Buyers/Sellers BEWARE!!!

I like some things about the way their system is set up. But I completely agree that not being able to negotiate at all on closing costs and dues is lame. Those are both things that are regularly negotiated and they force the buyer to either pay them or deduct the cost of those things from the price per point offer. Being double dipped on dues late in a UY is a legitimate concern.
I like some things about the way their system is set up. But I completely agree that not being able to negotiate at all on closing costs and dues is lame. Those are both things that are regularly negotiated and they force the buyer to either pay them or deduct the cost of those things from the price per point offer. Being double dipped on dues late in a UY is a legitimate concern.
Lori did mention to me they were going to remove the already paid dues from the default next month.
Thanks for your post. I asked them a question about a contract (2 years ago) and got an answer that made me uncomfortable. Hard to explain but they just seemed unprofessional. It was the guy who answered me. For me it was a red flag and we have stayed clear of them since.
I bought from them in the past and they were responsive and I had no issues. I also recently made an offer with thru them via online and while the seller and I did not come to an agreement I had the same experience with them as in the past and also similar to other brokers. The seller would not budge even a dollar on the contract I offered on and sometimes that happens. Just a different experience and I can't say what the nuances were with your offer. My experience means I'd deal with them again if they had a listing I was interested in.
Like I said in my previous posts. I was trying to offer the full point price. I was just asking to take away the 2020 reimbursement in case the contract closes after December 1st at which time I would also owe the 2021 dues. I would have been fine with the seller saying no, and I would have moved on, no problem. My problem was with the fact that she would not take my offer. At all. She had one excuse after another and I finally stopped her and just asked, are you unwilling to submit my offer? To which she responded that she could call him but she wasn’t going to. It didn’t seem right. I wrote Mark an email and gave him my phone number hoping he would call me or email me back so that maybe he could better explain to me why this offer couldn’t be done. He did not do either of those things. This has been my experience with them. I’m glad that your experience was better than mine. 😊
Like I said in my previous posts. I was trying to offer the full point price. I was just asking to take away the 2020 reimbursement in case the contract closes after December 1st at which time I would also owe the 2021 dues. I would have been fine with the seller saying no, and I would have moved on, no problem. My problem was with the fact that she would not take my offer. At all. She had one excuse after another and I finally stopped her and just asked, are you unwilling to submit my offer? To which she responded that she could call him but she wasn’t going to. It didn’t seem right. I wrote Mark an email and gave him my phone number hoping he would call me or email me back so that maybe he could better explain to me why this offer couldn’t be done. He did not do either of those things. This has been my experience with them. I’m glad that your experience was better than mine. 😊

It's on odd thing on the dues - a lot of resale brokers will insist over and over that if the points are there then the buyer should reimburse for the dues. It's even a common misconception here on it but most just accept it as the way it is. In the end I consider there's a price I'm willing to pay. Full price and no dues reimbursement or lower price/pt with dues reimbursement gets you to the same overall price. One is more agreeable than the other and it's rarely asking to not reimburse for dues. :rolleyes2 Now when it gets to banked points or late in the year then suddenly that often changes. Just one of the weird quirks of resale that is hard to convince any brokers about and they often do the recommendations to the sellers.
I had a bad experience purchasing from dvcsales and will never deal with them again.

There are plenty of resale companies and sellers to choose from. With millions of points at each resort, no contract is a true unicorn. I say low ball everyone, everywhere. You'll be pleasantly surprised what offers are accepted!
It's on odd thing on the dues - a lot of resale brokers will insist over and over that if the points are there then the buyer should reimburse for the dues. It's even a common misconception here on it but most just accept it as the way it is. In the end I consider there's a price I'm willing to pay. Full price and no dues reimbursement or lower price/pt with dues reimbursement gets you to the same overall price. One is more agreeable than the other and it's rarely asking to not reimburse for dues. :rolleyes2 Now when it gets to banked points or late in the year then suddenly that often changes. Just one of the weird quirks of resale that is hard to convince any brokers about and they often do the recommendations to the sellers.
Yes I totally agree with you :) I would have accepted her advice on this but respectfully ask that she still submit the offer and let the seller decide (I could have low balled the price to make up for the dues, but I didn’t want to do that and it also would have been a lot of cash at hand if closing hit after December 1st). This is where I have the problem. She just flat out refused. I’ve had other brokers who have advised me on things but still put through my offer and everything worked out fine. I’m always happy to hear a counter offer as well. Just didn’t even get passed the broker this time. It was strange for me as I have worked with other brokers and this has never been the case.
I had a bad experience purchasing from dvcsales and will never deal with them again.

There are plenty of resale companies and sellers to choose from. With millions of points at each resort, no contract is a true unicorn. I say low ball everyone, everywhere. You'll be pleasantly surprised what offers are accepted!
Thank you for the advice! Honestly didn’t even think this one was low balling! Lol it was just so crazy to me. I’m already a DVC Member. I was just looking to add on. If it was taken at ROFR, then that was the chance I was willing to take so that I wouldn’t have to spend so much cash at closing. I will keep looking. Something will come up that suits me!
Thank you for the advice! Honestly didn’t even think this one was low balling! Lol it was just so crazy to me. I’m already a DVC Member. I was just looking to add on. If it was taken at ROFR, then that was the chance I was willing to take so that I wouldn’t have to spend so much cash at closing. I will keep looking. Something will come up that suits me!

