Cable Modems


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Aug 23, 1999
Cable Modems and the new DIS

ScottWDW, CamColt and I have noticed that boards are performing poorly when using our cable modems. I'm at work now, accessing though our LAN and firewall - and the boards are screaming fast.

Any ideas as to why this might be?
Honestly, I don't know enough about cable modems to give you any help. I'm aware of how they work and all but I can't think of anything that would explain a slowdown. Maybe someone else here is more familiar with them.

Are you all in different locations?
Thanks, JC.

Actually, Scott and I subscribe to the same service.

I am hoping that it was just a temporary thing and will be *poof* tonight when I get home.
I don't know who you're with Oldkicker but I'm with AT&T @home and had been having trouble for a couple of days. When the rouge server was identified and neutralized, my problems disappeared.
My guess is that since the two of you have the same provider, you are ending up at the same router somewhere along the way and are encountering the same blockage...
My connection was a little rocky last night but seems fine (and very fast) today.
Thanks Dave - Scott and I are both with TimeWarner's RoadRunner. Other than DIS access, everything else at home is just fine!

It really is blisteringly quick here at work - better than I've ever seen! Looking to get the same response on the home side. Certainly appears to be within our ISP.
There were many problems yesterday so you should enjoy the same speeds when you arrive home today.
I'm on a cable modem. Yesterday was hit or miss, but today is going great!
maybe it's RoadRunner?

Hopefully it will be screamin' fast at home too when I get back there!

Cool thing - The Thread subscription feature. Way cool - able to keep track of this post with no effort.
Oh And hello Freddie!

These boards are FABULOUS!

If you've something to do with them you are A-OK in my book!

I'm with Cox@home and have similar issues from time to time. Except for the inability to get to the boards sometimes because of the router problem, my speeds have been what I'm used to.

Usually when I've seen a slowdown, I've gone out and tried to ping all the servers and will usually find one or two that aren't responding. I seem to experience internet slowdowns when my netmail server is down or if one of the DNS servers is down. Won't bring the service down all the way but seems to take it's toll on the speed.
I'm on a cable modem with RoadRunner and for me the boards have been nothing but SLOW! And when I say slow I mean I'm reading a book while I wait for pages to load! LOL

Is there anything I need to do? Is it RoadRunner? Are you guys that have RoadRunner still experiencing slow boards?

Hope someone can help me. :)
Maybe it is Road Runner. But, why only RR people? I did some traces and will attempt to find someone at RR to help me next week interpret them. :rolleyes:

I say all us RR people call Customer Support and complain!! I've had trouble with as well. If some of you can try iwon and report back, that would help.

I would hate to call and say it's only one place. They will immediately blame this board for our problems. Although, it may be, we need a concrete solution to tell Pete and proof of the problem.
How's this?

During the recent slow down, I could get nothing through my road runner, using internet explorer, but when I switched to AOL, using the same cable modem, and computer, it was slow but I got through. Last night, I still couldn't get through unless I was on AOL. Today at work, the speed is blistering.
No, I can't imagine that switching to AOL through the same physical link would change the DNS you were using to resolve names to IP addresses. It "could" provide a different path to the destination address once it was resolved and might bypass another problem along the route.
It would definitely provide a different path, you would come from the AOL pool of IP addresses, it would also DNS differently but this isn't a DNS issue. I wonder if it is a problem with the portal router at interland? If anyone wants to email me some tracert data maybe we can figure out a pattern.


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