Canadian Buffoon's Solo Disney Vacation - Update 07/08! pp99 - Here today gone tomorrow

Wait. So did you get your AP this year or last?

Ugh, need to fix that. 2014 was a typo. Just got it less than a month ago, so the new pass smell hasn't worn off yet. And I love some of your reasons to use it, too!
Wow, I made it! First page even! Checking in Sir!

Stand at attention when you say that, mister!
Hi Montague! I was hoping you'd find your way over here.
You know me, it's doubtful that I'll be done before you guys leave,
but don't let that scare ya. I'll still be here when you get back!

Oh, great. Now I'm depressed....

Hey! Say hi to A+ for Ruby and me, okay?

Now I just have to go back and read it.

Maybe come back here and post something useful instead of blathering... Nah, who am I kidding...

Nah, I've got the market cornered on blathering.
As well as running on, dithering, blah blahing, prattling, jibber jabbering, babbling and rambling.

Feel free to rattle on, though.

ETA (see I said I'm come back), Happy 70th then Pkondzi. What's that? I'm not going to win any of the prizes?

I know where you live. (sort of)

Joining in!!

Hi Darla! :wave2: Welcome aboard!

You know, exactly 3 weeks today I'll be on RnR with CJ! It's getting so close!!! My shirt won't be nearly that good though...

Pretty sure I've seen that shirt too, haven't I?

It's quite possible.... perhaps even probable... okay. Yes. Yes you have.

While you're solving peoples DISboards issue, any idea why my ticker keeps on stopping? It was keeping time for a couple of weeks, and stopped. I replaced it, kept time for a couple of weeks and stopped. I'm only 18 days out now.

No idea. I can't even tell you where mine was from (it never stopped) 'cause I don't have a ticker anymore.

I. don't. have. a ticker. anymore...


Because planning DD's trip - without me!!! - is not enough torture, I'll come along for the ride.

Hey! A new person! Hi there Lookin! Thanks for joining in.
Since you're new around here, I'll let you in on a little secret.
All these other people are mad. Mad I say!
Especially one in particular.

I mean, besides me.

Welcome to the TR! :goodvibes

Uh,... 50.

Ding! Ding! Give that lady a cheroot.

Or Disney. Pick Disney!

Actually, that kind of comes up later on in the TR.

She's pretty much got University lined up for the next several years,
so it's doubtful she'd take a year (or so) off to work at Disney.
But I'm sure she'd jump at the chance if it came knocking.

I'm not gonna lie, it's my favorite. I've booked moderates and before my 45 days out, it would be changed to Pop. It would be nice to have queen sized beds, a little more room, and pretty landscaping, but the bus system at Pop is second to none, and that makes all the difference in the world when you are worn out.

Our first resort was POR... and we loved it!
But for this trip, there were too many overriding factors.
The first being cost.
But would I go back to POR?

In a heartbeat!

Dole Whips are my Zebra Domes and I have always wanted to try the pork shanks at Gaston's Tavern. LaFou's Brew is sickly sweet marshmallow and juice.

Interesting. I think you're the first person who hasn't said they loved the Brew.

Way to go!

I just couldn't do it.
If the TR suffers because of it.... so be it.

I still feel better for having turned it back.

A very heart-felt Thank You!

See? Not so hard. I see you've already got the hang of it.

Dole Whip!!

I am actually giddy from success!

You did it! And you're right. Great pic! :thumbsup2

Ugh, need to fix that. 2014 was a typo. Just got it less than a month ago, so the new pass smell hasn't worn off yet. And I love some of your reasons to use it, too!

Ah, I thought it might be, from your response.
Well go on then, start using it!
Trying to do a breakdown on my iPad is difficult. I see that the dis has updated things and made it easier. No more photobucket necessary? Hallelujah! I'll have to see how easy it is to update from my phone. Maybe I won't need twitter.
Fellow Canadian following along...can't wait to read about your trip!

Well, hi Kathy! :wave:
Nice to have you along for the insanity... I mean ride. :rolleyes:
Consider yourself warned! :laughing:

And I see you're off to the World... next month!
What part of T.O. do you hale from?

Trying to do a breakdown on my iPad is difficult. I see that the dis has updated things and made it easier. No more photobucket necessary? Hallelujah! I'll have to see how easy it is to update from my phone. Maybe I won't need twitter.

