Canadian Buffoon's Back to Front Vacation - Update! 05/18 - Falling Down


So glad I finally saw the bat signal and found my way here.

Our conversation at our M&G was all over the place (sign of a great meet) I meant to tell ya a lil story about my Elton John tix. The last time he was on tour (the same one you missed out on) I bought Mark and I tickets. They were expensive and it came at a time when I was cash strapped but this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. So I bit the bullet and bought the tickets even if it was almost a year out from the concert. About 3 months before the concert in Indy they announced a postponement of the concert. I was
to say the least. We did eventually see him about 20 months after I purchased the tix. So I do understand your sadness for not getting to see him when you originally planned too. So glad that you finally got to see him and that you enjoyed it.

I feel like I've been missing out on all the fun, so here I am for my very first @pkondz TR! I enjoy reading your comments on several other TRs I follow, so very excited to read along here :)
Happy to see you here Jackie your gonna love his TR, he's so funny, plus really nice.

And now waiting for an update

So glad I finally saw the bat signal and found my way here.

Hi Glenda!
:welcome: to the TR!

Our conversation at our M&G was all over the place (sign of a great meet)

I love when that happens.

And it frequently does!
DISers are great people. :goodvibes

I meant to tell ya a lil story about my Elton John tix. The last time he was on tour (the same one you missed out on) I bought Mark and I tickets. They were expensive and it came at a time when I was cash strapped but this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. So I bit the bullet and bought the tickets even if it was almost a year out from the concert. About 3 months before the concert in Indy they announced a postponement of the concert. I was
to say the least. We did eventually see him about 20 months after I purchased the tix. So I do understand your sadness for not getting to see him when you originally planned too. So glad that you finally got to see him and that you enjoyed it.

I'm glad that you eventually
managed to see him.
I had to wait a bit longer
than you did...
But he was worth the wait! :)

he's so funny, plus really nice.

Don't believe her.
I'm dull and really a jerk.
She just caught me
on a really good day.

And now waiting for an update

Uh... ya might want to
go back one post...

LOL looks like we were both posting at the same time.

This past weekend,
Fallon (@fallonkendra)
and her DH, Luke, were in town
for a visit.
Yay Fallon and Luke She posted about your M&G on FB. I'm hoping to meet them the first weekend in May at Epic Dis meet. You should really try to make it to Disney many of our fellow dissers will be there. I know Su-Lynne @chunkymonkey would love to meet ya. Mark will be there and several husbands.

Am I a prude for feeling
that the gentleman in
the robe may have been
a touch under-dressed?
Would you go out in public
like that?
UH NO I would not, I even change out of lounge wear into real clothes to go down and get my breaky.

I had decided to stop here
for dinner when I first learned
of pasties.

No, not the kind that you might
find tasseled and counter-rotating.
(Although that too,
would be a fine reason to stop.)

These pasties were for your mouth.

I mean... It's food! I stopped for food!!

Humm what could you mean

We exchanged hellos
in that nervous, hopefully
optimistic way you do when
meeting a fellow DISer
for the first time.
Nervously hopeful that the weird guy you met online isn't a mass murder.
This past weekend,
Fallon (@fallonkendra)
and her DH, Luke, were in town
for a visit.
Great you got to meet up!

I eventually got the stupid thing
on and realized that I should
have worn flip-flops.
Yeah, I have only driven with flip-flops a couple times (usually out of laziness). i don't like it, it feels weird. I can't imagine a long drive in them.

Am I a prude for feeling
that the gentleman in
the robe may have been
a touch under-dressed?
Would you go out in public
like that?
Even before you made this comment, I thought when I saw the picture, that guy is way to comfortable. Nope, I wouldn't wander around the public area of a hotel in a bathrobe. Although it "covers" everything, it just doesn't seem right.

Sure enough, as I approached
the spot where the first
deer crossed,
a second one ran across
right in front of me.
We don't have deer where I live, they aren't native to the island. We have moose and caribou.
Fun fact: moose aren't native to the island either, they were introduced from New Brunswick. There are over 150,000 moose here now, all descended from 4 animals brought over in 1905.
The caribou seem to stay well away from the roads - I've never heard of an accident. But moose are a danger. It got me thinking, what's worse - moose or deer? Deer are fast little guys, can run out in front of a car. Moose are a bit slower, but certainly more deadly if you hit them due to the size.
I generally avoid driving on the highway after dark because of the moose.

