Brooklynn takes Bella to meet Cinderella! Page 242 Downtown Disney

Yum! We always have pecan pie, too. My in-laws think it's very strange, but my mom has always made them for Thanksgiving.

I like to reward my dog for not begging, too, but I can't let Tom see. :rolleyes1

Mmmm...I'd like to have a slice of that apple pie right now!

I love how homey and comfortable your parties are!

I like to have a good variety so that everyone gets their favorites. The pumpkin dessert was something I am making for school on Thursday. Jill likes apple pie, the strawberry cake was for Trent, and the pecan pie was for Drew.

Oh, yes, we are definitely homey and comfortable around here. You would be hard-pressed to find any fanciness. I think the lavishly decorated tables I see on HGTV and in magazines are beautiful, no doubt, but those are things I enjoy looking at more than having at my house.

Your not Thanksgiving food looks wonderful! I like your Thanksgiving Mickey and Minnie, everything is so festive.

Thanks. I now have three different sets - one from Disney Store and two from WDW. I took the store ones to school to sit along Winnie-the-Pooh for the next few days. I didn't think it was fair for six of those guys to be partying it up at my house while Pooh hung out alone at school. :)

i have those salt and pepper shakers on my breakfast table right now! :thumbsup2

the food looks yummy. sounds like you guys had a great time!

They're the perfect touch to a November table. :thumbsup2

I had turkey on Sunday, so I ate some of the roast last night for supper. It was good!

Hellooooooooo! :wave2: We just got back and we are soooooo pooped! And I survived my flights with no emotional meltdowns. :lmao: I DO NOT LIKE FLYING AT ALL, but it was nice to be there in 1 hr. & 20 min.

We had the most fabulous time ever!! So many wonderful memories! The weather was heavenly........ no humidity or rain for 10 days and temps were around 75 everyday except one! :cloud9: We did lots of new stuff and loved it all. I'm already having withdrawals!! :sad1:

I've read so many TRs already that now I can't remember if you guys have ever gone to Mickey's Backyard BBQ or not............... but if not, you should. It was the most wonderful experience. Granted, we went in Nov. and crowds were light. It may not be so magical with summer crowds and heat. But seeing my DD dance with those characters (and her Daddy......... he's a character in his own right though) was just precious. The Pirates and Pals fireworks cruise was also FANTASTIC! I just can't say enough about either of those events.

Anyway, can't wait to get back in the know on your TR!!! I'm off to read until my body and brain shut down on me!:rotfl:

About the withdrawals, I totally understand. Disney is an addiction.

We have not done the BBQ, but we do plan to. We were just waiting until the girls got a little older. I'm sure it will be hot in the summer, but I know it will be so much fun. I was thinking probably summer after this one - Brooklynn will be almost five and Bella will be old enough to dance a little herself! :goodvibes I'm glad to hear your good reviews of it.

Hi MeMom, Your Thanksgiving dinner looks so very delicious! I'm sure you are enjoying it again this evening.
Baylor and I made pizza, I do the dough and sauce then he adds the toppings. It will be good but not nearly as good as Thanksgiving leftovers.....

Yep. I had roast, potatoes, green beans, and apples. It was nice not to have to come home and cook. I bet your pizza was good, too. We'll probably be ready for pizza this weekend after all of this holiday food.

man that apple pie and pumpkin dessert look good!!

They were both good. One was a five dollar store bought pie, but it tastes wonderful!

What did you say?
Was it something ugly about my food?
Or maybe you were making fun of my turkey paper plates? :laughing:

Mmmm, I :lovestruc Thanksgiving food! Which reminds me, I have to tell you because I know you would appreciate it, but today Connor started ranting about how no one pays any attention to Thanksgiving -- "people just go from Halloween to Christmas and poor Thanksgiving doesn't get any recognition" were his exact words, I believe. He was quite fired up about it. :lmao:

Oh, and I like the look of that pumpkin dessert. How do you make it?

I'm with Connor. When you are looking at Halloween things in mid-October and there is already a Christmas aisle started, that's too early. I like the calmness of Thanksgiving. I like the opportunity it affords people to remember to stop and be grateful for all that they have.

And I like the Macy's parade.

