BW Bakery Blasphemy: UPDATED TR finished with picture overload -THE END!!!!!

I love Jambo Standard. I've stayed Value twice and scored Savanna on that both times - lucky me. However, I feel Standard Jambo is a great use of low points. Standards there are all fifth floor pool view and I know some say you can get a pool view in any hotel anywhere. But I'm sorry AKV has a relaxing and unique pool area. It's heaven to sit out on the balcony. The sun made it feel like it was hot and I sat out there every afternoon. In the fifties. :rolleyes1

We are staying at a standard view for part of our trip in June. Glad to hear that they are nice. :thumbsup2

We are also eating at Boma on that trip. Have to see how that goes! :rolleyes:

Loving the TR, as usual!
Okay - will return - I think I'll be able to close it down - finish it all up - this weekend. :surfweb:

I typed almost to the end up offline - and after I have a showing on my house today - I'll recruit my necessary smilies and post. Yeah.

I eagerly await your posts - really I do! Completely enjoy your writing style and your keen eye. And for the record, that CM at AKV absolutely should have upgraded you to a savannah view for such a quick and clever retort! Although I have to agree with you that the pool view at AKV is lovely.

I know. I realized. Thank you for your sweet words. I wasn't being flippant or whatever the best word is here;). I really do love your wit. :goodvibes


Here's to some good sleeps. For both of us. :wizard:

Oh I'm home....I have a LONG wait until I'm back to WDW...don't return until October...and I'm already counting the days....283!

I just caught that - that thread just now. Isn't it nice to have another one booked? :dance3:

IT IS! - cause I don't. :sad2:

Smiling and winking.

It will go SO quickly. Really. Enjoy. :love:

We are staying at a standard view for part of our trip in June. Glad to hear that they are nice. :thumbsup2

We are also eating at Boma on that trip. Have to see how that goes! :rolleyes:

Loving the TR, as usual!

You're at Jambo Sarahk? Nice.

Boma will be fine I'm sure. :surfweb: Plus, I'm in the minority on my opinions. So no worries. And remember what I said about the delicious soups.

Enjoy. :love:
Okay the last days…..

Once again, perfect with no plans and no DDP and some - want to go here? Want to go there? Yes. No. Maybe. Later. Okay. There’s absolute perfection in hanging out.

This picture kills two bird with one stone. What a saying, eh?


ONE - It’s a hint to what new activity I REALLY enjoyed at WDW. Something I’ve never done. Any guesses? Come on - someone guess - entertain me. It's at Epcot and my look here is totally in vogue with this activity.

And TWO - it represents the eye/skin issue I mentioned earlier at AKV. Notice the glasses. I didn’t wear the glasses inside to be a diva. Although I do LOOK like quite the diva by refusing to simply turn the camera around to give Jean some space. I am not a fan of horizontal pictures. I’m just not. I know. I realize – strange. But I whacked Jean out of pictures one too many time this trip.

Note to self – there are people at WDW that can press buttons on point and shoot cameras. Really, there are. :laughing:

I wore the glasses inside because every trip down there – after ONE sleep – I look like someone punched me in the eyes. :sad2:

Eyes and skin are bothered at every WDW resort, every DVC resort – heck at a lot of motels – hotels – Holiday Inn – that’s an old time rap, eh? :dance3:

You know bleach, cleaning products etc. You know the reason there are suddenly purple pillowcases at AKV. There's not. I of course bring my own every trip to attempt to fight the bleach. I fail. Every time.

So eye issues.

Unfortunately - unfortunately because I love it there - AKV takes the cake. :3dglasses It really is the worse for me in this regard. How do I explain without sounding like a complete nutcase? :confused3

Sighing, I don’t. I AM a nutcase around this issue. :surfweb:

Are you ready?


Not these kind of bugs.


The real little annoying pesky creatures. The ones Disney does not employ.


It’s Florida. Do you have any friends in Florida? Ask them about their homes – they share them with bugs. Inside – share them.


Where are the bugs at WDW resorts? Have you given it any thought?

Well, I have. LOTS.