The pastie was good,
although not as good as
a good French Canadian tourtiere.
I have never had either. But I have always wanted to try tourtiere.

Did you see it in this chapter?
At first, no. But with a second look I was pleasantly surprised to learn you are now mostly on time. Service quality at its finest!
It's fun following along on your road trip! I hope to do more once my husband retires. Northern Michigan would be on my list for a Fall trip. You should feel flattered that so many Dis people want to meet up with you!
LOL looks like we were both posting at the same time.


Yay Fallon and Luke She posted about your M&G on FB.

I heard that. :)

I'm hoping to meet them the first weekend in May at Epic Dis meet. You should really try to make it to Disney many of our fellow dissers will be there. I know Su-Lynne @chunkymonkey would love to meet ya. Mark will be there and several husbands.

you could always
check my ticker... :rolleyes:


As I've already told Su-Lynn,
I will not be interfering
with you ladies only activities!

UH NO I would not, I even change out of lounge wear into real clothes to go down and get my breaky.

So that's one vote no...

Humm what could you mean

I knew I could count on you.

Nervously hopeful that the weird guy you met online isn't a mass murder.

Is that what you thought?

You weren't supposed to know...


I mean, of course I'm not.

Great you got to meet up!

It was!

Yeah, I have only driven with flip-flops a couple times (usually out of laziness). i don't like it, it feels weird. I can't imagine a long drive in them.

I may have, once...

But I definitely
wouldn't do it as a rule.
Or even very often
as an exception.

Even before you made this comment, I thought when I saw the picture, that guy is way to comfortable. Nope, I wouldn't wander around the public area of a hotel in a bathrobe. Although it "covers" everything, it just doesn't seem right.

Two votes no...

It is decent... but seems...
a touch... too comfortable?

But maybe that's a good thing? :confused3

We don't have deer where I live, they aren't native to the island. We have moose and caribou.
Fun fact: moose aren't native to the island either, they were introduced from New Brunswick. There are over 150,000 moose here now, all descended from 4 animals brought over in 1905.
The caribou seem to stay well away from the roads - I've never heard of an accident. But moose are a danger. It got me thinking, what's worse - moose or deer? Deer are fast little guys, can run out in front of a car. Moose are a bit slower, but certainly more deadly if you hit them due to the size.
I generally avoid driving on the highway after dark because of the moose.

I am very aware of the moose
problem (in relation to roads)
that you guys have.

Hitting a deer is nothing
like hitting a moose.
You hit a moose and you
chop its legs out and
that massive body
goes through the windshield.

I've hit a deer once.
Yes, I had to replace
the front left quarter panel,
side mirror and windshield...
But the windshield was
cracked, not penetrated.
A deer has no where near
the mass of a moose.

I have never had either. But I have always wanted to try tourtiere.

My mom makes it.
It's a staple every Christmas.

I told her I need her to teach
me how to make it this year.

At first, no. But with a second look I was pleasantly surprised to learn you are now mostly on time. Service quality at its finest!

Nothing but the best!
It's fun following along on your road trip!

Thanks! Hope you're enjoying
it so far. :)

I hope to do more once my husband retires. Northern Michigan would be on my list for a Fall trip.

I can highly recommend it.
I kept going "oooh!"
as I drove along.

You should feel flattered that so many Dis people want to meet up with you!

In all honesty...
I am extremely flattered,
and very surprised.

I mean... who would want
to meet... me?

DISers are wonderful people.
Everyone I've met is so friendly
and nice. :goodvibes
I showed them around the place,
hopefully not boring them
to tears in the process,
and then had lunch.

I don't think you were boring at all! Fallon seemed quite happy to have gotten a tour of your workplace!

Haha maybe it's for the best that you didn't! Woah!

Am I a prude for feeling
that the gentleman in
the robe may have been
a touch under-dressed?

RIGHT!? That was my thought, too.

Would you go out in public
like that?
No condemnation or criticism
implied or intended.
I'm just curious.