We have pecan pie on Thanksgiving too!!
O.k., since you asked about Mexico, I'll tell you some of the high points. We drove south out of the city and around to the Caribbean Sea side of Cozumel and stopped at THE most remote and GORGEOUS beaches I have ever seen! We were able to see baby sea turtles who were being taken care of by a wildlife worker, taking care of the nests. The things we saw truly confirmed to me the wonders and beauty that God has created!!
We laughed a lot and celebrated The Day of the Dead and observed how the Mexicans think we trick-or-treat.

And then the rains came down and the floods came up! Our last two days there we saw no sunshine.
Thank you for letting me share a little of my experiences in Mexico MeMom!

The pictures are beautiful! The water is so pretty. I know that was a fun experience. I would love to see the sea turtles.

Tell us more about how the Mexicans think we trick-or-treat.

Feel free to share any more pictures as you look through them.

Yum!!! That food looks yummy!!!!!!!

thanks for sharing and I love the paper plates!!!! :goodvibes

You are welcome. If we ever have a big DIS meet 'not exactly Thanksgiving Day' dinner, I'll have to buy a few extra packs of my fine dinnerware. :laughing:

Your Thanksgiving looks yummy and just the way I like to celebrate it! My appt is at 9:00 AM - I will be sure to post what we are having. My gut is telling me boy, but I will be happy either way, of course.

I would love to meet up at Opry Mills sometime. I tend to go a lot this time of year to do my Christmas browsing. My brother in law will be with us Dec 1st - 15th so I know we will be there between those dates. We always go see the lights at Opryland when he is here, then of course I make time for the Disney Store:).

I thought boy with Trent all along, but back in those days, you didn't find out until they were born.

We'll try to work something out for a hippo meet then. Or maybe it should be a 'meet me at the Santa' meet, since it is a holiday. :santa:

Hi MeMom! I'm sorry I've fallen behind. I had a busy weekend, then B/F got sick and we had to stay back home for today and just made it back up to school. Promise to catch up..Just wanted to say I love that you share pics with us of what's going on in your life. Any holiday/birthday would be fun at your house. :)

Sorry he was sick. I hope he's all better, and I hope that you don't catch it!

Real life intrudes on our fun time. That's just the way it is. I hope to have some time next week to catch up on DIS time and maybe finish the summer TR, since I'll be out of school for three days.
Well, I am all caught up! 20 something pages I think! Loved the updates. Cape May and the phone booth are too cute. Bella is something isn't she? My DD would never sleep like that and I was always so envious of mothers who had those easy sleeping babies!:lmao: I couldn't hardly get her to sleep in her crib at night, and naps............ forget it! Now she sneaks in at 3 or 4 am each morning and crawls into bed with us. She waits until the wee hours b/c she knows our defenses are weakest then!:rotfl: So even at 5 years old, we STILL have sleeping issues!

Your Thanksgiving feast looks great! We do paper plates every year. I'm not a fancy person and the whole formal table stuff is not my thing. My family would fit right in at your house. And I wish my mother-in-law was laid back about holidays like you. She always makes it miserable for us each year trying to plan where/when to go between all the different families. I hate being stressed over the holidays. It just doesn't make sense and it kills the spirit of it all for me. So good for you for being flexible. Being together is all that matters. The date just isn't important at all.

Bella is definitely something! This weekend she was pulling up on the bed and then trying to turn around and face out.

I am happy to cooperate in not stressing them out about any of the holidays. Of course, I'd love to have things on 'the day' here occasionally so that the girls will not look back and remember all of their special days and none of them were here, but for the most part, I'm fine with doing things the weekend before or after or just whenever it works for all of them. John's mom does the dressing up and the beautiful table and all, so the girls are getting the best of both worlds - a fancy holiday and a down-home one.

I bet Thanksgiving dinner is so much better with Mickey and Minnie on the table. :lovestruc

True. Aren't they cute?

I love your not-yet Thanksgiving celebration. My B/F and I are eating with my family this year since we spent last year with his. We go to a restaurant (the aunt whose house we used to have it at died seven years ago so a restaurant is our tradition now :) ), but I am really hoping to sneak over to his family's house for some homemade stuff. This is my favorite time of year, so just as long as I get to spend it with my family and see the Macy's parade, I'm good.

