"But I'm not a woman"- A Spring Break 2018 Trip Report *finished 2/23 *


Feb 8, 2015
Hello and :welcome:to the latest episode of Margaret and her Father go to Disney or as it’s commonly known #fatherdaughtertrippart5 :yay:

Me, Margaret or as my students say Ms Marker

And my Dad or as I called him several times “whoo hoo” usually when we got separated in a store and I would say Dad and other Dad’s would look at me :laughing:

March 17th - 24th

French Quarter again… It’s my new favorite

Because it’s a tradition now and why not

Follow along on a trip including lots of steps, snacks, laughs, early mornings and some day drinking
With every trip there seems to be a ‘but wait’ a week or so before
And guess what…

Yup, but wait.

The Monday before we were to leave we were in the gym for indoor recess when one of the other teachers walks over and says ‘hey you may want to check your kids, one of mine has scabies’

Don’t google it, you won’t be able to sleep for a few days.

In the teaching field when someone says lice, ringworm, scabies, chickenpox, or other contagious things. You start to panic a bit.

Especially when just the day before I was so excited because I hadn’t had any sinus problems like I normally do. Thank you humidifier

I found a little speck on me that I could have sworn I hadn’t seen before.

So of course, I made a doctor’s appointment just to make sure. Plus, I didn’t want to be ‘patient zero’ if it was and I’m on the news because of an outbreak or something.

So Tuesday afterschool I went to the doctors office and told her when was going on and I showed her my arm. She looks at it then looks at me, while I’m mentally preparing myself for horrible news she smiles and says ‘it’s not scabies’

Yay :yay:

Then she says ‘but, it is something fungal’
Eww I’m a fungus ha ha :worried::scared1:

She said I probably scratched myself then rubbed on something on the playground or one of the 180 other kids I interact with on a daily basis had something and it got under the skin. I was grossed out and almost in tears and she just laughed and said ‘you’re fine, calm down’

She prescribed me a cream and said enjoy your trip :woohoo:
March 16th - Day 0 aka Work
The morning started like any Friday. I begrudgingly got up at 5:00 and got myself ready for work. The day before Disney meant a traditional trip to Chick-fil-A for breakfast.

I got ready, put on my Disney shirt to get myself in the mode, grabbed my coffee, and was out the door about 6:15.

The whole week before Disney was my best friends first trip to Disney with her family, so I was in travel agent mode all week. She was sending me pictures on snapchat and asking for my advice constantly. Which of course I didn’t mind.

I ordered my chicken biscuit, sweet tea, paid for the person behind me, and was at work by 6:45. Everyone was in Spring Break mode I guess, there were only 4 other cars there by the time I got to work.

I had to retrain my brain into taking food pictures ha ha It felt weird then I reminded myself I was about to be doing it for a week.

I cleaned all the old photos off my phone to make sure I didn’t run out of room.

Well this is going to take a while.

Thankfully it really didn’t take an hour more like 15 minutes.

The day went by pretty quick, thankfully. I was looking forward to Chuy’s for happy hour.

A few of my coworkers and I got together the day before Thanksgiving break for nacho bar and margaritas and we decided it was going to be a day before vacation before from now on.

Since free nacho bar doesn’t start until 4 we decided to meet there. I had one stop to make first, I needed a new bra ha ha. Sorry overshare. But honestly, I did, I was short one light colored one to wear under my shirts this trip, so I went to the store to grab one then went over for some jalapeno ranch dip :lovestruc

It was the normal crew, myself, my coteacher Amanda, Jalena and her coteacher Janet.

I ordered the blackberry strawberry swirl. So good!

We were having a good time when Jalena laughed very loudly to herself. Teachers I tell you ha ha :laughing:

Well today was her Mom’s birthday and they decided to go to Chuy’s too for her dinner, so she was going to hang with us then meet them for dinner. Well her Mom and Dad ended up in the bar too. We all ended up waving frantically and shouting her name. She did look at us then looked away, we still don’t know if she meant to do that ha ha. Eventually she came over and talked to us for a bit and she wished me a good trip.

