Britney Spears asks court to end her father's conservatorship

I don't understand how this can be happening at all, at least to this degree, but in regards to HER money. It's exactly that. HER money. How is that even a factor in this? Why does she not have the right to spend it anyway she wants? She earned it. Not anyone else. This whole issue really confuses and scares the crap out of me.

And I guess that's really the whole problem. Greed. If she didn't have that much money, no one would care at all. She doesn't appear to be any more of a threat to anyone than half the people I run into on the city streets just walking around freely. It's absolutely absurd to me that this can even happen to a person like her in this day and age.

Exactly. If she were to spend all her money... that's her right. The people around her just don't want to risk her having access to it because it could cut them off.
There are thousands of people around the country with worse mental health issues than Britney Spears who are not under a conservator ship. There are probably hundreds of people right in LA/Hollywood with addiction issues that impair their decision making processes (and probably mental health itself) and yet they are not under conservatorship. It’s ridiculously obvious that this is all about the money.

Now is this woman fully competent to care for her own affairs? Maybe not. So what? Under what law is “spending sprees possible” a reason for virtual imprisonment? None. I’m not saying she wouldn’t benefit from some oversight from someone - financial planner, doctor, etc.. - but that is probably true of MOST people. Do you REALLY need that new giant flatscreen tv? Maybe you should put that in the bank instead. Is that the kind of world we want to live in?

She is nearly 40 years old. Let her sink or swim. If she blows all her money, surely the father who loves her so much will help her with the MILLIONS of HER money he has managed to acquire over the past decade...
Isn't it a human rights abuse to force contraception or inhibit reproductive rights? So how did things bend around this tricky little angle?"Reproductive rights, according to the ICPD, also include the right "to make decisions concerning reproduction free of discrimination, coercion and violence, as expressed in human rights documents." This aspect of reproductive rights can also be derived from the Women's Convention."

Even if she isn't stable there is no law against being crazy or weird or irresponsible, isn't this the same law that states use over and over to justify neglecting the mentally ill homeless? "They want to be on the street and it's a free country," is a mantra in some states. Seems it's only important if you happen to be rich, funny how that happens:/

If her conservators really care about her they would have set up massive trusts for her kids, current and future? Lets see if everyone is as well intentioned as they present.

This is slow working femicide.
Even if she isn't stable there is no law against being crazy or weird or irresponsible, isn't this the same law that states use over and over to justify neglecting the mentally ill homeless? "They want to be on the street and it's a free country," is a mantra in some states. Seems it's only important if you happen to be rich, funny how that happens:/

I wouldn’t say the states use that mantra to justify neglect - they use it to point out that they were forced to shut down the mental hospitals that housed those now-homeless people. No doubt the hospitals were far from idyllic, but closing them wasn’t a choice for states, it was forced upon them.
I think she wants to avoid an evaluation because it might show that she still has a need for a conservatorship because of her mental illness. I’m glad that she’s challenging it but she need to work within the system and she obviously doesn’t have appropriate representation yet. Given the popularity of the “Free Brittany” movement, I’m shocked someone better hasn’t stepped up to help her.
I wouldn’t say the states use that mantra to justify neglect - they use it to point out that they were forced to shut down the mental hospitals that housed those now-homeless people. No doubt the hospitals were far from idyllic, but closing them wasn’t a choice for states, it was forced upon them.
No, I do not accept this blameless state, although it is the line they gave/give. They shut down the hospitals because they were filled with horrifying abuse, Geraldo's expose on Willowbrook in my home-town was unreal. When they literally opened the doors and turned all those people out into the street without support because it was easier than restructuring an alternative system the systemic washing their hands of it response was that these people are exactly how they want to be. Fast forward a number of years and as a society we still fail this entire segment of the population:(.
I don't understand how this can be happening at all, at least to this degree, but in regards to HER money. It's exactly that. HER money. How is that even a factor in this? Why does she not have the right to spend it anyway she wants? She earned it. Not anyone else. This whole issue really confuses and scares the crap out of me.
As I mentioned in my post, one of the effects of a diagnosed bipolar person experiencing an episode of mania can be spending sprees. We've already seen her suffer the effects of a manic episode years ago, which is when the conservatorship began. Knowing she's susceptible to this, who wouldn't want to protect her from irresponsible spending of her fortune? Now, I'm not saying she should have to ask permission for cabinet makeovers and vacations - I totally agree the conservators are greedy both for money and control/power. But given that she could encounter manic spending, coupled with the fact that she's never had to manage money before, it could result in disaster for her financially to go from having no control to all the control. Even someone without the bipolar diagnosis can find themselves in hot water when they suddenly have access to money. Look all the lottery winners who's lives have fallen apart after getting millions - there's even a documentary about it.

I definitely agree they need to loosen the reigns, but Britney should also be open to having trusted, legitimate financial advisors help her along the way. Perhaps she is open to that. But, to my knowledge, if they end the conservatorship, they can't legally compel her to accept that kind of help and she'd be on her own. Hopefully she's of sound mind enough to be financially responsible, but no one can know if she will be. No one wants to see Britney go from the conservatorship to the next Heidi and Spencer.
Under what law is “spending sprees possible” a reason for virtual imprisonment?
I assume you're referring to my post, since I used the phrase "spending spree". But so you don't confuse it, I never said the conservatorship should remain because she may squander her money. But I think she's at risk of that, and its unfortunate there's not some other legal avenue that can help her manage her money while still giving her freedom back.
I think she wants to avoid an evaluation because it might show that she still has a need for a conservatorship because of her mental illness. I’m glad that she’s challenging it but she need to work within the system and she obviously doesn’t have appropriate representation yet. Given the popularity of the “Free Brittany” movement, I’m shocked someone better hasn’t stepped up to help her.
The fact that a more competent or experienced team hasn't stepped up is concerning. There are many aspects of this case that is unknown to the public. It's sad to see her struggle. Hoping some constraints can be removed. It's sad all the way around.
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Not surprised, but hello, if she was mentally competent years ago, she would have hired attorneys to end the conservatorship then.