Well, you can supposedly drag and drop photos, but I didn't have much luck with it.
I tried it, but didn't like the "attached files" box at the bottom of the post.
Maybe I did something weird, though.
I'll have to try again... maybe next post.
So last night was... interesting.
Kay, our youngest DD is into music... loud music.
How should I describe it.... hmmmm..... ah.
Like this:


She kind of reminds me of me when I was younger. Heh.

Anyways, last year I took her and a friend to a concert featuring four bands,
one which she really was crazy about.

OMG. My ears rang for days afterwards.

We bought her tickets to another concert for her birthday.
Different bands, except for the last one which is the same one she was crazy about before.
Black Veil Brides, if that means anything to anyone.
Also she was pretty stoked because the opening act was one she was getting into as well.

We were all in the mosh pit, although I hung back towards, well, the back.
She had fun.
Her friend had fun.

I wore earplugs and a contented look on my face.

(Hey! The dropping a picture file in worked!)
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Wow I am actually coming in at the beginning of a trip report. :yay:
I must be getting old. I don't remember the shirt. :sad: However, I do like the grin in the pic. :thumbsup2

When we went down last May, we stayed at All Star Music. An awesome resort. We got Broadway, next to the parking lot. Since we drove, it was convenient.

TinkYellow is down working the Disney College Program right now. Since she is at Wide World of Sports, I doubt you ran into her, literally or figuratively. My DH and I have a couple trips in the works for her time visiting the mouse. :woohoo:
I can't see the picture on your last post. So maybe it didn't work after all!

You need to add the current trip to your siggie.
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Wow I am actually coming in at the beginning of a trip report. :yay:

Yes. Yes you are.
Welcome, Shirley! Or Aunt who's actually Uncle but really isn't, Shirley.

Oh Lord. I'm so confused....

Anyway, glad you could make it... at the start no less!

I must be getting old. I don't remember the shirt.

What???? And I wore it just for you!
Well you and Nebo and Smidgy.
Still counts.
I remember yours and TinkYellow's matching tie dyed shirts.
I don't know if there's anything you could say to make me forgive you...

However, I do like the grin in the pic.

That'll work.
Okay, you're forgiven.

When we went down last May, we stayed at All Star Music. An awesome resort. We got Broadway, next to the parking lot. Since we drove, it was convenient.

As long as it's not Country Fair.
That was one loooooooong walk!
You'll know if I did any better in the next post (I think).

TinkYellow is down working the Disney College Program right now. Since she is at Wide World of Sports, I doubt you ran into her, literally or figuratively. My DH and I have a couple trips in the works for her time visiting the mouse.

Nope. Never been to WWS. Wouldn't even know how to get there.
Say hi to her for me when you see her!

Welcome to the TR! :)

I can't see the picture on your last post. So maybe it didn't work after all!

You need to add the current trip to your siggie.

No? I guess I'll just play it safe and stick to pbucket, then.

And I did add the current TR to my siggie.
It's the first one listed, see?
Hey! I made it!!!!

I love how the trip came to be - it's nice when things fall into place like that. VERY nice.

I guarantee you that you made SOMEONE very happy with those A&E FP+s - you may never know who, but you can be assured that it was someone.

Love your must-do list - I can't wait to see how many you manage to do. I'm ducking for cover though from the fact that Shannon thinks we now need to do that. :scared1: We have so much planned and hoped for - another list may kill us! :rotfl2: Okay, honestly, we already know about 20 hopeful "must-dos," so I guess I should stop hiding. :rolleyes1
No, not the link to the TR. I mean the list of times you've been to Disney and where you stayed. It still says the last time you were there was 2009.

What was the picture that I couldn't see?

And wore the same shirt two days in a row???
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And so it begins

Hi! :wave2:

And welcome to another Canadian Buffoon Vacation!

Before we get started...
Wait... Who's this "we"? It's a solo vacation, isn't it?

Well I guess that would be me... and you!
Yes you! You lucky reader, you get to relive the excitement and majesty of going to Disney World without actually going there!!!
Don't you feel awesome now?


Well, I'll write about it anyway, and you can read on and decide for yourself, OK?

Who am I?

Some of you already know, but for those who don't, a little about myself.

I first went to Disney World when Disney World and Magic Kingdom were the same thing.
No Animal Kingdom, no Hollywood Studios or MGM or even an Epcot!
So that pretty much clues you in that I is one old dude.
Which factors into why I'm going on this solo trip in the first place.
More on that later.
First I better post a picture of me to scare the children with.