I love your themed Mickey and Minnie salt and pepper shakers! I also think I recognize the picture as being from Mickey's Christmas Carol -- I absolutely loved that when I was little, and I still do. :goodvibes I need to go find it on YouTube!

Our tradition when the kids were growing up was to eat cinnamon rolls and watch the parade. I still do that, even if some or all of them are not here.

I'm going to laminate that picture so that it can be used for many Thanksgivings in the future. Brooklynn and Bella did handprint turkeys that I will laminate, too.

Yummy looking pies!

I was going to buy those Turkey plates for next year. :)

One day I will have those cute Mickey's and Minnie's at my Thanksgiving table. ;)

Glad to hear the weekend was a fun and I think the girls will love thier Xmas gifts.

The stockings are a very sweet idea. :santa:

Vandyfan I hope all well with you. :cloud9:
I really wish we had Target here but ...for now, it's a special treat when I get to one.
Your trip is less than 2 weeks away!! :woohoo: :woohoo:

The turkey plates were great, because they were very large and held lots of food! :thumbsup2

Check the Disney Store for the newest ones. The store at Opry Mills didn't have those, but the one at CS did. Maybe yours will, and they will be happy to come home with you, I'm sure.

I thought about getting a stocking for everyone, but that was running into too much money. We have an assortment of stockings here, but I thought the girls at least needed those. We're doing very little Christmas, since we're going on the trip. My gifts to them are rooms to sleep in, a Crystal Palace dinner, and a Kona NYE dinner.


I will continue on our Four Parks day tonight. Jill said if I don't hurry, we're going to run out of pages, so I promise to get moving! :)

Have a good day, all!
I'm with Connor. When you are looking at Halloween things in mid-October and there is already a Christmas aisle started, that's too early. I like the calmness of Thanksgiving. I like the opportunity it affords people to remember to stop and be grateful for all that they have.

And I like the Macy's parade.

I love the relaxing nature of Thanksgiving -- and no surprise here, but it is Charles' favorite holiday -- he loves eating until he can't move. :laughing:

We are big fans of the Macy's parade -- we watch it at my parents' every year and have a parade breakfast with waffles and other yummies while we are camped in front of the television. Did you know they are debuting a Mickey balloon this year -- the Disney Cruise sailor one. There is even a limited edition Mickey plush at Macy's that you can buy. :goodvibes
I love the relaxing nature of Thanksgiving -- and no surprise here, but it is Charles' favorite holiday -- he loves eating until he can't move. :laughing:

We are big fans of the Macy's parade -- we watch it at my parents' every year and have a parade breakfast with waffles and other yummies while we are camped in front of the television. Did you know they are debuting a Mickey balloon this year -- the Disney Cruise sailor one. There is even a limited edition Mickey plush at Macy's that you can buy. :goodvibes

Are they at all the Macy's stores?

Are you the one who asked about the pumpkin stuff? I'll give you the recipe soon. It is very easy and very good.

Your Thanksgiving dinner looked so yummy!! :goodvibes I love Thanksgiving too - a holiday all about eating. :laughing:

Oh, me, too. We have been nibbling at those desserts often. If you take a bite of the pecan pie and a bite of the pumpkin thing (I have to give this a real name) together, it is goooood! :thumbsup2
Are they at all the Macy's stores?

Are you the one who asked about the pumpkin stuff? I'll give you the recipe soon. It is very easy and very good.

Yes, and you can order it online as well. :goodvibes

Another yes -- I was the one that asked about the pumpkin stuff recipe. :goodvibes
Your Thanksgiving dinner looked so good! I can't wait for Turkey next week. We had some good finds last weekend at Disney - Some neat casserole dishes (I can picture them on your dinner spread) and the new Dooney and Burke Disney wristlet! I can't believe I actually splurged like that! They also have some really cute gift cards that come with a pin. I'll see if I can post pics tonight.
Let's add another :cutie: to the disser babies. I am still in shock - I thought for sure it was a boy. Abby was wanting a sister so I can't wait to tell her the good news. I'm making my family in Atlanta wait until Thanksgiving when we are there, so the dissers get to find out before my family. For them, I am going to do what the Today Show did with the Duggers - bake a strawberry cake and frost it white so they will find out when we have Thanksgiving dessert and cut the cake. I can't wait.