I read that she has been fighting it for years but just now agreed to let her fight be public.

She's almost 40 years old, mental illness or not- it's her money and her life she should have control over it.
It's isn't like she's completely incompetent and unable to function. It's time for her to be free.
Gonna put it out there: someone else is in charge of my money. My monthly check goes into a special account and my aunt, who is my payee, doles it out to me after deducting our agreed upon room and board, my phone, and my half of the WiFi. Also my life insurance. The bank is legally not allowed to give me any info regarding my funds if I call them. I can't make a withdrawal without the consent of my payee, who has to be in the bank with me. The debit card associated with the account has her name on it.

I get a set amount every month to spend how I like, and the rest, depending on what is going on in my life (like saving for Disney) goes into labeled envelopes in the safe. This way I can save, because I'm not allowed by SSI to have more than 2,000 in the bank. I freely admit that I'm not responsible when it comes to money. When I'm in a psychosis (which has not happened recently, thank God), I spend. So, someone else takes care of that aspect of my life, because I need it.

I was declared incapable of taking care of my finances in 2008. My aunt is reasonable and responsible, so we don't have a problem...but I feel for Britney Spears, because her conservatorship has gone past taking responsible care of her money for her to controlling every aspect of her existence through it. It's scary and it makes me angry that she's being taken advantage of in this way. My medications are never changed without my consent, and I can't conceive of having a birth control device implanted in me against me will. She needs a competency hearing by an impartial panel of doctors and a judge not formerly associated with the case.
As I mentioned in my post, one of the effects of a diagnosed bipolar person experiencing an episode of mania can be spending sprees. We've already seen her suffer the effects of a manic episode years ago, which is when the conservatorship began. Knowing she's susceptible to this, who wouldn't want to protect her from irresponsible spending of her fortune? Now, I'm not saying she should have to ask permission for cabinet makeovers and vacations - I totally agree the conservators are greedy both for money and control/power. But given that she could encounter manic spending, coupled with the fact that she's never had to manage money before, it could result in disaster for her financially to go from having no control to all the control. Even someone without the bipolar diagnosis can find themselves in hot water when they suddenly have access to money. Look all the lottery winners who's lives have fallen apart after getting millions - there's even a documentary about it.

I definitely agree they need to loosen the reigns, but Britney should also be open to having trusted, legitimate financial advisors help her along the way. Perhaps she is open to that. But, to my knowledge, if they end the conservatorship, they can't legally compel her to accept that kind of help and she'd be on her own. Hopefully she's of sound mind enough to be financially responsible, but no one can know if she will be. No one wants to see Britney go from the conservatorship to the next Heidi and Spencer.
It's not illegal to be irresponsible. If she wants to go through town tossing out hundreds until there is absolutely nothing left that is her absolute right, it might not be a great idea but in a free society bad ideas aren't illegal. Look at all the men who win and lose fortunes? We call them idiots but no-one strips them of their dignity and human rights, so if this isn't misogyny I really don't know what is, she has a right to be whoever she is even if that is a mess.
It's not illegal to be irresponsible. If she wants to go through town tossing out hundreds until there is absolutely nothing left that is her absolute right, it might not be a great idea but in a free society bad ideas aren't illegal.

I somewhat disagree with this. I used to take my check when it was under my control and send *all* of it to charities, or buy three or four (or five) of something because it was a 'good' deal. I was always flat broke by the end of the first week after the check was deposited. It was affecting my life in a negative way. There's a difference between being irresposible with money and doing completely crazy stuff with it. I don't see a problem with having help to manage my money. Where i do see a problem is that Spears' conservators are using her money to exert absolute control *over* her life. I'm surprised they even let her have a boyfriend.
I have a friend who is bipolar and have been involved in some of their manic episodes. It’s scary how out of control it gets, and they are so angry at their spouse and don’t want to take their medication. The vile things I’ve heard! But it’s the spouse who is making sure they don’t have to be locked away somewhere because that would be awful.

Having a front row seat for someone living with bipolar gives me a different perspective. I feel for Britney but I do think she needs the control. And I don’t think it’s about the money.
The current conservatorship needs to be disbanded.
The judge could assign her a non-biased or non-emotionally attached or a non-relative to be her conservator, with oversight by the court.
The whole thing needs to be examined and started from square one to see exactly what she needs based on an evaluation by non-involved others/professionals.
The current situation seems to have illegal, immoral and unethical activitities attached to it; forced birth control, force medical procedures, no control of her own money and day to day life, imprisoned. Even if she has some mental illness issues she functions well and this is very extreme, similar to keeping an animal in a cage to control it. These horrors should not be happening in 2021.
Don't get me started on the unethical behaviors of the legal team of the conservator, which should also be grab.
Yes, this surprises me as well. Why hasn’t some well-connected celeb volunteered to pay for a top-notch lawyer?
Of course not. They are just tweeting it. “To show support”. It’s nonsense. I dont get the whole movement


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