That's a bit problematic.
You see, when you go on a solo trip, you don't tend to take many pictures of yourself.

(Ha! I just shocked every selfie-loving teenager out there!)

Nevertheless, I found a loophole.
Disney can take pictures of you while you stand there trying not to look stupid!
Well, for reasons that will become clear shortly, this wasn't going to happen...
at least not much.
I mean, the looking stupid part? Yes.
Shelling out a hundred and seventy bucks? No.

But I did spring for a few pics.
Let's see.
I need to make a good first impression.
Something that eloquently and accurately portrays my maturity and proper upbringing and stature.

This should do...


Subtle, no?

Okay, now that I've just lost most of my readers,
I'll continue on for the benefit of the two or three hardy souls who obviously have strong stomachs
or have simply lost the will to live full and productive lives and instead are choosing to read on.

I feel for you. I really do.

Before we get to the point where I'm sitting on Rock 'n' Roller Coaster mugging furiously for the camera,
I better explain just how this trip came to be.
Especially since some of you know that there wasn't any likelihood of it happening in the first place!

Last year I had a milestone birthday.
If you're guessing 30 or 40, you have just become my new best friend.
On the other hand if you're thinking 80....
Expect to one day answer your doorbell to a burning sack of offal.

So cruel. :sad1:

As I was saying, last year I had a milestone birthday.
My parents were kind enough to provide me with some cash as a birthday gift.
My MIL did too.
Great! What do I do with my windfall?
If you get birthday money and use it to pay off debt or to pay bills...
Well, you do what you gotta do, but this boy ain't gonna do that!

Spend those puppies!
Preferably on something that you normally wouldn't spend money on.

I had a few thoughts... and Disney wasn't one of them.
Why? Because while my parents and MIL were very generous, it wasn't enough to pay for a Disney vacation.
A vacation wasn't even on the radar.
Stuff was.
Maybe a new camera lens.
Maybe an add-on for my Harley.

Christmas wasn't too far off...
My folks and MIL usually give us all some cash then too...

If I combine my gifts... this could work.


Disney is not next door.
It's about two thousand miles away.
Walking would take over six hundred hours... one way!
Frankly, I just don't have that kind of time.

I could drive, I suppose. But where's the fun in that?
Actually, driving wasn't really an option either.
Non-stop, you're still looking at thirty hours.
I didn't want to take too much time off work,
and I especially didn't want to take that much time away from my family.

I have every confidence in my wife, Ruby and my daughters are old enough (14 & 17) that they can take care of themselves, but...

I still want to be there to make things easier for everyone, ya know?

My only real option was to fly.
(Or to teleport, but since the technology isn't quite there yet...)
Flying, and I don't want to shock anyone here, but... flying is expensive.
No! Really! It is!

Well, maybe not if you happen to work in, or have a family member who works in the industry.
I, unfortunately, do not.
Although we keep telling Elle (my oldest DD) she should apply for WestJet.
We really don't care if she wants to or not.
We've paid for her childhood, it's time she starts paying us back!
It's the least she could do, don't you think?

But I did have some airmiles saved up.
Maybe I'll just take a peek and see what's available.
Probably nothing.
Since you usually have to book six months in advance if you even want a shot at getting seats.
At least to Florida.
But you never know.

I don't know why, but it seems to be a popular winter destination for Canadians.
I was looking to go in about three months. Value season. i.e. (hopefully) slow season.
And (definitely) cheap season.
(Value being a Disney term for "We'll wring every last penny out of you anyway,
so we'll trick you into coming when you think you'll save some cash.")

I took a look on the airmiles site and low and behold they still had flights available.
Now let's start looking at hotels.

I had three general options.
In order of cost it was on site hotel, off site clean hotel, off site flea bag hotel.

There was also the option of driving down to Grand Forks, ND (about a two hour drive) and flying out of there.

Pros and cons.
Flying out of Grand Forks allows me to keep my airmiles.
I can then use the airmiles to purchase my Disney park tickets.
But it means flying into Sanford and not Orlando.
So no Magical Express.
And probably a rental car. Although you get a good deal when you book air and car as a package.
Still have to factor in the extra cost of the car rental.

