Cafeen's Online ADR Tutorial


DIS Veteran
Jul 24, 2009
Update - 26 May: With the new ADR web application being released, I am working on writing the tutorial for that. As of right now, I have the screenshots taken. I just need to tweak and resize them and write up the new content of the tutorial. Stay tuned!

Cafeen's Online ADR Tutorial
Ever since the implementation of the Online ADR system, there have been many questions about it. What are the benefits? What time can I do it? How do I do it? Hopefully, this little post can help answer some of those questions.

Table of Contents
Online ADR Tutorial Part 1 - Setup and Searching
Online ADR Tutorial Part 2 - Checking Out, Retrieval and Cancellation
Online ADR Tutorial Part 3 - Tips and Tricks

Note: I did have a FAQ here, but then I found the old last year's FAQ and it mentioned it being specifically unstickied. I will add some here if the need arises
Online ADR Tutorial Part 1 - Setup and Searching
So, your 180 day mark is coming up and you just need to get those ADRs taken care of. Well, the first step is to set your alarm! Online ADRs rollover (that is, become the next day) at 6am Eastern (yes, those poor west coasters have to do it at 3am!).

Before I continue, I ask that any of you who have parties of 10 or more to please raise your hand. All of you have to call! Sorry, the online system only supports parties of 1 - 9. If you have 10 or more, you are directed to call Disney to make the ADRs. Sorry, but them's the breaks.

After you get your coffee, juice, soda, what-have-you, open up a browser window and head over to the Walt Disney World website. Put your mouse cursor over "WHERE TO EAT" along the top, and click the "Make Dining Reservations" link in that menu.


This will open up the main restaurant listing. You can filter the options down by using the menu system on the left. For this tutorial, I have just gone through making an ADR at 1900 Park Fare here, so that was not necessary.


Tip: If you right click on the "Book a Reservation" link, you can select it to open in a new tab if your browser supports tabs (Internet Explorer 7+, Firefox 2.5+, Chrome, Safari). This will prevent the list clearing your filter selection each time you visit the page.

Go ahead and click on "Book a Reservation"

At the top of the next screen, you will see this little tidbit:

See that green link (it's normally not green, it turns green when the mouse hovers over it), that's where you go to link your resort reservation. So, let's go ahead and do that now, shall we?
Note: If you do not have a resort reservation, or you wish to skip linking this, please disregard the next few steps.

So, you click on the link and are presented with a page similar to that shown here:

Enter the proper information (no, that is not a real confirmation number, before you try and ninja my trip!) and then click "Retrieve"


If you see that Disassociate Reservation, you have successfully linked! Way to go! Give yourself a pat on the back!

Now, for all you non-linkers, you may once again join the class, as now we're going to try and find an ADR for us! The first thing is to choose a date. This should be a date that you want to dine at this location, as otherwise it'd be pretty silly.

Now, you may ask "What if I want this sometime that I'm there, but I'm not too picky on the date?" (You may not ask that either, but I'm going to assume you did, otherwise I can't explain this next part!) Well friend, that's what the "Date Range" checkbox is for! You click that, and a handy-dandy second calendar pops up on the page.

This part is purely optional as well, if you just want to search a single day, leave the Date Range unchecked. (Note: it is currently a limitation of the system that we cannot search for any time within the date range... we have to use the 2 hour blocks as given. More on these blocks below.)

So, know we know what day we want to go, but what about when? Well, that's what the time selection is for.

Select a time, yadda yadda yadda. Note that the system will also search roughly 1 hour before and 1 hour after the time you enter (that is the "2 hour block" mentioned above!).

Enter in your party size:

You must include all members of the party that you are planning on having there. Infants, those not staying with you, those not on the DDP but you are, etc. All of them must be accounted for. If this number exceeds 10. Then you should have stopped reading when I mentioned that at the start. You're going to have to call the number in that screenshot (or whatever number it changes to if it changes).

So, since it's been asked several times before, to reiterate. If you're a family of four, but Uncle Joe and Aunt Betty are joining you with their 18 month old, you would put 4 adults, 3 children and mark the ages. It doesn't matter if they live in Orlando and are just visiting for the day, they should be on the ADR

Once all that is taken care of, click on "Check Availability" and see what you get. Looks like I got lucky here!