Anyone have any good ideas on how to tell the older sibling they are having a sister? I thought about filling her room with pink balloons. Anything Disney related would be fun, too, since we just got back. Jill - how did you tell Brooklyn, if you don't mind sharing?
I love laid back dinners. We use paper plates at our house more than we should but oh well. When you have a busy life and multiple children, you do what you need to do, right? So I think your Thanksgiving was perfect! Would you mind sharing the strawberry cake recipe? That sounds like something I would love!
So I have been busy with life, and I come back to find myself about 20 pages behind! :scared1: Reminder to self: check MeMom's TR often!!

Great pictures from the Disney Store! I love seeing what they have for the holidays. Our store shut down a couple years ago, and the closest one now is about 2 hours away. I miss it. I did go there last month though, to get David's Nemo costume! I also picked up some cute shirts for next years trip and a couple small Christmas presents.

Love the Toy Story utensils! :thumbsup2 Those are very cute.

I'm with Connor. When you are looking at Halloween things in mid-October and there is already a Christmas aisle started, that's too early. I like the calmness of Thanksgiving. I like the opportunity it affords people to remember to stop and be grateful for all that they have.

And I like the Macy's parade.

I totally agree! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, I think in part because it doesn't get as much recognition! I love just relaxing, watching the Macy's parade, and the dog show afterward! And eating of course... :rolleyes1

This year will be a little different though. For the first time, most of our family will be gone for Thanksgiving. :sad1: We debated going out to eat, but with an active 2 year old, that is not the best option! So I am going to cook, and it will be just the three of us and my brother.

Thanks for sharing your Thanksgiving pictures with us. Your celebration looked perfect, even if it was early! I think its nice that you can be flexible, seeing as how the holiday really is about being together. :goodvibes
Let's add another :cutie: to the disser babies. I am still in shock - I thought for sure it was a boy. Abby was wanting a sister so I can't wait to tell her the good news. I'm making my family in Atlanta wait until Thanksgiving when we are there, so the dissers get to find out before my family. For them, I am going to do what the Today Show did with the Duggers - bake a strawberry cake and frost it white so they will find out when we have Thanksgiving dessert and cut the cake. I can't wait.

Anyone have any good ideas on how to tell the older sibling they are having a sister? I thought about filling her room with pink balloons. Anything Disney related would be fun, too, since we just got back. Jill - how did you tell Brooklyn, if you don't mind sharing?

Congratulations on your new princess!:cutie:
Let's add another :cutie: to the disser babies. I am still in shock - I thought for sure it was a boy. Abby was wanting a sister so I can't wait to tell her the good news. I'm making my family in Atlanta wait until Thanksgiving when we are there, so the dissers get to find out before my family. For them, I am going to do what the Today Show did with the Duggers - bake a strawberry cake and frost it white so they will find out when we have Thanksgiving dessert and cut the cake. I can't wait.

Anyone have any good ideas on how to tell the older sibling they are having a sister? I thought about filling her room with pink balloons. Anything Disney related would be fun, too, since we just got back. Jill - how did you tell Brooklyn, if you don't mind sharing?

Brooklynn went with us to the appointment. She had just turned two in August so she didn't really understand. Santa brought her a baby doll, as well as, a stroller, highchair, and pack and play similar to what Bella was going to be in. I think that really helped her understand since she was still so young. We also made her a part of the process. She helped us put the crib together and wash her clothes and she got to go to the diaper shower with me and open the presents. When Isabella made her arrival it was not as scheduled and we had to go to the hospital in the middle of the night. Brooklynn just went with us since we have no one close to watch her. Brooklynn was the first person to get to come in the room and meet her and she had the biggest grin when she saw her. It was a super sweet moment and she has loved her ever since.

On a related note, today in class they were talking about Thanksgiving and why we celebrate it. Then the teacher went around the class and asked the kids what they were thankful for they would tell her and she would write it on a big piece of poster board. The kids were all thankful for candy and toys and cars and things that are very important when you are 3. Brooklynn was one of the last names on the list and next to her name was written three words - my Baby Bella. It brings tears to my eyes knowing that she loves her so much that she is more thankful for her than any toy she owns.

