C25K! Anyone else in?

I know I have a long way to go on my "getting healthy" journey, but I've gotten started, and that's the important part. :goodvibes

Hi Mia! :flower3: You are so right - it's the getting started that's the tough part and the important part. :thumbsup2

And yay for another half marathon competitor! :cool1:

Of course for the first 10 minutes or so I imagined that the really fast, really buff soldier on the TM in front of me was giving me a piggy back ride!:lmao:

:rotfl: I can see how some eye candy could help the workout go much faster. :rolleyes1 I get to stare at the wall and it's so not inspiring.

I am so excited to see this thread! I started C25K about two weeks ago. Today I will do W2D2. I have been doing fine so far but I peeked ahead to some other weeks and I have to admit I am freaked. I literally can't imagine running for 28 minutes solid. But I am going to try the program and see what happens!

:welcome: I know how you feel about the coming weeks. But, for now, I'm trying not to worry about it. If you want some inspirtation from others who were in your shoes and made it through those long runs, check out this old thread:

lornak- In the beginning 28 minutes seems unimaginable but you will do it! I am in Week 7 and completely stunned that I can run 25 minutes without stopping or passing out mid-stride!:rotfl: What worked best for me was to focus only on the week I was in and try to do the best I could for each of those days. Eventually the running gets easier and the recovery during the walking intervals gets faster. Good Luck!
I'm so appreciative to see this thread. I've gotten completely out of shape and recently rejoined a gym. Even "in shape" i could never run. I am not obese but i'm very short so it is easy to boader on the almost overweight. 2-3 lbs and wii fit says i'm either overweight or normal.

I don't have a marathon goal but I'd like to be able to run 3 miles at the gym. I try to go 3-4 days a week. I have to go early morning so I can get the kids to daycare and get to work. If i wait until evening i don't go. Too many kids sports, dinner to cook, homework, etc. you know, basic life!

Anyway this am at the gym I tried to run and was thrilled I made it to 1/2 mile. I walked for another 1.5 but after i get so depressed I can't even run 1 mile.

I am downloading the podcast and starting! I look forward to continued inspiration from you all and hope I can inspire you in return.

Don't ever be depressed about what you can't do-focus on the amazing thing you DID!! You did something that over half the people in the country didn't do today! You got up, you went to the gym and you did something good for you-walking, running-the mileage doesn't matter-it's that you DID IT that counts.

There's a quote by John Bingham that I LOVE: "The miracle isn't that I finished, the miracle is that I had the courage to start"

Congrats to everyone who has the courage to start.
Finished W1D2 Today!

Speed: 4.0 for brisk walk, 5.0 for running and 6.0 for my last run! I was so tired afterward but I LOVE the feeling!

Problems with my shorts are gone because my legs are a little toner so its fine!


I'm so happy everything is feeling good. I'm doing Jillian Michaels on my Day off and so far I'm feeling great!!
Don't ever be depressed about what you can't do-focus on the amazing thing you DID!! You did something that over half the people in the country didn't do today! You got up, you went to the gym and you did something good for you-walking, running-the mileage doesn't matter-it's that you DID IT that counts.

There's a quote by John Bingham that I LOVE: "The miracle isn't that I finished, the miracle is that I had the courage to start"

Congrats to everyone who has the courage to start.

Well said PeterPan09!
Finished W1D2 Today!

Speed: 4.0 for brisk walk, 5.0 for running and 6.0 for my last run! I was so tired afterward but I LOVE the feeling!

Problems with my shorts are gone because my legs are a little toner so its fine!


I'm so happy everything is feeling good. I'm doing Jillian Michaels on my Day off and so far I'm feeling great!!

Awesome job! :thumbsup2
Good morning fellow C25K'ers! :goodvibes

insoin - :welcome: I have registered to run the half in January, too! And my wii fit tells me I'm obese. :rolleyes1 It'll be fun doing this together! :) When are you going to start C25K?

Hello :) Good for you doing the C25K as well! I have started my program this week. Tomorrow is W1D3. I am currently walking at 3.5, and running at 4.5 soon. I can see this increasing as time moves along, but I have some health issues that I really need fixed first, which I'm working on.

If I can get to where I'm running at 5 I would be very happy with that. I think I can get there at some point.
Hello :) Good for you doing the C25K as well! I have started my program this week. Tomorrow is W1D3. I am currently walking at 3.5, and running at 4.5 soon. I can see this increasing as time moves along, but I have some health issues that I really need fixed first, which I'm working on.

If I can get to where I'm running at 5 I would be very happy with that. I think I can get there at some point.