Seriously could we have anymore bowls on our table :scratchin

I only had one margarita because I didn’t want to have 3 or 4 then fall asleep on the couch and forget to pack. You know because I’m at that age now where two or more margaritas now make me fall asleep not be the life of the party ha ha :rolleyes:

We all bid adieu about 6:30. My friend Audrea was going to check on my house and cat/ use my dryer because hers was broken and she had been playing phone tag with he warranty people. Since she lives a block away from Chuy’s I went over to her house to give her my extra key and catch up on some drama that she has been having in life lately.

I ended up home around 7 and told myself no relaxing, get packing! I had a grand plan to be in bed by 9 and try and get some sleep. Since my flight wasn’t until 10 I didn’t have to get up super early.

By golly I was packed and showered by 10 which in all reality was good enough ha ha.

I talked to my Dad for a bit about who was meeting who in Dallas and who was getting there first.
He was meeting me because he got into Dallas about 3 hours before me. We didn’t want to have a repeat from the year before when my Dad had to run through the airport and we both almost missed the flight.

According to my fitbit I was asleep by 10:45 with a 4:30 alarm the next morning :yay:
Count me in! This sounds like a fun one!

It’s the first day of Spring Break for us and I could already go for one of those margaritas! Home with 5 kids all week who are already saying they’re bored! Yay! Hah! Off to Grandma’s!
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I am excited to ready a new trip report. I love a good pre-trip tradition!
Reading along. Looking forward to the rest . I will be at French Quarter in May. Can’t wait
Count me in! This sounds like a fun one!

It’s the first day of Spring Break for us and I could already go for one of those margaritas! Home with 5 kids all week who are already saying their bored! Yay! Hah! Off to Grandma’s!

:wave2: Thanks! Enjoy! Whoot whoot margaritas :woohoo:My parents always shipped me off with my cousins to our grandparents growing up ha ha

I am excited to ready a new trip report. I love a good pre-trip tradition!
:wave2: Thanks! Yeah I'm a creature of habit plus I want to keep the good mojo going from pre-trip to trip

I’m in, love reading about your trips with dad!
:wave2: Thanks! Yeah he's a good little travel buddy and this time we had a heart to heart with a photopass woman who was talking about her father passing away and she kept telling us to enjoy it and make lots of memories

following along. I was there the same time!
:wave2: I saw that in yours too!! :) I'm following along on yours too. I'm always intrigued how big parties make it all work. We always think about taking the whole family along then after a day we say yeah no that wouldn't work with our family ha ha

:wave2: Thanks

Following! Sounds like a busy day before vacation!
:wave2: Thanks. Yeah it's always a work day. Which means nothing getting done but also it's a plus because it means the day goes by quicker so it's a trade off ha ha :scratchin

Reading along. Looking forward to the rest . I will be at French Quarter in May. Can’t wait
:wave2: Thanks. We stayed there last year for the first trip and even though I haven't stayed at the Poly, which is my bucket list resort, French Quarter is my home now :lovestruc

Following, I always enjoy your trip reports!
:wave2: Thanks!

This sounds like it was a great trip! Can't wait to read the rest!

:wave2: Thanks, it was. All my teacher friends were jealous because Florida was warm and sunny and Arkansas hasn't seen sun in a few weeks ha ha

Joining in!
:wave2: Thanks

Following along!!
:wave2: Thanks

Joining in!
:wave2: Thanks
Happy Monday everyone :wave: I was going to post this update when I got home but I guess my computer downloaded updates last night. After 45 minutes and it only moving to 4% I put it down and walked away. Then I fell asleep oops :confused3 So now I'll update :rotfl:

March 17th - Day 1 - Travel Day

Most days it takes 5 alarms to wake up yeah, I’m not a morning person at all, but I was awake this morning before my alarm. Disney mode yay!!! :jumping3:

My ride was going to pick me up at 7:30 plus she had to take her daughter to some friends to go to Tennessee for a church group by 8 so I would rather be early to the airport then worry about being late. Even though I live 10 minutes from the airport I still worry about traffic or cows in the road ha ha.

I was out of bed and dressed by 6:00. I invested in a new travel quart size bag with a zipper and I had to cram all my liquids in there.

And I almost had it all. Whoomp whoomp

My Dad’s flight was at 6:45 his time zone so 7:45 mine. I texted him to keep me updated about his flight. If you tagged along on last years trip report you may remember, he ended up being delayed 2 hours and hence almost missed his connection. So, when I booked these flights he had 3 extra hours and I had the 45-minute connection. He thankfully he was at his gate already and everything looked good he said.