After crunching all the numbers, the cheapest option was as follows:
Use airmiles to get park tickets
Drive to Grand Forks
Fly to Sanford
Rent a car
Stay at the roach motel

After doing all the calculations, I checked back on the airmiles site.
What's this?
They had flights for fewer points than earlier!
If I sacrificed some comfort (you'll see), I could get flights and tickets with the available points I had.
I decided to try to narrow my dates down to a few choices and make my decision soon.

The next day, some of the low points flights were already gone!
Ding! Ding! Ding! Alarms are going off in my head.
Well, more noises than usual were going off in my head.
Book those flights while you still can!

And that's what I did.
Leaving on a jet plane Sunday February 8th, returning on Friday the 13th.

Now where to stay?
With airmiles points taking care of the park tickets and flights
(plus applicable taxes, fees, gouging and roasting over an open fire),
I was going to be able to stay at a non-disgusting hotel.
And when I saw that Disney was offering twenty percent off rooms...
That, combined with no longer having to rent a car, sealed the deal.


Over the next little bit, I tried to book at Pop, since I'd never been, but they were sold out.
So instead I booked at ASMu.
I figured that if I was going to stay at one of the All Stars,
I'd stay at one that I'd been to before.
I did think about booking at Sports or Movies, but... :confused3
I decided that since I couldn't get Pop, I wanted to be in a familiar place.
I already knew that I wouldn't be spending much time at the resort.

Last time, we were in Country Fair... which is pretty much in another county.
I'm pretty sure I did more walking to/from my room than I did in the parks!
This time I requested Jazz.
Even if I didn't get it (which I didn't think I would) I hoped to at least get Rock or Broadway. As close to Melody Hall as I could get.
I figured that if I requested Jazz and didn't get it, they'd take pity on me.
Either way, when I checked in, I was prepared to fight for as close a room as I could get.

Over the past few years I've been collecting a list of must dos/want to dos.
Here's a partial list of things I hoped to do over the course of the trip.
That's in addition to going on rides/seeing shows.

In no particular order:

Dole whip float
Carrot cake cookie at the Writer's Stop
Take a bus to DHS then the boat to Epcot
Try the onion rings at Prime Time or Flame Tree
Just go to Prime Time!
Voices of Liberty at America in Epcot
Pork shank at Gaston's
LeFou's Brew
Pecos Bill's for the burger and fixins bar
Candy Lady in Japan
Mickey head pretzel
Kaki gori (shave ice) in Japan
Cronut at snack booth just before Canada
Margarita in Mexico
Grey Goose slush at France
Karamel Kuche in Germany
Heck, just enjoy World Showcase for a change

Lots of other stuff too, (like Beaches and Cream) that I didn't bother to include on this trip
since I wasn't going to have time to visit DTD or the Boardwalk area or other resorts.

Can you guess how much (if any of it) that I did?
Over the course of the TR, you'll see how close I got.
If at all.

I was already within my one hundred and eighty day window for ADRs, so I did that next.
And when my FP+ window opened up, I was ready and got everything I wanted,
including FP+ for 7DMT and... hold onto your hats. Meet and greet with Anna and Elsa!


Now I'm not really all that big into the characters.
I don't know if that's because I never met any when I was younger, or maybe I'm just jaded.
Probably the latter.
Either way, they just don't do much for me.
Oh, sure, I'll play along. If a character interacts with me, I'll enjoy it.
But I don't actively seek them out.
But I know how hard it is to see the frozen duo, so...

And as time went by, and the trip got closer and closer...
I really started to question my motivation for seeing them.
Wasn't I really just going to see them because I could?
I personally know one woman who stood in line for eight hours so her daughter could meet them.

Eight hours!


But I was smart! I did my research! I wasn't going to have to wait.
At all!
Besides, it'll look so good on the TR that I'm more than likely going to write.
(And look! Here we are! That just proves it!)

And then I thought of some Mom out there in the world.
Desperately hoping to get a FP+ so that her little princess could meet Anna and Elsa.
And not finding one...
And then telling her little princess(es) that she was really sorry but they just weren't going to be able to see Anna and Elsa...
"I'm sorry, girls. But there just aren't any FP+s left!"

Because I wanted to show everyone how I got to see them...

Yeah. That's not a good enough reason.
I just couldn't do it.
I turned it back.

I just hope that I made someone out there happy. I'll never know.

So that's how it began.
What's in store for you, my dear reader?