Sounds like we're right about the same place speed-wise. I started at 4.5 today, but had the issues with my feet. I think it's because I'm flat-footed and over-pronate. Just ordered some new sneakers so once they arrive hopefully my issues will go away and I can do all of the jogs at 4.5.
Week 1 is in the books!!! :banana:

I've decided that I'm not going to look ahead-I'm just going to do each day on the podcast as it comes. I'm hoping that will keep me from freaking out.

I'm currently walking at 3.5 and I go from running 4.5 for the first run to 5.0 for the last one, gradually increasing the pace. I figure this way I'm training myself to finish strong so I cross the line looking like a real runner! I've also noticed that I feel better as the time goes on.

My parents have a Wii fit and it told me I'm obese too. It also makes this nasty little "ooo" sound when I step on it. Rude thing.
Week 1 is in the books!!! :banana:

I've decided that I'm not going to look ahead-I'm just going to do each day on the podcast as it comes. I'm hoping that will keep me from freaking out.

I'm currently walking at 3.5 and I go from running 4.5 for the first run to 5.0 for the last one, gradually increasing the pace. I figure this way I'm training myself to finish strong so I cross the line looking like a real runner! I've also noticed that I feel better as the time goes on.

My parents have a Wii fit and it told me I'm obese too. It also makes this nasty little "ooo" sound when I step on it. Rude thing.

Awesome on completing week 1! :cool1: :cheer2: :cool1: :cheer2:

:rotfl: My wii board does the same thing. But, I think it might do that when my boys step on and they're all normal weight (one is under).

What kind of schedule is everyone following and what, if anything, are you doing on your off days?

My plan for the first week is to just do the 3 days - probably Thursday, Saturday, Tuesday. And then on Friday, Monday, and Wednesday I will do workouts with the wii fit/sports. I love the boxing as it really gets my heart rate going (and it's fun!). And some strength training and yoga.

My left ankle is a bit sore today and the upper/outer area of my legs, but overall I feel great. :thumbsup2
I just finished week 1. I increased my speed from 4.5 to 4.6 for my runs. I also had an extra 20 mins, so I stayed on there and kept up the run/walk splits for that time.
I just finished week 1. I increased my speed from 4.5 to 4.6 for my runs. I also had an extra 20 mins, so I stayed on there and kept up the run/walk splits for that time.

Be careful with that and I speak from experience. I tried this program last year, and I ended up with a stress fracture. Because I'm a swimmer, my heart and lungs were ready to do more when the workout was over, so I kept going longer and at faster paces. Unfortunately, the bones in my left foot were NOT ready to go longer and at faster paces that quickly. So, this year I've promised myself that I will NOT push beyond the program. Of course, it's just as likely because of the excess weight I'm carrying-but I offer the warning just the same.
I forgot about the off day question.

This week I did the runs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, swam on Tuesday and took Thursday off. I'm going to swim over the weekend because I do find it takes some of the soreness away.
Started this week; finished W1D2 yesterday. I'll finish the week tomorrow and will start Week 2 on Monday. I've never ran in my life, but I have loved this program. I downloaded the podcast and it has helped so much!

My goal is the 2011 Princess Half Marathon.
Started this week; finished W1D2 yesterday. I'll finish the week tomorrow and will start Week 2 on Monday. I've never ran in my life, but I have loved this program. I downloaded the podcast and it has helped so much!

My goal is the 2011 Princess Half Marathon.

I love the Podcast too, it takes all the guesswork out and gives me a little encouragement right when I need it! You wouldn't think a disembodied voice from someone you don't even know could possibly make you feel good about what you're doing, but it does!
I love the Podcast too, it takes all the guesswork out and gives me a little encouragement right when I need it! You wouldn't think a disembodied voice from someone you don't even know could possibly make you feel good about what you're doing, but it does!

I like listening for him to tell me when to stop running/jogging. I think if I was watching a clock it would seem to take longer. Seems to go by fairly quickly with the music and just waiting for his voice to tell me I did it. :)
Be careful with that and I speak from experience. I tried this program last year, and I ended up with a stress fracture. Because I'm a swimmer, my heart and lungs were ready to do more when the workout was over, so I kept going longer and at faster paces. Unfortunately, the bones in my left foot were NOT ready to go longer and at faster paces that quickly. So, this year I've promised myself that I will NOT push beyond the program. Of course, it's just as likely because of the excess weight I'm carrying-but I offer the warning just the same.

Thanks, I had not thought of that. Great advise. I will stick to the plan as directed.


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