Because I have a theory that these bugs - or lack there of - are a link to the problem.

My theory: :rolleyes1 popcorn::

There is a man or woman at WDW that has a top secret job. And it’s not the male tinkerbell.

They’ve invented a machine – these air engineers. A machine that says no moisture must be in WDW resort air.

Yes, I’m aware – dehumidifiers. :rotfl2: But whatever they use at WDW must be the KING of all dehumidifiers.

And in return NO BUGS but a very unhappy Lisa and Jean. ;)

And the master technician of these engineers works - in my crazy head - at AKV. :rolleyes1

No moisture in any suite. Animals at AKV but no bugs. Think about it. BUGS ADORE animals. ADORE them. But not one comes indoors? Not one. What's wrong with these bugs?

I'll tell you - they can sense it's a desert.

So my eyes and my skin – it’s ugly and that’s all I’m going to say. And I drink a boatload of water - so don't throw out those lines to me. ;)

Someone on their summer trip – feel you skin outside or get your loved one to – and then go in to your suite and redo after an hour. Do it. Test me. I’m strong.

And also do you suddenly feel like you might get a muscle pull? Eh? Huh? Do you?

Check it out.

And you’ll see I’m not a nutcase. :rolleyes1

You’ll see. :thumbsup2
So onto more serious matters :rolleyes1

What does one do at evening EMH at AK? popcorn::

What besides ride Expedition Everest and play a game called “who can count how many areas and rides and attractions are closed?"

Or not care if a wee striped fish is found. :scared1:

I guess if you have youngins’ the Dinoland area is grand.

Just a question.

Really, just a question. I don’t mean it all negative. Really – it’s simply curiosity. We decided one of these last nights to walk around Animal Kingdom and it just happened to be an EMH.

Cold, crisp but clear beautiful sky. The AKV bus stop is lovely.

Yes I said lovely. :goodvibes



You know – if you take out all the closed attractions – AK is downright magical at night. :love: It has this je ne sais quoi quality.

I don’t know what it is - hence “je ne sais quoi” – laughing – I guess it’s the lack of bright lights. Everything’s subdued and almost mystical.

It sort of has this interesting, peaceful and relaxing vibe.

Lovely. :love:

I think I’m going to shut up for now and post some pictures and hope that they show some of it.


This one I ADORE even though it's blurry -


And what's a TR without a lighting fixture?










Jean left after awhile – we really just came over for a walk. And you know why she left. Monday - Night – yes ah huh.

I joke about it – but it makes her VERY VERY happy – football – very. So it does bring a smile. Life is short – happy moments cherished even if it does annoy me. Friendships - relationships - compromise - wanting the other to have the best.

Enough with me a ramblin'. AGAIN.

Anyway, I had a magical evening. Once I realized that this wasn’t open or that. I went over to the beast. And rode Expedition Everest as a single rider. In the dark. It’s a whole different ride in the dark. Interesting.

They – the imagineers did well. Very well. :thumbsup2 Don’t you think? Good on them.

And I didn’t have a FP.

And I waited maximum of fifteen minutes. :cheer2:

I have to interject here. Can one actually interject on her own TR? :rotfl2: No, I think that would fall under multiple personalities. Laughing. It’s late.

The disboards are down and I’m typing on Word. And I don’t have my smilies. :sad2: Life is grim. Wink.

Rides. I never ever waited longer than 15 minutes for ANY ride this entire trip. And I rode most of the big ones. Being organized about your choices - and magic occurs during these high capacity holidays. Very late EMH hours – rope drops – some planning and VOILA. I never even waited in lines on the busiest days of the year. So don’t be scared of the horror stories. I’m sure the numbers were down because of the variable weather but still it was crowded and I never waited in lines. Strange but true.

So this night felt magical and I felt like I had my fill of a lovely evening. I got a bit lost in the dark toward the exit and I ended up in front of CMs that were saying “last show – NEMO”.

Last show NEMO. I’ve never seen this show. :confused3 Strange. Okay, I’m in. I’m so in. Yeah.