I know Abby will love her little sister just as much. Congratulations!
Brooklynn went with us to the appointment. She had just turned two in August so she didn't really understand. Santa brought her a baby doll, as well as, a stroller, highchair, and pack and play similar to what Bella was going to be in. I think that really helped her understand since she was still so young. We also made her a part of the process. She helped us put the crib together and wash her clothes and she got to go to the diaper shower with me and open the presents. When Isabella made her arrival it was not as scheduled and we had to go to the hospital in the middle of the night. Brooklynn just went with us since we have no one close to watch her. Brooklynn was the first person to get to come in the room and meet her and she had the biggest grin when she saw her. It was a super sweet moment and she has loved her ever since.

On a related note, today in class they were talking about Thanksgiving and why we celebrate it. Then the teacher went around the class and asked the kids what they were thankful for they would tell her and she would write it on a big piece of poster board. The kids were all thankful for candy and toys and cars and things that are very important when you are 3. Brooklynn was one of the last names on the list and next to her name was written three words - my Baby Bella. It brings tears to my eyes knowing that she loves her so much that she is more thankful for her than any toy she owns.

I know Abby will love her little sister just as much. Congratulations!

I am sitting here at work with tears in my eyes - that is so sweet that she is most thankful for her baby sister. Kids are the greatest:lovestruc
Hi Memom, here's a picture of our goodies from last weekend. I don't normally buy much anymore when we go, but for some reason these things were calling out to me! :goodvibes

sorry it's so big, I haven't figured out how to size pictures :confused3
I love all of your Disney store pictures. I'll be hitting our Disney store on black friday for some special disney christmas gifts. I can't wait to see the Princess and the frog in Disney world next year, and I cannot wait to see Toy story 3.
Yes, and you can order it online as well. :goodvibes

Another yes -- I was the one that asked about the pumpkin stuff recipe. :goodvibes

It is possible that I went by Macy's and picked up two Sailor Mickeys today. :)

I will give you the recipe tonight.

Your Thanksgiving dinner looked so good! I can't wait for Turkey next week. We had some good finds last weekend at Disney - Some neat casserole dishes (I can picture them on your dinner spread) and the new Dooney and Burke Disney wristlet! I can't believe I actually splurged like that! They also have some really cute gift cards that come with a pin. I'll see if I can post pics tonight.

I just looked at the pictures. I have never seen the casserole dishes like that! Where did you get them?

Let's add another :cutie: to the disser babies. I am still in shock - I thought for sure it was a boy. Abby was wanting a sister so I can't wait to tell her the good news. I'm making my family in Atlanta wait until Thanksgiving when we are there, so the dissers get to find out before my family. For them, I am going to do what the Today Show did with the Duggers - bake a strawberry cake and frost it white so they will find out when we have Thanksgiving dessert and cut the cake. I can't wait.

Anyone have any good ideas on how to tell the older sibling they are having a sister? I thought about filling her room with pink balloons. Anything Disney related would be fun, too, since we just got back. Jill - how did you tell Brooklyn, if you don't mind sharing?

Two little girls. How very nice! :cutie: :cutie:
Congratulations! :cool1:

You will have to take pictures of the big reveal and share it with us. That sounds like fun.

And like the Duggars, do you plan to have a bazillion kids? :laughing:

Actually, I find it very telling that Josh and Anna say they really only want two or three. ;)

I love laid back dinners. We use paper plates at our house more than we should but oh well. When you have a busy life and multiple children, you do what you need to do, right? So I think your Thanksgiving was perfect! Would you mind sharing the strawberry cake recipe? That sounds like something I would love!

Most people probably do. We lead such hectic lives, and we don't want to spend our evenings do any more chores than we have to.

The strawberry cake is easy - no recipe to find. I just use a boxed strawberry cake, poke holes in it with a fork when it cools a little, pour strawberry Jello while it is still liquid over it, then frost it with cream cheese frosting. I just put about a cup of Jello over it - not the whole two cups the box makes.

