Can babies go on rides?


Resorts are my favorite part of the vacation
Mar 2, 2000
We are going to the parks next saturday to see the christmas decorations and the osborne lights, and I'm wondering if our son who will be 9 months old that day can go on any rides? Specifically, can he go on the Safari jeep ride at AK, the Pirates of Carribean, Maelstrom, etc... where would I look for this information?
You can check the site, there is an Infant/Toddler FAQ there that may help you. The CM's at the park can tell you if your infant will be allowed on the rides and then you can judge depending on your son.

We took my 7 month-old great-niece, and she rode IASW, CoP, TTA, PP, and not much else. She had a great time, though, and when she went back for her first birthday she even recognized the buses (she said KEE!)

173 days till I go 'home' to FW
We went to WDW last year when my dd was 9 months old. We went on all the rides you mentioned plus The Haunted Mansion, Jungle Cruise, Spaceship Earth (fell asleep in that one!), Universe of Energy, Honey, I Shrunk the Audience, plus many more. Any rides she was not tall enough to ride by herself, we avoided.

She didn't slow us down at all and we all really enjoyed ourselves. :)
We've taken our babies on every ride that didn't have a height restriction (and then we did baby swap for those) We use a sling when we have a baby at Disney and it was great for lines when you can't push a stroller anymore and for having the child feel more secure on rides that may be a bit bumpy like Kilamanjaro Safari.

A true story. The first time we took our ds on Spaceship Earth he started fussing. He was 9 mo at the time. So I started nursing him. He contentedly nursed for the rest of the ride (even when we were going down backwards) When we got to the unloading point, the CM's smiled and said, "Oh, ride on through." So I got to ride it again while dh took the older kids out to play til we got off. We went through just once more though.

48 more days!
I will also recommend a sling or a snugli for a baby. It makes standing in lines so much easier and it allows you to hang on to things with both of your hands. It's especially helpful when getting on and off attactions. We took our 4 month old on everything that didn't have a height restriction, including all the ones that you mention.
Thanks for al tyhe advise. I've been looking for a carrier, even contemplated buying the very expensive baby bjorn, but my son is so long that his head constantly hits my chin so none were comfortable. I have a hip riding type sling that I think I will try - but my Dh says he will just carry him. Men think they are strong.... can't wait to hear how tired he is and how heavy JOhnny is! :) Also, it is going to be in the low 80s and rainy on Saturday, miserable day to wear a baby on your chest I think.



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