Little did I know this choice would put me in personal he!!. Yes I just said Finding Nemo: The Musical equals my personal he!!. I"m so sorry but it's the truth. :rotfl2:

To all those who ADORE this attraction please please please ignore the next post.
So Finding Nemo: The Musical. What could be the issue? :rotfl2:

It started off well. It was cold. The theatre was warm. I was on my way out. Nemo was in that direction. :lmao: :rotfl: :lovestruc ;)

But it became very clear to me that they get you in there very early. VERY EARLY. TOO EARLY for me.

And we waited and waited and waited. We meaning the audience. I was alone.

I talked to myself. Psyching myself up. Not listening the voices of doom. "I'm sure it's good." But feeling this - ????????

And it started. Nemo. The beloved fish gets lost. :surfweb:

Just in case you weren't following. :rotfl2:

And something just came over me. It just did. I feel some guilt. I do. But it was a strong strong feeling.

And it occured right after he disappeared - or maybe even before that if I'm honest. :rolleyes1

Nemo was lost and I simply didn't care if he was ever found.

In fact, I really wouldn't have been sad if he was found on a dinner plate at the Coral Reef. :rotfl2:

I'm so sorry. SO sorry. :flower3: I know flowers don't cut it. I know.

But I felt like I was beyond trapped in there. My eyes began to scan the exits. I was on the aisle. I began my break out plans. I felt INTENSE guilt. - Seriously. I did. I hate when people leave shows early. Hate it.

But somewhere around the bathroom incident. The planning with fellow inmates Nemo was still not free....

BUT I WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance3: :yay: :woohoo: :lmao::rotfl:

Yahoo. The relief to be out of there was pure joy. PURE JOY.

Up next: Our last magical night - NYE NYC and the END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The wait for the Nemo show. So awful. I never understand why there is a line to get in for this show. So many better shows at WDW.

Not being able to open much during Evening EMH may be why they are doing away with them at AK. It is nice in there after dark though - so quiet and jungly (I don't think that is a word but you know what I mean right?) feeling.
Hey Lisaviolet: still loving your TR. I certainly don't mind that you're taking so long on it - it's wonderful to take the time to reflect on great adventures.

Yes I just said Finding Nemo: The Musical equals my personal he!!. I"m so sorry but it's the truth. :rotfl2:

To all those who ADORE this attraction please please please ignore the next post.

I'm sorry to say I'm with you on Nemo. The movie is wonderful. I love, love love, Pixar, but it is NOT a musical, and intentionally so. Disney did the movie a big disservice IMHO by trying to make it into one. The puppets are neat. The singers, well, most of them, have talent. The set is nice. But it doesn't work for me, or the movie.

Side note: I'm assuming that most people here understand that Pixar asked for disney's help when making Toy Story. At that time, Disney said, in my own words, "great story, but it needs a love story and songs, lots of songs." Pixar cringed and said, thanks, but no and proceeded to make one of the best movies ever. The Pixar team vowed never to make their stories into musical love stories. ;)

As for your problematic dinner at Boma: I have only eaten there once, and was very disappointed to have spent about $200 for my kids (16 & 12) and I to have "eaten" there. I think I was the only one who ate, and truly I didn't care for it at all.
DH always takes horizontal pictures, but I almost always take vertical pictures. I'm with you on that one. :thumbsup2
AK is so beautiful at night. We ran through the park during the F&W 1/2 marathon and it was lit up. Highlight of the run.
Have to say, I do like Nemo though. Love the puppets. Don't go every trip, but it's something different to do then the Lion King show.
And put me in the camp that hate Dinoland. The park is so gorgeous, and then you come to that. Can't stand that they have those carnival games. Kids always want to play and I get to be the mean mom and tell them no.

Enjoying your TR. Keep it coming.:goodvibes
So we’re here – the final day of this magical trip.


