Bush News conference - I just fell off my chair!

Yzma and Kronk

<font color=darkcoral>I survived the Pie-fest<br><
Oct 19, 2002
I was sitting here surfing the DIS Boards, with the Bush news conference on in the backgroud......

I just heard him say, "The Prime Minister of Canada, Paul Martin just asked me......" I turned, and thump! (I caught myself!)

I didn't hear what he said, but just to acknowledge the new PM - WOW! I think that George W might just have had a problem with Jean Chretien's name..........maybe he was "name-pronounced-challenged", especially when it came to a french name.....we all know how much George W. loves the French (....the France French), so he avoided him.

Yup, that's got to be it!!! :crazy: :teeth:
I wonder if we put a poll on the Community Board, who is the Prime Minister of Canada, how many would get it right?
maybe you should give that a try, damo. The results could be interesting.
Maybe now that Martin and Bush are friends, Martin will ask Bush to force Disney to update the Canadian film at EPCOT.


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