(Note: Since my real resort reservation includes a dining plan, you see that notated here. Your screen may or may not depending on your current resort reservation (if any!))

The site will typically offer up to two closest availabilities to what you entered. In this case, I have opted to go with the 9:05 AM time. Click into the button next to the time ("Raido button" for all you computer savvy people out there, savvy?) and then scroll down to the bottom of the page.


Here you will see the "Security Check". If you are familiar with CAPTCHA stuff, you know what to do. If you are not, well, you just type both of those words that are shown here in the box, and now you are familiar with it! Isn't learning fun!

After typing in the two words, click Add to Dining Cart and you'll be wisked away to your cart.

From here, you can either continue searching for more ADRs, or check out. Take a note at the first line under "Dining Cart". ADRs will be held until you check out, 2 hours of active site usage, or 20 minutes of idleness, whichever comes first.

A special note, if you choose to continue searching, but then decide to check out without adding more ADRs to your cart, you will have to mouse over the "My Disney Vacation" image in the top part of the website, and then click "Dining Cart" from there.
Online ADR Tutorial Part 2 - Checking Out, Retrieval and Cancellation

So, we've gotten all of our ADRs selected (for now) and we're ready to take the plunge. Simply click on that "Check Out" button there, and we'll be taken to enter some further information.

On this page, we'll enter the basics that will tie us to the ADR. First Name, Last Name, etc. One key thing here is the Contact Phone number. Be sure that you remember which number you are entering, as you will need THAT number when you want to retrieve the ADR(s). Write it down, copy it to a notepad file, copy it to your favorite disney planning spreadsheet, use a sharpie on your husband's/fiance's/boyfriend's forehead (sorry fellas, I wouldn't recommend doing this to our female counterparts, we'll have to learn to write on our foreheads...), whatever.

We also see a nice little summary here. It's not particularly important, but you may want to check to see if the ADR requires payment or a hold before you continue.

Once we scroll down, we have to check the box stating that we have read and agree. Of course, we read it already, I just, um, scrolled back up in the box. Really. Honest.

Click continue and we're loading the next page.

Congrats! Your ADR is now booked!

You will want to write down (or copy to notepad, spreadsheet, male significant other's forehead, etc) your confirmation number for each ADR. While they will typically be emailed to the address you entered, sometimes things get lost in the (e)mail. Now, when you see them, don't be shocked that there aren't black bars blocking your last name, email address, and phone number along with confirmation number. I just did that since it's stuff you don't need to know about me! :p

So, here we are with ADRs made and you're feeling pretty good right? Right? RIGHT?!?!

Of course not! Now comes time to perfect them and second-guess! So, first, we should see what we have so far. To retrieve your ADRs, simply put your mouse cursor over the "My Disney Vacation" title in the top of the main window:

Click on "Dining Reservations" here. (Note: you can see the "Dining Cart" that I made mention of earlier)

After clicking the "Dining Reservations" link, you'll be taken to the "My Reservations" page (isn't technology great?) When you first encounter this page, there will be a single row for Confirmation Number and Phone Number. To look up more than one ADR, simply click the "Retrieve Multiple Reservations" to add an additional line. Click more to add more. Click less to...erm, wait, that doesn't work! To go back to a single line, click the Retrive a Single Reservation.

Now, I've entered my super secret confirmation number and my phone number to retrive this ADR. Looks familiar eh?

Well, I've also decided that not only am I not going to be in Disney at 9:05am on 9/23 (though, I will be there later that day ;)), I also don't have 2 children, so really, this ADR just isn't for me. Who knows what to do now?

Jimmy? That's right, we cancel it!

Clicking that cancel button will bring up the confirmation window in regards to cancelling the ADR.

If you really want to cancel the ADR, click yes. Note that this will immediately put the ADR back into the "pool", so if you do this by accident, it may not be there again for you!

Clicking "Yes" will bring you back to the previous page, and now you see the big red Cancelled on the ADR.