A few surprises, including one experience that I'm pretty sure most of you haven't done!
Lots of photos! Including some never before (well, I'm pretty sure) seen photos!!!
Prizes to be won! (Nope. I'm not kidding. Details to follow in the next update.)

Hope you'll stick around for the fun!
Drop a comment, let me know you're out there.
It makes my day.

Departure day coming up next!
I first went to Disney World when Disney World and Magic Kingdom were the same thing.

Me too. And we only got to go for one day armed with a handful of tickets, most of which did not have an E on them. I remember looking longingly at the Contemporary and The Polynesian, dreaming about staying there. Our family was at The Days Inn.

Something that eloquently and accurately portrays my maturity and proper upbringing and stature.

This should do...


Before we get to the point where I'm sitting on Rock 'n' Roller Coaster mugging furiously for the camera,

How many rides did it take to get that photo?

Last year I had a milestone birthday.

If you're guessing 30 or 40, you have just become my new best friend.

I don’t know why it bothers me that I’m a year older than you. I feel less cute somehow.

Maybe an add-on for my Harley.

Didn’t expect that one.

I could drive, I suppose. But where's the fun in that?

Didn’t your last trip report involve a lot of driving?

Although we keep telling Elle (my oldest DD) she should apply for WestJet.

Smart plan!

I don't know why, but it seems to be a popular winter destination for Canadians.

I was looking to go in about three months. Value season. i.e. (hopefully) slow season.

And (definitely) cheap season.

Were you nervous about booking in February with all the snow you get? We went in February once and I was a wreck worrying about impending snowstorms.

(Value being a Disney term for "We'll wring every last penny out of you anyway,

so we'll trick you into coming when you think you'll save some cash.")

Especially with those magic bands. They make it especially convenient to part with your money.

Over the next little bit, I tried to book at Pop, since I'd never been, but they were sold out.

So instead I booked at ASMu.

I’m glad you stayed on site. It makes it much more Disneyish.

I decided that since I couldn't get Pop, I wanted to be in a familiar place.

This doesn’t sound like the adventurous Ponzi we all know.

I figured that if I requested Jazz and didn't get it, they'd take pity on me.

Either way, when I checked in, I was prepared to fight for as close a room as I could get.

When you requested your room did you do that online or did you call? I think I may call this time. From my experience it doesn’t seem like they even look at the online requests.

Just go to Prime Time!

I can’t wait to hear about that one.

Cronut at snack booth just before Canada


Margarita in Mexico

Did you go to the bar inside to get one? I tried the jalapeno one which was a very weird experience.

Grey Goose slush at France

I’m surprised the bakery and ice cream place isn’t on this list.

Now I'm not really all that big into the characters.

Because you are one.

I personally know one woman who stood in line for eight hours so her daughter could meet them.

Eight hours!


No. Just no. We made an FP+ to see them this trip. I think last year the line was 3 hours.

And then I thought of some Mom out there in the world.

Desperately hoping to get a FP+ so that her little princess could meet Anna and Elsa.

And not finding one...

And then telling her little princess(es) that she was really sorry but they just weren't going to be able to see Anna and Elsa...

"I'm sorry, girls. But there just aren't any FP+s left!"

Aw. That’s sweet. One of her princesses can have a FP.

A few surprises, including one experience that I'm pretty sure most of you haven't done!

Let me guess. Sneaking into the utilidors. Surfing lessons at typhoon lagoon. Oh wait you already did that in Hawaii. Um… celebrity encounter?

Prizes to be won! (Nope. I'm not kidding. Details to follow in the next update.)

Oh sure. Bribe the readers…

Hope you'll stick around for the fun!

You talking to me?

Great chapter, Ponzi. I can’t wait to read more!
Trying to do a breakdown on my iPad is difficult. I see that the dis has updated things and made it easier. No more photobucket necessary? Hallelujah! I'll have to see how easy it is to update from my phone. Maybe I won't need twitter.

Well, you can supposedly drag and drop photos, but I didn't have much luck with it.
I tried it, but didn't like the "attached files" box at the bottom of the post.
Maybe I did something weird, though.
I'll have to try again... maybe next post.

I tried a couple of different things and the only way that worked was using photobucket.
I still haven't figured out how to get smilies and all the other little guys (smilie eating popcorn, etc.) that were so much fun to use. Hint, hint.


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