Boardwalk Bride's PJ Morocco/Canada/Attic/SCP updates 01/09!!

OMG I Love the stickers! They're adorable and will fit your theme perfectly! :thumbsup2

Where did you find that cake server???!!! I Love it!
That is the cutest cake server ever!!! Where did you find it? Too bad they won't send it to Canada. I really like dress #3, but #2 is very nice as well. Have you checked Etsy to see if someone would make it for you? There are a lot of talented people willing to take commisions or Alchemies as they call them!
I talked to the lovely Randy Chapman today, and we have decided to book a TRASH THE DRESS shoot!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! I really cannot wait. I didn't think it was an option in WDW, but apparently it is!

We have also decided to book through DVC for at least part of our stay. There are a lot of good deals out right now, since people are booking already, but our date is not officially confirmed until August, so I am not sure what to do :confused3

OMG How? where? when? how much?! I want to do one soooo bad!!! That is sooo cool!:thumbsup2
OMG How? where? when? how much?! I want to do one soooo bad!!! That is sooo cool!:thumbsup2

Hahah! I don't really know how to answer the "how". When...sometime after the wedding, how much, not sure, but assuming around 200 to $300, since that's how much he seems to charge per hour. I don't think he get a lot of them at disney, so I think he is as excited as we are!

I'm glad people like dress #2, cause I LOVE it. And it seems like it would be easy to alter to make it into a shorter dress to wear again. If I get that one though, I think I will ebay for a cheaper one for trash the dress!
I LOVE your candyland inspiration board! Genius!

The style of dress is gorgeous. I think the first of the first was my fave, but the second of the second is great!

The idea of shortening and re-wearing is great! I didn't intend on that, but ended up doing that for my first dress. We got married quickly in an Escape wedding before DH deployed to Iraq, but we were already planning the Wishes wedding for family/friends. So, this was my dress at our "elopement."


And I had it tucked under in a balloon hem (I didn't want to cut it) and added a little jacket for our Welcome Dinner in January.

I LOVE your candyland inspiration board! Genius!

The style of dress is gorgeous. I think the first of the first was my fave, but the second of the second is great!

The idea of shortening and re-wearing is great! I didn't intend on that, but ended up doing that for my first dress. We got married quickly in an Escape wedding before DH deployed to Iraq, but we were already planning the Wishes wedding for family/friends. So, this was my dress at our "elopement."


And I had it tucked under in a balloon hem (I didn't want to cut it) and added a little jacket for our Welcome Dinner in January.


Yay! You are here!! I feel like your such a celeb since I have read both your TR's soooo many times to get inspiration!

I did see your dress before, and was really happy, since I wasn't completely sure it was possible to do! I think it is such a great idea though, since I HATE having clothes just taking up space. Plus I love dresses, and I know I will want to wear it again.

My only problem now is that I have decided to do the "trash the dress shoot" so I am not sure if that will completely destroy my dress or not. I might look for cheaper white prom dresses next year and wear that instead to that shoot, :rotfl2:

Alright new updates!!!

Not much, except for the best thing ever (for us anyway). We booked the BEACH CLUB VILLAS for a few nights!!!!!!!!!!!!! We went to WDW last year, and went to the boardwalk area and saw that resort, and we knew we had to stay there and swim in stromalong bay. So we found a great deal from the DVC rent/trade board, and booked it for our first 4 nights. I am not sure where we will stay for the remaining time, but I am going to keep watching the DVC boards to look for a good deal.

I have been loosing a bit of weight, so hopefully it will be dress time soon! My best friend really wants to go, and since we don't live in the same city, it gives us more of an excuse to see each other! Plus, the "Lampligher" (our original idea for our reception place, and where our deposit is) is in her city, so it will give me a change to look at it again. It's a much bigger city than where I am from too, which means more than two dress stores, lol!! Plus I really did not want to go to Toronto to try on dresses. It's a lot closer, but I just absolutely hate driving there, and I figure those stores will be busier anyway.

Alright, I am off to make myself a Weightwatchers approved breakfast!
Oh, you're too funny! I think you should replace "celeb" with "DISboard addict" and that would about explain things! :lmao:

I really can't say with 100% certainty, but I've heard a lot of brides who do Trash the Dress shoots have it cleaned and everything comes out! Another idea is to do it in a swimming pool or fountain. Honestly, unless it's a delicate fabric where the chlorine would mess with the're probably safe there.

My dress from Jan was FILTHY on the train. It never got bustled right, and people stepped on it. Plus, I drug it through the MK and Epcot. It had grease and other deep, dark marks on it. They all came out.

You'll have to do some research on the fabric you end up getting, but it might work!
I want to do a trash the dress shoot too, I think it will come down to expense.
Where are you hoping to get photos taken?
You have to give me details on the trash the dress!!! How and when do you coordinate that with disney?? =)
I loove the bold bright colors of the candlyland theme!
I honestly do not know much! I was just browsing through Randy's portfolio to show people his work, and I saw trash the dress shoots on there. All he said was that we need to do it in the AM so that we don't disturb too many guests who want to enjoy the pool! I'm guessing he does it with disney, or we do it behind their backs :rotfl:

Thanks, me too!!!

So, more updates/drama (well kinda drama). So our families are pretty upset that we told them we may not have a reception anymore, which made us upset. So I was going through all my planning stuff, and getting ready to throw out all the at home reception material, but I seriously could not do it. So I called the lamplighter (the fancy place on the first page) and asked them if I am allowed to move my date, and I CAN!!! There are quite a few saturdays open later in the summer. Now this can probably work. #1) It gives us way more time to save money and #2) We do not have to worry about being rushed from Florida, to Buffalo airport , to Guelph, on (our home), than to London, ON (our reception venue).

Just need to wait till DF gets home now so I can make sure he is cool with this....I don;t know how he puts up with me, since I change my mind every 2 minutes!!! Must be love :lovestruc

:lmao: I love that you said behind their backs! Amazing! I'm going to have to see if i can talk DF into this one! I may be pushing it alittle.... :rolleyes:

I'm sorry about the family drama, but i think its perfectly acceptable for any destination wedding bride to have her reception a few months after the wedding! if it'll make it easier on you guys go for it! :thumbsup2
That's so fun you are doing a trash the dress shoot! As for the at home reception, I'm glad you will most likely get to have one. When Mike and I told my dad we were considering not doing one b/c we may not be able to afford it, he looked so disappointed. So we will definitely do one but it's going to be very casual and BBQ-esque. :)


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