And folks, that's all there is to it.
Online ADR Tutorial Part 3 - Tips and Tricks
I will add to this section as I hear more tips and tricks from the peanut gall...erm, I mean our wonderful people on this forum :).

Pretend Play
Head to the ADR system before your 180 day mark and attempt to make some ADRs (Make sure to cancel them if you actually go all the way through!) This will help you learn the navigation of the site ahead of time.

Tabbed Browsers
As mentioned in the tutorial, the ability to use tabbed browsing makes ADR searching a bit easier. Simply open up the restaurant bookings on their own tab by Right Clicking the link and choosing "Open Link in New Tab" (or something similar). This will prevent you from losing your filter settings on the main restaurant list.

If you can't get it for arrival day...
If trying for a hard to get ADR on your arrival day, there's a higher chance of it being booked due to the 180+10 rule. However, you can then use this rule to your advantage and attempt to book later in your trip when there are much fewer people eligible to book that far out.

Have a Credit Card Handy
Unless you're an online addict like me who has their full CC number memorized (including the CVC code!), you will want to have the CC you plan to use for pre-pays and holds handy. This will save precious moments (no, not the ceramic figurines) in making your ADRs for your special trip.

Record those numbers!
Make sure to record both the confirmation numbers and the phone number you used for the ADRs. This is a huge thing that many people either forget to do, or just don't think about. While this won't help speed you up at ADR time, it will make cancellations, adjustments, and for people like me who forget what time they made those things for.

Have fun!
Remember to have fun. We here at the DIS do take planning seriously, so make sure to pencil in some fun when making your ADRs ;).
I'm taking your advice and practicing as my ADR ressies begin Monday. My question is that my DxDP is not showing up as you show. Is it because I am practicing and my dates aren't available yet or do I need to call and make sure they have it? Thanks for the great explanation. This is our first Disney trip and it can be overwhelming but you made it very understandable.

Thank you!!!!
You're welcome :)

I'm taking your advice and practicing as my ADR ressies begin Monday. My question is that my DxDP is not showing up as you show. Is it because I am practicing and my dates aren't available yet or do I need to call and make sure they have it? Thanks for the great explanation. This is our first Disney trip and it can be overwhelming but you made it very understandable.

Yup, you got it. The dining plans and the +10 will only show up when your resort reservation is linked and you're at or within the 180 day mark.

The trip I used as an example starts on 9/23, and I did this the other night, so I was quite a bit within my range. Assuming that the system doesn't glitch out (it's rare, but it happens), you should see all that once you reach that 180day mark to make the actual ADRs.

Thanks - great job. Love your sense of humor.
Thanks :). Just glad I can put my nerdom to use hehe.
this is wonderful!! I'm not yet at my 180 days, but it was great to practice (as much as I could when more than 180 days out...)

this will help a ton at 6am on my ADR day!

thank you thank you!
I'll even say it backwards...WOW!!! You Rock! Your hard work on this has probably saves several people from pulling out their hair (including me!). Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!:goodvibes
Is there any way to avoid entering your party info for each ressie and have a default? ie. 2 Adult, 2 kids, 7 and 5.

Just trying to save time.

Also before 6am on your adr day can you have each restaurant open in a different tab already or will you have to log in all over at 6am to get the system to recognize that you can now book at your 180+10?

Also if you retrieve your resort ressie for one dining ressie, will all of them automatically see it or do you have to do it for each one?


Is there any way to avoid entering your party info for each ressie and have a default? ie. 2 Adult, 2 kids, 7 and 5.

Just trying to save time.

Also before 6am on your adr day can you have each restaurant open in a different tab already or will you have to log in all over at 6am to get the system to recognize that you can now book at your 180+10?

Also if you retrieve your resort ressie for one dining ressie, will all of them automatically see it or do you have to do it for each one?


As far as I know, there isn't a way to set a default. However, it may pick up what you entered previously. I'm not 100% sure of that right now. I'll have to do some testing.