A full gorgeous day. :goodvibes And there was no sadness about leaving the World. Because I was going to a place just as magical – just as peaceful (yes peaceful!) and just as fascinating to me – NYC. :love: For NYE. Times Square. And I was beyond excited. I ADORE buildings. I could just eat them. Yes, I’m aware. :rotfl:

But WDW -

I did something today that I had been dying to do the entire trip – that I’ve never done. But first things first – that lovely moment was in the evening. Patience. Yeah patience because not one of the readers, posters, lurkers guessed a thing!!!! :rolleyes1 Yes, I’m bitter. popcorn::

And yes I know you’ll survive. :laughing:

It was time to use one of the million certificates that I’ve been hoarding. I paid two and three dollars for $25 certificates – Kimonos, the Italian restaurant at the Swan – oh my head can’t find the name – tired (Il Mulino??), Shula’s, Garden Grove, a couple of restaurants in the DD hotels, an Indian (ummm yummm – just ate some dal today) restaurant just outside the gates…..

And in multiples so a million was hardly dramatic. :3dglasses

I have about five for House of Blues. And HOB is a good one because you only have to spend $35 and they’ve been a partner for ten years.

Just in case you need a visual!

So House of Blues it was – during Happy Hour at that. Happy Hour makes me VERY HAPPY. :dance3: One rum and coke, one margarita – neither of which I shared with Jean :rotfl2: ;), rosemary cornbread popcorn::, spinach dip, MAGNICIFIENT cheeseburger and I paid – hmmmm – twelve dollars plus tip. I would say “booyah” but that would be embarrassing, wouldn’t it? :rolleyes1 I love you :love:







And somehow after a lovely lunch we ended up here :rotfl2:


Funny, eh? Well to me anyway. Smiling.

I was just commenting on another thread that us DISers forget that not everyone knows the ins and outs – the locations and the names of every single thing in Disney. Heck I learn something new each trip after all these years.

But we forget.

I had a group of people around the BW area that day ask me if they were walking the right way to the LEGO people place. So cute. Loved it.:love: I showed them where they could catch the DD bus. :lovestruc
Wait! popcorn:: I forgot this - let me interrupt - MYSELF. :lmao:

Before I finish up here – a funny moment when going through my pictures – to pick that I loved for the finale.

So I was scanning – and I hit this one – thought – sighing – wow what a lovely moment and a lovely picture. :love: What a great memory. :cloud9:


Jean’s so happy. She’s thrilled to yell my name from the BW. She’s thrilled to have others see that her room is up there – right above the BW. Don’t judge ;)– one that’s her personality – she’s a “SEE ME – SEE ME – SEE ME’ girl – me I used to be a “DON’T SEE ME – DON’T SEE ME – but I’ve improved greatly. And this is a ten year dream come true. We used to sit and stare up at the people in those BW rooms and dream and actually say "good for you". One day. :goodvibes

And you know the lovely end...:wizard:

Back to the pictures. She’s so happy. And I’m in love with the picture and the memory of taking it. Lovely. :love:

And then my stomach drops. :scared1:

It’s the first day of our vacation. :sad2:

She’s holding a bag. :scared1:

And something is NOT in the bag. :sad1: Not available anymore. :sad1:

Look at the direction she’s coming from. :rolleyes1

How the heck can she be smiling when she knows – I’m dying laughing here – when she knows she’s about to tell me that the BW Bakery has decided to discontinue my gosh darn fruit plate and wipe out my lovely BW terrace and rocking chair moments.

How COULD she? Smiling.
So we spent the rest of the day and night around the BW/BC area and in Epcot. :love:


















And that puts us at this clue :rolleyes1


I was ready for my top secret mission.

I was ready to watch for enemies and spies in the crowd.

I was ready to move out of view.

I was ready to save the world.

I was ready for KIM POSSIBLE. :worship:

Yes, I’m aware I’m a little old to run around Epcot with my attempt to help Ms. Possible.;)

Oh well. :laughing: We are all young somewhere, eh?

I can’t even tell you how much joy I got out of this activity. :woohoo: I only completed three countries – United Kingdom, China and Mexico. But I’ll be back. It’s unfortunate that I finally got to it on the last day – but boy am I glad I did. It’s fabulous. And at night. EXTRAfabulous.

SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s interactive :thumbsup2– I had no idea. I didn’t know Kim Possible. I’ve never seen her show. But boy am I glad she’s at Epcot. :love: And it makes you see fabulous things that you might have simply bypassed for years.

Like these fabulous men.


One more day please – please – for more Kim Possible. You know I actually didn’t wish for it. Next time.

I’ve often thought I would die to have an extended vacation at WDW – I usually do five nights. But you know ten days is enough for me. Perfect.

And the APs. Oh the annual passes. :cloud9: Heaven. Absolute heaven. The in – out – Wishes only – let’s go before it closes. Oh the Annual Pass. How I ADORE thee. :lovestruc

Everything was smooth. BWV – 5031 – transitions for multiple DDPs – NO DDPs – hanging out – running around – luggage service to AKV – lovely Standard pool view – fastpasses –

And even rope drops!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl2: I will no longer call them blasphemous. I will not. Did I fall in love with them? Ummm, no. Never. Laughing. But for these holiday periods I will come over to the dark side once in awhile. Absolutely.

We are all SO lucky to have DVC. So lucky. I forget sometimes. :3dglasses That’s human nature, eh? To forget the dreaming for ten years while we saved up – to forget the anticipation of buying in – to forget that not everyone gets to pick and choose from such fabulous resorts. Or even have vacations.

And wonderful suites. Balconies and kitchens – wonderful pools – drawers in the bathroom – hooks in the entranceways. Every little special detail. ;)

Yes there are issues and problems. I know. Don’t make me go back to the fruit plate. I do live in reality.

But regardless we are extremely blessed :wizard:– A WDW vacation always to come. Always in our thoughts. A lifetime daydream.

WE ALL HAVE a lifetime daydream. Lovely.

So incredibly lovely. :goodvibes
NYC. Well I won’t bore you with all the wonderful details. :laughing: ;) Smiling. Mostly just post the pictures to talk for me.

But I will say I was so excited to do Times Square NYE. :woohoo:


Psyched actually. And we arrived around two and found this –


With this amount of time to go –


Uh oh.

And police officers barking pertinent festive instructions “If you go behind the barriers – that’s it – you’re staying”. popcorn:: :rolleyes1 Jean’s thinking “you’re crazy”. :sick:


So yes at around two the corralling had already begun. And if you stayed that was it. I was so disappointed :sad2:– I can’t even tell you – we had tickets for a show and a reservation later in the day. I’m sure Jean was thrilled because there was no way she wanted to stand for almost ten hours. I DID. Laughing.
Okay - I'll be back in a bit.

My last NYC photos are uploading. VERY VERY slowly. :rotfl2: So we're almost there - I mean me and anyone who is still there. :laughing: popcorn::

BUT I'm about to have Indian food for the second time today. :banana: GOD LOVES ME. :lmao: ;);)
So here it is NYC :love:














Look who was sitting behind me at the show :eek: in the beige coat - Im so glad he felt the need to spend NYE with me!!!! ;)And personally welcome me to the city. No, he didnt talk to me. Laughing.


At first I thought his men were flirting with me because they were across the aisle and were looking right at me. Wait?!?!?!?

They weren't. :rolleyes1 I soon used my intelligence and realized the men in suits were not in suits for NYE and they were not checking me out. They were looking at him and the General with him. Oh well. :laughing:

And the car. If I knew that it would be next to impossible to get back close to Times Square I would have hopped in his limousine. I SO would have. Yes I would have got past the men. :thumbsup2


Caused a stir - A and Fitch???? I can't remember.










You know sometimes in life you have these big plans – everything set in your head about how the day is going to go and then when something doesn’t work out (insert NYC NYE Times Square) and then you get sad :sad2:– why do we always forget that there just might be a better plan ahead.:rolleyes1 A spontaneous alternate. Another path that just shows inself naturally. WHY OH WHY do I never learn this? Smiling. Finally got over the sixth. We tried at 42nd – send to 49th – nope – sent to 52???nd – nope and finally the crowds were pushed right up to Central Park.