I had all my stuff packed and ready to go by 7 the same time my ride text me to say she was about to leave her house. Since she lives out by the lake I know I had 20 minutes until she got to my house. I double checked my suitcase and said bye to my cat :sad1::cat:

My new suitcase I had to buy because my plastic one broke and my $10 kids backpack from Target that had a baby little tear on the top from my Christmas/New Year's Eve flight when I got stranded in Dallas airport and had to cram all my stuff in it. Ask me later what it looks like ::yes::

Amanda, her daughter and I talked about what our plans were for Spring Break. Me: Disney Allison: Tennessee Amanda: dog watching and moving furniture

She dropped me off and said I’ll see you in a week

I checked in, dropped off my bag and was on my way through security a few minutes later.

What’s not to love about little airports? Yes it’s a little more expensive flying out of a regional airport and there are only 10 some flights daily but it’s quiet and close.

My plane was already waiting for me hopefully meaning no delay leaving

Let’s do this!!

I kept refreshing the American Airlines app with my Dad’s flight info and it showed it left a few minutes early! Yay, better than last year already :woohoo:

I watched some Disney youtube, checked up on some facebook and snapchat. My best friend kept telling me to post lots of pictures, so she can relive her trip she said. So ironically this trip I only took 1 picture with my actual camera and the rest were all on my phone (so no promised just how many pictures I will have ha ha) I had a million pictures on snapchat it feels and there may have been one or two I forgot to save when I uploaded it :confused3

See I love this airport

Around 9:30 my Dad text me saying he was in Dallas. I had a few minutes until boarding, so we texted about him meeting me at my gate and my estimated arrival time.

A bit after 10 we were boarding and getting ready. I kept checking the app to make sure my suitcase was going too. It showed loaded on the plane! I always worry that it won’t make it (it’s happened more than once)

Bye cold and cloudy Arkansas see you in a week

It was a short 48-minute flight. I watched Grimm and ate my pretzels and drank my apple juice.
A few minutes later I was landing in Dallas and on the lookout for my Dad.

A blurry walking selfie to my Mom to say I found him.
The first of many selfies, sorry Dad.

We had a little bit short of an hour until our flight, so we got to our gate and found the nearest food. McDonald’s was right there so we got an egg and sausage biscuit and a drink. We found a seat to eat and charge phones. I checked the app to make sure my suitcase made it off the plane. I didn’t want it making a round trip, I wanted it to be in my room after dinner. Mine showed it being unloaded in Dallas but my Dad’s never showed it being unloaded in Dallas. Maybe his would be making a round trip. Uh oh. He kept saying if it does, it does there isn’t anything I can do about it now.

I guess after not having my suitcase for a night this New Years and being stranded in a hotel, I fear my suitcase just sitting there all by itself, sad and lonely ha ha.

After bathroom breaks we were boarding about 12:30.

We found our seats and we noticed this flight had tvs on the seats! Yay!

Hey its my suitcase! My dad checked his app for his suitcase was loaded on the plane yay! Guess someone just forgot to scan it when they unloaded it.

We got comfy and according to the pilot our flight was only going to be 1 hour and 58 minutes. It always allots for 2 hours 30 minutes, but it’s never taken that long. Do they say that, so you get there early and feel like you’re starting your vacation on a good note?

Airplane selfie

I watched Coco. I told my Dad be ready for tears because I’ve heard everyone say that it makes you cry. That’s why I haven’t watched it.

I may have taken a 30-minute nap. Darn Dramamine, I take it, so I don’t get sick even though I don’t but why chance it.

My Dad poked me when the drink cart was coming by, so I got a sprite and some pretzels.

I finished the movie and may have teared up a little but not full on ugly cry which was good. It did make me miss my Grandma, which I do just about everyday anyways.

Since we only had about 30 minutes left I didn’t want to start a new movie and I didn’t want to watch a tv show and run out of time. So, my Dad and I were playing with the other apps on the tv screens.

Hey look that’s us

I found my house. Its that little square blob next to that other blob ha ha

We landed, deplaned and joined the never-ending bathroom line. My dad was in and out before I even moved 3 people up in line. The first of many lines in the women’s bathroom this week.