No judgement here or anything. But no, I would not. Not unless the "public" place was some kind of a hospital setting.

There was no one on the road,
so I stopped just long enough
for one quick snap.


Wow! Beautiful! :goodvibes

Safety tip:
If you see one deer,
there will be another.

Isn't that the truth.

Second day of the drive
and I've already almost
been in an accident.


Oh man! You have the worst luck with these things. Though I guess maybe it's actually good luck that it was only an "almost" situation.

Yum! Doesn't look too bad :)

I really have to work
on my selfie skills.
It looks like we're balancing
a tomato between our heads.

I showed them around the place,
hopefully not boring them
to tears in the process,
and then had lunch.
We chatted, mostly about Disney,
for about an hour,
before I had to kick them out
and get back to work.

Uh huh. You mean you had to get back to your crossword puzzle.

Waking up at five a.m. for work sucks.
Waking up at five a.m. at Disney is okay.
(It's just "okay"... it's still five a.m.)

Agreed. 5:00 should only come once a day.

Epic Dad joke.

I had no idea flip flops were so dangerous!

Am I a prude for feeling
that the gentleman in
the robe may have been
a touch under-dressed?
Would you go out in public
like that?

I wouldn't be out and about like that. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I think public spaces call for some decorum.

Maybe I better look a bit
closer before I turn and
head off in the opposite
direction that she wants.

You're a guy. None of us are good at asking for directions.

One thing that I was not
aware of when I plotted
out my drive...
The Michigan Upper Peninsula
is beautiful.

Been years since I was there, but ::yes::

I mean.... come on.
Who wouldn't want
to drive this?

Especially a couple of weeks after that photo when the fall color reaches its peak.

Future bike trip, for sure.

Make sure you stop here: Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore


Second day of the drive
and I've already almost
been in an accident.

Well, I'm glad the word "almost" is there.

I had to cross the Mackinac Bridge
to get there.
The bridge is the 19th longest
suspension bridge in the world
and is the "longest … between anchorages
in the Western Hemisphere.
" (wiki)

Cool bridge. I saw an episode of Dirty Jobs where Mike Rowe was spending the day with the maintenance workers on the bridge. They had to change a light bulb on top of the tower--and had to attach themselves and walk up the cable to get there. :scared1:

In the teaser before the commercial break, he said, "How many TV hosts does it take to change a light bulb? One, if you can find one stupid enough to do this."

Certainly the Harley store there
was one of the prettier ones I'd seen.

Looks like strict building code in town. I like it!

No, not the kind that you might
find tasseled and counter-rotating.
(Although that too,
would be a fine reason to stop.)

These pasties were for your mouth.

I mean... It's food! I stopped for food!!



The pastie was good,
although not as good as
a good French Canadian tourtiere.
The cole slaw was fine.
The cookie was outstanding.

I tried a pastie when I was there years ago, and I remember thinking: meh.

If you're keeping track,
that was a fourteen and a half hour day.


Pretty much all the rooms looked alike.

Yep. A bed and a TV.

Looks like Signature HD is right near where my brother lives.

We exchanged hellos
in that nervous, hopefully
optimistic way you do when
meeting a fellow DISer
for the first time.

That's very well put.

("Please don't be a jerk. And please wear deodorant!")

Sorry I disappointed you on those counts.

One nice thing about these
first time meets...
You always know that you
share at least one thing
that you can talk about.


The weather.

:rotfl2::rotfl2:I thought it was politics and religion.

Since I only had an hour or so,
we went and ordered our pizza.
Jenn asked me what I liked
so I gave her several options.
She suggested sausage, ham & bacon.
(I think that's right? Jenn? Sound right?)

All meat.
No kale.

I like the cut of her jib!

I really have to work
on my selfie skills.
It looks like we're balancing
a tomato between our heads.

:rotfl2::rotfl2: That makes it better!

Did you see it in this chapter?

::yes:: Occasionally on time is an improvement, right?
Am I a prude for feeling
that the gentleman in
the robe may have been
a touch under-dressed?
Would you go out in public
like that?
No condemnation or criticism
implied or intended.
I'm just curious.
No. Nope. Never.

