Can you do a British Accent ?


14001, 60056, 224
Apr 8, 2011
not at all, I could do about 3 words very badly , then I start sounding like the Queen of England
Yes. I can do quite a few accents very convincingly. I’ve been able to do a british accent since I was a kid. I met one of my best friends when we were in first grade. She came over to America from London to visit her aunt who lived next door to my grandma. I just learned by copying her!
A learned a lot of the other accents in college. As a musical theatre major, I had an Accents and Dialects class.
Yes. I killed in in Phonetics class because I could duplicate anything they put in front of me.
Very well (and a mean Scottish one, too). I'm told that I naturally have a bit of an accent, and if I hear someone speaking with one, I tend to slip right into it without thinking about it. My son's preschool teacher is from England and I try very hard not to come out with my accent; I don't want her to think I'm mocking her.
Very well (and a mean Scottish one, too). I'm told that I naturally have a bit of an accent, and if I hear someone speaking with one, I tend to slip right into it without thinking about it. My son's preschool teacher is from England and I try very hard not to come out with my accent; I don't want her to think I'm mocking her.

I find myself doing this all the time. Though, my accents may not be good :) I joke around that I think in an British accent!
Yes, Irish, Scottish, French, Indian (india) as well, I can also do a spot on Sean Connery and James Mason impression. All absolutely useless in my job and real life as well, entertaining though. My wife says I missed my calling as an actor, I think that's a bit of a stretch. I do wish I had at least tried to be a voice actor, especially for Disney animation.
If I was to be on TV, they would bleep me a lot. Gordon Ramsey is on TV, he gets bleeped a lot, and he's British, so yes, I can do a British accent, LOL.
Yes, based on the fact that most of the first 3 decades of my life were in the UK. The vast majority of Americans are terrible at British accents, but there is no shame in that, as Kevin Costner completely failed at doing one in “Robin Hood”, and most notoriously, Dick Van Dyke’s attempt at “cockney” in “Mary Poppins” was hilarious. More recently, I love Kate McKinnon on SNL but her attempt at a British accent when playing Theresa May is woeful. On the other hand, as a big “Doctor Who” fan I have also seen my fair share of awful attempts at American accents by British actors.
No not at all. I can not do any accents. My DH can do a very good one but his mom is from England and his Dad Scotland.
When I visit the, UK their accents rubs off on me and I need to make sure I don’t sound like I’m making fun of people....


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