We found our way towards the non-Disney monorail

We were walking to the escalator to catch the Magical Express when suddenly there was screaming next to us. We looked over thinking the worse, nope just 2 family members meeting up for the first time in a while. The first of several almost busted eardrums ha ha

By 4:30 we were Mickey to Mickey-ing and on our way to our bus.

Where is everyone? Normally there is not a big crowd, but at least a few more people

My Dad was taking pictures to send to my Nana and we kept taking selfies and he couldn’t find the picture after we were taking them. We took a few and he kept trying to find them. Uh oh that’s not a good start.

After a million selfies he still couldn’t find it so I took one to send to my Nana

I sent it to her and then hey his phone starting working

We’re getting ready to leave when my phone buzzed and told me our room was ready. We always request close to transportation and top floor but when online check-in was available I tried to choose those 2 but no such luck. I even called and asked, and the CM said she will leave a note and we will see what happens.

Well the text said room 7110. So, building 7 bottom floor. Oh well thankfully it’s a small resort so even the furthest building was going to be close to transportation.

We were on the road a few minutes later and we were stop number 1.

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We looked out the window at all the construction going on and watched tv. We talked a bit about Pandora and what our plans were for the week. Before long we were passing under the arch. The one we drove next to the year before. The CM bus driver was funny he said, ‘ok now back to the airport’, even though the week did feel like it went by that fast.

We got to French Quarter and went to the desk even though we had a room. I wanted my ‘I’m celebrating’ button. After we both got our ‘father/daughter trip’ button we stopped to get our mugs, red for me and pink for my Dad.

We got to our room and did a hope dance that we did have 2 beds, otherwise I’m sleeping in the tub ha ha.


We had a 7:45 reservation at ‘Ohana so we unloaded our carryons and I packed up my backpack and at the bus stop by 6:15.

A bus showed up a few minutes later and off we went. Now I felt like we were on vacation. It’s something about riding a Disney bus :)

Once we got to the Magic Kingdom we got through security. The security guard kept telling me thank you for using clear bags.

We got to the monorail walkway when we noticed there was a monorail just parked there so we thought, huh must be down. So, boat line we go, then the monorail started moving so over to that line we went.

15 minutes later monorail yellow pulled in and on board we went.

7:15 we walked into the Poly and went to check in. A CM was there handing out stickers and when he read my button he kept saying ‘ahh, here’s a bunch of stickers’ and handed my Dad and I 20 some Coco stickers each.

I checked us in and we were given a pager.

There were no empty seats, so we took turns going to the bathroom and washing hands. As soon as we were done, and we found a seat, the buzzer went off :thumbsup2

We were seated on the backside of the restaurant with a pretty decent view of the castle. Why didn’t I get a picture? I’m not sure.

Since we were on the dining plan I knew I could order alcohol. The watermelon margarita was calling my name! ::yes::

We ate some bread, then some more, then some more. We hadn’t eaten since 11:45 and we were starving. Finally, our salad and noodles came around.

All the noodles! :lovestruc

We weren’t in a hurry because we knew we would probably be able to catch Happily Ever After. Which I hadn’t seen since the day it premiered and Disney live streamed it. I wanted to see it but part of me didn’t because I wanted to experience it really for the first time in front of the castle.

The water pageant went by and 2 little kids were so excited, bouncing up and down and happy shouting. Boom almost tears, why? I don't know. I love seeing little kids getting excited and this was just the water pageant.

We took our time eating. Surprisingly and thankfully we didn’t overstuff ourselves like it feels like we do every time.

The server accidentally dropped a shrimp right next to my feet. I almost forgot it was there. I could just see it, me trying to get up slipping on the shrimp and falling and breaking something :crutches:
So before that could happen I used the noodle tongs to pick it up ha ha.

The dessert came around right as the fireworks were starting.

We ate and watched fireworks.
The little kids loved the fireworks even more :lovestruc

We cashed out, left a tip and waddled towards the monorail. We had to remember that security is before now. It may have taken me a minute or two to remember as I was standing there.

My Dad took a monorail selfie

We got back to the room, thankfully found our suitcases. You always worry a little until you see them :woohoo:

We took turns showering. I was always first since my hair takes longer to dry, then talked to my Mom for a bit and talked about what our plans were for tomorrow.I said good night and that I would send her pictures in the morning.

We called it a night and were sleeping by 11:30.:)



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