Have fun! :)
I bought my BLT resale through and it has been excellent. I made an offer on the contract at a lower cost per point to which they shared with the owner. They accepted the offer and by April it will be paid off. It was a very smooth process and I plan to buy from them again.

I worked with Jamie Carr and she was soooo helpful.
I find it interesting brokers who will not submit an offer to a seller under the guise "it will be taken at ROFR". What does the seller care? If the seller is willing to accept, then it's probably better for them that it get's taken at ROFR - there is (almost) no chance that Disney is not coming up with the closing funds.
I got an email from one broker clearly irritated by my offers, saying none of them would go through ROFR and although they would present them it wouldn’t be accepted.
I happily emailed them back when I got a lower offer accepted at another broker saying I no longer needed to be on their email list and the offer I had.

honestly, website traffic is their lifeblood, poor customer service or what?
A few months back I tried to put in an offer for a small VGF contract.

After entering the price pp, the system immediately comes back saying that it’s below what the seller is willing to accept and that was within $10 of the asking.

it seems that the sellers are able to put in a price pp and if a buyers offers below that it’s immediately auto declined.

I also hit the road block about dues and closing costs and the explanation I got was that, that’s the way they are “doing” their business
I bought my BLT resale through and it has been excellent. I made an offer on the contract at a lower cost per point to which they shared with the owner. They accepted the offer and by April it will be paid off. It was a very smooth process and I plan to buy from them again.

I worked with Jamie Carr and she was soooo helpful.
Good to hear! Maybe I will find something through them that has what I am looking for! Thank you!
A request to please link to the business, including the www so it shows as a link I’ve deleted posts that included businesses in the filter and so many have similar names. I’m not guessing or fixing.

As our rules state, posts without are a risk for deletion and infractions. Things do change so best to use it.

If you preview first, and have used the link there is no chance to bypass!
Seems like a lot of "Brokers" think they are the ones to set the prices for resale contracts and not the "Market". This has lead to steep inflation of price since I've been watching pricing starting in 2016. In 2016 we got AKV for $90/point and VGF for $145/point. I understand that their pay is tied in with the price per point, but it seems like a lot of them are the driving factor in the price inflation.
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Seems like a lot of "Brokers" think they are the ones to set the prices for resale contracts and not the "Market". This has lead to steep inflation of price since I've been watching pricing starting in 2016. In 2016 we got AKV for $90/point and VGG for $145/point. I understand that their pay is tied in with the price per point, but it seems like a lot of them are the driving factor in the price inflation.
I agree with what you are saying and the excuse is usually because of ROFR. I’ve seen many contracts go through that we’re so cheap I was shocked myself! But the buyer/seller took that gamble and it went through. I’m not sure how one can just not present an offer because they think it will get taken...
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Seems like a lot of "Brokers" think they are the ones to set the prices for resale contracts and not the "Market". This has lead to steep inflation of price since I've been watching pricing starting in 2016. In 2016 we got AKV for $90/point and VGG for $145/point. I understand that their pay is tied in with the price per point, but it seems like a lot of them are the driving factor in the price inflation.
Aside from any sort of price fixing, the market always dictates the price. If you tell a seller that they can get $xxx/pt or $xxx+10/pt which do you think they will want? And if a buyer is willing to pay the higher amount then what seller, and what broker, in their right mind is going to ask to take less instead? You can list at whatever crazy price you want but without willing buyers the prices won't increase. People seem to think brokers have much more market influence than they actually do.
Aside from any sort of price fixing, the market always dictates the price. If you tell a seller that they can get $xxx/pt or $xxx+10/pt which do you think they will want? And if a buyer is willing to pay the higher amount then what seller, and what broker, in their right mind is going to ask to take less instead? You can list at whatever crazy price you want but without willing buyers the prices won't increase. People seem to think brokers have much more market influence than they actually do.
If brokers will never present lower offers to sellers, they ARE artificially keeping prices higher than sellers may be willing to sell at, however, and then catering the market only to those willing to pay the higher price. If brokers weren't preventing lower prices from going to sellers, there's a good chance the average selling price might be a little lower than what we are seeing now.

I had one broker at refuse to send an offer to a buyer because they would want to buy it themselves at that price (and I imagine turn around and sell it for a higher price). They also told me that the price was too low and that no seller would accept it. Except that I literally had purchased a contract for that exact price on a fully loaded contract only a month before.

Brokers don't control the market, but I think you are undervaluing the influence they have in ensuring low price offers that a seller might be willing to accept never make it to the seller, and thus they do have influence in keeping prices higher than the market might actually bear.

I have purchased 11 resale contracts over time, and only 4 of them did I ever pay the actual asking price. But I think that's why I value brokers at, www.*************.com, and who have all been willing to work with me and presented my offers to the buyers, allowing *US* (buyer and seller) to negotiate on what is a fair price.
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