THIS IS GORGEOUS!!!!! The only time I've ever really seen "fall" was when we drove up to Fayettville, Arkansas in the middle of October for my cousins wedding several years ago. It was so beautiful. We are kinda summer year-round, here.

Safety tip:
If you see one deer,
there will be another.
There are lots of deer crossing signs near us. Well when we lived outside of city limits, there were. I've seen many deer, but it is always at night, with those beady little eyes on the side of the road, and I must say I have never seen more than one at a time. So that is very interesting!

Good thing I was prepared
as I had to slam on the breaks
in order to miss it.
My heart just skipped a beat thinking about that.

Okay, heart skipping again. I'm one of those people that HAS to drive as far away from the edge of the bridge as possible. Like, I wouldn't even walk over grates in the ground as a kid (or now, really). I don't know if I'm afraid to fall over or, like, look down and lose my sunglasses to the dark abyss, never to be seen again.

This is really nice! It reminds me of how the Harley store (just a motorclothes shop) is in Sedona, Arizona.

We also both had ice tea
that I was pleased to see
tasted like Canadian ice tea.
Sweet. Not tea-like.
As it should.
Down in the south we all drink sweet tea. But I'm curious about Canadian ice tea, now.

Jenn... i see your festive shirt. We would be friends!
Judging from your ticker. It's a yes. I'm going to assume it's a yes. So YES. :)

We have a few extra seats for stuff...and like 7 the guys are coming anyways so it's technically not an all-girl trip.
Let me know if you and your daughter would like to be included in Ohana dinner on May 3rd! We have some extra spots. Oh and we're doing Tiffins lunch on May 2nd. Also have some extra spots.
I don't think you were boring at all! Fallon seemed quite happy to have gotten a tour of your workplace!

Or maybe she's a really
good fibber.

Haha maybe it's for the best that you didn't! Woah!

I wouldn't.
Not to drive, anyway.

Sometimes, especially on
a road trip where deer
are jumping in front of you,
you really don't want flip-flops.

RIGHT!? That was my thought, too.

That's three votes, no.

No judgement here or anything. But no, I would not. Not unless the "public" place was some kind of a hospital setting.

Hospitals are a whole other
kettle of fish.

I remember when my DW
was giving birth...
I don't know how many
people took a look... there.

Pretty sure even the janitor
came in and took a look.

Wow! Beautiful! :goodvibes


Isn't that the truth.


<whap!> "Dang!..." <whap!>

Oh man! You have the worst luck with these things. Though I guess maybe it's actually good luck that it was only an "almost" situation.

I don't mind near misses.
It's hits that I don't care for.

Yum! Doesn't look too bad :)

It was yummy! :)
Uh huh. You mean you had to get back to your crossword puzzle.

How dare you!
That's... that's...

Yeah, okay.
But on the bright side...
I did finish it
by kicking them out.

Agreed. 5:00 should only come once a day.


Epic Dad joke.


I had no idea flip flops were so dangerous!

They're all out to get you.

Are you really flip-flop-aphobic
if they really are out to get you?

I wouldn't be out and about like that. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I think public spaces call for some decorum.

One more vote for "nay".

Think I'm starting to see
a pattern here.

You're a guy. None of us are good at asking for directions.


Especially a couple of weeks after that photo when the fall color reaches its peak.

I did think that...
but it sure was pretty
even then.

Looks nice!
Thanks for the tip.

Well, I'm glad the word "almost" is there.

Almost is okay.

Crash is not so much.

Cool bridge. I saw an episode of Dirty Jobs where Mike Rowe was spending the day with the maintenance workers on the bridge. They had to change a light bulb on top of the tower--and had to attach themselves and walk up the cable to get there. :scared1:

In the teaser before the commercial break, he said, "How many TV hosts does it take to change a light bulb? One, if you can find one stupid enough to do this."


Looks like strict building code in town. I like it!

It was pretty there.
I liked it.

I tried a pastie when I was there years ago, and I remember thinking: meh.

I won't drive out of
my way for another.
But I liked it okay enough.

It was just that.
Okay. Or not bad.

Yep. A bed and a TV.

Yep. We've had this discussion.

Looks like Signature HD is right near where my brother lives.

