couldn't see the computer screen so may have to see if I need further assistance for that. :rolleyes: He mentioned that I am reaching the age where my close up vision may start to cause problems. He was very politely telling me I am getting OLD! :headache:

Then ran into an acquaintance in Walmart that is on the pool board with me (but hasn't been to any of the meetings lately) and mid sentence of discussing pool stuff she went "Hey, you have lost weight!" So that make TWO people! :woohoo:

After that I finally made it to the Good Feet store. Was dreading it since they seem to mostly have orthopedic shoes not fit for anyone under about 80 on the shelves. I was shocked when she bought out some actual athletic shoes that weren't half bad-- and FIT! I am going to try them on the treadmill tomorrow and see how I like them. DH about had a fit when he saw the price, especially since he figured we could get them cheaper on line. I explained that the woman there had spent at least an hour with me trying on all different shoes and different inserts and she deserved/earned the sale. Then he looked online and the price was only $10 cheaper. Having screwed up feet and needing good shoes ain't cheap!

Swim Practice was HOT. Absolutely nasty hot. I was nasty sweaty mess :crazy2:. It actually wasn't bad in the shade but since it was the first day I had to be up at the front desk and at that time of day the sun is shining right on that area. Tomorrow if anyone needs anything they can come and see me at the picnic tables in the shade! I drank all the water and tea I had with me and then came home and had another huge glass of water. I took a shower when I got home and got straight into my jammies (I rarely do that). Just for fun I stepped on the scale and weighed less than this morning! Who needs a sauna to sweat the fat out, I have swim team practice! Had a great salad for dinner and think it is time to watch some TV before bed.

LTS, I forgot to say congratulations on your race this week-end! You're off to a great start and how happy I am for you to see you walking with a smile on your face! ::yes::

Right back at you! Great picture!!! Love your big smile. :)

So, Ashleigh said she has no interest in going to the concert next week. I emailed the school principal to tell her that the chorus had not been told anything about the concert and that the director told the kids he was almost absolutely sure there wouldn't be one. She wasn't pleased to hear that. I told her the first we heard of the concert was the newsletter today. We even called another girl in chorus who also had no idea about it. The principal apologized profusely to me and thanked me for giving her a heads up. She understands that some will not be able to make it given this late notice.
Glad you can get out of it. That is crazy for them to plan something without letting the parents know. Especially this time of year when everyone seems to have sports and other commitments as the school year winds down.

:cool1: for an On Plan day!

I am so totally jealous of everybody's warm temperatures. This holiday weekend my youngest had a baseball tournament and his two games on Saturday were played in the SNOW. Yes, you read that correctly. Snow.:confused3
:eek: Okay, I am not happy with the heat but I will take it over snow!
I haven't participated in a BL challenge in awhile, because I got tired of not losing weight! I have been on 3 cruises in the past 6 months, and I have NOT bypassed the desserts! I also slacked off on the great exercise habits I had for 13 months, and need to get back on track. I'm going on vacation in August (another cruise!) - and I'd like to be 20 pounds lighter by then.
I want to join too!! I've never done a BL challenge ever, but NewlyDisneyCrazed turned me on to it (I don't think she knew that before, but she does now!)

I'm a little confused, though: I want to be in the Healthy Habits AND Whittle Inches group...can I be in both?? I hope so! I know there are points rewarded for different achievements, I don't want to feel like I'm "cheating" or anything :)

I can't wait to get started!!!

PS: My real name is Kaiti :)
So I have stayed on plan food wise for the day so far even though I left my packed lunch at home (I went to the store at lunch and bought essentially the same thing I had packed) and my daughter just lost her lunch so am dealing with a sick kid right now. I did get to my WW meeting for the first time in 6 weeks so am glad to be back on it. I need to go drink some more water.

I want to join too!! I've never done a BL challenge ever, but NewlyDisneyCrazed turned me on to it (I don't think she knew that before, but she does now!)

I'm a little confused, though: I want to be in the Healthy Habits AND Whittle Inches group...can I be in both?? I hope so! I know there are points rewarded for different achievements, I don't want to feel like I'm "cheating" or anything :)

I can't wait to get started!!!

PS: My real name is Kaiti :)
Welcome! You can do it all. There are just several different components to the challenge that you can choose to do or not to do. You will track your results and report them to the person that is tracking them for the group. So you can be as involved as you want to be. :) The only person that you are cheating on is yourself. We celebrate the victories, commiserate with those having a rough time and offer unconditional acceptance and friendship. :goodvibes Glad to have you along.:cheer2:


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