And a light bulb went off in my head. :teacher:

CENTRAL PARK – the love of my life :love:– yes the love of my life – you’ve found ME – I’ve been pushed to you. It’s almost 11 o’clock. And what a lovely change. We found a spot – as did many where you could see Times Square in the distance and we waited.

10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1

Happy New Year! Happy New Year everyone. And Happy New Year beautiful city. :worship:

Yeah! :yay:

And then RIGHT BEHIND me were fireworks that more than matched WDW. Really. I know. Hard to believe because I know each and every one of us is forever spoiled by WDW and have a hard time watching local fireworks. So laughing.

But they were spectacular and never ending.

Fine work NYC. :love:

The walk to the subway was filled with loveliness and funny people of course. It’s NYE and it’s a big city. That equals free entertainment. popcorn::

Thank you NYC. I miss you already. :lovestruc And I hope one day to see you – to see you soon. To run around like I’m a child and grin at your loveliness and stare at your history and beauty. And embrace you the way you’ve always embraced me. With love. :love:

Such peace. SUCH peace.


And that my DIS friends, new friends and lurkers is my TR. :laughing: Thanks so much for reading. I have a lot on my mind and I can’t even express how much this has eased it all. So thank you. So much. :flower3:

The wait for the Nemo show. So awful. I never understand why there is a line to get in for this show. So many better shows at WDW.

Not being able to open much during Evening EMH may be why they are doing away with them at AK. It is nice in there after dark though - so quiet and jungly (I don't think that is a word but you know what I mean right?) feeling.

Oh no. I had no idea they were doing away with them bbangel! :surfweb: Oh no.

And yes jungly - I know what you mean. :rotfl: ;)

Listen, thanks so much for keeping me company. :lovestruc And the talk. I loved it.

DH always takes horizontal pictures, but I almost always take vertical pictures. I'm with you on that one. :thumbsup2
AK is so beautiful at night. We ran through the park during the F&W 1/2 marathon and it was lit up. Highlight of the run.
Have to say, I do like Nemo though. Love the puppets. Don't go every trip, but it's something different to do then the Lion King show.
And put me in the camp that hate Dinoland. The park is so gorgeous, and then you come to that. Can't stand that they have those carnival games. Kids always want to play and I get to be the mean mom and tell them no.

Enjoying your TR. Keep it coming.:goodvibes

Wow, vertical and horizontal. Male - female. No, I had no idea as I was typing that I verging on VERY cheeky. :rotfl2: ;)

But interesting. I fight with a male about my need ALWAYS to choose vertical. And he - horizontal. Fascinating. To you and I anyway. :laughing:

So sorry about Nemo. Flowers? :flower3: :goodvibes

So funny with the kids. How old are they? I should check, eh? Maybe in your signature.

Oh running - I FORGOT. Central Park. At midnight NYE - 5K. :lmao: I was impressed. :goodvibes

Nolanboys, as well, you really helped me get to the end. Thanks so much. :lovestruc
"'Mean" moms are the BEST moms. :love: ;)

Side note: I'm assuming that most people here understand that Pixar asked for disney's help when making Toy Story. At that time, Disney said, in my own words, "great story, but it needs a love story and songs, lots of songs." Pixar cringed and said, thanks, but no and proceeded to make one of the best movies ever. The Pixar team vowed never to make their stories into musical love stories. ;)

As for your problematic dinner at Boma: I have only eaten there once, and was very disappointed to have spent about $200 for my kids (16 & 12) and I to have "eaten" there. I think I was the only one who ate, and truly I didn't care for it at all.

Interesting information twinglebug. :surfweb: Very.

Nemo - yes I forgot to say the talent brought on more guilt for my escape. But I still did it, didn't I? Thank goodness I was way back and on the aisle or I wouldn't have had the nerve to be so rude. Because I know they work diligently to put on the show.

Boma - I had that experience once for breakfast. Six people and very little eating going on.

Me - I LOVE food. Not a problem here.

Twinglebug - sighing - again - it was a pleasure to have you following :lovestruc - thanks so much.


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