So I have been busy with life, and I come back to find myself about 20 pages behind! :scared1: Reminder to self: check MeMom's TR often!!

Great pictures from the Disney Store! I love seeing what they have for the holidays. Our store shut down a couple years ago, and the closest one now is about 2 hours away. I miss it. I did go there last month though, to get David's Nemo costume! I also picked up some cute shirts for next years trip and a couple small Christmas presents.

Love the Toy Story utensils! :thumbsup2 Those are very cute.

I totally agree! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, I think in part because it doesn't get as much recognition! I love just relaxing, watching the Macy's parade, and the dog show afterward! And eating of course... :rolleyes1

This year will be a little different though. For the first time, most of our family will be gone for Thanksgiving. :sad1: We debated going out to eat, but with an active 2 year old, that is not the best option! So I am going to cook, and it will be just the three of us and my brother.

Thanks for sharing your Thanksgiving pictures with us. Your celebration looked perfect, even if it was early! I think its nice that you can be flexible, seeing as how the holiday really is about being together. :goodvibes

The Toy Story silverware will probably be Bella's, since Brooklynn is all into Tiana right now. I thought they were cute.

I'm excited about the plans for Disney Stores to add some activities and such. Our Disney shopping experience could get even better! :banana:

I hope you have a beautiful, peaceful Thanksgiving Day. :)

Brooklynn was the first person to get to come in the room and meet her and she had the biggest grin when she saw her. It was a super sweet moment and she has loved her ever since.

On a related note, today in class they were talking about Thanksgiving and why we celebrate it. Then the teacher went around the class and asked the kids what they were thankful for they would tell her and she would write it on a big piece of poster board. The kids were all thankful for candy and toys and cars and things that are very important when you are 3. Brooklynn was one of the last names on the list and next to her name was written three words - my Baby Bella. It brings tears to my eyes knowing that she loves her so much that she is more thankful for her than any toy she owns.

I know Abby will love her little sister just as much. Congratulations!

Her face was so sweet. She immediately wanted to love on her baby sister.

My Baby Bella. I say that often myself. I had to remind Jill this weekend that Bella really is mine, because she was my birthday present year before last. Jill and I met at Cool Springs to eat and spend the day together, and she presented me with a card for my birthday. In it was the news of a yet-to-be grandson (the word I saw when I opened the card) or granddaughter. So, Bella is my birthday present, and quite a wonderful one! :lovestruc

I am sitting here at work with tears in my eyes - that is so sweet that she is most thankful for her baby sister. Kids are the greatest:lovestruc

They really are. They can be so trying sometimes, but they redeem themselves a thousand times over with their sweetness.

I have to agree

Me, too.

Hi Memom, here's a picture of our goodies from last weekend. I don't normally buy much anymore when we go, but for some reason these things were calling out to me! :goodvibes

sorry it's so big, I haven't figured out how to size pictures :confused3

Those are cool. I will have to check them out. When we have our school brunches, it would be great to take something in those. I have the big white Mickey platters that I will be putting cookies on on Friday. :thumbsup2
I love all of your Disney store pictures. I'll be hitting our Disney store on black friday for some special disney christmas gifts. I can't wait to see the Princess and the frog in Disney world next year, and I cannot wait to see Toy story 3.

I don't think at age 52 one is supposed to get so excited over two 'kid' movies, but I am very excited about both of them! :dance3:
Pumpkin Dessert

Set aside 1 cup of a yellow cake mix. Add the rest of the mix, 1/2 cup butter, and 1 egg. Press that into the bottom of a 13 x 9 pan. I sprayed it with PAM first.

Mix a 29 oz. can of pumpkin, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/2 cup milk, and 2 eggs. Spread that over the top of the cake layer.

Mix the 1 cup reserved cake mix, 1/2 cup sugar, and 4 T. butter until crumbly and spread on top. Bake for 40 minutes at 350 degrees.

You can play with this to suit your tastes. I bought the pumpkin butter at Williams-Sonoma and added it to the can of pumpkin I had already bought. I used half of that for the one on Sunday, and froze the rest to use for the one I will make Thursday night. I will add pecans to the one I make this week. I used half & half instead of milk, too, just because I had it. I have seen a few recipes for it. It is good.


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