Can You Buy Duffy At Tokyo Disneyland?


DIS Veteran
Apr 25, 2000
My daughter is possibly going later this week, and I want her to buy this for her sister as a souvenir. Can you buy Duffy at Disneyland or just at Disney Seas?
Sorry to be responding late, I just saw this. Duffy is sold in Tokyo Disney Seas or at least in 2008, that is where you could find him.

Did you know there is also a new plush called Shellie May? She is really cute, although I have only seen photos of her.
We were there in April and Duffy was everywhere in Disneysea. You could even get your photo taken with him!
is disneyland in tokyo better than the one in paris?

I think both Paris and Tokyo have unique rides and attractions. Paris has Space Mt that goes upside down(the only one that I know of) Where Tokyo SP is like DLR's. TDL has a great Winnie the Pooh ride, unlike anything Ive ever seen.

If I were to travel to one or the other, I would choose Tokyo. I just like that resort better.


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