As far as the tabs before it rolls over, you can open them, but you'll have to enter in the reservation information on one of them, then refresh the others. Supposedly they'll pick up the information on refresh. I'm not 100% sure there either, so I'll have to test that out as well. (Or have someone else, as I'm rarely up at 5am central ;)).
Thank you so much cafeen!! You posted just before my 180 days. I was able to get everything including Le Cellier at 6:15pm, Crystal Palace at 8:05am, Tony's at 5:15pm on what I hope will be our MNSSHP night. There were others as well including, Boma, Cape May, 50PT etc... everything was within 15 mins of what I wanted. I'm so happy right now. Thank you so much...again... I wish they'd make your thread a sticky.:cool1:
Cafeen -

This guide is fantastic - you truly are the ADR Wizard :wizard:

It must have taken some time for you to put that together with screen shots, explanations, etc. And we are all grateful.

I made my ADR's this morning, and initially had a problem at 5:15...and couldn't, for the life of me, figure out what I was doing wrong. But once I found your step by step guide, the whole thing was as simple as can be.

I got ADR's everywhere I wanted, and you saved me from a meltdown this morning before the sun even came up.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

ps - I hope you don't mind, this thread is going to be where I refer anyone who has questions about online ADR's from here on out.
I really appreciate the time you took to put this together for us! It was clear, easy to follow and funny to boot. :laughing: I followed your instructions and had every ADR I wanted half an hour before the phone lines ever even opened up.

I agree this should be a sticky!

Thanks again! :flower3:
Thank you so much cafeen!! You posted just before my 180 days. I was able to get everything including Le Cellier at 6:15pm, Crystal Palace at 8:05am, Tony's at 5:15pm on what I hope will be our MNSSHP night. There were others as well including, Boma, Cape May, 50PT etc... everything was within 15 mins of what I wanted. I'm so happy right now. Thank you so much...again... I wish they'd make your thread a sticky.:cool1:
Glad I could help :).

Cafeen -

This guide is fantastic - you truly are the ADR Wizard :wizard:

It must have taken some time for you to put that together with screen shots, explanations, etc. And we are all grateful.

I made my ADR's this morning, and initially had a problem at 5:15...and couldn't, for the life of me, figure out what I was doing wrong. But once I found your step by step guide, the whole thing was as simple as can be.

I got ADR's everywhere I wanted, and you saved me from a meltdown this morning before the sun even came up.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

ps - I hope you don't mind, this thread is going to be where I refer anyone who has questions about online ADR's from here on out.
Thanks for enjoying it :)

And, I don't mind at all

I really appreciate the time you took to put this together for us! It was clear, easy to follow and funny to boot. :laughing: I followed your instructions and had every ADR I wanted half an hour before the phone lines ever even opened up.

I agree this should be a sticky!

Thanks again! :flower3:
You're very welcome :). Glad I could be of some help.

Most of what I've put in there is simply stuff that I've learned over the past year or so I've been around here (I lurked before I registered ;)). Add to that my knowledge of documentation and website related stuff and there ya go. It didn't really take that long, a couple hours at most and the bulk of that was going through the website and snapping the screenshots.

For others reading this, please, if something is wrong (factually, not subjectively please, I did try and make it as objective as possible), let me know and I'll get it fixed right away :). Also, if you have further tips and tricks that I may have missed, go ahead and yell them out and I'll add them to that first post up there.

Thanks again to everyone else for using this. It's good to feel helpful :).
I am soooooooooooo excited. I did not know you could cancel online!! I have been waiting till I was sure of everything because I have having to make the phone calls to cancel. I am going to go home after work tonight and get everything tidied up!!!

Thank you sooooooo much!!
I am soooooooooooo excited. I did not know you could cancel online!! I have been waiting till I was sure of everything because I have having to make the phone calls to cancel. I am going to go home after work tonight and get everything tidied up!!!

Thank you sooooooo much!!

Looks like your trip is in May right?
Can you post in the May cancellation thread so we can try to grab some of your ADRs?
Thanks!! :cheer2:
Hmmm I retrieved my reservation and it pulled it up, we are 136 days out and have the dlxdp but it will not let me just do the credit card hold wants me to pay in full for CRT.

Anyone else have this problem?


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