I did wave as I went by.
He just looked at me
with a quizzical look on his face.

That's very well put.

("Please don't be a jerk. And please wear deodorant!")

Sorry I disappointed you on those counts.

I know that smell...

:rotfl2::rotfl2:I thought it was politics and religion.


I like the cut of her jib!

Huh. I didn't think you
could see her jib
in that photo.

:rotfl2::rotfl2: That makes it better!


::yes:: Occasionally on time is an improvement, right?

Vast improvement.
No. Nope. Never.

Another nay vote.

But you'd kick your hubby out
of the room dressed like
that to get you a pastry, right?


THIS IS GORGEOUS!!!!! The only time I've ever really seen "fall" was when we drove up to Fayettville, Arkansas in the middle of October for my cousins wedding several years ago. It was so beautiful. We are kinda summer year-round, here.

Isn't it beautiful?

I love fall.
Except... it means
winter is coming.

And cold...

And snow shovelling...

And freezing...

There are lots of deer crossing signs near us. Well when we lived outside of city limits, there were. I've seen many deer, but it is always at night, with those beady little eyes on the side of the road, and I must say I have never seen more than one at a time. So that is very interesting!

Pretty much always travel in groups
of at least two. Often more.
I see deer almost daily.
In the city.

My heart just skipped a beat thinking about that.

Did not want to hit
a deer on the trip.

Always a possibility, though.

Okay, heart skipping again. I'm one of those people that HAS to drive as far away from the edge of the bridge as possible. Like, I wouldn't even walk over grates in the ground as a kid (or now, really). I don't know if I'm afraid to fall over or, like, look down and lose my sunglasses to the dark abyss, never to be seen again.

I have a friend here at work
who has a similar fear.
She will not drive on a bridge
if she can't see the other side.


This is really nice! It reminds me of how the Harley store (just a motorclothes shop) is in Sedona, Arizona.

Oh really?
I've yet to visit that one...
But I'm pretty sure
I will eventually! :laughing:

Down in the south we all drink sweet tea. But I'm curious about Canadian ice tea, now.

Yes, I am aware of that.
I'm curious to try yours too.
I had sweet tea in Raleigh
about a year ago.

Needed sugar.

Jenn... i see your festive shirt. We would be friends!

I'm sure you would!
She's great! :goodvibes
Judging from your ticker. It's a yes. I'm going to assume it's a yes. So YES. :)


I'll give you a definite... maybe?
read on...

We have a few extra seats for stuff...and like 7 the guys are coming anyways so it's technically not an all-girl trip.
Let me know if you and your daughter would like to be included in Ohana dinner on May 3rd! We have some extra spots. Oh and we're doing Tiffins lunch on May 2nd. Also have some extra spots.

As I mentioned earlier,
I wouldn't dream of imposing
on the girls only events.

As for Ohana... I'd love to...
(always wanted to go, actually)
But Elle is a vegetarian and
I don't think she'd really want to go.
Also, I don't think we'll have the time
for a meal that lengthy.
We're doing just a few quick
ADRs and lots of QS meals.

Plus... well... I don't think she'd be
happy being inundated with a
multitude of strangers.

I do appreciate the offer though,
and if I was solo, I'd be all over that.

I can let you know which parks
I'll be in, when.
And we could certainly arrange
for a short meet.

But I think you'll be busy with
several hundred of your closest friends. :) :laughing:
yeah I was feeling a little adventurous posting that gif, not always sure how strict mod are here.

Seems to be okay.
Looks like you haven't been banned...

What are the dates you and DD will be in Disney?

We arrive on April 30th.
Our last day before moving
on to the Dark Side
is May 4th.

I don't want to be
anywhere near
DHS on that day.

Judging from your ticker. It's a yes. I'm going to assume it's a yes. So YES. :)

We have a few extra seats for stuff...and like 7 the guys are coming anyways so it's technically not an all-girl trip.
Let me know if you and your daughter would like to be included in Ohana dinner on May 3rd! We have some extra spots. Oh and we're doing Tiffins lunch on May 2nd. Also have some extra spots.
I might want to join if it's okay. I live in Orlando now and can hop over as long as I'm not interfering or imposing


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